The greatest number of people admitted to hospital “because of” Covid 19 were aged 45-64 years (30%).
This was in contrast to the greatest number of people in hospital “with” Covid-19, who were between the ages of 19 and 44 years (37%).
The PHS report also stated that there was a “marked difference in the age profile amongst people in hospital ‘because of’ Covid-19 compared to ‘with’ the virus.”
People in the 65 to 79 age group and the 80-plus age group accounted for 43% of all hospital admissions for Covid-19 but just 24% of people “with” a recent Covid-19 diagnosis.
The report stated: “People aged 80 years and older were more than twice as likely to be in hospital because of their Covid-19 diagnosis as compared to those recently diagnosed with Covid-19 but in hospital for a difference cause (22% versus 9%).”
Data showing whether patients had the
Omicron or
Delta variant of coronavirus was available for just over half (55%) of cases.
Among those people admitted where the variant status was known, 83% in NHS Dumfries and Galloway and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde were infected with Omicron.
In NHS Grampian, 36% of cases in hospital where variant information was known had Omicron.