Covid-19 Vaccine - Where, How & Costs

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Freedom is conceptual and we have to tolerate what's on the fringe of it for the sake of it.

You can still see folks mass-driving their dusty diesel every day despite 20 years of scientific literature on the danger of it (recently a publication showed (once more) how brain growth among kids was affected by diesel particulates in major European cities)...
From the telegraph

Scientists in Germany believe they have discovered why the Oxford-AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccines cause potentially fatal blood clots in rare cases, and claim the issue can be fixed with a minor adjustment.

The authors of a new study claim their findings show that it is not the key component of the vaccines that cause the clotting, but a separate vector virus that is used to deliver them to the body.

Both the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson jabs use a modified adenovirus, similar to the common cold virus, to deliver the spike protein of SarsCov2, the virus that causes Covid-19.

The scientists claim the delivery mechanism means the spike protein is sent into the cell nucleus rather than the cellular fluid, where the virus usually generates proteins.
In rare cases, they argue, parts of the spike protein can splice inside the nucleus, creating mutant versions which do not bind to the cell membrane where immunisation takes place, but are secreted into the body, where they can cause blood clots.

Dangerous clots in the brain have been recorded in 309 cases out of 33 million people who have received the AstraZeneca vaccine in the UK, and there have been 56 deaths.

“The adenovirus life cycle includes ... the entry of the adenoviral DNA into the nucleus, and subsequently gene transcription by the host transcription machinery,” the scientists claimed in a preprint of the study released this week.

“And exactly here lies the problem: the viral piece of DNA… is not optimised to be transcribed inside the nucleus.”

But Prof Rolf Marschalek of Frankfurt’s Goethe University, the leader of the study, claims the issue can be easily fixed by modifying the spike protein to prevent it splitting.

“With the data we have in our hands we can tell the companies how to mutate these sequences, coding for the spike protein in a way that prevents unintended splice reactions,” Prof Marsalek told the Financial Times.

He claimed Johnson & Johnson has already been in contact with his lab about a potential fix, but said he had not spoken to AstraZeneca.

“They never contacted us so we never spoke to them, but if they do I can tell them what to do to make a better vaccine,” he said.

Prof Marschalek’s claims are only one of a number of hypotheses currently being explored on why the jabs cause blood clots in some people.

A rival German study led by Prof Andreas Greinacher of Greifswald University Hospital claimed the clots were being caused by EDTA, a chemical used as a preservative in the AstraZeneca vaccine.

In a two-step process, the vaccine can cause an overreaction by the immune system in some people which causes too many platelets to form in the blood, Prof Greinacher argues.

EDTA can cause the cells in blood vessels to become “leaky”, causing platelets and proteins to flood through the body, triggering a massive immune reaction that can cause the blood clots.

“There is, in my opinion, rock-solid evidence,” Prof Greinacher claimed in April.

EDTA is not listed as an ingredient in the Johnson & Johnson vaccine but Prof Greinacher said he believes the phenomenon may be common to all vector vaccines.
A third German study released in preprint this week by scientists at Ulm University Medical Centre claims to have found unusually high levels of proteins in the AstraZeneca vaccine which it is theorized could be behind the clots.

“The often-observed strong clinical reaction one or two days after vaccination is likely associated with the detected protein impurities,” the authors of the study wrote.

The type of proteins involved “are known to affect innate and acquired immune responses and to intensify existing inflammatory reactions,” Prof Stefan Kochanek, the study leader, said. “They have also been linked to autoimmune reactions.”
The J&J vaccine has been approved for use in the U.K. As it’s a single shot vaccine it’s said it will likely be used in hard to reach groups, and where it’s difficult to get them to come in twice. I am guessing they mean the homeless for example.

Freedom is conceptual and we have to tolerate what's on the fringe of it for the sake of it.

You can still see folks mass-driving their dusty diesel every day despite 20 years of scientific literature on the danger of it (recently a publication showed (once more) how brain growth among kids was affected by diesel particulates in major European cities)...
True. It’s just that the people who are encouraging others not to be vaccinated are likely at the top rungs of the business doing it for money, and probably half the time still secretly getting themselves and their families vaccinated.
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I wouldn't put too much belief in Daily Fail. They're the kind of asshats who think tricking people into shooting each other is a good wholesome prank to pull.
They didn’t write the report did they though?

The more pertinent question is why leak the report to the Mail in particular?

It might be out the news but the pandemic is still raging in Brazil.

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Peru has revised and tripled its death toll, it now has the worst death toll per head of population in the world.


Short story: an anti-vaxx SOB (a pharmacist with that !) dies of COVID.

I hate to say that (grave dancing is toxic) but... he deserved what he got. Plus he was a friend of Nicolas ducon... pardon, Dupont Aignan, the man that tries - and always fails - to be a lower end to Marine Le Pen; which says something about his right wing "credentials".

Now, if only it could happen to Bolsonaro... what a relief that would be for Brazil. Alas, Bolsonaro poisoned the virus, not the other way around.

It’s an old style inactivated virus type vaccine.

Now who is the stupid one!!!

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Israel’s Health Ministry said on Tuesday it had found the small number of heart inflammation cases observed mainly in young men who received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine in Israel were likely linked to their vaccination.
In Israel, 275 cases of myocarditis were reported between December 2020 and May 2021 among more than 5 million vaccinated people, the ministry said in disclosing the findings of a study it commissioned to examine the matter.

Most patients who experienced heart inflammation spent no more than four days in the hospital and 95% of the cases were classified as mild, according to the study, which the ministry said was conducted by three teams of experts.

The study found “there is a probable link between receiving the second dose (of Pfizer) vaccine and the appearance of myocarditis among men aged 16 to 30,” it said in a statement.

According to the findings, such a link was observed more among men aged 16 to 19 than in other age groups.


I suspect much of the rest of the world outside the west will end up getting their vaccines from China and Russia in the end. Especially with India needing all it can for itself.

I suspect much of the rest of the world outside the west will end up getting their vaccines from China and Russia in the end.
Given the woes of the Chinese vaccines in particular, I wouldn't be so sure.
The SinoVac one got the WHO emergency stamp of approval the other day.
Given that the Chinese government still has more than a bit of influence over the WHO brass, that was not unexpected.
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