UK's post-glacial isostasis hinge-line runs WSW/ENE through my location. We have neither Scotland's benefit of 'primary' up-lift nor S/SE/SW UK's worry about sinking due 'secondary' effects. Uh, how many metres are London's 'Roman Stuff' now below current bench-mark ??
FWIW, my location close to hinge line means a lot of local strata are 'mildly' fractured, enough to provide umpteen mild quakes when lubricated by hapless gas-fracking attempts. Same fractures previously put an end to local collieries....
Fortunately, we do not face wide-spread subsidence due to water or gas extraction. Some areas have collapsing coal or salt mines, but they're 'localised'....
So, here is not affected by isostasis, we just have to worry about sea level rising.
As we already have BIG tides (4m Neap ~~ 10m Spring) plus Atlantic gales driving BIG waves with lonnng 'fetch' and serious 'surge', plus a lot of soft coasts that are little more than glacial moraine, we're a tad sensitive about thermal expansion and those melting ice-caps...