Egyptian Indigenous tank developments

The Ramsis III is completely different,looks like a modern one,and its price is 5 Million $.
Its cost is much less than that, closer to 700k than 5 million US, the biggest expense is the license for the Engine, it uses one in common to M60 and M88 recovery vehicle about 950 Hp. but at the end of the day you end up with mere steel armor. It should have been done to the whole T-62/55/4 fleet.
Egyptian - German Jung Jurgenthal T-55/4
From Army Guide
Early in 1991 Jung Jungenthal completed the first prototype of an upgraded Russian T-54/T-55 MBT that it developed to meet the requirements of the Egyptian government. Although the prototype is based on the T-54/T-55 chassis it is also applicable to the Chinese equivalent of the vehicle, the Type 59 MBT.

The T-54/T-55 has been upgraded in the key areas of armour, mobility and firepower.

Battlefield survivability has been considerably improved by the fitting of additional passive armour onto the glacis plate of the vehicle while the frontal 180° of the turret has a horseshoe-type armour array which is similar to that installed on some T-54/T-55/T-62 MBTs. This armour provides both Chemical Energy (CE) and Kinetic Energy (KE) protection.

The original T-54/T-55 is not fitted with side skirts but the modernised T-54/T-55 is provided with these, with those either side of the driver's compartment being armoured. These hinge up vertically to allow access for maintenance purposes.

The engine and crew compartments are fitted with a fire detection/suppression system provided by Deutsche Graviner.

The original 100 mm D-10 series rifled tank gun is retained although a 105 mm L7 or M68 rifled tank gun can be installed if required. A 7.62 mm machine gun is 12.7 mm machine gun is mounted on the turret roof for local and air defence purposes.

A bank of four German-type electrically operated 76 mm smoke grenade dischargers can be mounted either side of the turret firing to the front of the vehicle.

The original gun control equipment has been replaced by a new all-electric gun control and stabilisation system developed by SIG of Switzerland which gives a higher first round hit probability. A new turret race ring has also been fitted.

The torsion bars for the T-54/T-55 have been retained but new GLS hydraulic bump stops have been installed and the original tracks and roadwheels have been replaced by those fitted to the T-62. New ZF final drives have been fitted.

The hull now has a different shape, with new Superflexit bag-type fuel tanks installed under armour protection along the sides of the vehicle. These contain 1,200 litres of diesel fuel, which is an increase in capacity over those fitted in the standard T-54/T-55 MBT.

The original diesel engine has been retained but the manual transmission has been replaced by the German ZF LSG 3000 series fully automatic power shift transmission which has been in volume production for some years.

The power pack is fitted with the improved Behr cooling system and new combustion air filters. Like the original T-54/T-55 MBT, the upgraded vehicle can lay its own smoke screen by injecting diesel fuel into the exhaust outlet.
This prototype was later given and used by Libyan Forces allied to Egypt.


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Egypt air defense prototypes Sinai 23 These are self propelled (M113 Based) 2x23mm +sakr eye (sa-7) or stinger spaags,with french turret and radar.


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Nile - 23 which lost out to the sinai-23 This has a twin 23mm sakr eye, and a large reason it lost out to Nile -23 was the lack of a on board radar, The nile 23 had a separate vehicle which carried a radar. (I have the pic somewhere)


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Finnish-Egyptian 155.52 cal artillery on t-55 (Egypt bought this as a licensee,but after repeated failures of the artillery to meet the accuracy standards, the project went no where) basically due to the need to angle the 155mm a enclosed solution was not technically possible, so the sides would fold down, , there was also kevlar "crew umbrella" or overhead cover of some type for road marches.


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British prototype Light tank/apc/spg for Egypt. Royal Ordnance 2000 series
One prototype made fitted by Abu Zabaal developed works for Aoi (Arab organization for industrialization)
From Tank encyclopedia
According to a report from the Armoured Trials & Development Unit at Bovington, the RO2000 series stemmed from a design, called SP122, done by the Royal Ordnance for a self-propelled howitzer for the Egyptian army, a design which would become the RO2001. The vehicle was meant to be built in Egypt, the industry of which was not well developed, and thus the vehicle had to be simple and easy to manufacture. It was then decided to use the chassis for a family of vehicles, four of which would actually be designed. Other reports indicate that all the vehicles were designed at the same time and only after that was the SPG version offered to Egypt.

The basic RO2000 vehicle had a steel chassis, with a Perkins TV8-640 V8 turbocharged diesel giving 320 hp coupled to a 6-speed epicyclic automatic gearbox, both placed at the front of the vehicle, leaving the rear space empty for the addition of the fighting compartment. The suspension consisted of 5 double wheels mounted on torsion bars, with an idler at the rear and two return rollers per side. These features were meant to be simple, cheap and low maintenance. It was also advertised as being easily upgradeable for the needs of the British army, mainly because the stock configuration was technologically primitive for the day and era. The vehicle could manage a gradient of 30o, a trench measuring 2.2 m or an obstacle 75 cm high.

