Fictional Aircraft - Novels


ACCESS: Top Secret
21 September 2022
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Like the Fictional Warships - Novel thread, this thread is intended for fictional aircraft found in novels.
Author : Name of the book / Year of publication
(A very short summary of the book might be useful.)
Name of the aircraft's country :
Name of the fictional aircraft :
More details on the aircraft with quotes from the book.

To begin with, a classic :

Tom Clancy : Red Storm Rising / 1986
Lockheed F-19A Ghostrider "Frisbee" :
Twin Seat, pilot and avionic operator.
"It had no corners, no square surfaces to allow radar signals to ricochet."
"Seen from above, its wings mimicked the shape of a cathedral bell.
Seen from the front, they curved strangely towards the ground."
"The sad truth was that the Frisbee was very unmaneuverable, a consequence of its unusual shape."
"4 AIM-9M missiles suspended under the wings"
Rockeye cluster bombes.
A few F-19A modified for Durandal bombs.
"The Frisbee's engines could only give it Mach 1.3"
A Pave Tack laser illumination system is embedded in the Frisbee's plunging conical nose.
The Frisbees have a green and black camouflage.

MiG-25 "Foxfire" : Incorrect identification of the NATO surname for MiG-25 "Foxbat"
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Stephen Coonts : Fortunes of War / 1998
Japan :
Zero :
"6 gen" single seat, twin engined air superiority fighter.
"The new Zero is the most advanced fighter on the planet. Perfectly maneuverable, stealthy, long range, fast, easy to fly...
Sophisticated radar and computer, GPS..."
"The Zero is a classic composite aircraft - a bloody big engine, with tanks everywhere, vectored thrust and boundary layer control on a fixed wing..."
Athena ECM system :
"Athena is an active ECM system. It detects enemy radar emissions, then radiates the same frequency from antennae scattered around the aircraft to cancel incoming transmissions. To do this, it uses a small super-cooled computer."
"Athena is the stealth technology of the next generation, far beyond questions of form and materials."
Armed with licence built Sidewiders and radar guided missiles with a range of 60 nautical miles.

A special variant of the Raptor, equipped with an intelligent skin and new ultra-long-range missiles.
Some (6+) of them loaned to Russian Air Force with mercenary/volunteers pilots, but only AIM-9 and AMRAMs.


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Robin White, Flight From Winters Shadow ... US. 'Aurora'
Joe Poyer, North Cape ... US. SR.71 successor
Charles Ryan, Capricorn Quadrant ... Soviet AI. stealth aircraft
Craig Thomas, Firefox/Firefox Down ... Soviet stealth aircraft
Stephen Baxter, Titan ... USAF. X.15 with LTV. ASAT.
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Like the Fictional Warships - Novel thread, this thread is intended for fictional aircraft found in novels.

To begin with, a classic :

Tom Clancy : Red Storm Rising / 1986
Lockheed F-19A Ghostrider "Frisbee" :
"It had no corners, no square surfaces to allow radar signals to ricochet."
"Seen from above, its wings mimicked the shape of a cathedral bell.
Seen from the front, they curved strangely towards the ground."
"The sad truth was that the Frisbee was very unmaneuverable, a consequence of its unusual shape."
"4 AIM-9M missiles suspended under the wings"
"The Frisbee's engines could only give it Mach 1.3"
A Pave Tack laser illumination system is embedded in the Frisbee's plunging conical nose.


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Robin White : Flight From Winters Shadow / 1991
Summary : FAA investigator Brian MacHenry and Major Pete Barnes must stop a secret scheme mastered by renegade elements within the U.S. power structure that allows Russian hard-liners to bring about a nuclear "accident" on American soil.

Aurora :
Top-secret ultimate military aircraft


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Joe Poyer : North Cape / 1969
Resume : In Arctic setting, this Cold War novel has an American Air-Force Major, Joseph Teleman, flying an experimental plane to spy on Russian military deployments, shot down near northern Norway during a ferocious polar blizzard after which the Americans and Russians compete to retrieve him and the aircraft.

A-17 :
Experimental single-seat high altitude recon aircraft that looks more like a guided missile than an airplane.
Protective equipment considered invincible.


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Before Chohei Kambayashi’s ‘Yukikaze’ novels were made into an anime miniseries, artist Shoji Hasegawa illustrated the covers with the aircraft. Attached is what Yukikaze in its Mave form looked like. Another is an advert for a sequel novel ‘The Aggressors’


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Frederick Forsyth : The first of Good / 1994
The story of an Iraqi nuclear super-gun during the Gulf War.

