Discussion About Anti-Nuclear Energy/Arms Protest

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TaiidanTomcat said:
What do the 97 percent say about the cause of global warming?

Who cares? Here's a NASA look at average temperatures from 2000 to 2012. Note how over much of the world there is no temperature increase, or there is a temperature DECREASE. That's one of my major arguments with the idea of global warming. Yes, there are things that can affect the climate, and yes, we're the cause of some of them. But "global warming" as a term is asinine as it is 100% inaccurate. That's like saying there were no WMDs found in Iraq. 100% inaccurate.


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Kadija_Man said:
I don't think I'd like to live in a coldly rational world. Ever read "Brave New World" by Huxley?
Why does rationality have to equate to cold? Ever read Richard Dawkins?
Describe a well-designed, well-maintained nuclear reactor. However, as we have seen, most of the meltdowns and near meltdowns occurred in older, less well-designed and less well-maintained reactors. Which is why I listed this as a "con".
Apparently not one made by socialists? Also, the Chernobyl incident occurred in a new reactor, reactor #4. Maintenance and design weren't the problem there, it was idiocy. Three Mile Island? That all came down to some workers not fixing something right. Can't blame that on it being nuclear, that's just people being stupid. Oh, and by the way, zero health issues attributed to that one, probably due to radiation not liking capitalists.

This page contains a list of civilian nuclear accidents many of which often because of what could be best described as mere luck did not become much worse than they were.
That page also has a large number of "everything was contained" or stupid operators. Neither of which indicate that nuclear power is inherently unsafe. On the contrary, it means that 1) stupid people should not be given important jobs, and 2) we're obviously doing something right with regards to containment dome design.
Really? That page I linked to up above lists far more serious accidents than you seem aware of.
I keep looking there but I can't seem to find where these are actually serious in terms of health problems. Where are all the people nuclear energy is irradiating or killing?
As ~97% of surveyed climatologists believe Global Warming is real, then I rather think you're on shaky ground there
As the chart I posted shows, the temperature increase is neither uniform nor actually present everywhere, large areas showing a net decrease. That is indicative of neither global acivity nor a uniform warming trend.
However, leaving that aside, as you've admitted, handling matters on a purely scientific basis isn't going to happen so it would be better, would it not, to deal with how they are actually handled?
What kind of stupid logic is that? You're supposed to fix things that are broken, not ignore them because it's the easy way out.
Science as an entity or science as a means of describing reality?
Science as in scientific fact.
You and I, I suspect, disagree over how much Climatology can be trusted. Does that mean you're not acting rationally in that field?]
No, I have scientific evidence to support my idea. Plus I never said that actual climate change itself was entirely asinine.
There are good and bad lawyers. There are good and bad scientists. How does one tell the difference?
You tell by looking at those who are beholden only to scientific fact and not external influence. I can give you an example of a debate where people refuse to accept scientific fact to the tune of billions of dollars if you want!
Well, considering your system has voluntary voting, how can you claim the actual electors are representational of the entire electorate? There is an old saying, "we get the Government we deserve". Very true at the moment downunder, I can assure you! I wonder if the same could be said for your Legislature?
Oh, I do believe we have the system we deserve. I no longer blame the politicians for everything, I choose to blame the people who vote for the idiots.
Perhaps it's simply another example of American exceptionalism. We've just see a very good, albeit perhaps politically dysfunctional government thrown out. The voters got fed up with it's political infighting and showed them the door in no uncertain terms.
We tried to do the same thing. And picked more idiots.
I will not go into bat for fossil fuelled power stations. However, their risks are known and understood. Nuclear power stations' aren't. At the moment we have the largest city in Japan poised to be evacuated if Tipco stuffs up again at Fukashima. You wouldn't have that with an accident at a conventional or alternative power plant, now would you?
That's funny, it seems like you're trying to tell us what the risks of nuclear power are. Are they "understood" or not? Also, you can have accidents that are just as problematic with conventional power usage. Pretending that they don't exist doesn't make nuclear energy more unsafe.
Navy reactors are routinely maintained and replaced with newer, more efficient and safer designed ones on a regular basis. The large, Nuclear Power Plants on land aren't. Which returns to that "con" of mine...
"Regular basis"? You do know that they're replaced when the CVNs or subs are replaced, right? That's not exactly a regular occurrence. But, again, if nuclear energy was just that unsafe, we'd expect to see evidence of that where it's used continuously. Look at France. Only on your list once, and yet they've been using nuclear power for decade, getting something like 80% of their electricity from it. Surely that much usage of something that's so unsafe would result in far more problems?
I won't bother with the issue of what capitalism equal. My viewpoint is well known and I've no desire go down that path again because I fear such a philosophical discussion is upsetting to some here.
That's fine.
With Nuclear Waste, the main issue is it's longevity and the difficulties with storing and protecting it for such long periods of time. Disposal of waste has a poor history, with numerous leaks, damage to ground waters, surface water, etc. You mentioned one yourself, the safe disposal of naval reactors in the fUSSR. Yet the US's record on waste management hasn't been exactly exemplary either.
That poor disposal history, ask yourself: is it due to an actual issue with proper disposal itself, or with the industry not being allowed to do what it says is safer?
Or you could also read this:

Orionblamblam said:
Kadija_Man said:
Up till now, the world has been remarkably lucky with the nuclear accidents that have occurred.

Up till now, *dozens* of people have died from nuclear accidents. Up till now, *millions* have died from not just accidents with coal and petroleum, but from the normal combustion byproducts. How many are dying, or at least dying sooner, just in Shanghai from the coal smog? How many homes burn to the ground due to screwups with the fireplace?

There is a place for worrying about the hypothetical... but when the *reality* of the alternative is hugely worse, maybe the hypothetical isn't what should concern you most.

Again, you appear to think I am defending the use of Fossil Fuels. This discussion should not be just about Nuclear Power or Fossile Fuels. There are other alternatives. Indeed, there are even alternative Nuclear Reactor designs which may render them safer.

I find it interesting that there was just this morning a report on the increased incidence of Thyroid Cancer in Japanese Children. Do you still maintain no one has been hurt by the Fukashima accident?
TaiidanTomcat said:
Kadija_Man said:
As ~97% of surveyed climatologists believe Global Warming is real, then I rather think you're on shaky ground there.

What do the 97 percent say about the cause of global warming?

That the main cause is Anthropomorphic release of Greenhouse gases.

And before you crow too loudly, I realise that is one of the main reasons why Nuclear Power is a prime contender for Fossil Fuel burning, which I have acknowledged from the start. It is a strong argument in it's favour but one should always remember there are alternatives, other than both Fossil Fuels or Nuclear...
SOC said:
TaiidanTomcat said:
What do the 97 percent say about the cause of global warming?

Who cares? Here's a NASA look at average temperatures from 2000 to 2012. Note how over much of the world there is no temperature increase, or there is a temperature DECREASE. That's one of my major arguments with the idea of global warming. Yes, there are things that can affect the climate, and yes, we're the cause of some of them. But "global warming" as a term is asinine as it is 100% inaccurate. That's like saying there were no WMDs found in Iraq. 100% inaccurate.

You do understand how an average is arrived at?
Kadija_Man said:
Orionblamblam said:
Kadija_Man said:
Up till now, the world has been remarkably lucky with the nuclear accidents that have occurred.

Up till now, *dozens* of people have died from nuclear accidents. Up till now, *millions* have died from not just accidents with coal and petroleum, but from the normal combustion byproducts. How many are dying, or at least dying sooner, just in Shanghai from the coal smog? How many homes burn to the ground due to screwups with the fireplace?

There is a place for worrying about the hypothetical... but when the *reality* of the alternative is hugely worse, maybe the hypothetical isn't what should concern you most.

Again, you appear to think I am defending the use of Fossil Fuels. This discussion should not be just about Nuclear Power or Fossile Fuels. There are other alternatives. Indeed, there are even alternative Nuclear Reactor designs which may render them safer.

I find it interesting that there was just this morning a report on the increased incidence of Thyroid Cancer in Japanese Children. Do you still maintain no one has been hurt by the Fukashima accident?

My first guess would be detection bias as it is most likely cause.

And in any case thyroid cancer is one of the easiest cancer to treat.

And there is no alternative between fossil and nuclear.
Kadija_Man said:
I find it interesting that there was just this morning a report on the increased incidence of Thyroid Cancer in Japanese Children. Do you still maintain no one has been hurt by the Fukashima accident?

