For its part, the Iraqi Air Force is seeking French Rafale fighter jets. In September 2021, the chairman of the Security and Defense Committee of Iraq’s parliament, Mohammed Redha al-Haidar, revealed Iraq and Paris signed a contract for the aircraft.
“The Iraqi Air Force is intending to purchase 14 French Rafale fighter jets at a cost of $240 million, which will be paid in oil rather than cash,” Ricklefs told Defense News about the deal.
For its part, the Iraqi Air Force is seeking French Rafale fighter jets. In September 2021, the chairman of the Security and Defense Committee of Iraq’s parliament, Mohammed Redha al-Haidar, revealed Iraq and Paris signed a contract for the aircraft.
“The Iraqi Air Force is intending to purchase 14 French Rafale fighter jets at a cost of $240 million, which will be paid in oil rather than cash,” Ricklefs told Defense News about the deal.![]()
Iraq seeks French drones and jets, additional Russian tanks
Iraq’s military is seeking several defense systems of different origins, including French Rafale fighter jets, drones and artillery, as well as Russian T-90 tanks, with some ongoing negotiations reaching an advanced
As usual: to be confirmed...
Are you sure it's 272? I'm getting 284 Rafales exported.interesting so 42!
that means life time exports
Rafale - 272
Mirage 2000 - 277
(these both include the export of used French aircraft as well).
Rafale is on track to export more aircraft than its predecessor
Are you sure it's 272? I'm getting 284 Rafales exported.interesting so 42!
that means life time exports
Rafale - 272
Mirage 2000 - 277
(these both include the export of used French aircraft as well).
Rafale is on track to export more aircraft than its predecessor
Egypt 24+30
Qatar 24+12
India 36
Croatia 12
Greece 24
UAE 80
Indonesia 42
Though, I'm also getting more M2000 exported than 277 as well, if the French M2000 wiki page is to be believed.
Yes, 284 Rafale export: 260 new + 24 used (12/12 for Croatia and 12/24 for Greece)Are you sure it's 272? I'm getting 284 Rafales exported.interesting so 42!
that means life time exports
Rafale - 272
Mirage 2000 - 277
(these both include the export of used French aircraft as well).
Rafale is on track to export more aircraft than its predecessor
Egypt 24+30
Qatar 24+12
India 36
Croatia 12
Greece 24
UAE 80
Indonesia 42
Though, I'm also getting more M2000 exported than 277 as well, if the French M2000 wiki page is to be believed.
I used the numbers from English Wikipedia, this includes situations like Greece where they are receiving some used airframesAre you sure it's 272? I'm getting 284 Rafales exported.interesting so 42!
that means life time exports
Rafale - 272
Mirage 2000 - 277
(these both include the export of used French aircraft as well).
Rafale is on track to export more aircraft than its predecessor
Egypt 24+30
Qatar 24+12
India 36
Croatia 12
Greece 24
UAE 80
Indonesia 42
Though, I'm also getting more M2000 exported than 277 as well, if the French M2000 wiki page is to be believed.
En conséquence, plus aucun fuselage de Rafale n’aurait quitté le site de Biarritz depuis fin 2021. À Argenteuil, la cadence serait tombée de deux fuselages produits chaque mois à un tous les trois mois, dont le dernier fin novembre 2021. Ce que ne confirme pas Dassault Aviation. « Le mouvement et ses conséquences sont très variables d’un site à l’autre. Les mouvements ralentissent le travail et nous avons des tentatives de blocage, indique un porte-parole de l’entreprise. Nous agissons pour réduire les retards. Pour l’instant nous parvenons à livrer les éléments entre établissements et les avions aux clients. » Le site de Mérignac, qui assure l’assemblage final des avions, maintient un rythme de production normal jusqu’à présent.
As a result, no more Rafale fuselages have left the Biarritz site since the end of 2021. In Argenteuil, the rate have fallen from two fuselages each month to one every three months, the last of which at the end of November 2021. This couldn't be confirmed by Dassault Aviation. “The movement and its consequences are very variable from one site to another. The movements slow down the work and we have blocking attempts, indicates a spokesman of the company. We are taking action to reduce delays. At the moment we are managing to deliver each sub-asswmbly b/w sites and aircraft to customers. The Mérignac site, which handles the final assembly of the aircraft, has followed a normal production rate so far.
Depends on whether Rafale spares are made by Dassault or by other component manufacturers.logically, availability rate in frontline squadrons should drop invariably as a consequence
Aujourd’hui, la multiplication des contrats à l’export change complètement la donne. Pour répondre à la demande, Thales envisage de produire jusqu’à une cadence de 4,5 équipements par mois, contre 2,5 actuellement. Si le groupe reconnaît qu’il s’agit d’un bond dans l’inconnu en termes d’industrialisation, il ne laisse rien au hasard.
