Some might say making a literal omnipresent skynet in the heavens is a bad idea.

I am 99.8 percent sure that if ruskies feel this threatened that they would do something so drastic it means we are doing stuff that is insanely threatening as well. What if Russia and China had total narrative control and were doing threatening things to us here in America like creating the starlink/starshield matrix in space? You know damn well we would freak out and put stuff into place to negate any kind of domination.

Why is it then the Russians are crazy? Why is it the Chinese are bellicose? Why not us? Why is nobody here asking what WE are putting up into space? Are WE secretly breaking space treaties ourselves or finding subversive ways to bypass them like Russians did with their cruise missile equipped iskander k system? Why are we defaulting to our elites being on the up and up?

It is because we live here in the west. Because we assume we are the good guys and they are evil undemocratic bad guys. We do not question that our elites have openly stated that they want dominate the east including toppling the regimes of Russia and China. Why should we Americans want that? Or is it some of our elites protecting their "rules based world order"? Is that American? Maybe, kinda I guess as it could benefit us on the short term. But is it right?

Edit: not trying to cause strife needlessly but do you guys see how there are more sides to this than just our side? I do know some have similar views as mine but right now it is unpopular. I dont usually post anything when people talk about contentious stuff but sometimes it has got to be brought up. Not everyone agrees with Nuland tier foreign policy or thinks that the western democratic world supersedes the needs and protections of fellow Americans.
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Nor China. Before this happens we might reach the Kessler syndrome.

The PRC is currently equivalent to the U.S. and using a nuclear weapon would destroy about as many PRC satellites as U.S. That is going change in the next year, but never the less Chinese satellites would suffer as well and they have a big stake in orbit.
The PRC is currently equivalent to the U.S. and using a nuclear weapon would destroy about as many PRC satellites as U.S. That is going change in the next year, but never the less Chinese satellites would suffer as well and they have a big stake in orbit.
Which is why Russia popping a nuke off in Orbit might manage to get China and the US pissed off enough to both do something about it at the same time. Now China owns most of Siberia and the rest of Russia is under new management.
The PRC is currently equivalent to the U.S. and using a nuclear weapon would destroy about as many PRC satellites as U.S. That is going change in the next year, but never the less Chinese satellites would suffer as well and they have a big stake in orbit.
True. But that is if cool heads and rational thinking prevail. I just don’t trust Russia or China.
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True. But that is if cool heads and rational thinking prevail. I just don’t trust Russia or China.

I am sure they feel the same. China is about to be overwhelmed by 300-400 US military satellites in just the next year. Russia has no hope of catching up; it makes sense that they might adopt a scorched orbit policy.
I am sure they feel the same. China is about to be overwhelmed by 300-400 US military satellites in just the next year. Russia has no hope of catching up; it makes sense that they might adopt a scorched orbit policy.
Unless they manage to take down a lot of Chinese etc satellites as collateral damage and get China, India, the US, EU, and anyone else with downed satellites pissed off at them all at the same time.

China has long been looking at taking over most of Siberia.
Unless they manage to take down a lot of Chinese etc satellites as collateral damage and get China, India, the US, EU, and anyone else with downed satellites pissed off at them all at the same time.

China has long been looking at taking over most of Siberia.

Russia would only use such a weapon as a nuclear escalation rung, in which case what other countries think is largely irrelevant. Russia is already feeling the gap between its space capabilities and the United States, and the U.S. is about to orbit a massive constellation that even China will struggle to keep up with.
As for Siberia, China doesn’t need to invade a nuclear power…it can buy whatever it wants.
There certainly is risk involved, but presumably a satellite could have a number of systems and checks to confirm an engagement. Otherwise it seems likely that it would simply be shot down at the first opportunity once it was detected.
It would be impossible for any system to distinguish a hit from space debris from a hit by a KKV.

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Talking of China taking Siberia. Calling posters tovarich. Wtf is going on.
Russia would only use such a weapon as a nuclear escalation rung, in which case what other countries think is largely irrelevant. Russia is already feeling the gap between its space capabilities and the United States, and the U.S. is about to orbit a massive constellation that even China will struggle to keep up with.
As for Siberia, China doesn’t need to invade a nuclear power…it can buy whatever it wants.
What China wants is their traditional chunk of Outer Mongolia that Russia snagged 100something years ago and further up into the Siberian oil fields.

Not easy to buy either one.
Turner's district includes the USAF intelligence center in Dayton OH, so he has the right access, and he is an old school Republican who takes Russia seriously. But he should know better than to ask for all the intel to be declassified. Can't risk sources to prove a point that Russia will just deny.

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