Dassault Rafale Avionics

RBE2 AESA power output 9.6KW. So assuming 10W modules it has around 960 of them.

The module counts has been established to be 838 so far. The increase in power is probably use of new module with higher rating amplifier. So from 11 Watt to 16 Watt.
The module counts has been established to be 838 so far. The increase in power is probably use of new module with higher rating amplifier. So from 11 Watt to 16 Watt.
Did we ever establish the 838 was the full production radar and not a mock up or demonstrator? I had a couple publications saying it was around 1000.

Also for the life of me I can’t find anything about the RBE2 transmitter power.
Did we ever establish the 838 was the full production radar and not a mock up or demonstrator? I had a couple publications saying it was around 1000.

No, unless you count a long debates in old keypublishing forum. 838 is i think fine and that's pretty much what's the current RBE-2AA. If it's demonstrator or mockups it's very realistic.

The diameter of the RBE-2 and subsequently 2AA is about 60 cm. That 838 is actually the most that can be packed into that antenna. From that 838 TRM counts and antenna diameter of 60 cm (Thus an area of 0.28 sqm) You can divide that area with the elements number to get the elements area (0.00033 sqm). The antenna element area is directly related to the frequency of the radar as it result of element spacings.

If that mockup meant to represent real radar but somehow with reduced element counts for "security reason".. then 1000 TRM version of that antenna must be bigger, just multiply that element number with the Element area 0.00033 sqm and you got 0.33 sqm which, means that the antenna should be 65 cm in diameter at least, i guess that would be quite noticeable in Rafale's nose.

The only way to get more TRM's in that aperture without making it bigger is to operate at higher frequency, this will allow smaller element area, but then does it really make sense for the demonstrator to operate and be designed with different frequency ?
The module counts has been established to be 838 so far. The increase in power is probably use of new module with higher rating amplifier. So from 11 Watt to 16 Watt.

So would those values likely be the peak power per element or average power? Just trying to work out what sensible numbers would be to put into your AESA calculator spreadsheet.
So would those values likely be the peak power per element or average power? Just trying to work out what sensible numbers would be to put into your AESA calculator spreadsheet.

Of course it's peak. and my AESA radar calculator only needs peak element power. While the average power are the function of the PRF and pulsewidth you specify in the calculation.
Of course it's peak. and my AESA radar calculator only needs peak element power.
Thanks, I'm not particularly familiar with AESA radars.

While the average power are the function of the PRF and pulsewidth you specify in the calculation.
I assume there's no particularly good way to determine likely values for PRF, Pulse Width, etc.?
I assume there's no particularly good way to determine likely values for PRF, Pulse Width, etc.?

There are books out there with examples of radar modes with their respective PRF and pulsewidth. You can start frm there, for example the "Radar Handbook 3rd Edition" Have this neat table.

This one for Air to Air mode.


Typically the mode that give longest detection range would be the Range Gated High PRF. You can see the PRF for that is about 100-300 KHz with typical pulsewidth of 1-3 microseconds.

You can then try to input, say 100 KHz as PRF and 3 microseconds as the pulsewidth.
The Rafale features a fully integrated digital avionics suite with a modulare core architecture:

The modulare data processing unit (MDPU) form the heart of the Rafale's avionics. It's a modulare mission computer cmprising 18 processor modules. The MDPU is said to be 50 times faster than the Mirage 2000-5s mission computer and hosts the software for most of the aircraft's systems and avionics.

The avionics integration is assured by linked the various systems to each other via at least 4 digital MIL STD 1553B databusses and at least 1 optical STANAG 3910 datbus. Communication between the aircraft's onboard systems and its weapons is enabled by 2 digital MIL STD 1760 databusses.

The Rafale's recording systems include a Thales ESPAS digital solit state flight data recorder and a OTA 1320 CCD TV camera plus recorder for HuD video footage. The recording systems record maintainance data as well.

The integrated usuage and health monitoring system (IUHMS) features fully integrated and automated built in test equipment (BITE) along with sensors and digital recorders for airframe structure and engine components life monitoring.

