
here is the Dornier TFK-90 projects,and is that the MBB TFK-90 mock-up ?,I don't know.

Flieger Revue 10/1980


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On the first photo both layous are described as Dornier TKF-90 concepts. The second one
(if posted/cut out correctly from the source) clearly is labelled wrong, as the mock-up is
decribed as "Starfighter conversion with canatd wing". Probably the F-104CCV should be
shown, somewhat overstretching the journalists knowledge... ::)
Thank you my dear Jemiba,

but the picture shows the MBB TFK-90 mock-up,right ?.

Here is two artist drawings to British aircraft project intended for AST-403,I can't ID them,the first one looks like P.96,but not quietly,and the second based on Harrier,who can recognize them ?.

Flieger Revue 10/1980.


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hesham said:
Here is two artist drawings to British aircraft project intended for AST-403,I can't ID them,the
first one looks like P.96,but not quietly,and the second based on Harrier,who can recognize
them ?.

Flieger Revue 10/1980.

Any Idea ?.
Warplanes of the Future by Bill Gunston.


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And this is rather better scanned :)

Source: An Illustrated Survey of the West's Modern Fighters by Doug Richardson.


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Picture: www.flickr.com/photos/59455242@N07/13908108178/sizes/l/
Eurofighter EFA (European Fighter Aircraft) mock-up at Farnborough on 6th September 1986. The EFA was renamed EF2000 after it became obvious that it would never hit its in-service target date of the mid-1990s. It's a pity that none of the development aircraft wore a colour scheme like this one.
Photo by John W. Read.

Picture: www.flickr.com/photos/59455242@N07/10845953854/sizes/l/
A model of the Messerschmitt-Blohm-Bolkow European Fighter Aircraft design at the Farnborough International air show on 8th September 1984.


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A little known fact - EAP was originally "Experimental Aircraft Programme for the Agile Combat Aircraft" and a joint UK-German-Italian project. Germany pulled funding which stopped construction of the second prototype and forced adoption of a single Tornado tailfin to replace the German twin tails.


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This time in colour and crapped at the side. :-\
Posted before in b/w.
Source: http://schwertasblog.wordpress.com/2011/07/12/die-entnationalisierung-des-europaischen-kampfflugzeugbaus/


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here is a BAC V/STOL fighter,maybe intended for AST-396,but I can't ID it,I think
it looks like BAC P.70,who can help ?.



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here is unknown BAe AST-403 proposal,can anyone ID it ?.

flygvapennytt 2-1980


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Not sure if this has been posted before... taken from a BAe Aircraft Group leaflet from 1982. The image shows an ACA in lo-vis markings flying in formation with IDS and ADV Tornados and armed with ASRAAM and Skyflash Missiles...



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I won't attach this picture due unknown owner of the original picture.


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A Dornier advanced fighters of 1981.



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Dornier TKF-90
MBB TKF-90 1:1 mockup

Luftfahrt International 1982-03-04


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  • MBB TKF mockup 1982.jpg
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hesham said:
A Dornier advanced fighters of 1981.


Bottom of those seems to be an early twin-tail N/D-102
I felt that my dear Paul,but I didn't want to make rash conclusion.
from Luftwaffen-Forum 1990-01


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here is the Hawker HS.1204/P.159 Project drawing.


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This is the probably the best thread to put this list of AST.396 designs (the HS.1187 has a separate thread as do some of the super Harriers).

BAC Designs
EAG 8404C(1): 1x Pegasus 15 scaled x1.60 with PCB; AUW 49,000lb; max speed 750kts; TO to 50ft 1,500ft
EAG 8404C(11): 1x scaled RB.422-04 26,860 dry/ 40,000lb reheat; AUW 35,500lb; max speed 750kts; TO to 50ft 1,500ft
EAG 8404C(11): 1x RB.422-04 25,580lb dry/ 38,100lb reheat; AUW 33,700lb; max speed 750kts; TO to 50ft 1,500ft
EAG 8404C(11): 1x scaled Pegasus 15-03 33,600lb dry/ 48,230lb PCB; AUW 42,600lb; max speed 750kts; TO to 50ft 1,500ft
EAG 8404D: RB.422-04 with PCB; AUW 34,000lb
EAG 8413A: 2x RB.199-34R and 2x XJ.99; AUW 48,000lb (combat M0.8), 39,000lb (combat M1.1);
EAG 8413B (light alloy fuselage): 2x RB.231-02 and 2x RB.228-02 lift engines; AUW 35,000lb
EAG 8413B (CFRF fuselage): 2x RB.231-02 and 2x RB.228-02 lift engines; AUW 33,000lb
EAG 8413D: 2x RB.231-02 and 2x RB.228-02
EAG 8461 (CTOL): 1x RB.231-02 10,900lb dry/ 15,600lb reheat; AUW 22,400lb; max speed 750kts; TO to 50ft 2,750ft
EAG 8461 (CTOL): 1x scaled RB.231-02 9,440lb dry/ 13,510lb reheat; AUW 21,700lb; max speed 750kts; TO to 50ft 3,000ft
EAG 8461 (CTOL): 1x scaled RB.231-02 6,170lb dry/ 8,830lb reheat; AUW 19,300lb; max speed 750kts; TO to 50ft 4,000ft
EAG 8461B: 1x scaled RB.231-02 11,660lb dry/ 16,690lb reheat & 1x scaled RB.228-02 16,230lb lift engine; AUW 26,300lb; max speed 750kts; TO to 50ft 1,500ft
EAG 8461B: 1x RB.231-02 10,900lb dry/ 15,600lb reheat & 1x RB.228-02 12,070lb lift engine; AUW 25,200lb; max speed 750kts; TO to 50ft 2,300ft
EAG 8472: 8404C(11) with RB.422 engine
EAG 4678: tailless delta; 2x scaled RB.231-02 9,650lb dry/ 13,800lb reheat & 2x scaled RB.228-02 10,680lb lift engines; AUW 33,000lb; max speed 750kts; TO to 50ft 1,500ft
P.66: 3 designs leading up from P.59 trainer development to variant of Panavia PANNAP fighter