Aurora :
"A new observation aircraft had gone into action, a new American reconnaissance aircraft so secret that Capitol Hill didn't even know about it.
Called Aurora, it flew at the edge of the atmosphere, reaching Mach 8, nearly eight thousand kilometres per hour, and propelling itself on its combustion chamber - the statoreactor effect - far above Iraqi radars and missiles.
Even the technology of the late USSR had been unable to intercept Aurora, which had replaced the legendary SR-71 Blackbird."

A-6 Avenger :
Mentioned in the list of US Navy carrier-based aircrafts during the Gulf War.
Probably a misidentification by the author of the A-6 Intruder and the A-12 Avenger II.
Described as carrying laser-guided bombs.
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My first contribution to this thread

David Beaty, The Proving Flight, 1956

Airliner (Turboprop)
Manufacturer: Not specified.
Nation: United Kingdom
Weight: 70 tons
Crew: 5 (Pilot, Co-Pilot, Flight Engineer, Radio Operator, Navigator) (+ Flight attendant(s))
Pax: 160 (Aircraft is described as a 'luxury version'.)
Engines: 4
Range: Sufficient to cross the Atlantic non-stop.
Altitude: 24,000ft (Cruising)
Electronics: LORAN Receiver, ILS Receiver, other electronics typical of the period (Early to mid 1950s)
Other equipment: Cabin pressurization, capable of reproducing the atmospheric pressure at 5000ft when the aircraft is at 24000ft.
Operator: Air Enterprise
Cargo Capacity: 12 tons

Description: "She was a curious shape for an aeroplane. Her undercarriage legs were very short, almost as if they had given way under her seventy tons, but to make up for this down-to-earth stance, her tail soared to heaven with a flat and graceful majesty that riveted all attention to her rear. The swept-back wings, in which her fuel was stored, were surprisingly small for her size and seemed there just to be an inflammable parasol to cover her four mighty turbo prop engines. And underneath her long cylinder fuselage, right at the front, the cutaway effect of the nose-wheel well gave her the appearance (so the Daily Mail said) of smiling a curiously enigmatic Mona Lisa smile. Could this mean (the Daily Mirror asked) that she was quietly confident of capturing for the New Elizabethan age of England the lordship of the air above Drake’s captive seven seas?"


"When the three catering crew had finished, the Emperor’s passenger cabin looked like a schoolroom awaiting a group of scholars. The chairs, identical and dead in line, had each in front of them a small folding table, and they all dutifully faced the square board on which from time to time (in coloured lights instead of chalk) their master would write varied instructions. Each seat had a sheaf of papers and pamphlets of geographical and aeronautical information, a card to write their comments on, and a complimentary company pencil. There was a little air sickness bag in case they weren’t quite up to the weather, a button marked 'Steward' to press when they felt like it, and underneath (discreetly out of sight) a saffron-coloured life-jacket."


"The other two were American aircraft marshallers, each with a torch. They had been on duty most of the day and all that night. The ramp was already jam-packed full of jetfighters flying to England, troop transports on their way to Europe, diverted commercial aircraft that had been delayed for the night. They took in the unfamiliar outlines of her unorthodox design. They gawped at the great length of wing, mistily indistinct, contained between a muzzy red light on her port side, and an almost invisible creme-de-menthe glow on her starboard. One of the Americans pulled down the long peak of his cap, tilted up his head and blinked the snow out of his eyes. Then he said to the other, in a voice shrill with indignation, “Aw, Eddie . . . for Chrissake! What we got here? A blasted flying saucer?”

Plot summary: A prototype Trans-Atlantic airliner takes to the skies in a critical proving flight.
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Dale Brown: Day of the Cheetah

F-15F (basically two seat F-15 SMTD as a production aircraft)
Mission Adaptive or Aeroelastic Wings instead of conventional slats and flaps, the wings flexed and changed camber directly. Canards and horizontal stabilizers were all-moving. Not mentioned if Vertical Stabilizers and rudders had MAW or stayed F-15 normal.
Has the additional outer wing pylons like F-15EX.

I should build a model at some point...
I could probably provide several entries of these, having been compiling a list for some years now.

For now I can provide some details from the novel The Capricorn Quadrant, by Charles Ryan, 1990.

