What is your favorite unbuilt giant airplane of the pre-1945 period?

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Whatever the artist who drew the K.s.1.b was on, can I get some too?
F. A. Tsander project (middle 1920th, works from 1916):
Tsander 2.jpg
Tsander 1.jpg
Tsander 1 pilot.jpg
Tsander 3.jpg
Other Tsander project:
Tsander 4.jpg
Ceiling - to 30 km, speed - to 400 mps, or 1440 kmph
Maybe, first Russian giant airplane project, and, maybe, biggest Tsarist project - Teleshev 1867:
Teleshev 1.jpeg
Teleshev 2.jpg
120 passengers (~15 ton), pulse-jet, I heard, "from Paris to St-Petersburg in one hour" - and, it's ~ 2165 km... :)
Was there ever a Final Conclusion on The Tupolev 30 Ton Super Heavy Bomber with The 8 - 2,000 Horsepower, IAM M-44 Engines & The 656' Foot Wingspan?

I know that it supposedly never left The Drawing Boards, but surely those drawings were found in a filing cabinet somewhere or We wouldn't have ever read it in print.
Welcome aboard Odin,

and that's new Info for me,and maybe it was ANT-52 or something else,but what is your source ?.
(from "Superbombovozi Stalina")
In early 1930th projected more monstruosly bombers, than TB-6/ANT-26 and ANT-28.
TB-7 project (not Pe-8 - it's other project) - span ~200 metres (~650 foot), 8x2000hp engines, 30 t bombs on range 1200 km or 15 t on range 2400 km, and full weight to 150 ton.
STB (SverhTyazholy Bombardirovshik - Superheavy bomber) - bigger than TB-7, 25 t bombs on range 2500 km, I haven't data about span, but, bigger than TB-7.
Are there any sketches of the 656-foot span bomber or the STB? I could barely fathom the notion of a Soviet design for a 600+ foot span heavy bomber, but it's known that the USSR didn't build large strategic bombers in huge numbers given its emphasis on tactical aviation in WW2.
In early 1930th in USSR created programm "about air fleet". By this programm, needed builted huge fleet, for destroying navy, bases, plants. TB-4, TB-4MG, TB-6, TB-7, STB - special bombers, TB-8 and TB-9 - universal, for paratroopers. Based on TB-3 created a "cruisers", for escort of heavy bomber, and, TB-3 reclassifited from heavy bomber to medium bomber. This programm was very heavy and difficult for USSR, and projects TB-7, TB-8, TB-9, STB was closed. But, in "small" version of programm, implied a huge air fleet, 96 TB-6, 196 TB-4 and more TB-3, to 1937-1939. But, to 1935 this programm was closed.
Also, for TB-3 created assault weapons - "We need a heavy assault airplane". Constructed TB-3 with 76.2 mm front guns, in three version - 3 x M1927 short-barrel guns, 2 x M1927 and 1 x M1931 high-velocity AA gun, 3 x M1931. Also, created heavy ROFS-203 rockets, "super-Il-2" :)
In early 1930th analogical huge programms created for navy - giant gibrid cruiser-carriers, superbattleships (16x18", 9x20", 6x21" guns), underwater cruisers in 5000+ tons - and for land forces - many types of tanks, from 15 to 600 tons, self-propelled 180, 203, 305, 406 mm cannons, 305, 400, 500 mm hovitzers.
USSR "perebolel" (got sick) of megalomania in 1930th, and in WW2 produced most effective machines for total war. Stalin wasn't a Soviet Hitler :)

What does the “BETAB” and “BRAB” stand for?


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BetAB- Betonoboynaya AviaBomba - concrete piercing bomb
BrAB - Broneboynaya AviaBomba – armour-piercing bomb

Thank you Aubi!

Also, do the parts of the designations like "-600DC" or "-800DC" refer the the amount of explosives in the rocket?
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F. A. Tsander project (middle 1920th, works from 1916):
View attachment 619969
View attachment 619968
View attachment 619970
View attachment 619971
Other Tsander project:
View attachment 619972
Ceiling - to 30 km, speed - to 400 mps, or 1440 kmph
Maybe, first Russian giant airplane project, and, maybe, biggest Tsarist project - Teleshev 1867:
View attachment 619974
View attachment 619975
120 passengers (~15 ton), pulse-jet, I heard, "from Paris to St-Petersburg in one hour" - and, it's ~ 2165 km... :)
May I please have a glass of whatever those Tzarist engineers were drinking?
"I invented an apparatus of practically immeasurable weight" - T. F. Zenkevich, 3 September 1915:
"The apparatus may hang in one place"... "Immeasurable weight"... UFO from 1996 "Independence day"? Please, no... But, after other ideas of this period... I'm not surprised.
Thank you Iron,and welcome aboard,

do you have any more Info about TB-7,TB-8,TB-9 & STB or drawings ?,from a French Jets magazine,they said
the series reached TB-12 ?!.

I haven't drawings of this projects. Name "TB-7" in 1931 was assigned to other machine - ANT-42/Pe-8. Maybe, drawings not created - this projects was closed very soon - Comissariat of Heavy Industry said: "We can't put in plan airplanes, bigger than TB-6". TB-8 and TB-9 was support for TB-7 and STB, and this project also closed - later, special universal transport plane projected based on TB-6.

When I go back to my home,I will send the article or a hint for this design.
(from "Superbombovozi Stalina")
In early 1930th projected more monstruosly bombers, than TB-6/ANT-26 and ANT-28.
TB-7 project (not Pe-8 - it's other project) - span ~200 metres (~650 foot), 8x2000hp engines, 30 t bombs on range 1200 km or 15 t on range 2400 km, and full weight to 150 ton.
STB (SverhTyazholy Bombardirovshik - Superheavy bomber) - bigger than TB-7, 25 t bombs on range 2500 km, I haven't data about span, but, bigger than TB-7.
Hey, I'm looking for information on this unfinished TB-7
Specs and designs are greatly appreciated!
Boeing 2707-300. Hey, it was 300 ft long, so it counts as a giant aircraft ! That what it takes to cram and pack 250 passengers into a supersonic airframe... you can't cut the length with a fat diameter and many decks ! Not when flying supersonically.
TB-7 project (not Pe-8 - it's other project) - span ~200 metres (~650 foot), 8x2000hp engines, 30 t bombs on range 1200 km or 15 t on range 2400 km, and full weight to 150 ton.
STB (SverhTyazholy Bombardirovshik - Superheavy bomber) - bigger than TB-7, 25 t bombs on range 2500 km, I haven't data about span, but, bigger than TB-7.
Bottleship noted the designation TB-7 was used twice - the second time was for what became the Pe-8. I think @BAFFLEDBOAR is asking about the original (giant) design.
Thank you Iron,and welcome aboard,

do you have any more Info about TB-7,TB-8,TB-9 & STB or drawings ?,from a French Jets magazine,they said
the series reached TB-12 ?!.
Is it possible to view the said French magazine? I have looked into the Tupolev TB projects beyond TB-6, however did not find any information. Thank you.

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