La montée en puissance se fera progressivement pour adapter l’outil industriel et réaliser les embauches nécessaires. Il faut ainsi un an par exemple pour passer d’une cadence de 2,5 éléments produits par mois à 3,5 par mois et autant pour franchir le palier suivant. Thales prévoit donc d’atteindre la cadence 4,5 à l’horizon 2025.
Today, the proliferation of export contracts completely changes the situation. To meet demand, Thales plans to produce up to 4.5 pieces of equipment per month, compared to 2.5 currently. If the group recognizes that it is a link in the unknown in terms of industrialization, it leaves nothing to chance.
The ramp-up will be done gradually to adapt the industrial tool and make the necessary hires. An example is therefore needed to move from a rate of 2.5 items produced per month to 3.5 per month and as much to overcome the next level. Thales therefore plans to reach the 4.5 rate by 2025.
French fighter jets patrolling the airspace over Poland as part of NATO operations on Friday.Credit...Nicolas Tucat/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Mont de Marsan - no "t" please (been born there and then my parent moved a safe distance away).Mont de Marsant
Pass the White Burgundy pleaseThe culprit will obligingly serve himself a double portion of Foie Gras and a second glass of heavy red wine to make good figure for the regional offense.
San(s)T(é) ...
According to concordant sources, Egypt is interested in conventionally powered Barracuda submarines, which would be manufactured by Naval Group.
The country led by Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sissi is also studying the purchase of a second-hand aircraft carrier, which would be armed with around twenty Rafale Marine.
Purchase of a secondhand aircraft carrier, capable of using Rafales? That could only be São Paulo, but there’d be a hell of a lot of work to get her operational.According to concordant sources, Egypt is interested in conventionally powered Barracuda submarines, which would be manufactured by Naval Group.
The country led by Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sissi is also studying the purchase of a second-hand aircraft carrier, which would be armed with around twenty Rafale Marine.
Naval Group : des sous-marins et un porte-avions pour l'Egypte ?
Le Caire a exprimé un intérêt auprès de Paris et de Naval Group pour acquérir des sous-marins Barracuda à propulsion conventionnelle ainsi qu'un porte-avions doté de Rafale
As usual: to be confirmed...
Russia needs some fast cash and it’s willing to swap their Su-35 deal for the Kuznetsov?Purchase of a secondhand aircraft carrier, capable of using Rafales? That could only be São Paulo, but there’d be a hell of a lot of work to get her operational.According to concordant sources, Egypt is interested in conventionally powered Barracuda submarines, which would be manufactured by Naval Group.
The country led by Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sissi is also studying the purchase of a second-hand aircraft carrier, which would be armed with around twenty Rafale Marine.
Naval Group : des sous-marins et un porte-avions pour l'Egypte ?
Le Caire a exprimé un intérêt auprès de Paris et de Naval Group pour acquérir des sous-marins Barracuda à propulsion conventionnelle ainsi qu'un porte-avions doté de Rafale
As usual: to be confirmed...
lol i know its a joke... butRussia needs some fast cash and it’s willing to swap their Su-35 deal for the Kuznetsov?Purchase of a secondhand aircraft carrier, capable of using Rafales? That could only be São Paulo, but there’d be a hell of a lot of work to get her operational.According to concordant sources, Egypt is interested in conventionally powered Barracuda submarines, which would be manufactured by Naval Group.
The country led by Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sissi is also studying the purchase of a second-hand aircraft carrier, which would be armed with around twenty Rafale Marine.
Naval Group : des sous-marins et un porte-avions pour l'Egypte ?
Le Caire a exprimé un intérêt auprès de Paris et de Naval Group pour acquérir des sous-marins Barracuda à propulsion conventionnelle ainsi qu'un porte-avions doté de Rafale
As usual: to be confirmed...![]()
imagine if France went with the PA2.. they may have gotten their first one around nowOr French selling CDG. That's even better deal for India TBH.
I believe the F-35B and Rafale have the same wingspan of 11m right? (correct me if wrong)I wonder if a Mistral hull could be stretched to 240 m: comparable to Trieste / Cavour / Juan Carlos. Never realized how... short the Mistrals are.
But not many Rafales would fit inside, even if they could achieve STOBAR from the deck.
That's the other big issue: without a wing fold, they take more hangar room inside the hull...
The French Barracuda submarines are long-range submarines, unlike the Scorpene (Even if it's range is more than enough for the Mediterranean), also made by France.isn't Egypt involved in some kind of cold war with Turkey? they are on opposite sides in Libya, as well as having massive problems with the new EEZ claims in the East Med. With Egypt-Greece on one side (with a friendly Russia), and Turkey on the other.
but I still don't see it justifying a carrier.
Seemingly not...or perhaps some have them but in storage?I remember in the early days, they did quite a few flight tests with CFTs attached.
was there no interest by any operators?
Novi Avion finally arrives.. but this time as a larger twin-engined aircraft..
made entirely in France.
Serbia in talks to buy 12 new Rafale jets
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has said that the country is holding talks to purchase at least 12 Rafale multipurpose fighter