Yakovlev ICF-1 ‘Saber’
A fictional two-seat stealthy anti-satellite/reconnaissance aircraft of flying wing configuration with twin tail fins, has a black RAM coating.
Wingspan 57.3m, tail fin height 10.7m
Powered by 3x fictional Lyul'ka FL-30P turbofans with reheat, have baffled IR-shrouded exhausts; cruising speed Mach 0.9; cruising altitude 280,000ft
Avionics include a Kamov T-VAC AI system that controls the armament and in an emergency can control the aircraft
Armament is a directed energy ‘fusion beam’ weapon in a turret behind the cockpit powered by a miniature cold fusion reactor

One ICF-1 crashes into the Pacific during a trial after being attacked by a computer virus and the AI system activates the fusion beam device to protect the aircraft, which hampers the salvage and is a danger to passing aircraft and ships.
From the 'Brownverse'...

Dale Brown & Jim DiFelice, Dreamland: Nerve Centre, 2002

MiG-29/DE 'Sharkishki'
Modified MiG-29
Engines are as per the real aircraft, but have been 'goosed up' to produce 35,000 pounds of thrust in afterburner. (And without afterburner about a third more thrust than stock RD-33K turbofans.)
Original flight controls have been replaced with digital flight controls. The sensors have also been updated, the radar has been replaced with a prototype F-22 system. The original IR detection system has been replaced with a passive system described as being "...capable of detecting warm toast at twenty nautical miles in the rain."
Control surfaces have been modified and the same has been done to the engines variable geometry engine nozzles to improve maneuverability.
Note: The aircraft has been modified by the staff at the US 'Dreamland' facility to provide an advanced 'Agressor' aircraft for training purposes and is meant to simulate 'advanced' (e.g. predicted) Russian fighter aircraft. The novel itself is set in 1997. The DE in the designation stands for 'Dreamland Enhanced'.

Dale Brown on the F-23 'Wildcat'

I mentioned in the post I did in the 'Fictional Warships' thread for 'Sky Masters' (1991) by Dale Brown, which is set 6th of June to 2nd of November 1994, that the author picked the F-23 'Wildcat' as the Front Line US Fighter and then quickly dropped it when the F-22 'Raptor' won the contest.

Here is the quote on the F-23 from the glossary at the start of the novel.

F-23 'Wildcat' (fictional but X-23 is actual) next-generation fighter built by Northrop and McDonnellDouglas.

Here is the reference on pg. 82 of the paperback.

"...the B-2 has one one-hundredth the radar cross-section of an F-15 Eagle Fighter, one-twentieth the RCS of an F-23 Wildcat Fighter..."

Here is the reference on pg. 84.

"Even the F-23 advanced tactical fighter can't fight close to the ground - they have to rely on taking 'look down' shots from higher altitudes..."

There are a few more quotes scattered throughout the opening chapters, but this one from page 137 is the last one I'm going to include in this posting.

"Late on this particular afternoon, two F-23 Wildcat fighters were patrolling the Powder River MOA. In the lead was Colonel Joseph Mirisch, the deputy commander of operations of the 119th Fighter Intercept Squadron from Fargo..."

By the next book in the series, the F-23s were gone. I'd say when this novel gets re-issued to Kindle it will be tweaked to change all references I've quoted to the F-22.
Already shown on SPF, but not in this topic :

The, Payen Pa.101 like, Siver Bullet of the Air Adventurer Bill Barnes (April 1935 issue).


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I could probably provide several entries of these, having been compiling a list for some years now.

For now I can provide some details from the novel The Capricorn Quadrant, by Charles Ryan, 1990.

Yakovlev ICF-1 ‘Saber’
A fictional two-seat stealthy anti-satellite/reconnaissance aircraft of flying wing configuration with twin tail fins, has a black RAM coating.
Wingspan 57.3m, tail fin height 10.7m
Powered by 3x fictional Lyul'ka FL-30P turbofans with reheat, have baffled IR-shrouded exhausts; cruising speed Mach 0.9; cruising altitude 280,000ft
Avionics include a Kamov T-VAC AI system that controls the armament and in an emergency can control the aircraft
Armament is a directed energy ‘fusion beam’ weapon in a turret behind the cockpit powered by a miniature cold fusion reactor

One ICF-1 crashes into the Pacific during a trial after being attacked by a computer virus and the AI system activates the fusion beam device to protect the aircraft, which hampers the salvage and is a danger to passing aircraft and ships.
You beat me to it. I enjoyed the book and the AI aspect of it. Disturbing moment that has never left me was Saber's attack on the French test nuclear reactor.
You beat me to it. I enjoyed the book and the AI aspect of it. Disturbing moment that has never left me was Saber's attack on the French test nuclear reactor.
It was a particle accellerator, not a nuclear reactor and the entire 'little Big Bang' sequence is one of the most disturbing moments in the novel.
Another Brownverse plane, from my notes in support of Hood's list...