The armor values are not specified, although they were probably very low given the low weight of just 13.5 tonnes for the base vehicle. However, it was advertised that a new armor package could be installed to optimize protection against kinetic and HEAT shells.
Maintenance-wise, the vehicle was meant to be easily pulled apart, taking just 40 minutes to take out the engine, 35 minutes to take out the gearbox and 25 minutes to take out the final drive unit, all with ‘the simplest of equipment’.

The RO2000 chassis, probably in the form of the RO2001 howitzer, underwent at least 10,000 km of testing in ‘arduous conditions’.
he export version for Egypt was meant to be armed with a 122 mm D30 howitzer which was manufactured in Egypt by Abu Zaabal Engineering Industries Company. It was based on the Russian designed howitzer. It had a computerized gunsight system for both direct and indirect fire modes.
Although the prototype was fitted with the 122 mm D30 howitzer, the vehicle hull and superstructure could be adapted to fit most 122 mm howitzers. The superstructure and gun mount enabled the gun to have a traverse of + 30 deg from the centreline: +70 deg elevation and -5 deg gun depression. There was enough storage space for 84 rounds for the main gun.


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Since flair says United Arab Republic, here is a syrian t-34/122mm from when Egypt and Syria were united in union.


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This is an Egyptian modified t-62 with the 1st two photos L-R showing what I believe to be swingfire atgw, (look at the probes) and the last photo a Sakr smoke rocket.
The t-62 had a low rate of fire due to its cramped hull and length of round in a narrow turret, Egypt showed interest in supplementing its firepower with long range atgw.


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Egyptian upgraded Bmp.1
This is a upgrade for water crossings , it features a water jet to propel itself, it is still fitted with French Peugeot engine
This appears to be a one off, though with Egypt you never know.


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Egypt Fahd-30
This is an on again off again project of Egypt to create an IFV its 1st intineration is featured here, it was deployed to Bosnia with Egyptian forces, apparently the hulls crack under the weight of turret and 30mm fire, the latest versions have Czech suspensions, and have v shaped hulls, the last two pictures are the Fahd fitted with Shturm 30mm RICW of Ukraine made in Egypt) (30mm gun, barrier atgw, Coax and ags-17 grenade launcher)


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Lastly (For today) Egypt as part of its partnership with Ukraine or Bulgaria has taken taken the MTLb and made an ammo carrier for itself,and a ground surveillance radar and in addition here is a bonus pics of an Unknown Egyptian spaag.


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British prototype Light tank/apc/spg for Egypt. Royal Ordnance 2000 series
One prototype made fitted by Abu Zabaal developed works for Aoi (Arab organization for industrialization)
From Tank encyclopedia
According to a report from the Armoured Trials & Development Unit at Bovington, the RO2000 series stemmed from a design, called SP122, done by the Royal Ordnance for a self-propelled howitzer for the Egyptian army, a design which would become the RO2001. The vehicle was meant to be built in Egypt, the industry of which was not well developed, and thus the vehicle had to be simple and easy to manufacture. It was then decided to use the chassis for a family of vehicles, four of which would actually be designed. Other reports indicate that all the vehicles were designed at the same time and only after that was the SPG version offered to Egypt.

The basic RO2000 vehicle had a steel chassis, with a Perkins TV8-640 V8 turbocharged diesel giving 320 hp coupled to a 6-speed epicyclic automatic gearbox, both placed at the front of the vehicle, leaving the rear space empty for the addition of the fighting compartment. The suspension consisted of 5 double wheels mounted on torsion bars, with an idler at the rear and two return rollers per side. These features were meant to be simple, cheap and low maintenance. It was also advertised as being easily upgradeable for the needs of the British army, mainly because the stock configuration was technologically primitive for the day and era. The vehicle could manage a gradient of 30o, a trench measuring 2.2 m or an obstacle 75 cm high.

The armor values are not specified, although they were probably very low given the low weight of just 13.5 tonnes for the base vehicle. However, it was advertised that a new armor package could be installed to optimize protection against kinetic and HEAT shells.
Maintenance-wise, the vehicle was meant to be easily pulled apart, taking just 40 minutes to take out the engine, 35 minutes to take out the gearbox and 25 minutes to take out the final drive unit, all with ‘the simplest of equipment’.

The RO2000 chassis, probably in the form of the RO2001 howitzer, underwent at least 10,000 km of testing in ‘arduous conditions’.
he export version for Egypt was meant to be armed with a 122 mm D30 howitzer which was manufactured in Egypt by Abu Zaabal Engineering Industries Company. It was based on the Russian designed howitzer. It had a computerized gunsight system for both direct and indirect fire modes.
Although the prototype was fitted with the 122 mm D30 howitzer, the vehicle hull and superstructure could be adapted to fit most 122 mm howitzers. The superstructure and gun mount enabled the gun to have a traverse of + 30 deg from the centreline: +70 deg elevation and -5 deg gun depression. There was enough storage space for 84 rounds for the main gun.

