AL and all,
Sorry if it seems like I'm teasing with the references to the future book, but I did want to share some information where appropriate.
I'm afraid I can't tell you any more about it for now and I'll tell you why.
For one thing, it has been known to happen that someone announces an upcoming book, model kit, etc. and an unscrupulous person or company will drop everything and push out a book/kit on the exact same topic. I intend to avoid this as I know that what I put in my work has been as thoroughly researched from original documents and sources as I can do it. My book on the B-24 - "Consolidated Mess" - and Tony Buttler and my book on "American Secret Projects, 1937-1945" is another. Same is true of my article in the most recent "The Aviation Historian" quarterly on American Ramjaegers, a study to armor U.S. fighters in order to enable them to ram enemy bombers.
Second, there are a few folks out there that are insanely jealous and angry that their long-cherished, self-aggrandizing position as "Researcher Extraordinaire" is usurped. For instance, once again referring to "Consolidated Mess", one of the "Extraordinaires" spent MONTHS harassing both me and my publisher for stealing his "intellectual property" for producing a book about the B-24. His position seemed to be that since he had THOUGHT about doing a similar title (the guy cannot write a simple sentence, so it would have been interesting if he could have even found a publisher who would work with him - doubtful - that I had broken the law. He was constantly threatening law suits, etc. Perhaps the ultimate act was a scathing review he wrote of the book back in October of....2011, I think. Amazon had put in their site that the book would be published in October. As it turned out, it wasn't published until the following May due to publishing schedules and the fact that I had come across a mother-lode of information and photos that answer all the hanging questions in what I thought to be the final copy. So...this guy does a thorough hatchet job on a book he's never seen that hasn't even been published. This guy has been kicked off at least four different websites since to disagree with him is to invite wrath of the most incoherent and virulent type.
When I have sent the final copy to my publisher I shall not only tell everyone about it but start to share some specific items to give everyone a sense of what the final product is like. I'd love to share more because I think the info is really cool.
This may not seem like much of an explanation, but I can sadly assure you that it is all 100% true. I'm sure when "Consolidated Mess, Vol II: The Glassnose B-24s" comes out he will thoroughly trash it, but probably once again not under his real name. He is, when all things are considered, a coward. This, of course, is only my opinion based on my experience.
I hope this kinda sorta answers your question.
I do thank you for your interest and support.