Dale Brown, Chains of Command, 1993

SR-91A 'Aurora'
Spy Plane
Manufacturer: Not stated, probably Lockheed
Nation: United States
Crew: 3 (Mission Commander, Aircraft Commander, Reconnaissance Systems Officer.)
Weight (Gross): 300,000pds (136077.7kg), most of this is fuel
Engines: 4 x Rocket Engines which convert to ramjets at 2.5 Mach. Hyper-sonic top speed is not specified.
Electronics: Standard fit out for this kind of aircraft (E.g. cameras, Synthetic aperture radar, ELINT), not possible to communicate with ground while running hyper-sonic.
Description: "The Aurora was a large triangular-bodied aircraft made entirely of heat-resistant composite materials - the fuselage was both a lifting body, like a giant one-piece wing and was also a critical component of the aircraft's combined cycle ramjet engines."
Dimensions: 135ft (41.15) long, 75ft (22.86m) wide.
Note: Like the space shuttle only ten airfields in the world can handle this plane on landing as it requires a "...five-hundred-mile-long, two-hundred-mile-per-hour straight-in approach to landing..." The novel is set in 1994.
And another dipping into my notes...

David Hagberg, High Flight, 1995

Manufacturer: Guerin Airplane Company (Fictional, based in Portland, Oregon)
Nation: United States
Crew: Cockpit (2) (+ Flight Attendants)
Controls: Fly-by-wire
Passengers: Up to 400 (Depending on configuration)
Engines: 2 (Wing mounted, made by Rolls-Royce)
Length: 218ft (66.5m)
No other details provided as to specific dimensions.
In Service: Mid-80s (Stated to be 11 years before the novel is set (1997/98), so some time around 1986.)
Number in service: Around 700 (I am assuming this means civilian aircraft only.)
Operators: American Airlines, British Airways, Delta, Lufthansa, NorthWest, United Airlines, U.S. Air (Part of the plot involves a deal to get the Russians involved in 2622 production which means that Aeroflot will be receiving some as well...) (These are the companies mentioned in the novel, it would be reasonable to assume that other major airlines like QANTAS might have some as well.)
A military version called the C-7C 'Globelifter' also exists (Operated by the United States Air Force), some were mothballed after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. One 522 serves as Air Force One in the novel.

Airliner (Hypersonic)
Manufacturer: Guerin Airplane Company (Fictional, based in Portland, Oregon)
Nation: United States
Crew: Cockpit (2) (+ Flight Attendants)
Controls: Fly-by-wire
Passengers: 500
Cargo: Unspecified
Cruising Altitude (on the VIP Flight): 66,000ft (20.12km), In full operation the cruising altitude is 200,000ft (61km)
Speed: Mach 5+ (Has both subsonic and hypersonic (hydrogen burning)) engines
Wingform: Variable-Geometry, twin tailed. (Wingspan not specified.)
Length: 421ft (128.3m)

Note: Other fictional aircraft from the same company are mentioned in the novel but these are the planes the plotline is focussed on.


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It was a particle accellerator, not a nuclear reactor and the entire 'little Big Bang' sequence is one of the most disturbing moments in the novel.
Of course. I should have remembered correctly. Yes, it was a memorable moment.
Another Brownverse plane, from my notes in support of Hood's list...

Dale Brown, Chains of Command, 1993

SR-91A 'Aurora'
Spy Plane
Manufacturer: Not stated, probably Lockheed
Nation: United States
Crew: 3 (Mission Commander, Aircraft Commander, Reconnaissance Systems Officer.)
Weight (Gross): 300,000pds (136077.7kg), most of this is fuel
Engines: 4 x Rocket Engines which convert to ramjets at 2.5 Mach. Hyper-sonic top speed is not specified.
Electronics: Standard fit out for this kind of aircraft (E.g. cameras, Synthetic aperture radar, ELINT), not possible to communicate with ground while running hyper-sonic.
Description: "The Aurora was a large triangular-bodied aircraft made entirely of heat-resistant composite materials - the fuselage was both a lifting body, like a giant one-piece wing and was also a critical component of the aircraft's combined cycle ramjet engines."
Dimensions: 135ft (41.15) long, 75ft (22.86m) wide.
Note: Like the space shuttle only ten airfields in the world can handle this plane on landing as it requires a "...five-hundred-mile-long, two-hundred-mile-per-hour straight-in approach to landing..." The novel is set in 1994.
500 mile long runway?
Early 1990's stealth speculation. From what I've heard the original cover featured a plane based on the description below, the eBook re-issue in the 2000s paired F-117s with a B-2!