Rommel called, he'd like his Wespe back please . . .

British prototype Light tank/apc/spg for Egypt. Royal Ordnance 2000 series
One prototype made fitted by Abu Zabaal developed works for Aoi (Arab organization for industrialization)
From Tank encyclopedia
According to a report from the Armoured Trials & Development Unit at Bovington, the RO2000 series stemmed from a design, called SP122, done by the Royal Ordnance for a self-propelled howitzer for the Egyptian army, a design which would become the RO2001. The vehicle was meant to be built in Egypt, the industry of which was not well developed, and thus the vehicle had to be simple and easy to manufacture. It was then decided to use the chassis for a family of vehicles, four of which would actually be designed. Other reports indicate that all the vehicles were designed at the same time and only after that was the SPG version offered to Egypt.

The basic RO2000 vehicle had a steel chassis, with a Perkins TV8-640 V8 turbocharged diesel giving 320 hp coupled to a 6-speed epicyclic automatic gearbox, both placed at the front of the vehicle, leaving the rear space empty for the addition of the fighting compartment. The suspension consisted of 5 double wheels mounted on torsion bars, with an idler at the rear and two return rollers per side. These features were meant to be simple, cheap and low maintenance. It was also advertised as being easily upgradeable for the needs of the British army, mainly because the stock configuration was technologically primitive for the day and era. The vehicle could manage a gradient of 30o, a trench measuring 2.2 m or an obstacle 75 cm high.

The armor values are not specified, although they were probably very low given the low weight of just 13.5 tonnes for the base vehicle. However, it was advertised that a new armor package could be installed to optimize protection against kinetic and HEAT shells.
Maintenance-wise, the vehicle was meant to be easily pulled apart, taking just 40 minutes to take out the engine, 35 minutes to take out the gearbox and 25 minutes to take out the final drive unit, all with ‘the simplest of equipment’.

The RO2000 chassis, probably in the form of the RO2001 howitzer, underwent at least 10,000 km of testing in ‘arduous conditions’.
he export version for Egypt was meant to be armed with a 122 mm D30 howitzer which was manufactured in Egypt by Abu Zaabal Engineering Industries Company. It was based on the Russian designed howitzer. It had a computerized gunsight system for both direct and indirect fire modes.
Although the prototype was fitted with the 122 mm D30 howitzer, the vehicle hull and superstructure could be adapted to fit most 122 mm howitzers. The superstructure and gun mount enabled the gun to have a traverse of + 30 deg from the centreline: +70 deg elevation and -5 deg gun depression. There was enough storage space for 84 rounds for the main gun.

Rommel called, he'd like his Wespe back please . . .

A lot of what Egypt did and does is inspired by what the Germans did in ww2 with modifications of captured or destroyed equipment.
Modernization of the T-62 manufactured by NORICUM. The upgrade includes replacing the 115mm tank gun with a 105mm Royal Ordnance L7 tank gun. This option was approved by the Egyptian military and included in the RO-115 Mark I modernization project:

RO-115 Mark I: Designed in the early 1980s. While maintaining the Soviet 115-mm gun, more powerful ammunition allows you to hit a target at a greater range. Some of the main guns were replaced by the 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7 cannon proposed by the Austrian firm NORICUM. Other modifications included a British 750 hp diesel engine. With. (559 kW), a two-plane stabilizer, a ballistic computer, a laser rangefinder in an armored box above the main armament, a cluster of six smoke grenade launchers on the right side of the turret, a fire control system from BMP-3 and BMP and additional armor, including reactive armor. Modernization led to an increase in weight to 43 tons.
T-62E Mark II: Egyptian reconstruction and modernization program of the mid-1990s. The tanks were equipped with a licensed German MTU engine with 880 horsepower. With. (656 kW). The tanks are armed with a licensed 105 mm M68 tank gun, an Italian fire control system with a ballistic computer, an infrared vision device, a laser rangefinder, a weapon stabilizer, additional armor including reactive armor, armored side skirts, upgraded suspension and six smoke grenade launchers on each side of the turret. It is equipped with an upgraded NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) defense system. The T-62E Mark II is equipped with two Egyptian-made anti-tank rocket launchers with two rounds, or two launchers with two rounds for 80 mm D-3000 smoke rockets on an attack extension, or a box-type launcher containing two Sakr smoke rockets each sides of the tower. The modernization did not change the weight of the tank, which remained at the level of 45 tons.
RO-120 Mark III: Modernization of the T-62 tank developed in 2004. This upgrade equips the tank with the 120mm M-393 tank gun developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise. The length of the gun is 5.30 m and the weight is 2.6 tons. It can be raised or lowered between −7° and +15°. The tank is equipped with a new licensed German MTU engine with 890 horsepower. With. (664 kW) and additional armor, including reactive armor and armored side skirts. As a result of modernization, the weight increased to 46.5 tons. This upgrade was completed by the end of 2008.
Do you have photos of those RO-115 Mark I, T-62E Mark II, RO-120 Mark III, please?
Modernization of the T-62 manufactured by NORICUM. The upgrade includes replacing the 115mm tank gun with a 105mm Royal Ordnance L7 tank gun. This option was approved by the Egyptian military and included in the RO-115 Mark I modernization project:

RO-115 Mark I: Designed in the early 1980s. While maintaining the Soviet 115-mm gun, more powerful ammunition allows you to hit a target at a greater range. Some of the main guns were replaced by the 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7 cannon proposed by the Austrian firm NORICUM. Other modifications included a British 750 hp diesel engine. With. (559 kW), a two-plane stabilizer, a ballistic computer, a laser rangefinder in an armored box above the main armament, a cluster of six smoke grenade launchers on the right side of the turret, a fire control system from BMP-3 and BMP and additional armor, including reactive armor. Modernization led to an increase in weight to 43 tons.
T-62E Mark II: Egyptian reconstruction and modernization program of the mid-1990s. The tanks were equipped with a licensed German MTU engine with 880 horsepower. With. (656 kW). The tanks are armed with a licensed 105 mm M68 tank gun, an Italian fire control system with a ballistic computer, an infrared vision device, a laser rangefinder, a weapon stabilizer, additional armor including reactive armor, armored side skirts, upgraded suspension and six smoke grenade launchers on each side of the turret. It is equipped with an upgraded NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) defense system. The T-62E Mark II is equipped with two Egyptian-made anti-tank rocket launchers with two rounds, or two launchers with two rounds for 80 mm D-3000 smoke rockets on an attack extension, or a box-type launcher containing two Sakr smoke rockets each sides of the tower. The modernization did not change the weight of the tank, which remained at the level of 45 tons.
RO-120 Mark III: Modernization of the T-62 tank developed in 2004. This upgrade equips the tank with the 120mm M-393 tank gun developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise. The length of the gun is 5.30 m and the weight is 2.6 tons. It can be raised or lowered between −7° and +15°. The tank is equipped with a new licensed German MTU engine with 890 horsepower. With. (664 kW) and additional armor, including reactive armor and armored side skirts. As a result of modernization, the weight increased to 46.5 tons. This upgrade was completed by the end of 2008.
I do not mean to contradict you, there is no evidence beyond wikipedia and arab defense forums (where people post ideas) that show this, From your 1st paragraph, O-115 Mark I: Designed in the early 1980s a fire control system from BMP-3 and BMP and additional armor
That should cause anyone to pause, and consider it false. a British 750 hp diesel engine (This would be the Chieftains 750hp which would require serious reworking to fit.

T-62E Mark II: sounds more plausible, however the change in weight from German MTU engine 880 hp, would change weight of tank, sounds implausible.

RO-120 Mark III: Modernization of the T-62 tank developed in 2004. This upgrade equips the tank with the 120mm M-393 tank gun developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise. This means it was given a 120mm gun based on the Russian 125mm, which would require a lot of rework on the turret, see how Iraq fit a 125mm in its t-55-type 69's they had to put spacers between the hull and turret (For depression) plus extend the rear of turret for weight and ammunition.
Modernization of the T-62 manufactured by NORICUM. The upgrade includes replacing the 115mm tank gun with a 105mm Royal Ordnance L7 tank gun. This option was approved by the Egyptian military and included in the RO-115 Mark I modernization project:

RO-115 Mark I: Designed in the early 1980s. While maintaining the Soviet 115-mm gun, more powerful ammunition allows you to hit a target at a greater range. Some of the main guns were replaced by the 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7 cannon proposed by the Austrian firm NORICUM. Other modifications included a British 750 hp diesel engine. With. (559 kW), a two-plane stabilizer, a ballistic computer, a laser rangefinder in an armored box above the main armament, a cluster of six smoke grenade launchers on the right side of the turret, a fire control system from BMP-3 and BMP and additional armor, including reactive armor. Modernization led to an increase in weight to 43 tons.
T-62E Mark II: Egyptian reconstruction and modernization program of the mid-1990s. The tanks were equipped with a licensed German MTU engine with 880 horsepower. With. (656 kW). The tanks are armed with a licensed 105 mm M68 tank gun, an Italian fire control system with a ballistic computer, an infrared vision device, a laser rangefinder, a weapon stabilizer, additional armor including reactive armor, armored side skirts, upgraded suspension and six smoke grenade launchers on each side of the turret. It is equipped with an upgraded NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) defense system. The T-62E Mark II is equipped with two Egyptian-made anti-tank rocket launchers with two rounds, or two launchers with two rounds for 80 mm D-3000 smoke rockets on an attack extension, or a box-type launcher containing two Sakr smoke rockets each sides of the tower. The modernization did not change the weight of the tank, which remained at the level of 45 tons.
RO-120 Mark III: Modernization of the T-62 tank developed in 2004. This upgrade equips the tank with the 120mm M-393 tank gun developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise. The length of the gun is 5.30 m and the weight is 2.6 tons. It can be raised or lowered between −7° and +15°. The tank is equipped with a new licensed German MTU engine with 890 horsepower. With. (664 kW) and additional armor, including reactive armor and armored side skirts. As a result of modernization, the weight increased to 46.5 tons. This upgrade was completed by the end of 2008.
I do not mean to contradict you, there is no evidence beyond wikipedia and arab defense forums (where people post ideas) that show this, From your 1st paragraph, O-115 Mark I: Designed in the early 1980s a fire control system from BMP-3 and BMP and additional armor
That should cause anyone to pause, and consider it false. a British 750 hp diesel engine (This would be the Chieftains 750hp which would require serious reworking to fit.