The Rafale's navigation suite includes two Sagem RL-90 LINS platforms with embedded NSS-100 GPS receivers. The LINS allows flight plans with up to 600 waypoints being programmed and stored.
Addiotnal navigation equippment includes the NC-12E TACAN radio navigation system, the TLS-2020 multimode receiver which includes VOR and ILS/MLS functions, a digital map generator (DMG), a digital terrain reference navigation system (TRN) and the digital AHV 2930 radar altitmeter which is optimised for discretion and high performance at very low altitudes. The radar altimeter works at altitudes up to 3200 m.

The communication equipment comprises EAS TRA 2020 V-/UHF radios for civil communication and secured TRA 6032 V-/UHF radios for tactical military communication, compatible with HQ I & II and SATURN standards. The aircraft additionally features the MIDS-LVT/LINK16 bi-directional data link terminal for secured and jamming resistent near real time communication and data exchange.

The known Autopilot modes include:
- Flight path tracking
- Altitude hold modes
- AoA hold mode
- Auomatic terrain following
- Auto throttle

Self Defence:
The Rafale's SPECTRA (Système de Protection et d'Evitement des Conduites de Tir du Rafale – Self Protection Equipment Countering Threats of Rafale Aircraft) is one of the most advanced EW suites ever created for a combat aircraft. Being of a modulare design, SPECTRA is controlled by the GIC computer (Gestion de l'Interface et Compatibilité) comprising 3 processors.
The SPECTRA components include:
- 3 digital RWR antennas with each 120° azimuth coverage and a frequency coverage of 2 - 40 GHz mounted on the airlift intakes and at the rear of the SPECTRA fin tip pod. Functions/characteristics include:
- detection localisation, identification and priorisation of radar emitters at distances up to 200 km+
- Bearing accuracy below 1° in azimuth using interferometry
- Weapon cueing against ground based emitters

- Active ECM system with DRFM and AESA antennas in the canard roots and in the tail pod at the base of the fin, with offensive, defensive and stealthy jamming modes. Pencil thin jamming beams are directed towards threat emitters

- DDM (Détecteur infrarouge de Départ de Missiles) missile approach warning system based on dual-band midwave IR sensors which are located on each side of the SPECTRA fin tip pod, providing 360° atimuth coverage

- 3 DAL (Detecteur d’Alerte Laser) laser warning receivers with sensors on the fuselage sides and the rear of the SPECTRA fin tip pod

- 4 vertical firing flare/decoy dispensers on the top of the fuselage near the wing trailing edges and 2 chaff dispensers on the rear fuselage sides behind the wings

The RWR and ECM systems are integrated as the DBEM (Détection et Brouillage Electromagnétique) sub-system.

Thales RBE2 (Radar a Balayage Electronique – deux plans) is a modulare designed monopulse-doppler X-band multimode fire control radar system. It features 4 LRI including:
- ~60 cm PESA antenna
- 4 channel receiver
- transmitter
- programmable signal processor with at least 2 bln flow point operations/second

The RBE2 provides a +/- 60° azimuth and elevation coverage and includes the SB-25A MkXII compatible IFF interrogator/transponder with Mode-S capability. The IFF system uses phased array antennas.

Air to Air modes/functions include:
- Long range search
- Multi target track and engagement
- Air combat modes
- Look down/shoot down

In AA mode the RBE2 offers a tracking range beyond 100 km against a 3 sqm target with detection ranges up to 130-140 km. The radar can track and prioritise up to 40 targets simultaneously, engage up to 8 of them and provides McG for up to 4 missiles. It includes LPI characteristics and as capable of track here while scan there.

Air to Ground modes includes:
- DBS mapping
- SAR mapping
- SEA surface search and TWS
- TA
- AG ranging

Terrain following and avoidance modes can be combined to generate 3-D radar maps, which enable automatic terrain following flights via radar. AA tracking and AG mapping can be interleaved due the radars agile beam sweeping capabilities.

Electro optical systems:
The OSF (Optronique Secteur Frontal) comprises two modules on the aircraft's nose. The right one features an imaging dual-band IRST/FLIR sensor (3 - 6 and 8 - 12 microns) and the left one, aka CIU (Combat Identification Unit) features a 3-D CCD TV camera and a laser range finder.
The IRST provides a +/- 90° azimuth coverage and is capable to detect and track multiple aerial targets simultaneously. The sensor offers a max. detection range of 130 km in best conditions and can act as FLIR providing target images up to ~40 km and nav-images presented on the HuD.
The TV camera offers a max FOV of 60° and a range of ~50 km for single target track and identification. The LRF is effective up to ranges of 33 km.