William H. Lovejoy, Alpha Kat, 1992

Alpha KAT (FX-41)
Stealth Fighter/Bomber
Manufacturer: Kimball Aero Tech
Nation: United States
Speed: Mach 1.2 (Cruise), Mach 1.9 (Max)
Range: 3,700mi (5954.5km), one way.
Crew: 1
Wings: Semi-Delta, 26ft (8m) wingspan
Engines: 1 x KM-121 Turbofan Engine (38,000 pds of thrust) (Engine is made by Kimball Aero Tech), engine is designed for maximum stealth, incorporating radar/thermal baffles and extensive use of ceramics in non heat critical areas.
Armament: The following weapons are specifically mentioned: AIM-9 Sidwinder, AIM-54 Phoenix AIM-120 AMRAAM, AGM-114 Hellfire (For which the plane is fitted with an inbuilt laser designator.) & 500lb 'Iron Bombs'. Likely they can take any available weapon that can be carried by a typical American fighter. Gun armament is the 20mm Vulcan.

Description (The plane below is a larger/wider version of this.): "It was a semi-delta wing, each wing deprived of being a full right angled triangle by the forward sweep of the wing from tail to the wingtip. The wings were thin and, from this distance looked like razor blades. The four weapons pylons could handle a wide variety of missiles, and the tandem centreline hardpoints were designed to accept external fuel storage, electronics pods, ordnance or a mix of the three.

The fuel bladders were mounted inside the fuselage... The wide squat fuselage was mostly fuel storage...

The twin rudders, mounted close to the wide fuselage, were canted inward at the top, designed also to camouflage any heat from the engine that might create an infrared signature. The single small canopy, barely a bulge over the down-sloping nose, was tinted a dark bronze to eliminate sun glint and infrared return.

Every leading or trailing edge had a slight curve to is, again to foil searching radars."

Kappa KAT (CX-41)
Stealth AWACS
Manufacturer: Kimball Aero Tech
Nation: United States
Speed: Not specified
Crew: 4 (Pilot, Navigator/Copilot, 2 x Air Controllers)
Wings: Semi-Delta, 41ft (12.5m) wingspan
Engines: 2 x KM-121 Turbofan Engines (Speeds are about 400mps slower than the FX-41)
Armament: Unarmed (Centreline external fuel tank)

Note: Intended to work closely with the FX-41s (1 CX-41 for every 6 FX-41s) in a kind of 'Airborne fighter controller/Master bomber' role. Fitted with two AN/APG-67 radars (Real equipment)

Note: At the start of the novel the company has completed 6 of the FX-41s and 2 of the CX-41s, a further 8 FX-41s and 1 CX-41 exist in incomplete form. In addition the company is working on a dedicated ground attack plane dubbed the 'Beta KAT'. The 'KAT names' are the ones used by the company to describe the planes, what the purchasers would call them is never mentioned.

By the conclusion of the novel 60 planes (exactly how many of each model is not specified) have been purchased by Saudi Arabia.

Plot summary: A small aerospace firm, facing difficult times after the US AirForce turned down their stealth combat aircraft, has decided to take their planes on an overseas tour to drum up interest. The only way they could get clearances, however involved a deal with 'Mr Washington' and so they have a little job to do. On the last stop of the tour, Myanmar, they are going to have to put their planes to the test against a Cambodian Drug Lord, his private airforce and his plans to purchase the government of Myanmar with his 'pocket money'...
Another gleaning from my notes.

Alistair Hamilton, Holding Pattern, 1981

Manufacturer: Consolidated Dynamics
Nation: United States
Crew: 3
Flight Attendants: 4 (For this flight)
Engines: 3 (Layout not stated, most likely (see notes) Engines 1 & 3 are wing engines, engine 2 is in the tail.)
Passengers: 300 (All Passenger), 100 (Passenger/Cargo)
Avionics: "The HiStar was equipped with integrated controls of a new and sophisticated nature. The rudder and aileron inputs were fed through a common box so that it was impossible to carry out an unbalanced turn. The three-engined HiStar had no radical problems with asymmetric flight even with two engines out."
Note: No other specifics are given in the novel, but I get the definite feeling this was heavily based on the Lockheed TriStar, at least appearance wise.