T-62E Mark II: sounds more plausible, however the change in weight from German MTU engine 880 hp, would change weight of tank, sounds implausible.

RO-120 Mark III: Modernization of the T-62 tank developed in 2004. This upgrade equips the tank with the 120mm M-393 tank gun developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise. This means it was given a 120mm gun based on the Russian 125mm, which would require a lot of rework on the turret, see how Iraq fit a 125mm in its t-55-type 69's they had to put spacers between the hull and turret (For depression) plus extend the rear of turret for weight and ammunition.
are you a couch theorist ?????

come on, bring your couch arguments and then I will tell you that all this has already been done a long time ago !!!!!
since some have done something that prevents another firm from repeating ?????
if you wish, you can do anything you want, limiting your wish, this little block is full of information, but instead of finding it, you started to scream complete nonsense !!!
The 120-mm M-393 tank gun was created in the Design Bureau of JSC "Plant No. 9" for the modernization of the T-62 tank. It provides for the use of NATO standard ammunition. It is the equivalent of the Rheinmetall L44 smoothbore gun of the first generation, installed on the Leopard-2 tank and based on which a series of other tank guns were created, incl. 120-mm gun M 256, mounted on the main battle tank "Abrams" M1A1 / M1A2 (USA). The 120-mm M-393 smoothbore tank gun is intended for installation on modernized T-62 tanks instead of the 115-mm 2A20 gun (smooth-bore, with a manual loading mechanism, has been in service since 1959). Equipped with a thermal jacket and a smoke extractor. The gun is mounted in a turret that provides all-round firing at pointing angles from 5 to +15 degrees in the vertical plane. Can use standard western-style ammunition.
T-62-5TDF is an export Ukrainian version of the modernization of the Soviet T-62 tank.

In the course of the modernization program, the T-62 tanks had to undergo modernization of the power compartment (with the installation of a new 5TDF tank engine with a power of 700 hp and coaxial onboard gearboxes), modernization of protection with the installation of additional armor plates on the frontal parts of the hull and turret and installation of built-in dynamic protection), as well as the modernization of the main armament (replacement of the 115-mm 2A20 gun with a 120-mm or 125-mm gun) and fire control systems.
T-62AM - modernization of the T-62 with a 125-mm gun. In 1963, an automatic loader made for the "Object 167M" was installed on one of the prototypes of the T-62 (Object 166Zh). In 1965, work on its completion was completed. As a result, the Tagil automatic loader turned out to be better than the Kharkov one for the "Object 432". The machine gun was simpler in design, more reliable, it ensured the transition of the driver from the control compartment to the combat one without performing any preliminary work, due to this it increased the survivability of the tank during shelling. The automatic loader had a capacity of 21 rounds. As a result, starting from 1966, the Tagil plant was ready to produce the T-62 tank with an automatic loader that could use ammunition for the T-64. But even then the tank was not put into serial production. On November 5, 1967, the Minister of Defense Industry S. A. Zverev arrived at Uralvagonzavod, where he was shown the T-62 with a 125-mm D-81 gun and an automatic loader. He liked the automatic loader and suggested installing it in the Kharkov T-64.
МТ-880-1300 dimensions 920x970x730
it's a leopard motor
below t 62
1,584.00 x 986.00 x 897.00 mm

what are you seriously going to modify there ??? german motor smaller
Modernization of the T-62 manufactured by NORICUM. The upgrade includes replacing the 115mm tank gun with a 105mm Royal Ordnance L7 tank gun. This option was approved by the Egyptian military and included in the RO-115 Mark I modernization project:

RO-115 Mark I: Designed in the early 1980s. While maintaining the Soviet 115-mm gun, more powerful ammunition allows you to hit a target at a greater range. Some of the main guns were replaced by the 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7 cannon proposed by the Austrian firm NORICUM. Other modifications included a British 750 hp diesel engine. With. (559 kW), a two-plane stabilizer, a ballistic computer, a laser rangefinder in an armored box above the main armament, a cluster of six smoke grenade launchers on the right side of the turret, a fire control system from BMP-3 and BMP and additional armor, including reactive armor. Modernization led to an increase in weight to 43 tons.
T-62E Mark II: Egyptian reconstruction and modernization program of the mid-1990s. The tanks were equipped with a licensed German MTU engine with 880 horsepower. With. (656 kW). The tanks are armed with a licensed 105 mm M68 tank gun, an Italian fire control system with a ballistic computer, an infrared vision device, a laser rangefinder, a weapon stabilizer, additional armor including reactive armor, armored side skirts, upgraded suspension and six smoke grenade launchers on each side of the turret. It is equipped with an upgraded NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) defense system. The T-62E Mark II is equipped with two Egyptian-made anti-tank rocket launchers with two rounds, or two launchers with two rounds for 80 mm D-3000 smoke rockets on an attack extension, or a box-type launcher containing two Sakr smoke rockets each sides of the tower. The modernization did not change the weight of the tank, which remained at the level of 45 tons.
RO-120 Mark III: Modernization of the T-62 tank developed in 2004. This upgrade equips the tank with the 120mm M-393 tank gun developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise. The length of the gun is 5.30 m and the weight is 2.6 tons. It can be raised or lowered between −7° and +15°. The tank is equipped with a new licensed German MTU engine with 890 horsepower. With. (664 kW) and additional armor, including reactive armor and armored side skirts. As a result of modernization, the weight increased to 46.5 tons. This upgrade was completed by the end of 2008.
I do not mean to contradict you, there is no evidence beyond wikipedia and arab defense forums (where people post ideas) that show this, From your 1st paragraph, O-115 Mark I: Designed in the early 1980s a fire control system from BMP-3 and BMP and additional armor
That should cause anyone to pause, and consider it false. a British 750 hp diesel engine (This would be the Chieftains 750hp which would require serious reworking to fit.

T-62E Mark II: sounds more plausible, however the change in weight from German MTU engine 880 hp, would change weight of tank, sounds implausible.

RO-120 Mark III: Modernization of the T-62 tank developed in 2004. This upgrade equips the tank with the 120mm M-393 tank gun developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise. This means it was given a 120mm gun based on the Russian 125mm, which would require a lot of rework on the turret, see how Iraq fit a 125mm in its t-55-type 69's they had to put spacers between the hull and turret (For depression) plus extend the rear of turret for weight and ammunition.
are you a couch theorist ?????

come on, bring your couch arguments and then I will tell you that all this has already been done a long time ago !!!!!
since some have done something that prevents another firm from repeating ?????
Yes by all means demonstrate it, provide a picture, a janes, or any promotional media on any of them.
The 120-mm M-393 tank gun was created in the Design Bureau of JSC "Plant No. 9" for the modernization of the T-62 tank. It provides for the use of NATO standard ammunition. It is the equivalent of the Rheinmetall L44 smoothbore gun of the first generation, installed on the Leopard-2 tank and based on which a series of other tank guns were created, incl. 120-mm gun M 256, mounted on the main battle tank "Abrams" M1A1 / M1A2 (USA). The 120-mm M-393 smoothbore tank gun is intended for installation on modernized T-62 tanks instead of the 115-mm 2A20 gun (smooth-bore, with a manual loading mechanism, has been in service since 1959). Equipped with a thermal jacket and a smoke extractor. The gun is mounted in a turret that provides all-round firing at pointing angles from 5 to +15 degrees in the vertical plane. Can use standard western-style ammunition.
I made reference to this myself, and so far no one has bought any, as doing so would likely result in Russia wondering why they are arming 3rd world nations better than themselves, as this design would have to solve the technical inferiority of the 125mm 2a46 gun that due to the autoloader it cannot be armed with longer ke penetrators. and the Nato tanks are armed with single piece ammo which would be much longer than the separate dart/shell and charge bag.
T-62AM - modernization of the T-62 with a 125-mm gun. In 1963, an automatic loader made for the "Object 167M" was installed on one of the prototypes of the T-62 (Object 166Zh). In 1965, work on its completion was completed. As a result, the Tagil automatic loader turned out to be better than the Kharkov one for the "Object 432". The machine gun was simpler in design, more reliable, it ensured the transition of the driver from the control compartment to the combat one without performing any preliminary work, due to this it increased the survivability of the tank during shelling. The automatic loader had a capacity of 21 rounds. As a result, starting from 1966, the Tagil plant was ready to produce the T-62 tank with an automatic loader that could use ammunition for the T-64. But even then the tank was not put into serial production. On November 5, 1967, the Minister of Defense Industry S. A. Zverev arrived at Uralvagonzavod, where he was shown the T-62 with a 125-mm D-81 gun and an automatic loader. He liked the automatic loader and suggested installing it in the Kharkov T-64.
what has this to do with anything?
Modernization of the T-62 manufactured by NORICUM. The upgrade includes replacing the 115mm tank gun with a 105mm Royal Ordnance L7 tank gun. This option was approved by the Egyptian military and included in the RO-115 Mark I modernization project:

RO-115 Mark I: Designed in the early 1980s. While maintaining the Soviet 115-mm gun, more powerful ammunition allows you to hit a target at a greater range. Some of the main guns were replaced by the 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7 cannon proposed by the Austrian firm NORICUM. Other modifications included a British 750 hp diesel engine. With. (559 kW), a two-plane stabilizer, a ballistic computer, a laser rangefinder in an armored box above the main armament, a cluster of six smoke grenade launchers on the right side of the turret, a fire control system from BMP-3 and BMP and additional armor, including reactive armor. Modernization led to an increase in weight to 43 tons.
T-62E Mark II: Egyptian reconstruction and modernization program of the mid-1990s. The tanks were equipped with a licensed German MTU engine with 880 horsepower. With. (656 kW). The tanks are armed with a licensed 105 mm M68 tank gun, an Italian fire control system with a ballistic computer, an infrared vision device, a laser rangefinder, a weapon stabilizer, additional armor including reactive armor, armored side skirts, upgraded suspension and six smoke grenade launchers on each side of the turret. It is equipped with an upgraded NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) defense system. The T-62E Mark II is equipped with two Egyptian-made anti-tank rocket launchers with two rounds, or two launchers with two rounds for 80 mm D-3000 smoke rockets on an attack extension, or a box-type launcher containing two Sakr smoke rockets each sides of the tower. The modernization did not change the weight of the tank, which remained at the level of 45 tons.
RO-120 Mark III: Modernization of the T-62 tank developed in 2004. This upgrade equips the tank with the 120mm M-393 tank gun developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise. The length of the gun is 5.30 m and the weight is 2.6 tons. It can be raised or lowered between −7° and +15°. The tank is equipped with a new licensed German MTU engine with 890 horsepower. With. (664 kW) and additional armor, including reactive armor and armored side skirts. As a result of modernization, the weight increased to 46.5 tons. This upgrade was completed by the end of 2008.
I do not mean to contradict you, there is no evidence beyond wikipedia and arab defense forums (where people post ideas) that show this, From your 1st paragraph, O-115 Mark I: Designed in the early 1980s a fire control system from BMP-3 and BMP and additional armor
That should cause anyone to pause, and consider it false. a British 750 hp diesel engine (This would be the Chieftains 750hp which would require serious reworking to fit.

T-62E Mark II: sounds more plausible, however the change in weight from German MTU engine 880 hp, would change weight of tank, sounds implausible.

RO-120 Mark III: Modernization of the T-62 tank developed in 2004. This upgrade equips the tank with the 120mm M-393 tank gun developed by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise. This means it was given a 120mm gun based on the Russian 125mm, which would require a lot of rework on the turret, see how Iraq fit a 125mm in its t-55-type 69's they had to put spacers between the hull and turret (For depression) plus extend the rear of turret for weight and ammunition.
are you a couch theorist ?????

come on, bring your couch arguments and then I will tell you that all this has already been done a long time ago !!!!!
since some have done something that prevents another firm from repeating ?????
I must ask, how would an Austrian firm in the early 1980s gain access to the Bmp.3's fire control system, which likely was just being developed?
120-мм танковая пушка М-393 создана в ОКБ ОАО «Завод №9» для модернизации танка Т-62. Он предусматривает использование боеприпасов стандарта НАТО. Является аналогом гладкоствольной пушки Rheinmetall L44 первого поколения, установленной на танке «Леопард-2» и на базе которой создана серия других танковых пушек, в т.ч. 120-мм пушка М 256, установленная на основном боевом танке «Абрамс» М1А1/М1А2 (США). 120-мм гладкоствольная танковая пушка М-393 предназначена для установки на модернизированные танки Т-62 взамен 115-мм пушки 2А20 (гладкоствольная, с ручным механизмом заряжания, состоит на вооружении с 1959 г.). Оснащен терморубашкой и дымососом. Орудие установлено в башне, обеспечивающей круговой обстрел при углах наведения от 5 до +15 градусов в вертикальной плоскости.
Я сам упоминал об этом, и до сих пор никто ничего не купил, так как это, вероятно, приведет к тому, что Россия задастся вопросом, почему они вооружают страны третьего мира лучше, чем они сами, поскольку эта конструкция должна была решить техническую неполноценность 125-мм 2А46. орудие, которое из-за автомата заряжания не может быть вооружено более длинными пенетраторами. а танки НАТО вооружены цельными боеприпасами, которые будут намного длиннее, чем отдельные дротики / снаряды и зарядная сумка.
вы очень далеки от истины, вы можете все посмотреть на характеристики и придумать какие-то версии, но причина всегда одна и всегда одна и та же ЦЕНА!!!
ы очень далеки от истины, вы можете все посмотреть на характеристики и придумать какие-то версии, но причина всегда одна и всегда одна и та же ЦЕНА!!!
I am sorry you are posting in Russian or some form of Cyrillic. I cant help you.
120-мм танковая пушка М-393 создана в ОКБ ОАО «Завод №9» для модернизации танка Т-62. Он предусматривает использование боеприпасов стандарта НАТО. Является аналогом гладкоствольной пушки Rheinmetall L44 первого поколения, установленной на танке «Леопард-2» и на базе которой создана серия других танковых пушек, в т.ч. 120-мм пушка М 256, установленная на основном боевом танке «Абрамс» М1А1/М1А2 (США). 120-мм гладкоствольная танковая пушка М-393 предназначена для установки на модернизированные танки Т-62 взамен 115-мм пушки 2А20 (гладкоствольная, с ручным механизмом заряжания, состоит на вооружении с 1959 г.). Оснащен терморубашкой и дымососом. Орудие установлено в башне, обеспечивающей круговой обстрел при углах наведения от 5 до +15 градусов в вертикальной плоскости.
Я сам упоминал об этом, и до сих пор никто ничего не купил, так как это, вероятно, приведет к тому, что Россия задастся вопросом, почему они вооружают страны третьего мира лучше, чем они сами, поскольку эта конструкция должна была решить техническую неполноценность 125-мм 2А46. орудие, которое из-за автомата заряжания не может быть вооружено более длинными пенетраторами. а танки НАТО вооружены цельными боеприпасами, которые будут намного длиннее, чем отдельные дротики / снаряды и зарядная сумка.
вы очень далеки от истины, вы можете все посмотреть на характеристики и придумать какие-то версии, но причина всегда одна и всегда одна и та же ЦЕНА!!!

