DART's target suffered not a gunshot as much as a concussion? Thing settled over a long time-maybe you had a non-Newtonian deal-a pulse rebounds back to the wound/disturbed area....and rubble pile becomes rocket pile-- perhaps explaining both over-performance and the tail. Entry-wound same as exit wound as path of least resistance...contrecoup jetting. Tua's injury on the field sparked this line of thought. Medical models may be of other uses.
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wow...... i dont know what i was expecting but this is incredible. 30 minutes? that's a pretty decent deviation. DART had some heft to it.... the trail is interesting. we will have to keep monitoring this system to see what becomes of it. but absolutely fascinating! now my question is if there was an asteroid. and if the trajectory was toward earth. how exactly would we hit it to get the best results. because we can't just hit it head on. it would not be effective in stopping or altering the trajectory. so it will have to heavily depend on where it's coming from. possibly use earths gravitational pull to slingshot it into the side of it?
how exactly would we hit it to get the best results. because we can't just hit it head on. it would not be effective in stopping or altering the trajectory. so it will have to heavily depend on where it's coming from. possibly use earths gravitational pull to slingshot it into the side of it?

Remember that Earth is a moving target, so delaying an asteroid's arrival to Earth's orbit by just 10 minutes should ensure a miss. And that takes a surprisingly small change in velocity if you do it early enough.
how exactly would we hit it to get the best results. because we can't just hit it head on. it would not be effective in stopping or altering the trajectory. so it will have to heavily depend on where it's coming from. possibly use earths gravitational pull to slingshot it into the side of it?

Remember that Earth is a moving target, so delaying an asteroid's arrival to Earth's orbit by just 10 minutes should ensure a miss. And that takes a surprisingly small change in velocity if you do it early enough.
understandable. it does depend on the mass of the object though. if it's large enough. it might not work.
how exactly would we hit it to get the best results. because we can't just hit it head on. it would not be effective in stopping or altering the trajectory. so it will have to heavily depend on where it's coming from. possibly use earths gravitational pull to slingshot it into the side of it?

Remember that Earth is a moving target, so delaying an asteroid's arrival to Earth's orbit by just 10 minutes should ensure a miss. And that takes a surprisingly small change in velocity if you do it early enough.
understandable. it does depend on the mass of the object though. if it's large enough. it might not work.

DART is only proof-of-concept. Obviously a larger potential impactor would need a larger or faster interceptor. But the basic physics is the same -- slowing down the asteroid works to prevent an impact.

Obviously, the precise impact geometry may vary quite a bit, but now we know that these impacts tend to be efficient -- lots of the impact energy gets turned into delta-v.
I seem to remember hearing that this would require a 30 year head start. Falcon Heavy with a nuke should shorten that.
as a nice little easter egg, try doing a google search for "DART Mission" :)
yes. you could do that. but we are talking about theoretical scenarios that most likely no one would go over in an article you could find on google. i understand your point. but these particular missions have not been explained in an in depth elaboration.

for example. Oumuama. the cigarette shaped asteroid that was 4.7 short tons. what could we have done about that particular scenario if there was a danger? how could we hit such an elongated object with the kind of rotation that makes it almost impossible to hit correctly? detonate a nuclear warhead extremely close to it to blow it off course? or risk missing it by slamming into it DART style? that's why we discuss these things.
as a nice little easter egg, try doing a google search for "DART Mission" :)
yes. you could do that. but we are talking about theoretical scenarios that most likely no one would go over in an article you could find on google. i understand your point. but these particular missions have not been explained in an in depth elaboration.

for example. Oumuama. the cigarette shaped asteroid that was 4.7 short tons. what could we have done about that particular scenario if there was a danger? how could we hit such an elongated object with the kind of rotation that makes it almost impossible to hit correctly? detonate a nuclear warhead extremely close to it to blow it off course? or risk missing it by slamming into it DART style? that's why we discuss these things.

Talk about missing the point. YerJokinArnYa was just pointing out that if you do this Google search, you get a cute animation where the DART probe flies part way across the screen and slams into the text, then the screen content tilts sideways. You know, a joke.
as a nice little easter egg, try doing a google search for "DART Mission" :)
yes. you could do that. but we are talking about theoretical scenarios that most likely no one would go over in an article you could find on google. i understand your point. but these particular missions have not been explained in an in depth elaboration.

for example. Oumuama. the cigarette shaped asteroid that was 4.7 short tons. what could we have done about that particular scenario if there was a danger? how could we hit such an elongated object with the kind of rotation that makes it almost impossible to hit correctly? detonate a nuclear warhead extremely close to it to blow it off course? or risk missing it by slamming into it DART style? that's why we discuss these things.

