Unable to outrun them due to earlier damage, Edsall's commander put on a virtuoso display of destroyer handling and managed to avoid everything thrown at him, while making occasional attempts to damage his pursuers. With magazines running dry, an embarrassed Admiral Nagumo called up an air strike which did sufficient damage to bring Edsall to a stop, with a cameraman on Tone filming Chikuma pounding the ship to pieces at close range. Japanese witnesses reported that 'an officer', widely assumed to be Lt. Nix helped his crew abandon ship, then returned to the bridge to share his ships fate.
Well, there are reasons to think that Japanese guuners on heavy ships weren't exactly trained as good as they was supposed to. The first is that Japanese Navy could not afford replacing worn-out barrels as often as other navies; so battleship gunnery exercises were limited by worries to "wear barrels out before decisive battle". The second - Japan obtained their first radio-controlled target ship, the "Settu", much later than other major naval powers. So Japanese crews experience in engaging maneuvering target was likely quite limited.
Well, there are reasons to think that Japanese guuners on heavy ships weren't exactly trained as good as they was supposed to. The first is that Japanese Navy could not afford replacing worn-out barrels as often as other navies; so battleship gunnery exercises were limited by worries to "wear barrels out before decisive battle". The second - Japan obtained their first radio-controlled target ship, the "Settu", much later than other major naval powers. So Japanese crews experience in engaging maneuvering target was likely quite limited.

Thanks for the additional information, it's another example of how logistics can influence warfare.

In this case, because of a weapons component production bottleneck, taking down one old destroyer with a more than competent commander required two heavy cruisers, two battleships and a three carrier airstrike (The 26 planes involved in the airstrike came from Kaga, Hiryu and Soryu.), a situation the Imperial Japanese Navy rightly regarded as a fiasco.
Douglas Pratt, Red Light At Twilight (Chase Gordon: 11), 2024

United States Coast Guard

USCGC Divisive
Reliance Class Cutter
Details as per the real ships.
Note: Class determined from name, which while dubious is in line with the naming scheme for the Reliance Class Cutters.

Plot summary: When a lone sailor becomes witness to a tragedy at sea while in the Carribean he quickly realises the coincidence quotient for the event is too high and in trying to find answers finds himself in a world of trouble.

Note: This is the eleventh novel in a series built around a retired US Marine who has a talent for finding trouble and getting out of it.
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There's been a minor update to the thread, all the titles for the 'Dan Lenson' novels by author David Poyer now include their series number based on their publication order.
David Poyer, Violent Peace (Dan Lenson: 20), 2020

United States Navy Task Force 73.3

United States

USS Savo Island (CGA-91)
Savo Island Class Cruiser
Fitted with Aegis
Armament is only vaguely described, 2 x railgun turrets (A & X), 2 x 100kw laser turrets (B & Y), multiple VLS arrays.
Displacement: 'almost' 20,000tons.
Zumwalt Class based hullform.
Exact dimensions are not provided.
Speed: 40knots (Not specified if cruising or maximum speed.)
Engine power is provided by gas turbines salvaged from jet airliners driving engine pods containing electric motors taken from Tesla trucks. This is a wartime expedient to deal with supply bottlenecks and Chinese orchestrated cybersabotage. It is intended that the ship will be refitted with purpose built propulsion units in a post-war refit.
Crew: "fewer than two hundred" (Wartime manning), peacetime manning is not specified but implied to be somewhere between 100 to 150 crew.

Notes: Optimized for Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense.

Non-warship but interesting

Advanced-ALIS (aka 'Alice')

AI Combat Control Computer

Successor to ALIS, the Ballistic Missile Defense Subroutine that provided an autonomous defensive mode to late model Ticonderoga Class Cruisers. Capabilities are more in line with ACDADS (aka 'Elmo') from the 1980s, this unit can control the ship it's fitted to without a crew, but due to a tendency to misidentify 'friendlies' as 'foes' the ships of this class retain a full crew. The software has a secondary function as ships censorship officer, monitoring all communications and notifying higher command of any deviations from 'doctrine'.

Note: This ship first appears while under construction in the novel 'Deep War' (2018), it is subsequently mentioned in the next two novels in the 'Dan Lenson' series 'Overthrow' (2019) and 'Violent Peace' (2020).

USS Arkansas (SSN-800)
Virginia Class (Block IV) Submarine
Real ship, details as in service
Note: Launched, but not commissioned as of the date of this post.

