From a Turkish film about spy Elyesa Bazna who gave the Germans a lot of valuable information that they didn't act on. What I can only describe as a bizarre mashup, four engined HE-111s in what look like pre-WWII USAAF markings.

Note: Initially I posted images from a video discussing the use of He-111s in film. I've subsequently located a copy of the film ('Cicero' (2019)) online and was able to get clearer screencaps, the sequence in which these 'frankenplanes' (Which someone else online guessed are meant to be B-17Ds.) make their appearance runs between 00:48:27 - 00:48:43


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Screengrab from Top Gun: Mavericks secret X-plane (SR72?).
just seen in Lady Gaga's videoclip for the movie theme.

View attachment 677729
Yes, "Top Gun: Maverick" contains some excellent CGI of this ficticious SR72 plus additional CGI footage of Sukhoi 57 and F-14 Tomcat. Sukhoi 57 are too new and too few to fight in Ukraine, while I doubt if the Iranian Air Force is willing to rent out any of their few remaining airworthy F-14 Tomcats.
All the rest of the flying footage is easier to believe than TG1, with many shots of actors pulling Gs in real F-18D cockpits.
Hard to believe, but TGM is even better than the original. When TG1 debuted, I was wrenching on CF-18A Hornets at CFB Baden-Solingen, West Germany.
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four engined HE-111s in what look like pre-WWII USAAF markings
What in the actual frak...
I know, it looks like a cross between an He-111 and a B-17, but why?

It's not as if no one knows what the B-17 looks like. Rather sadly, this sequence has not been excerpted from the film ('Cicero' (2019)) and posted to YouTube, although one of the commentors on the He-111 video did say they were thinking of modelling the 'frankenplane'.
a bunch of false flag flyers

The A-Team: Long Ranger as North Vietnamese helo

Bell 204/205 as Sowjet helo w/ fantasy inscription

Bell 212 w/ GDR roundel
The roundel itself is false. It’s the regular state insignia. The air force insignia was diamond shaped.

East German Mil Mi-2 (unclear if military or civilian) as West German (Bundeswehr) helicopter (from a GDR TV series about Gladio)

from Airwolf: Hughes 500 pretending to be Sowjet

Lama of Heliswiss as Sowjet helo

Westland Wessex as Sowjet helo in The Fourth War (1990)

from the movie Dreamscape (1984): Jet Ranger acting as Marine One

… and finally the mother of all false flag movie and TV helos, the Bell 47 w/ Swastika on the stabilizer, from Where Eagles Dare (1968)


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a bunch of false flag flyers

Bell 204/205 as Sowjet helo w/ fantasy inscription

View attachment 680985
They left out the 'ae' of Aeroflot???
Wonder if that might have been a "copyright" sort of thing.

Maybe a copyright violation would have been a thing if they tried to pretend to be Aeroflot, which they didn’t. The helo in the epidsode is supposed to be a Soviet military helicopter. So why put Aeroflot on it in the first place, and then not put it on for copyright concerns.

They could have used any number of combinations of Cyrillic letters that don’t make any sense.

My guess: efficient thinking in the props department. Here is a easily obtainable combination of Cyrillic letters. Cut off two in front and you have a perfect looking Cyrillic word that doesn’t make any sense. Stencil it on (use red paint).

Don’t forget this was before desktop publishing and MacBooks. The guy responsible for the paint job probably copied it out of a newspaper or an aviation book.
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Just watched the ITV series remake of the Ipcress File, a glimpse of a BEA marked Boeing 727 (masquerading as a Trident !) :)


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Modified MiG-21bis & UM formerly of Hungaria AF used for movie Spectral (2016). Some of them looks to be rocket aircraft !!!
Note that the MiG-21UM "073" is now painted in fake Belgian marking. If anyone knows what movie this is for ?


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    USAF-Belgian MiG-21UM (073) at Budaors (17 April 2022).jpg
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    USAF MiG-21UM (068, 04-068, ex-HuAF) used in Spectral at Budaors (9 February 2020).jpg
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    USAF MiG-21UM (04-070, ex-HuAF 086) used in Spectral at Budaors (15 February 2020).jpg
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    USAF MiG-21UM (04-057, ex-HuAF) used for Spectral at Budaors (1 February 2022).jpg
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    USAF MiG-21UM (04-055 & 04-073) & MiG-21bis (04-062, ex-HuAF) used in Sectral movie (2014).jpg
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I'm most favorite fictional aircraft is Airwolf.
You know of its sad demise?

Sadly, it’s true. However, the exterior modifications that were installed on the 222 still exist and belong to a private collector.