It's a pity journalists can't research and read the scientific literature to discover such facts as:

The old way of checking for thyroid anomalies, feeling for them, had a detection rate of around 4% in a tested population.
7.5 MHz Ultrasonic Scanners found about 19% anomalies.
The latest 13 MHz scanners found about 67% anomalies.
That's in Guth et al 2009.

When the Hubble Space Telescope was switched on, and found countless new stars and galaxies, that did not mean those stars and galaxies had just popped into being. The Hubble just had so much better resolution than the previous scopes. The same is probably the case here, especially as checks in other parts of Japan with the same scanners show similar results.

Sadly, some people will push the thyroid fears, and Fukushima kids will discover the truly debilitating effect of such disasters - unwarranted stress stoked by an unwitting populace hanging on the tales of anti-nuclear groups.
tiikki said:
And there is no alternative between fossil and nuclear.

Precisely. And if you are waiting for a revolutionary new something to show up, in the meantime you are still using fossil fuels and pumping this stuff into the air. And again, its doing much worse things than increased thyroid cancer in smaller populations.

Thats my point. Nuclear, warts and all is still better. especially when we are talking about the health of the entire planet and the 7 billion and rising people who live on it. Take every bad nuclear power story you can find. Post them all... Its still better than the alternative
Girl, 8, gets lung cancer from China pollutionLung cancer deaths rose by 56 percent from 2001 to 2010 in Beijing ... The World Health Organisation (WHO) found air pollution caused 1.2 million premature deaths worldwide in 2010, including 140,000 from lung cancer.
Translation: by all means, let's freak out about cancers that may or may not be related to nuclear weapons tests or Chernobyl or something.
tiikki said:
Kadija_Man said:
Orionblamblam said:
Kadija_Man said:
Up till now, the world has been remarkably lucky with the nuclear accidents that have occurred.

Up till now, *dozens* of people have died from nuclear accidents. Up till now, *millions* have died from not just accidents with coal and petroleum, but from the normal combustion byproducts. How many are dying, or at least dying sooner, just in Shanghai from the coal smog? How many homes burn to the ground due to screwups with the fireplace?

There is a place for worrying about the hypothetical... but when the *reality* of the alternative is hugely worse, maybe the hypothetical isn't what should concern you most.

Again, you appear to think I am defending the use of Fossil Fuels. This discussion should not be just about Nuclear Power or Fossile Fuels. There are other alternatives. Indeed, there are even alternative Nuclear Reactor designs which may render them safer.

I find it interesting that there was just this morning a report on the increased incidence of Thyroid Cancer in Japanese Children. Do you still maintain no one has been hurt by the Fukashima accident?

My first guess would be detection bias as it is most likely cause.

And in any case thyroid cancer is one of the easiest cancer to treat.

And there is no alternative between fossil and nuclear.

Germany seems to be proving otherwise.
Kadija_Man said:
tiikki said:
Kadija_Man said:
Orionblamblam said:
Kadija_Man said:
Up till now, the world has been remarkably lucky with the nuclear accidents that have occurred.

Up till now, *dozens* of people have died from nuclear accidents. Up till now, *millions* have died from not just accidents with coal and petroleum, but from the normal combustion byproducts. How many are dying, or at least dying sooner, just in Shanghai from the coal smog? How many homes burn to the ground due to screwups with the fireplace?

There is a place for worrying about the hypothetical... but when the *reality* of the alternative is hugely worse, maybe the hypothetical isn't what should concern you most.

Again, you appear to think I am defending the use of Fossil Fuels. This discussion should not be just about Nuclear Power or Fossile Fuels. There are other alternatives. Indeed, there are even alternative Nuclear Reactor designs which may render them safer.

I find it interesting that there was just this morning a report on the increased incidence of Thyroid Cancer in Japanese Children. Do you still maintain no one has been hurt by the Fukashima accident?

My first guess would be detection bias as it is most likely cause.

And in any case thyroid cancer is one of the easiest cancer to treat.

And there is no alternative between fossil and nuclear.

Germany seems to be proving otherwise.

I don't know whether to cry or laugh.

