Dassault Mach 3 Mirage fighter projects

does one of them look like this (thanks Jemiba for the drawings link ;)) ? :

this one was ... a fake (where is the mistake ?? ...)
Y will see very soon the right Mach 3 Dassault fighter :)
A fake ???

The original drawing was publied in Aviation magazine from mid-june 1969 (and the magazine said that the drawing came from Dassault) :-\

Archie know the complete story and like to tell it (or to give the link with the complete story) ;D

But if you have better informations, we are impatient to see or to learn about your own version :)

Addendum (Cuny, les avions de combat français, 1944-1960, 1, chasse assaut, p.240, 241, 242) :
-About the Mirage IV fighters projects from 1956, there was at least a mach 2,9 project with two 6 000 kgp Atar 9
-All the Mirage VI projects from 1958 had a mach 3 speed
Maybe there are similarities between the MD 742 and 751 and these planes ?
The original drawing was publied in Aviation magazine from mid-june 1969 (and the magazine said that the drawing came from Dassault)

It is not a fake, I have an original copy (1969) from that magazine.



Thanks Pometablava ;)

pometablava said:
I have an original copy (1969) from that magazine.

Me too, for 10 euros i bought one exemplar of the magazine at a secondhand bookseller in Paris the 12 january 2007 at 16H00 ;D
I only kept the page with the Mirage mach 3.

Maybe the bookseller can get another one : http://www.livre-rare-book.com/Le-Carreres.htm
...and Le Fana confirmed to me that this was a true project (albeit only a short study).
Merci for the link, Deltafan 8)

Then those MD 742 and 751 are Mach 3 fighter designs not related to this "unknown designation" Mach 3 fighter from 1969. Anybody can add more information, drawings, sources. Why is so difficult to get information about French projects from that time?. No retired French engineers visiting this forum? :D
We lack a french elmayerle (Ivan Le Maillerle ;D :D) :))

Well pometablava, only way of having info is asking Le Fana again (after all, it worked nicely for the Mega Mirage mentioned above)
The project in Aviation Magazine in 1969 is a fake (but it looks like of the right project ...). Friends, you will see in june in famous French Fana aviation Magazine the right projects, and the story of this "black" program (the first French "black project" ?)

See ya ;)
Friends, you will see in june

The project from 1969 it's a fake? :eek: :eek: Wow, that's the Bomb, Mirage4000!

I'm Le Fana subscriber so...I will see ;D
MIRAGE 4000 said:
The project in Aviation Magazine in 1969 is a fake (but it looks like of the right project ...). Friends, you will see in june in famous French Fana aviation Magazine the right projects, and the story of this "black" program (the first French "black project" ?)

See ya ;)

Maybe new what if models for Archibald ;)

An answer for Pometablava :)

And three long months for me

Wait and see ;D
Archibald said:
We lack a french elmayerle (Ivan Le Maillerle ;D :D) :))

*wry chuckle* I'm flattered to be held in such esteem. I don't think my name would quite translate that way. "Evan" is the Welsh equivalent of "John", though that's not where it comes from in my family (one great-grandmother was "Eva N."). As for "Mayerle", it's of German extraction, my great grandfather Mayerle having come to the USA from there in 1880 or so.

In my case, I've always had an interest in these aircraft and I've been lucky, and capable enough, to enjoy a career in Aerospace that's put me some interesting places (though I will admit that there are times I'd have settled for less "interesting" and more "stable" situations ;) ).

I will ask that, when that article does come out, some one either at least send me a copy/scan of the article or pick me up a copy of that issue. My thanks in advance.
Friends, you will see Dassault Mach 4 fighters for the first time. It's a new page in Dassault history. Rendez-vous un june :) ;) :)
In the may's edition of Le fana, there will be the summary of the june's edition...

We'll have (or not) a first certainty in five weeks ::)

What a terrifying suspense ! ;D
Did somebody receive Le fana de l'aviation of may (and so the summary of june) ?
I've tried yesterday but it was abit too early. Same player shoot again next week ;D
Nothing about Dassault projects will be included on issue 451 :'(
First, the story of the SO 4060, and latter the Dassault Mach 3/Mach 4 fighter program ;)
MIRAGE 4000 said:
First, the story of the SO 4060, and latter the Dassault Mach 3/Mach 4 fighter program ;)

Mon dieu, le SO-4060 ? Wunderbar, c'est fantastique!! :-*
Tristesse :'(

I have received my Le Fana Nº 451 (June issue) and found neither SO 4060 nor Dassault Mach3/Mach4 marvel fighters on it.