Talk about missing the point. YerJokinArnYa was just pointing out that if you do this Google search, you get a cute animation where the DART probe flies part way across the screen and slams into the text, then the screen content tilts sideways. You know, a joke.
apologies. i had misunderstood. i read that as a sarcastic comment.
for example. Ouamuamua. the cigarette shaped asteroid that was 4.7 short tons. what could we have done about that particular scenario if there was a danger?
This METEOR-movie type scheme was proposed:

The B612 folks took their own shots at wit…wanting a gravity tractor that would require a matching trajectory. Even DART itself needed that—not as badly as Rosetta.

The MSFC plan gets the launch well out of the way first, and the interceptors could take more of a Deep Impact mission flyby trajectory. The interceptor would take a more direct route.

But since it was an Ares V (read: SLS) payload, the usual MSFC haters dumped all over it.

It’s still the better plan.
Really hoping we get some close up shots of Didymos post impact. Would love to see what sort of structure we're dealing with here.
View: https://twitter.com/DrPhiltill/status/1592714667994288130?t=JLoHeTqMWqQxRGUFW9pDcA&s=19
But DART didn’t go right through…so it behaved non-Newtonian?

On the subject:

New research

DART: Six Months After Impact

Streamed live March 14, 2023
On September 26, 2022, the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) spacecraft successfully collided with the asteroid Dimorphos, making history as humanity’s first demonstration of asteroid deflection. Since then, the team has been busy analyzing the data from the camera onboard the DART spacecraft and the Italian Space Agency’s Light Italian CubeSat for Imaging of Asteroids (LICIACube); making continued observations with Earth- and space-based telescopes; and modeling DART’s impact event, the ejecta evolution, and dynamics.

The team previously announced that Dimorphos’ orbital period was changed by the DART impact by 33 minutes, indicating that the ejecta contributed significantly to enhance the deflection produced by the spacecraft. This press event will share the latest results, from reconstructing the details of DART’s impact with the asteroid’s surface and simulating DART’s kinetic impact using that information to analyzing the rich LICIACube dataset and sharing the latest Hubble Space Telescope observations of the Didymos-Dimorphos system. These results are being used to fully understand DART’s impact event and its implications for future planetary defense applications if such a need should arise.

Skip to 17:00 where the introductions start.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7HJj-X-tyM
Back up plan Gt nukes orbitally or moon based. Managed by the Joint Planetary Defense Department. :)
Altering Orbit: The Impact of NASA's DART Mission

May 23, 2023
"If an asteroid one day is discovered heading for the Earth, what would you do?" The impetus for the DART mission was to answer that question, says Andy Cheng, DART investigation team lead.

Developed and led for NASA by the Johns Hopkins APL, DART demonstrated the planetary defense technique known as the kinetic impact on Sep 26, 2022. The DART spacecraft slammed into the moon of an asteroid and shifted its orbit, taking a critical step in demonstrating ways to protect our planet from a potentially hazardous impact. DART used an autonomous targeting system to aim itself at Dimorphos. The spacecraft, roughly the size of a small car, struck the smaller body at about 4 miles per second. Telescopes on Earth observed the asteroid system and measured the change in Dimorphos’ orbit around Didymos. A ride-along CubeSat named LICIACube, built by the Italian Space Agency, separated from DART before impact to observe the collision.

Prior to DART’s impact, it took Dimorphos 11 hours and 55 minutes to orbit its larger parent asteroid, Didymos. Since DART’s intentional collision with Dimorphos on Sept. 26, astronomers have been using telescopes on Earth to measure how much that time has changed. Now, the investigation team has confirmed the spacecraft’s impact altered Dimorphos’ orbit around Didymos by 32 minutes, shortening the 11-hour and 55-minute orbit to 11 hours and 23 minutes. This measurement has a margin of uncertainty of approximately plus or minus 2 minutes.
Before its encounter, NASA had defined a minimum successful orbit period change of Dimorphos as a change of 73 seconds or more. This early data show DART surpassed this minimum benchmark by more than 25 times.

In this video, the DART team looks back on the success of the world's first Planetary Defense test mission. https://dart.jhuapl.edu/

View: https://youtu.be/OaF-c9-utC0
However, a team of high school students led by teacher Jonathan Swift at Thacher School in California have discovered that Dimorphos’ orbit continued to shrink by another minute more than a month after the collision.

One possibility is that the asteroid is now tumbling, having previously been tidally locked to Didymos.

Another possibility is that material kicked up by the impact, including boulders up to a few meters across, stayed in orbit near Dimorphos and fell back onto the surface, slowing its orbit more.

Harrison Agrusa, a DART team member at the Côte d’Azur Observatory in France, thinks the second theory is more likely.

The DART team is continuing to observe Dimorphos and will publish their own results in the coming weeks.


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