Few hours during middle of day in weekend do not replace the base power.
Kadija_Man said:
tiikki said:
Kadija_Man said:
Orionblamblam said:
Kadija_Man said:
Up till now, the world has been remarkably lucky with the nuclear accidents that have occurred.

Up till now, *dozens* of people have died from nuclear accidents. Up till now, *millions* have died from not just accidents with coal and petroleum, but from the normal combustion byproducts. How many are dying, or at least dying sooner, just in Shanghai from the coal smog? How many homes burn to the ground due to screwups with the fireplace?

There is a place for worrying about the hypothetical... but when the *reality* of the alternative is hugely worse, maybe the hypothetical isn't what should concern you most.

Again, you appear to think I am defending the use of Fossil Fuels. This discussion should not be just about Nuclear Power or Fossile Fuels. There are other alternatives. Indeed, there are even alternative Nuclear Reactor designs which may render them safer.

I find it interesting that there was just this morning a report on the increased incidence of Thyroid Cancer in Japanese Children. Do you still maintain no one has been hurt by the Fukashima accident?

My first guess would be detection bias as it is most likely cause.

And in any case thyroid cancer is one of the easiest cancer to treat.

And there is no alternative between fossil and nuclear.

Germany seems to be proving otherwise.


Pages 33 and 34:
Does it look like reliable energy production for all hours of the day for whole year?

Pages 45 to 54
Does it look that conventional has been replaced in Germany?

Pages 89, 120
Examples of interesting weekly power curves
Earlier we discussed the large number of birds (est. 440,000 /yr) killed by the politically correct "Green" technology of wind power. There has been much concern regarding the number of endangered species, such as golden eagles, being killed. The government has been looking at how to deal with this, especially considering the many laws in place to protect these animals. The Administration has come up with a solution to this problem: The Interior Department will issue 30 year permits to wind power companies allowing them to kill an unlimited amount of golden eagles, as long as they don't do it "intentionally".

If you have an endangered species and you like it, you can keep it. Period.
F-14D said:
Earlier we discussed the large number of birds (est. 440,000 /yr) killed by the politically correct "Green" technology of wind power. There has been much concern regarding the number of endangered species, such as golden eagles, being killed. The government has been looking at how to deal with this, especially considering the many laws in place to protect these animals. The Administration has come up with a solution to this problem: The Interior Department will issue 30 year permits to wind power companies allowing them to kill an unlimited amount of golden eagles, as long as they don't do it "intentionally".

If you have an endangered species and you like it, you can keep it. Period.

They are ready to sacrifice millions on the alter of 'climate change' what are a few endangered species to them?
They seem to be barbequeing quite a few birds with solar power plants as well. Oh well, as long as it's green.
Nothing captures the possibility of 10,000 degree temperatures generated from a small bomb, the annihilation of millions and the fall of civilisation (due to accident or the ultimately idiotic failure of diplomacy) better than ...an inflatable balloon?
airman said:
A second cold war @ the door ? ! ??? ???

Indeed. And as with the original Cold War, it's a safe bet that the goobers who protest and wave placards and whatnot in the US *won't* be going to Moscow or Beijing and protesting *their* nuclear buildups.

Same appeasers, different day.
Orionblamblam said:
airman said:
A second cold war @ the door ? ! ??? ???

Indeed. And as with the original Cold War, it's a safe bet that the goobers who protest and wave placards and whatnot in the US *won't* be going to Moscow or Beijing and protesting *their* nuclear buildups.

Same appeasers, different day.
Orionblamblam said:
airman said:
A second cold war @ the door ? ! ??? ???

Indeed. And as with the original Cold War, it's a safe bet that the goobers who protest and wave placards and whatnot in the US *won't* be going to Moscow or Beijing and protesting *their* nuclear buildups.

Same appeasers, different day.

It's like the old joke;

A US politician is talking to the Russian Ambassador and says, "The difference between our two countries is that I can march right up to the White House and yell the President is an imperialist warmonger and nothing will happen to me"

The Russian Ambassador replies, "Well I can march right up to the Kremlin and yell........The US President is an imperialist warmonger and nothing will happen to me either"
Maybe they would be happier some place else?