Plot summary (Spoiler): Air East Flight 117 has just lifted off from Singapore bound for Australia when the controls jam forcing the plane to spiral over the island unable to break out of the turn. The cause unbeknownst to the crew is that one of the passengers is a high ranking member of the Singapore Tong, one of his subordinates has decided the man has to go, but it has to look like an accident. Sadly the bomber whose task it was to ensure the plane crashed an hour after takeoff, botched the job and has instead crippled the plane.

Plot wise this is heavily influenced by 'All Star Disaster Movies' and may have started out as a film/TV script, the author throws everything at the crew of the plane, bad weather, a murderous passenger, radioactive material (Being shipped to Lucas Heights.) in the cargo area and of course the attempts by the Singapore Tong (Under the direction of that duplicitous subordinate.) to make sure the plane crashes.

The author juggles the various plot strands pretty well, but seems to greatly overestimate the explosive properties of plutonium as it would take more than a plane crash to cause a nuclear explosion in plutonium not configured as a bomb.

The author also gives the RoSAF (Republic of Singapore Airforce) F-4 Phantoms, when in fact they never operated the type.

QANTAS gets a look in, one of the key characters is someone who'd just been to the states to evaluate the HiStar for QANTAS and turned the plane down, his detail knowledge helps figure out just how to get the plane back under control so a landing can be attempted.

The cover is amusing featuring something that looks like a cross between a Boeing and DeHavilland Comet


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Jim De Felice, Havana Strike, 1997

A/V-32A Pegasus
A highly computerized STOVL fighter/attack aircraft.

Castro is dead - but some want to continue his legacy. They have one of the Soviet nukes and threaten to destroy Washington DC, unless....
The nuke needs to be found and its launch prevented.

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The Carreidas 160 from Tintin-Flight 714 to sydney

Already shown on SPF,just not in this thread
John Helfers, Suffer the Children, published in First to Fight II, Martin H. Greenberg (ed.), 2001

Mi-55 'Kodiak'
Ground attack helicopter
Nation: Russia
Crew: 2
Speed: 230kph
Armament: 2 x copies of the GAU 13/A 30mm Cannon (1 on each Wing), 1 x 20mm Chain Gun. Each wing also mounts 6 x AGM-114 'Hellfire Missiles'
Computer assisted targeting allows the helicopter to engage up to 20 targets simultaneously
Design dates from the 2030s, this particular aircraft is no longer in Russian service.

Plot summary: The year is 2041, a team of US soldiers helping the government of Costa Rica rebuild after a failed coup stumble across one of the former coup leaders financing methods...

Note: Author John Helfers appears to be the one of the last 'writers for hire' contributing to several 'newsstand action' series in the 2000's as well as supplying short fiction for anthologies created by Martin H. Greenberg. This short story is one of two I know of featuring the same characters, the other is 'Single Combat' which appeared in the 2003 anthology 'Crash Dive' and is part of the Fictional Warships thread.
Charlier & Uderzo, Tanguy et Laverdure - Mirage sur l'Orient, 1965
Plot : Lieutenants Tanguy, Laverdure, Leroux and Mignot are tasked with demonstrating the capabilities of the Mirage III to Israel, which is considering buying around thirty fighter jets. They come up against the aircraft manufacturer Maxwell, who will do anything to win the contract, and who is stepping up attacks on French pilots in order to compromise the Mirage's reputation.


Maxwell F-112
Direct competitor of the Mirage IIIC for sales to Israel.
It is mentioned, but not shown.
Felicísimo Coria & Henri Vernes, Les Dents du Tigre - "Tiger's teeth" / 2010
Plot : Bob Morane, Bill Ballatine and Frank Reeves set off on an archaeological expedition to the Himalayas in search of the mythical city of the Lungs. There they discover that the Lungs do exist and that they are preparing to conquer Asia.

Asiate Empire

Single seat, twin engines jet fighters, a mix of F-18 & MiG-25, but with small canards.
Armed with missiles & canons.
Probalby named after the old civilisation.

Unamed troops transport helicopter
Can carry at least six soldiers. Probably inspired by AH-1 Cobra.


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An early novel with a troubled supersonic airliner prototype.

Donald Gordon, Star-Raker, 1962

Star-Raker Mk. I
Supersonic Airliner
Manufacturer: McIver-Duncann Inc. (Described as " of the largest groups of aircraft manufacturers in the world.")
Nation: United Kingdom
Crew: 3 (Pilot, Co-Pilot, Flight Engineer) (Plus several Flight attendants)
Passengers: Not stated, as noted this aircraft is the first production prototype.
Engines: Jet, exact number not specified
Cruising altitude: 78,000ft (23.8km)
Speed: Mach 3.5 (Cruise) Mach 4.8 (Do-not-exceed or the wings come off...)
No other dimensions provided.
Airlines using: Part of the plot is that the first nine are to be sold to B.O.A.C.