BAC also studied a single-seat MRCA variant with reduced avionics. It was judged to closely approach AST except for T-O and landing distance of 3,250ft to 50ft. A radius of action of 240nm with a 2,300ft TO run could be achieved with RB.199-34R engines and extra fuel in a front fuselage extension or modification of the rear cockpit space. Using RB.199-42R would reduce TO to 2,000ft. If fitted with RB.231-02R engines the higher dry thrust would allow 2x 15,500lb RB.228-02 lift engines to achieve a TO to 50ft in 1,200ft at 48,000lb AUW.

HSA Designs
HS.1182: similar to BAC P.66 series
HS.1186: vectored thrust
HS.1189-1: 1x scaled RB.199-36 14,230lb dry; AUW 24,500lb; max speed 650kts; TO to 50ft 3,000ft
HS.1189-5: 1x scaled RB.199-41 6,160lb dry; AUW 16,800lb; max speed 650kts; TO to 50ft 4,500ft
HS.1189-9: 1x Pegasus 15-02 24,500lb dry; AUW 28,000-32,400lb; max speed 750kts; radius of action 110-218nm; TO to 50ft 4,500ft
HS.1191-1: tailless delta; 1x RB.199-42R 9,700lb dry/ 17,000lb reheat & 4x RB.227-01 10,780lb lift engines; AUW 29,000lb; max speed 750kts; TO to 50ft 1,000ft
HS.1191-2: tailless delta; 1x scaled RB.199-42R 7,440lb dry/ 13,040lb reheat & 4x scaled RB.227-01 8,270lb lift engines; AUW 27,000lb; max speed 750kts; TO to 50ft 1,500ft
HS.1184-1: 1x scaled Pegasus 15-03 25,340lb dry/ 36,380lb PCB; AUW 27,000lb; max speed 635kts; TO to 50ft 1,650ft
HS.1184-7: 1x scaled Pegasus 15-02 28,600lb dry; AUW 27,000lb; max speed 635kts; TO to 50ft 1,650ft
HS.1184-8: 1x scaled Pegasus 15-02 22,400lb dry & 1x scaled RB.227-01 9,860lb lift engine; AUW 29,000lb; max speed 650kts; TO to 50ft 1,500ft
HS.1190: 1x RB.199-34R 8,530lb dry/ 15,300lb reheat; AUW 24,500lb; max speed 750kts; TO to 50ft 2,900ft
HS.1190: 1x scaled RB.199-34R 7,630lb dry/ 13,690lb reheat; AUW 24,000lb; max speed 750kts; TO to 50ft 3,000ft
HS.1190-2: 1x RB.199-42R 9,700lb dry/ 17,000lb reheat; AUW 24,000lb; max speed 750kts; TO to 50ft 2,500ft
HS.1190-2: 1x scaled RB.199-42R 6,070lb dry/ 19,640lb reheat; AUW 22,800lb; max speed 750kts; TO to 50ft 3,000ft
HS.1185-9: 1x scaled Pegasus 15-03 12,650lb dry/ 18,160lb PCB; AUW 28,000lb; max speed 750kts; TO to 50ft 4,500ft
HS.1185-9: 1x scaled Pegasus 15-03 14,640lb dry/ 21,010 PCB; AUW 32,400lb; max speed 750kts; TO to 50ft 4,500ft
HS.1187-5: Pegasus 13-13 scaled x1.05 with PCB; AUW 45,000lb;
HS.1192-1: 2x RB.231-02 and 2x RB.228-03; AUW 42,000lb

Radius of action is 110nm for all designs

Source: documents in DEFE 72/12
A series of BAC studies to AST.403.

The first three are generic studies, the first is based on the Grumman 623, the delta and VG wing designs were probably inspired by the Mirage 2000.
The fourth image shows the P.91C, P.93B and P.95-1B.
The fifth shows the P.97 'Super Jaguar'.


  • BAC AST.403 Study based on Grumman 623.png
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It would be interesting to find out just how nobbled the current Eurofighter is, from those heady days of being able to make it do anything.

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