USS Idaho (SSN-799)
Virginia Class (Block IV) Submarine
Real ship, details as in service
Note: Launched, but not commissioned as of the date of this post.
In the novel it acts as the controller for the two Orca Class AUSV's in the task force.

USS John Warner (SSN-785)
Virginia Class (Block III) Submarine
Real ship, details as in service

USS Utah (SSN-801)
Virginia Class (Block IV) Submarine
Real ship, details as in service
Note: Under construction as of the date of this post.

USS Dixie Kiefer (DDG-???)
Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer
Details as per the real ships
Note: Described as a "...wartime construction Improved Burke-class destroyer...", no specifics are given for this variant of the class, but they are presumably similar to the actual ships. Further details may be in novels of the series I have not yet read.

USS Christos Katsos (DDG-???)
Arleigh Burke Class Destroyer
Note: Described as a "...wartime construction Improved Burke-class destroyer...", no specifics are given for this variant of the class, but they are presumably similar to the actual ships. Further details may be in novels of the series I have not yet read.

USS Goodrich (FFG-???)
'Guided Missile Frigate' (Wartime Flight 3), class unspecified
No other details provided

USS Montesano (FFG-???)
'Guided Missile Frigate' (Wartime Flight 3), class unspecified
No other details provided

USS Patrick Hart (FFG-???)
'Guided Missile Frigate' (Wartime Flight 3), class unspecified
No other details provided

Hunter Class Autonomous Surface Vessel
No other details provided.

Hunter Class Autonomous Surface Vessel
No other details provided.

Hunter Class Autonomous Surface Vessel
No other details provided.

Hunter Class Autonomous Surface Vessel
No other details provided.

Orca Class (Flight I) Autonomous Underwater Vessel
No other details provided

Orca Class (Flight I) Autonomous Underwater Vessel
No other details provided

Japanese Maritime Self Defence Force

JDS Chōkai (DD-176)
Kongō Class destroyer
Real ship, details as in service
Assigned to United States Navy Task Force 73.3

JDS Ashigara (DD-178)
Atago Class Destroyer
Real ship, details as in service
Assigned to United States Navy Task Force 73.3

Korea (Republic of) Navy

'Destroyer', class not specified
Fitted with Aegis.
No other details provided
Note: Korean destroyers are named after historical figures, not provinces. Jeonnam is the historic name for the southernmost portion of Korea.
Assigned to United States Navy Task Force 73.3


Pyotr Velikiy (ex-Yuriy Andropov)
Kirov (Pr. 1144) Class Battlecruiser
Real ship, details as in service
In the novels 'Universe' the ship has been extensively upgraded. The main battery missile armament has been replaced with "...Zircon-C hypersonic antiship..." missiles. No specifics for these are provided.

Priboy Class Carrier
Described as being the equivalent of the US Wasp Class Amphibious Assault Ships
No other details provided

Plot summary: The great war is over, in the end China 'blinked'. Now the combatants struggle to deal with the consequences as the jackals gather around to feast.
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J. E. MacDonnell, The Captain, 1960

United Kingdom

HMS Warwick
County Class Cruiser
Details as per the real ships
Note: Explicitly identified as a County Class Cruiser by the author. The same ship appears in the authors later novel 'Blind Into Doom' (1972). This is confirmed by the author using the same name for the ships captain in both novels. The name clashes with that of a V & W Class Destroyer in service between 1917 and 1944. The name does not fit the County Class as it is the name of a town, the correct name would have been HMS Warwickshire.

HMS Dart
'Destroyer', class not specified
No other details provided

2 x King George V Class Battleships
Details as per the real ships.

3 x Destroyers of an unspecified class.


Bismark Class Battleship
Details as per the real ships.
Note: Class assignment based on details provided. Author simply refers to her as 'German Battleship' throughout the novel without giving her name, even in contexts where it would have been known to the characters in question.

Plot summary: The plan was simple, but events have ways of making even the simplest plans dangerous...

