Something that caught my eye on Wikipedia is the cancelled Rafale N for the Aéronavale:
“Originally called the Rafale BM, was a planned missile-only two-seater version for the Aéronavale.Budgetary and technical constraints have been cited as grounds for its cancellation.”
Has anyone any drawings or model photographs of this proposal? Or is it safe to presume it would have been a B with M undercarriage and hook?
Throwing my two cents in this... it would have been very much a B with M undercarriage and hook, as you say. By missile only, it means that the internal gun would be deleted (Phantom Vietnam style, hmmm) and the whole aircraft would have been for strike.
From memory, that naval two-seat Rafale had some cost and weight issues. Weight, explains why the gun woud be deleted, to shave some hundreds of pound. That was in the second-half of the 90's when the CdG ran into cost overruns, some technical glitches, and its possible sistership started its slow agony.
In the end the French Navy, facing the urgency of its antiquated Crusaders falling apart, went for single seaters to F1 standard, delivered in May 2001.
F1 was a very downwashed standard but the emergency was too strong, and it was good enough for air defence, lightyears ahead of the Crouzes, obviously.
Then the French navy decided its single seaters (multirole F2 and F3 standards), could achieve strike without overworking the lone pilot. Since the Super Etendard exactly worked this way.
The Armée de l'Air by contrast was in far less urgency and had the luxury of Mirage IIIE / F1CT / Jaguar (1-seaters) vs Mirage 2000D/N (2-seaters) comparative experiences. They went for option 2 and got two-seat Rafales.