Is not the current plan an Apollo style landing split between two Long March 10 rockets? By Apollo style I mean not in number and size of rockets, but rather in the size of the capsule and lander to be delivered. The Artemis plan in contrast is more to build to a permanent presence with a space station, reusable lander, etc. The latter will take far more time to completely achieve and is spread across four delivery platforms.
Here's a rough size comparison between Mengzhou and the other lunar capsules (Orion, 7K-LOK and Apollo CSM), the capsule proper is 4.5m wide at its base, while the service module is 5m at its widest (about the same width as the CZ-10). The capsule is ~26-27t, comparable to Orion.

The Lanyue lander proper is about the same size as the LM, afaik. But it only does the last part of the descent and the ascent to Lunar orbit, the Lunar Insertion and most of the descent is done by the Crasher stage.


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Is not the current plan an Apollo style landing split between two Long March 10 rockets? By Apollo style I mean not in number and size of rockets, but rather in the size of the capsule and lander to be delivered. The Artemis plan in contrast is more to build to a permanent presence with a space station, reusable lander, etc. The latter will take far more time to completely achieve and is spread across four delivery platforms.
Because even Long March 10 is enough to launch other things, such as a pressurized lunar rover and a lunar orbital station
China looking to Baikonur just got a boost:

They could have methalox fuel and a pad for a song
China looking to Baikonur just got a boost:

They could have methalox fuel and a pad for a song
Hainan is much better suited for launches, there's literally no use case for Baikonur.

Also, this news has nothing to do with thw Chinese Space Program.

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