Sensor fusion:
All the Rafale's onboard and offboard sensor data are fused, creating track files which contain correlated data from all the aircraft's sensors and which are presented on the large Head Level Display.
Mind if I ask what the source of this is? Particularly for the TV/IRST as well as the DBEM
Some Rafale has spherical sensor at the tail, some has the boxy facet one.
So which one is newer?
View attachment 678039
The left one is called DDM-NG and features a longer range detection. The right one is called DDM and was also used on the Mirage 2000 family as well in the form of an add-on module, and only for French Mirage 2000s to my understanding.
Mind if I ask what the source of this is? Particularly for the TV/IRST as well as the DBEM

There were multiple sources back than from which I gathered the information. From Fox 3 Issues, World Airpower Journal, Air & Cosmos and others. It's almost 2 decades ago and it would take me too much time to re-research the original sources. There are apparently some errors as well. It was only later stated that the OSF's original IRST module was in fact LW only, with MW extension as a growth option (which never happened).
There were multiple sources back than from which I gathered the information. From Fox 3 Issues, World Airpower Journal, Air & Cosmos and others. It's almost 2 decades ago and it would take me too much time to re-research the original sources. There are apparently some errors as well. It was only later stated that the OSF's original IRST module was in fact LW only, with MW extension as a growth option (which never happened).
Scorpion out of curiosity, do you know how extensive your list of modes are? I swear your post seems to be the only good resource a long with that one article.
Scorpion out of curiosity, do you know how extensive your list of modes are? I swear your post seems to be the only good resource a long with that one article.

I can't say how complete that list is. It's hard to find good/reliable information on it. The infos themselfes were also an amalgation from multiple sources, not just a single source.
The module counts has been established to be 838 so far. The increase in power is probably use of new module with higher rating amplifier. So from 11 Watt to 16 Watt.
This is unrealistic. GaS TRMs have about 1W average PWR capability, GaN increases this to about 5W. Then you can use this for creating your waveforms per the table shown. There is also a peak limit, which limits the average power and thus range for waveforms with lower PRFs. The 9.6kW is the RBE2 total power consumption, where 90% is losses and is loading the Rafales cooling system (most liquid for the AESA, some air for the data processing). The world's AESA designers are all designing with the same architectures and components, so this rule applies to all AESA radars.

The only GaN radar in serial production right now is the Raytheon APG-79(V)4 for the upgrade of certain USMC F-18C/D. The reason for the very expensive GaN TRMs (there are ~1100! of them per radar) is that the F-18C/D power and cooling do not allow a GaS upgrade as the waste power would cut the radar mean power to well below 1W per TRM, thus limit a lot of radar modes efficiency.
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So a complementing post about radar performance. Intuitively, one would think that peak radar power sets the radar performance, but it doesn't. The radar receiving process is the detection of targets in noise, and it's, therefore, a target energy level versus noise energy level, which is important. This leads to the importance of AVERAGE power level of the radar for its performance. The figure of merit for detection range for a radar is "poweraperture product", which is the radar mean power times the radar antenna aperture.

For today's radars, their LPI (Low Probability of Intercept) characteristics are important. LPI means the peak power of the radar pulse shall be the lowest possible given the radar mode needs. The reason is most RWRs are detecting radar pulses based on the pulse peak power (these use DLVRs for the directional pulse amplitude comparison) and you can shorten the RWR detection range considerably with low peak power modes using long pulses with pulse compression.

So high peak power is no longer wanted in modern radars. You want a transmitter with high average power capability, driven by a super stable, low noise STALO + amplifier chain, and AESA antenna for lobe diversity, a large receiver antenna area for signal capture followed by a multichannel very low noise and super stable (for the doppler extraction) receivers, deep wideband (14 steps) A/D after only one LO step, and then powerful digital processing to extract the LPI signals based on long-time analysis of the data streams.

When radars didn't have pulse compression, you needed high peak power to allow short pulses, which gave you the range resolution needed. No longer desirable when you have pulse compression.

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