Could these be missile silo's?

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Blogger, 3D designer
10 April 2012
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from looking at these building in attached pic I am thinking they could be missile silo's what do you guys think from looking at the pic?


  • AretheseSilo's.jpg
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next to the suspected missile silos. is more work and heavy dozer tracks, but there is one interesting thing there is what looks like a clump of tree's but looking at the tree's this is seems square to be organic so I am thinking this is something camouflaged also this entire area looks to have been cleared but this shape is in middle of work area and looking at the treads in the dirt they go right through the corner were the square shape is so I am guessing this is something that was moved afterwards over the work area.


  • Possibleconcealedwork.jpg
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Missile silos in Venezuela? Seems an odd place for 'em. They are parked really close to each other if they are silos... a pack of three is less than 100 feet wide.

There is substantial construction going on nearby. Hard to tell, but it could be anything from a military base to a new city. These "silos" could be anything from septic tanks to water tanks to grain silos to fuel depots to SAM sites.
Back in December of 2010 on December 9ths the German daily “Die Welt” ran a report that the government of Venezuela had signed a treaty with Iran for the construction of an Iranian Revolutionary Guard manned missile base in Venezuela.

Venezuela denied this news article and the US pentagon said there was no indication that such a deal had been made or that a site was under construction in Venezuela.

There have been other reports suggesting that the signed deal could have the missiles based in an area located roughly around 11.6952, -69.9583 but there has not been any recent activity in region as shown by google earth that could indicate a new military base in area..

But in some circles the rumors of an Iranian based missile site in Venezuela has continued to circulate and also there have been more reports of Iranian guard personal being spotted in Venezuela.
ISNJH said:
Back in December of 2010 on December 9ths the German daily “Die Welt” ran a report that the government of Venezuela had signed a treaty with Iran for the construction of an Iranian Revolutionary Guard manned missile base in Venezuela.

Venezuela denied this news article and the US pentagon said there was no indication that such a deal had been made or that a site was under construction in Venezuela.

There have been other reports suggesting that the signed deal could have the missiles based in an area located roughly around 11.6952, -69.9583 but there has not been any recent activity in region as shown by google earth that could indicate a new military base in area..

But in some circles the rumors of an Iranian based missile site in Venezuela has continued to circulate and also there have been more reports of Iranian guard personal being spotted in Venezuela.

If it were true I imagine their life expectancy would be somewhat similar to a snowflake's in hell.
Can you guys see what I am talking about with the object that looks like a camouflaged structure in the one pic?

For a civilian site I have never seen efforts to camouflage something, only ever saw that at military related sites.
Here is a photo showing size and space between the larger ground based interceptor silo's in alaska!


  • Sizeandspacing.jpg
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Wouldn't happen to be pads for drilling rigs or nodding donkeys?

Rigs are camouflaged in certain areas e.g.

And in Southern England where they and the vehicles are painted up like BAOR vehicles.
Drilling sites also have heavy earthmovers to dig the pits - are there any large "ponds" nearby? Plus some of the equipment needs sheltered from tropical rain, so that might explain that structure being covered in palm fronds etc.

Or am I being too Occamic?

ISNJH said:
Back in December of 2010 on December 9ths the German daily “Die Welt” ran a report that the government of Venezuela had signed a treaty with Iran for the construction of an Iranian Revolutionary Guard manned missile base in Venezuela.

Venezuela denied this news article and the US pentagon said there was no indication that such a deal had been made or that a site was under construction in Venezuela.

There have been other reports suggesting that the signed deal could have the missiles based in an area located roughly around 11.6952, -69.9583 but there has not been any recent activity in region as shown by google earth that could indicate a new military base in area..

But in some circles the rumors of an Iranian based missile site in Venezuela has continued to circulate and also there have been more reports of Iranian guard personal being spotted in Venezuela.

Do you have some political agenda in tying Hugo Chavez with Iran? I don't think anybody really cares.
No any comments are welcome and you make a good point!

Other have pointed out that this is Ezequiel Zamora fish farm named after the Venezuela army general! all though its supposed to be a fish farm there are is only one picture of site that I can find of the site from up in the air, and although its said the site is open for people to come and visit and a pound that people will be allowed to fish at, there are no tourist pictures of on site showing the many attractions of site or close up of those buildings from ground level. only mention is in state press of site..
No I dont have an agenda, its just I recently saw another news article about a suspect site inside country and when looking over the site came across this site and from the current google earth images of the location the site did look suspicious from the air esp with how the one building seemed to be camouflaged.
sublight said:
Do you have some political agenda in tying Hugo Chavez with Iran? I don't think anybody really cares.

Hugo's hosted visits by Ahmadinejad on a couple of occasions, where they have spoken joyously of a "world without America" or the equivalent malarkey.

I don't think HC is stupid enough to try Cuban Missile Crisis II, but one never knows.
I only mentioned Iran missile silo because Orionblamblam said missile silo's in Venezuela seemed odd place and I was just mentioning that there had been a German news paper that talked about some agreement that has supposedly been reached between Venezuela and Iran on base hosting, but this is a fish farm and only thing that made me think military perhaps was the sat image of area was from early on in construction and the building that looked camouflaged looked rather suspicious being so close to those slabs that are hard to tell what they were but looked a little like some sort of slabs.
ISNJH said:
Other have pointed out that this is Ezequiel Zamora fish farm named after the Venezuela army general!

Are you sure it's not a baby milk factory?


After years of cheap dictators dressing up military installations like civilian facilities in the hopes of forestalling attacks, I wouldn't be surprised if Chavez got it into his head to dress up a civilian facility like a military installation to *invite* an attack that he could then use for PR purposes.
I doubt it's a missile base. Cramming their silos together like that makes them too easy to disable with a conventional strike, and Iran simply isn't able to back up Hugo the way the Soviets were able to back up Fidel. Then again, maybe the Iranians are just that stupid.
GeorgeA said:
sublight said:
Do you have some political agenda in tying Hugo Chavez with Iran? I don't think anybody really cares.

Hugo's hosted visits by Ahmadinejad on a couple of occasions, where they have spoken joyously of a "world without America" or the equivalent malarkey.

I don't think HC is stupid enough to try Cuban Missile Crisis II, but one never knows.
The only reason he is talking to Iran is the many coup and assassination attempts we've thrown his way. Maybe if we didn't let BP/Exxon/Chevron dictate our Venezuelan foreign policy we could focus better on more important problems like Iran and North Korea.
sublight said:
The only reason he is talking to Iran is the many coup and assassination attempts we've thrown his way. Maybe if we didn't let BP/Exxon/Chevron dictate our Venezuelan foreign policy we could focus better on more important problems like Iran and North Korea.

Now that's some funny, funny stuff.
Enough, I can see this topic is going to the dogs. Locked.
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