Fictional Aircraft - Novels

Chohei Kambayashi : Yukikaze / 2010 for English translation, 1984 for Japanese original. "Good Luck, Yukikaze" is the second book, released in 1999 for the Japanese version and 2011 for English. "Unbroken Arrow, Yukikaze" was released in Japanese in 2009, while "Aggressors, Yukikaze" was released in Japanese in 2022. Neither Unbroken Arrow nor Aggressors have been translated into English yet.

These are technically the data from the anime, but the description in the books mostly matches the anime model.

Fairy Air Force (a multinational/international fighting force on another planet):
FRX-00 / FFR-41MR Mave or FRX-99 Rafe (when unmanned)
Manufacturer: Fairy Air Force (FAF)
Accommodation: 2 or zero, pilot and electronic warfare officer or unmanned (the whole cockpit "bubble" is removable and can be replaced with an AI combat system). Yukikaze, the combat intelligence in the central computer of the FFR-31MR, forcibly took over the FRX-00 prototype at the end of the first book, transferring the combat intelligence onboard the FFR-31MR Yukikaze into the main computer of the FRX-00.

Total Length: 18.0 meters
Wingspan: 14.52 meters
Total Height: 6.28 meters
Weight: standard mission 11,860 kg; maximum 34,220 kg
Powerplant Type: FNX-5011-D-20 Phoenix MK XI turbofan x2; later refitted with FNX-5011-D[VC] x2
Powerplant Output: 10,220 kg; afterburner 14,930 kg; Max Ramjet 22,500kg
Speed: cruise Mach 1.75; max Mach 3.3;
Fuselage load limit 9 G+ (note that Yukikaze exceeds 16 gees in a dogfight in the novels and only damages some actuators)

Has small canards and forward-swept wings that can fold for more compact storage, the four V-tails can also fold flat in-plane with the wings.

Maximum Altitude:24,800 meters
Armament:20mm vulcan gun x1, hardpoint x5 (centerline, one above and one below each wing)
Equipment:Yukikaze AI system, TARPS recon pod.

Below: FFR-41 MR "Yukikaze"
From the 'wild and wacky' world of author Mack Maloney...

Super Hawks: Strike Force Bravo (2004)

Stealth Bomber/Recon
Described as: "...bigger, stealthier and more expensive..." than the standard B-2.
Bomb armament is the same as the B-2, but the bomb racks can be removed and replaced with various recon packages, both electronic and visual in nature.
Crew is the same as the standard B-2
The autopilot is described as being highly sophisticated and nicknamed 'Hal' by the crews who fly these planes.
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You’re welcome. Concerning tech data on the Mave version of Yukikaze, the anime version is only available. It is contained in a book titled The Fairy Air Force At War. It was an extra when the series was released as a special edition dvd. I believe someone posted scans of it on the Internet Archive. But this site has some of that data in english:

If you can find it, this is the cover:
I tried the internet archive, and all but one of the pages is corrupted. Do you have a copy?
Not described in the novel itself, but the cover of 'Countdown WWIII: Operation Persian Gulf' (1984) by W. X. Davies (Pseud.) with the 'Strategic Operations Group' featured a weird mashup between a Chinook and a Hind...


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