The 120-mm M-393 tank gun was created at the Design Bureau of JSC Zavod No. 9 to modernize the T-62 tank. It provides for the use of NATO standard ammunition. It is an analogue of the first generation Rheinmetall L44 smoothbore gun mounted on the Leopard-2 tank and on the basis of which a series of other tank guns were created, incl. 120-mm gun M 256, mounted on the main battle tank "Abrams" M1A1 / M1A2 (USA). The 120 mm M-393 smoothbore tank gun is intended for installation on modernized T-62 tanks instead of the 115 mm 2A20 gun (smoothbore, with a manual loading mechanism, has been in service since 1959). Equipped with a thermal jacket and a smoke exhauster. The gun is mounted in a turret that provides all-round firing at pointing angles from 5 to +15 degrees in the vertical plane. I mentioned this myself and so far no one has bought anything, as it will probably lead Russia to wonder why they are arming third world countries better than themselves, since this design was supposed to solve a technical inferiority 125 mm 2A46. a gun that, due to the autoloader, cannot be armed with longer penetrators. and NATO tanks are armed with solid ammunition, which will be much longer than individual darts/shells and a loading bag. you are very far from the truth, you can look at the characteristics and come up with some versions, but the reason is always the same and always the same PRICE!!!
Ok, There is no evidence that Egypt has ever purchased this Tank Gun, Other than wikipedia and arab defense fan forums. NOT in service.
2nd What I said still stands, The M-393 tank gun is a modification of the 125mm 2a46 or 2a45 (I forget) to accept single piece ammunition, If this was in service, the question would be by Russian defense authorities and critics, why are we arming Egyptians on 50+ yr old tanks better than our boys? as this would solve the problem of shorter KE penetrators, however there would still need to be significant modification to the t-62 turret as it is very difficult to load a 115mm never mind a 120mm shell into the gun, There is no turret basket, the ammunition is stored in a way that the loader has a very difficult job as rounds can jam the turret since there is no basket and conditions are VERY cramped between Gunner Commander and Loader.


  • t-34.png
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I was thinking it was probably something along those lines, but I wasn't certain.
But as I know,we didn't use it in 1973 war ?.
Probably was used, because a few were captured by the IDF.
Here is a photo taken at the beit haOsef museum in Yafo :


  • Egypt T-34-100 beit haOsef yafo museum.jpg
    Egypt T-34-100 beit haOsef yafo museum.jpg
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is there any info on the Ramesses tank?

i know about the Ramesses II tank which is a heavily modified T55 tank with revised running gear
but it is logical that you would not have a II without a I so i am trying to find out about this nearly non-existant tank
but it is logical that you would not have a II without a I
Not necessarily. Hesham could confirm, but Rameses II is a historically famous pharaoh. AFAIK Ramses I is not nearly as famous.

Just like if the French called some equipment after Henri IV ("Good King Henri") or Louis XIV, it wouldn't mean that they had models Henri 1, 2, 3, or Louis 1-13.
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Challenger was just Challenger, until the 2 came out so no 1 in the development timeline there either.
I suppose 'Usermaatra Setepenra Ramese Meriamon tank' was too much of a mouthful.
Rameses II is often regarded as the greatest, most celebrated, and most powerful pharaoh of the New Kingdom, which itself was the most powerful period of ancient Egypt.

So it's perfectly logical to name the tank after "Rameses II" without there having been a Rameses I tank prior.

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