Plot summary: Something has gone wrong with the first supersonic airliner, can investigators find out what...
Albert Weinberg, Les Intrus, Violation de frontière / 1969 / Novel
Plot : A Soviet Yak-31 makes an emergency landing in Norway after colliding with its wingman. The pilot convinces Dan Cooper to fly him back to the USSR.

Soviet Union

Yakovlev Yak-31 "Freehand"
Twin-seat variant of the Yak-36, used by Soviet Navy.


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I'll need to dig out my Yukikaze books. The Fairy Air Force has some scary planes!
Okay, found the books. They only have stats for the "wimpy" version of Yukikaze, before she took the body of Mab and became the Queen of the Wind.

Chohei Kambayashi : Yukikaze / 2010 for English translation, 1984 for Japanese original. "Good Luck, Yukikaze" is the second book, released in 1999 for the Japanese version and 2011 for English. "Unbroken Arrow, Yukikaze" was released in Japanese in 2009, while "Aggressors, Yukikaze" was released in Japanese in 2022. Neither Unbroken Arrow nor Aggressors have been translated into English yet.

Fairy Air Force (a multinational/international fighting force on another planet):
FFR-31MR "Super Sylph", Personal name "Yukikaze"
Crew: 2, Pilot and Electronic Warfare Officer
Length: 64 ft 11 in (19.8 m)
Wingspan: 44 ft 3 in (13.5 m)
Height: 20 ft 4 in (6.2 m)
Empty Weight: 26,015 lb (11.8 t)
Loaded Weight: 54,010 lb (24.5 t)
Maximum Takeoff Weight: 83,775 lb (38.0 t)

Has mission adaptive wings to change shape as necessary for the flight conditions, in a clipped delta shape.

Engines: 2x FNX-5011-B; 21,605 lbf (9.8 t) military power, 31,967 lbf (14.5 t) full afterburner, 49,604 lbf (22.5 t) MR power (operating as a hydrogen ramjet). MR mode is not available below 18km altitude and M2 in Fairy atmosphere. (In the book, Yukikaze was still the Super Sylph when she tested the Phoenix MkXI engines in Earth's atmosphere, and engaged MR mode while close to sea level while chasing down a JAM attempting to sink the carrier guarding the hyperspace tunnel exit on Antarctica.)
Inlets are a 2D variable design.
Exhaust nozzles are 2D thrust vectoring, but only actively direct thrust when in Dogfight mode. Otherwise they operate as standard convergent-divergent nozzles.

Armament: 20mm Vulcan cannon in the nose, multiple short-, medium-, and long-ranged AAMs for self protection. (Armament varies, I haven't found a good max loadout for the FFR-31) I have seen/read at least 6x missiles carried, and I believe I've read 8 in a 4+4 combo of short and medium ranged missiles. It is also capable of carrying air-to-surface missiles and precision guided bombs.

One of 13 aircraft used by the Special Air Force Vth squadron for high altitude recon. Usually flies tens of thousands of feet above the action to record Fairy AF and JAM (enemy) actions and carry the results back to base. No matter how badly the other FAF planes are getting mauled, the "Reapers" of the Boomerang Squadron will only fight to escape and return their intel to base. At the start of the novels, no Boomerang Squadron aircraft had ever been shot down.

To do the recon job, the Super Sylphs carry a Tactical Air Recon Pod System which holds a variety of cameras and other sensors. Despite the heavy use of nonsentient AI in the weapons and aircraft central computer, the TARPS does not have an AI itself.

"Super Sylphs" are heavily modified versions of the "Sylphid" main heavy fighter used by the FAF. Compared to the Sylphid, the Super Sylph's ventral fin is a different shape, favoring high speeds in a straight line over maneuverability. Both aircraft have negative static stability, and when in Dogfight mode with Vmax selected, all engine limiters as well as Flight Control System g-limiters are disengaged. Yukikaze is recorded to have exceeded 12.5 gees in a dogfight while under the control of the craft's Central Computer. Without damage to the airframe.

The main radar is powerful enough to cause interference to an aircraft carrier's air-search radar.

Below: FFR-31MR "Super Sylph"

Compare with the combat version of the FFR-31:

The FFR-31 has an internal weapons bay with 7 hardpoints, plus two hardpoints under the wings for drop tanks.

