Elon Musk's Hyperloop concept


Funny that they went laminar and included some heavy drag reduction shaping: weren't they supposed to have no air in the tunnel?
TomcatViP said:
Funny that they went laminar and included some heavy drag reduction shaping: weren't they supposed to have no air in the tunnel?

Probably be more realistic to keep it thin instead of complete vacuum.
sferrin said:
TomcatViP said:
Funny that they went laminar and included some heavy drag reduction shaping: weren't they supposed to have no air in the tunnel?

Probably be more realistic to keep it thin instead of complete vacuum.

A reasonably well-equipped laboratory would be hard pressed to create the sort of crappy vacuum you'd find in low Earth orbit...never mind a tunnel meters in diameter and hundreds of miles long with many, many large-size hatches that are constantly opening up to the larger environment.
It was always a low-pressure rather than vacuum design. Musk's initial sketches even had a fan compressor mounted to the nose.

During SpaceX’s annual Hyperloop competition, a pod designed by the Technical University of Munich reached a record top speed of 288mph (463km/h) - but soon after exploded

Note that the video is glitched at the moment, they'll probably fix it quickly enough though.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23n94m96flc

I think I'll wait for the movie. Perhaps Tom Cruise and the MI folk can do something with it.

It's often said that every few months some techbro reinvents the bus - and fails.

Judging by the comments below that one and this one too, people are realising that. Some of the more cynical commenters suggest that schemes like this exist only to divert attention away from investment in workable public transport and back to car makers... like Tesla.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNNKpnd5lyM

There's an early short story by William Gibson called 'The Gernsback Continuum':

Some of the more cynical commenters suggest that schemes like this exist only to divert attention away from investment in workable public transport and back to car makers... like Tesla.
Musk actually admitted this was the case with Hyperloop. He wanted to undercut California's high-speed rail proposal and keep traffic on the road.
I want the concept coupled with this:

I want a tunnel under the Drake Passage to Antarctica.

China is working on a 173 mile long water tunnel at home.

It would have to be 3 miles down though.

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