This shows how old I am, but I got to meet the pilots and see the Lady in action. The “hammerhead stall” was breathtaking. The 222 went through strict maintenance because of the punishment she went through-but it was all within its designed limits.

If interested, check out The site’s owner Mark Cairns is an authority on the show.

Photo from imbd.


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I'm most favorite fictional aircraft is Airwolf.
You know of its sad demise?

Sadly, it’s true. However, the exterior modifications that were installed on the 222 still exist and belong to a private collector.

This shows how old I am, but I got to meet the pilots and see the Lady in action. The “hammerhead stall” was breathtaking. The 222 went through strict maintenance because of the punishment she went through-but it was all within its designed limits.

If interested, check out The site’s owner Mark Cairns is an authority on the show.

Photo from imbd.
However, the exterior modifications that were installed on the 222 still exist and belong to a private collector.

I'm most favorite fictional aircraft is Airwolf.
You know of its sad demise?

Sadly, it’s true. However, the exterior modifications that were installed on the 222 still exist and belong to a private collector.

This shows how old I am, but I got to meet the pilots and see the Lady in action. The “hammerhead stall” was breathtaking. The 222 went through strict maintenance because of the punishment she went through-but it was all within its designed limits.

If interested, check out The site’s owner Mark Cairns is an authority on the show.

Photo from imbd.
Here are some of the parts which made N3176S into Airwolf, lying around in California:

Some parts also have been used in a replica, which was on display in some museums and ended up on top of a private mansion in Los Angeles:
I'm most favorite fictional aircraft is Airwolf.
You know of its sad demise?

Sadly, it’s true. However, the exterior modifications that were installed on the 222 still exist and belong to a private collector.

This shows how old I am, but I got to meet the pilots and see the Lady in action. The “hammerhead stall” was breathtaking. The 222 went through strict maintenance because of the punishment she went through-but it was all within its designed limits.

If interested, check out The site’s owner Mark Cairns is an authority on the show.

Photo from imbd.
However, the exterior modifications that were installed on the 222 still exist and belong to a private collector.

I'm most favorite fictional aircraft is Airwolf.
You know of its sad demise?

Sadly, it’s true. However, the exterior modifications that were installed on the 222 still exist and belong to a private collector.

This shows how old I am, but I got to meet the pilots and see the Lady in action. The “hammerhead stall” was breathtaking. The 222 went through strict maintenance because of the punishment she went through-but it was all within its designed limits.

If interested, check out The site’s owner Mark Cairns is an authority on the show.

Photo from imbd.
Here are some of the parts which made N3176S into Airwolf, lying around in California:

Some parts also have been used in a replica, which was on display in some museums and ended up on top of a private mansion in Los Angeles:
The replica has no original parts from the actual helicopter used in the series. Steven Stull took molds and recreated the parts.

It’s a pity that a fully outfitted (with cannons and ADF pod deployed) replica could not be on display for the fans to see.
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I'm most favorite fictional aircraft is Airwolf.
You know of its sad demise?

Sadly, it’s true. However, the exterior modifications that were installed on the 222 still exist and belong to a private collector.

This shows how old I am, but I got to meet the pilots and see the Lady in action. The “hammerhead stall” was breathtaking. The 222 went through strict maintenance because of the punishment she went through-but it was all within its designed limits.

If interested, check out The site’s owner Mark Cairns is an authority on the show.

Photo from imbd.
However, the exterior modifications that were installed on the 222 still exist and belong to a private collector.

I'm most favorite fictional aircraft is Airwolf.
You know of its sad demise?

Sadly, it’s true. However, the exterior modifications that were installed on the 222 still exist and belong to a private collector.

This shows how old I am, but I got to meet the pilots and see the Lady in action. The “hammerhead stall” was breathtaking. The 222 went through strict maintenance because of the punishment she went through-but it was all within its designed limits.

If interested, check out The site’s owner Mark Cairns is an authority on the show.

Photo from imbd.
Here are some of the parts which made N3176S into Airwolf, lying around in California:

Some parts also have been used in a replica, which was on display in some museums and ended up on top of a private mansion in Los Angeles:
The replica has no original parts from the actual helicopter used in the series. Steven Stull took molds and recreated the parts.

It’s a pity that a fully outfitted (with cannons and ADF pod deployed) replica could not be on display for the fans to see.
Yes. Misinterpretated the part in Wikipedia where it says the replica was further modified before it ended up on that mansion.
Probably sensor panels—put it looks like cockpits to either side of a nose intake…
Indiana Jones Pilatus P-2, Stampe SV-4 and Waco UBF-2 seaplane


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