Not a single unbuilt project this month, altough great contents for the fans as usual: Bell P-39 in the URSS, Italian Air Museum at Vigna di Valle, Escadrille Lafayette and A-4 Skyhawk variants.

Nº452 (July) will include Tu-16, A-4 part 2 and Lafayette part 2

Tomorrow I'm going to post my order for Minidocavia Nº23 Les Avions Dornier (150 designs revised). That's nice :)

Anyway, French Mach 4 designs existed!. Take a look at Gerfaut et Griffon. Serge Kaplan et Philippe Ricco. Avia Editions 2006. On page 186-187 there is info about bi-turbofan/stato powered Mach 4 interceptors and strike fighters studied in 1963/64 at Nord Aviation in collaboration with the USAF.
The article on Dassault Mach 3/Mach 4 secret fighter program is presently writing, because we found the engineer who worked on it ! We search new information with Snecma on the same time. Patience friend, it's a big work.

The program for le Fana is :

- Nord 500 and Nord aviation VTOL programs
- SO 4060
- Mirage Mach3/Mach 4

Nord Aviation proposed a Mach 3/Mach 4 projects, but the were not in the secret program with Dassault. The Mach 3/MACH 4 fighter project was secret (As you know, we saw a project in 1969 in Aviation Magazine International, but it was a fake). Soon the history of the great program ....
The article on Dassault Mach 3/Mach 4 secret fighter program is presently writing

Ok thanks Mirage 4000 ;)

Keep on waiting
MIRAGE 4000 said:
The article on Dassault Mach 3/Mach 4 secret fighter program is presently writing, because we found the engineer who worked on it ! We search new information with Snecma on the same time. Patience friend, it's a big work.

The program for le Fana is :

- Nord 500 and Nord aviation VTOL programs
- SO 4060
- Mirage Mach3/Mach 4

Nord Aviation proposed a Mach 3/Mach 4 projects, but the were not in the secret program with Dassault. The Mach 3/MACH 4 fighter project was secret (As you know, we saw a project in 1969 in Aviation Magazine International, but it was a fake). Soon the history of the great program ....

Now I'm drooling... That's fabulous !!
Argh, the fact that the 1969 drawing was afake mean that I've build the wrong model ;D
But I think I'll have more interesting stuff to kitbash soon ;)
What the role of the SO-4060 in all this story ???? this is not a mach 3/4 project to my knowldge... (on the other hand, I'll be glad if there's an article on it in Le Fana... I drool even more now...)
The Nord 500/VTOL Nord projects is for july ...

(I forget the article on Sud Aviation Cyclone)
There is the Nord 500 in Le fana of july, but nothing is foreseen about the SO 4060 for Le Fana of august... :'(
"Be patient, youg padawan..." ;D I thing this article is worth waiting some months...
Yes master ;)

But there is always new (interesting yes, but...) planes between now and the Mirage mach 4... ::)

SO 4060
Sud Cyclone
Mirage Mach 4

If only it could be a good gift for Christmas (2007 I think ;D)
MIRAGE 4000 said:
Dassault found new photos on Mirage Mach 3 projects !! :eek:
New pages for the article ! ;)

Very, very good 8)

But the article is foreseen for : november :D, december :), january :-\, later :'(

(Nothing is said in Le fana of october for Le fana of november, and you said before that there will be the Cyclone before the Mirage mach 3 projects... :-[)
Well ! :)

In the Fana of march there is the preview of the Fana of april and the first article will be :

-Mach 4, les secrets de Dassault

They show a little photo with two ("Mirage 6000" like) white lateral air intakes, the black ahead frame, the cockpit and the black nose of a plane, with the words :
A mach 3 ou mach 4 dans un "Mirage"...

Yeeepeeee ! ;D
It's what is wrote in le Fana of march and it's the first time that it's wrote in Le Fana :)

I can only hope that it's for real (I think that Mirage 4000 will post soon to confirm)

I forgot : on the little black and white photo the plane has a F-106 like cockpit with a thin central metal part

Sorry with my web problems i cannot show the photo and the preview :-[

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