Notes: J. E. MacDonnell was a prolific Australian writer of action fiction for newsstand paperbacks. Some of the novels by him covered in this thread include, 'Gimme the boats!' (1953), 'The Frogman' (1958), 'Night Encounter' (1958), 'Dive,Dive,Dive!' (1959), 'The Gunner' (1959), 'The Surgeon' (1959), 'The Secret Weapon' (1959), 'Subsmash' (1960), 'Convoy' (1960), 'Escort Ship' (1960), 'Find and Destroy' (1960), 'The Coxswain' (1960), 'The Recommend', (1960) 'The Blind Eye' (1961), 'The Ordeal' (1961), 'The Rocky' (1961), 'Away Borders!' (1962, 'Sainsbury VC' (1962), 'U-Boat' (1962), 'Not Under Command' (1963), 'Collision Course' (1964), 'Killer Group' (1964), 'Close And Investigate' (1965), 'Under Sealed Orders' (1965), 'Hell Ship' (1966), 'Point of Departure' (1966), 'The Snake Boats' (1967), 'Approved to Scrap' (1968), 'Full Fathom Five' (1968), 'Judas Rat' (1968), 'The Hammer of God' (1968), 'Mission Hopeless' (1968), 'Petty Officer Brady' (1968), 'Hunter-Killer' (1968), 'To The Death' (1969), 'The Last Stand' (1970), 'Blind Into Doom' (1972), 'The Kill', (1974), 'Standoff' (1977) 'Breaking Point' (1979), 'Command Decision' (1985), 'Jim Brady, Able Seaman' (1985) & 'The Glory Hunter' (c. 1980s) . He also wrote a series of 'James Bond' style superspy thrillers featuring an agent named Mark Hood, novels in this series that have appeared in the thread are 'Come Die With Me' (1965), 'Carribean Striker' (1967) and 'Operation Octopus' (1968).

In earlier posts in this thread I'd identified 'Blind Into Doom' (1972) as a late 'one-off' novel based on the authors note in which he referred to the novel as being a tribute to a recently deceased friend. My reading of 'The Captain' (1960) changes that view however. It's clear that the earlier novel was written as a 'one-off' but with the death of the friend he'd based HMS Warwick's captain off of the author chose to revive the character and ship for a second novel. There's no clue as to when this novel is set during WWII, whereas the later novel can be localised to 1942 around the time of the infamous PQ-17 convoy. Nor is there any mention of 'The Captain's events in the later novel, this suggests that the events of 'The Captain' are taking place after those of 'Blind Into Doom'.

The attached covers are as follows. The first is it's 1971 reprinting as part of the 'J. E. MacDonnell Classic' series, known to collectors as the 'Silver Cover' series. The second is the 2024 eBook reprinting by Piccadilly Publishing, in what is known to collectors as the 'Blue Cover' series.


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J. E. MacDonnell, Operation: Ice Cap (Mark Hood: 11), 1969

United States

USS Uranus
Ballistic Missile Submarine, class not specified
Displacement: 4000 tons (Surfaced)
No other details provided.

USS Mercury
Skate Class Submarine?
Details as per the real ships
Note: The author describes the submarine leaving a 'twin wake' which suggests that he had the Skate Class in mind, they were the only US nuclear submarines to use twin propellors for propulsion. That is however the only specific he provides.

Plot summary: Two US Navy submarines have been lost, both reported encountering unimaginable heat before contact was lost.
Sounds like a job for Hood... Mark Hood.

Note: The 'Mark Hood' series was Horwitz's response to the success of Ian Fleming's 'James Bond' novels and the subsequent film series. Published in the United States by Signet books and Australia by Horwitz the series consisted of fourteen novels published between 1965 and 1970. At approximately the same time the author was also writing his long running naval fiction series and a 'Dr Kildare' inspired medical series for Horwitz.

The villain in this novel is planning to use a 'heat ray'
to melt the Arctic ice cap
, for the good of mankind of course... The author had last featured a 'heat ray' in his 1965 naval action novel 'Close and Investigate'.

Prior postings regarding this series ('Come Die With Me' (1965), 'Carribean Striker' (1967) & 'Operation Octopus' (1968)) have been retitled to include their series number.


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To start off 2025, some reprinted pulp fiction.

John Charles Beecham, The Argus Pheasant, 2024 (Copyright date provided by the eBook republisher, originally published in Argosy Magazine during 1917.)


HNLMS Prins Lodewyk
'Gunboat', class not specified
No other details provided.

HNLMS Katrina
'Cutter', class not specified
No other details provided.

Plot summary: To deal with a nest of corruption, one had to think outside the box, treat those who had been regarded as inferiors in the past as equals and live up to promises not kept. But with the human heart in play, would it be enough.

Note: For more background on the story, the online review (Which clued me into this story) is the best place to go. The eBook copy I found on Amazon didn't even bother to provide accurate copyright details.


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