I'm looking for stats for the FRX-00 (100th fighter type) Mave. Mave is mostly the same size and has the same engines, but is capable of even more extreme maneuvers. While on a test flight, Mave was engaged by JAM fighters and exceeded 16 gees, killing the test pilot. The central computer then flew the aircraft back to base.
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Okay, found the books. They only have stats for the "wimpy" version of Yukikaze, before she took the body of Mab and became the Queen of the Wind.

Chohei Kambayashi : Yukikaze / 2010 for English translation, 1984 for Japanese original. "Good Luck, Yukikaze" is the second book, released in 1999 for the Japanese version and 2011 for English. "Unbroken Arrow, Yukikaze" was released in Japanese in 2009, while "Aggressors, Yukikaze" was released in Japanese in 2022. Neither Unbroken Arrow nor Aggressors have been translated into English yet.

Fairy Air Force (a multinational/international fighting force on another planet):
FFR-31MR "Super Sylph", Personal name "Yukikaze"
Crew: 2, Pilot and Electronic Warfare Officer
Length: 64 ft 11 in (19.8 m)
Wingspan: 44 ft 3 in (13.5 m)
Height: 20 ft 4 in (6.2 m)
Empty Weight: 26,015 lb (11.8 t)
Loaded Weight: 54,010 lb (24.5 t)
Maximum Takeoff Weight: 83,775 lb (38.0 t)

Has mission adaptive wings to change shape as necessary for the flight conditions, in a clipped delta shape.

Engines: 2x FNX-5011-B; 21,605 lbf (9.8 t) military power, 31,967 lbf (14.5 t) full afterburner, 49,604 lbf (22.5 t) MR power (operating as a hydrogen ramjet). MR mode is not available below 18km altitude and M2 in Fairy atmosphere. (In the book, Yukikaze was still the Super Sylph when she tested the Phoenix MkXI engines in Earth's atmosphere, and engaged MR mode while close to sea level while chasing down a JAM attempting to sink the carrier guarding the hyperspace tunnel exit on Antarctica.)
Inlets are a 2D variable design.
Exhaust nozzles are 2D thrust vectoring, but only actively direct thrust when in Dogfight mode. Otherwise they operate as standard convergent-divergent nozzles.

Armament: 20mm Vulcan cannon in the nose, multiple short-, medium-, and long-ranged AAMs for self protection. (Armament varies, I haven't found a good max loadout for the FFR-31) I have seen/read at least 6x missiles carried, and I believe I've read 8 in a 4+4 combo of short and medium ranged missiles. It is also capable of carrying air-to-surface missiles and precision guided bombs.

One of 13 aircraft used by the Special Air Force Vth squadron for high altitude recon. Usually flies tens of thousands of feet above the action to record Fairy AF and JAM (enemy) actions and carry the results back to base. No matter how badly the other FAF planes are getting mauled, the "Reapers" of the Boomerang Squadron will only fight to escape and return their intel to base. At the start of the novels, no Boomerang Squadron aircraft had ever been shot down.

To do the recon job, the Super Sylphs carry a Tactical Air Recon Pod System which holds a variety of cameras and other sensors. Despite the heavy use of nonsentient AI in the weapons and aircraft central computer, the TARPS does not have an AI itself.

"Super Sylphs" are heavily modified versions of the "Sylphid" main heavy fighter used by the FAF. Compared to the Sylphid, the Super Sylph's ventral fin is a different shape, favoring high speeds in a straight line over maneuverability. Both aircraft have negative static stability, and when in Dogfight mode with Vmax selected, all engine limiters as well as Flight Control System g-limiters are disengaged. Yukikaze is recorded to have exceeded 12.5 gees in a dogfight while under the control of the craft's Central Computer. Without damage to the airframe.

The main radar is powerful enough to cause interference to an aircraft carrier's air-search radar.

I'm looking for stats for the FRX-00 (100th fighter type) Mave. Mave is mostly the same size and has the same engines, but is capable of even more extreme maneuvers. While on a test flight, Mave was engaged by JAM fighters and exceeded 16 gees, killing the test pilot. The central computer then flew the aircraft back to base.
On the MacrossWorld forums, someone posted summaries of Unbroken Arrow and Aggressors:
You’re welcome. Concerning tech data on the Mave version of Yukikaze, the anime version is only available. It is contained in a book titled The Fairy Air Force At War. It was an extra when the series was released as a special edition dvd. I believe someone posted scans of it on the Internet Archive. But this site has some of that data in english:

If you can find it, this is the cover:


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