Grey Havoc said:

It's okay. At least they're all in one thread so they don't pollute the others.
You know what I've found to be a great stress reliever when it comes to useful idiots and hoplophobes and other ill-informed types?


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As a form of protest, I would rather eat cake ...


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We'll listen to the Taiwan plea the second they stop dumping perfectly good airplanes into the ocean, thank you very much.

Why was this split from the Nuclear news thread?

It appears to me like it belongs there. Why should anti and pro nuclear matters be treated differently? Both are equally valid expressions of peoples' beliefs and views.
Probably should be separate for the same reason that "I like airplanes" belongs in a different forum from "I hate airplanes." While nukes are a bit tangential to the scope of the SP forum, they are related, and to be anti-nuclear is to be anti-technology. And once you slide down the slippery slope of anti-technology... forever will it dominate your destiny.
Hot Breath said:
Why was this split from the Nuclear news thread?

Because the Nuclear Weapons News is running well and not immediately endangered in the moment .
Its theme is quite clearly outlined (news about technological matters or deployment) and not about
beliefs, views and opinions. I think, we should keep it that way.
Jemiba said:
Hot Breath said:
Why was this split from the Nuclear news thread?

Because the Nuclear Weapons News is running well and not immediately endangered in the moment .
Its theme is quite clearly outlined (news about technological matters or deployment) and not about
beliefs, views and opinions. I think, we should keep it that way.

I see nothing wrong with posting news of anti-nuclear events, people, issues, etc. in that thread. I see no reason to separate them, as they are often interconnected and feed from each other. I would be more than willing not to comment and only post announcements. Why are people so afraid of controversy?
Orionblamblam said:
Probably should be separate for the same reason that "I like airplanes" belongs in a different forum from "I hate airplanes." While nukes are a bit tangential to the scope of the SP forum, they are related, and to be anti-nuclear is to be anti-technology. And once you slide down the slippery slope of anti-technology... forever will it dominate your destiny.

I am not anti-technology. I am anti-Nuclear technology. There is a difference and to suggest that because I do not like nuclear technology because of all the dangers associated with its implementation and usage is the same as being generally anti-technology is foolish in my opinion. However, as we have seen you upon occasion suggesting that its perfectly OK to use nuclear weapons on your own countrymen, I suppose such subtleties are beyond you. I am interested in the choices facing us as a race of creatures. We do not have to utilise the most dangerous means of producing electricity as the main means to do so. As Chernobyl, Fukashima, Three Mile Island, Sellafield and numerous other accidents have shown, we cannot make a Nuclear power generating system that won't stop working, occassionally catastrophically and possibly kill thousands of people.
Hot Breath said:
As Chernobyl, Fukashima, Three Mile Island, Sellafield and numerous other accidents have shown, we cannot make a Nuclear power generating system that won't stop working, occassionally catastrophically and possibly kill thousands of people.

Death Count (due to radiation)

Chernobyl 102
Fukashima 0
Three Mile Island 0
Sellafield 0

So you're far from thousands.

On the other hand tens of thousands of people have died in fires caused by the petroleum industry. And many more hundreds of thousands have died prematurely due to the effects of coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (black lung). In 2013 alone 25,000 people died from CWP. Yet all you hear about is the evils of radiation. The ignorance, petty moralising and superstition of the anti-nuclear crowd makes me sick. Acute useful idiot poisoning.
An earlier discussion on the subject:
Candidate for merging?
Hot Breath said:
I see nothing wrong with posting news of anti-nuclear events, people, issues, etc. in that thread.

The forum rules clearly state, that this forum is meant "to discuss unbuilt military and aerospace/military technology"
"Political, ...posts are prohibited ..."

The "Nuclear Weapons NEWS ONLY" started as general thread about nuclear weapons. That's a theme, that often is
hard to divide from politics and that thread already was more, than once, locked, because debates had reached a level,
which was unacceptable, because of personal attack and insults. You may have noticed, that there are other themes,
that are locked and probably will remain so for quite a while, because experience has shown, that political views and
opinions are rarely discussed publicly in a sensible way.
Let's see, perhaps this thread will show, that things are different now ! ;)

Arjen said:

It started from a discussion about specific nuclear weapons and the discussion about civil nuclear applications
was split. Is it really useful to merge it with a thread about nuclear weapons in general ?
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