I don't get it. The joke doesn't make sense. Is it confirming the fact that there is an intelligent rover on mars? What about all the other rovers already there on Mars?
I am unclear about the following: What is the capability of the United States to observe, track and identify any component of any spacecraft, like a booster that separates? It seems to me that such a capability exists and that computers could calculate all relevant information about reentry of a first stage booster as is the case here. What information does the United States want from China? That is the question. The word transparency has no obvious meaning.
I am unclear about the following: What is the capability of the United States to observe, track and identify any component of any spacecraft, like a booster that separates? It seems to me that such a capability exists and that computers could calculate all relevant information about reentry of a first stage booster as is the case here. What information does the United States want from China? That is the question. The word transparency has no obvious meaning.
I've read this 3 times and I still don't know what you're scratching at. Are you saying because the US has radar, that fact absolves China from acting responsibly?
I would like to congratulate the people who did the alt hist Dawn of the Dragon.

They got the pivoting right. The Chinese focused on the Moon for two decades to use it as a proving ground, and then turned on a dime and pivoted to Mars. If they pull off an MSR mission by 2030... that would be quite the propaganda coup.

While it's probably a case of the world not paying attention to CNSA reports written in Chinese, one wonders whether there was an element of deception in CNSA's seemingly sudden and rapid pivot to Mars, as there was in the work of fiction.

TLiaW: Dawn of the Dragon

Is it confirming the fact that there is an intelligent rover on mars?
I was wondering that myself.
I'm pretty sure they were talking about how they had confirmed that earthlings exist, and perhaps how rovers confirm that earthlings are indeed intelligent.

It's a random generic joke they decided to relay through the twitter feed, and may not necessarily mean anything.

The "earthlings are (not) intelligent life" joke is pretty old. Indeed, it is widely known that cynics doubt whether intelligent life exists on Earth at all.

While the science goals of the rover may be somewhat modest, it is also expected to be a technology demonstration for a much more ambitious future project. By 2028 or 2030, China hopes to send a sample-return mission to Mars to bring pristine Martian rocks back to Earth. That timing is similar to, or perhaps even in advance of, when NASA and ESA plan to do the same with their own interplanetary grab-and-go effort. “Will it be China bringing the first Mars material back to Earth, or will it be NASA and ESA?” says Jacqueline Myrrhe, a journalist affiliated with the Chinese space Web site Go Taikonauts! “This could be a very good question.”
Oh,Jesus……LHAASO find the 1.4PeV gamma photons and 12 stable ultrahigh energy gamma-ray sources?!
Oh,Jesus……LHAASO find the 1.4PeV gamma photons and 12 stable ultrahigh energy gamma-ray sources?!
Err...what found what?
the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory find 12 stable ultrahigh energy gamma-ray sources and 1.4 Pev gamma photons from the universe.
I'm unfamiliar with the instrument and the field. What is the significance of this detection?
The ultrahigh energy gamma-ray astronomy is beginning by the country in the east asia.
5 days have past since landing on Mars
no pictures an no new information since Sunday in Chinese media

my guess it landed, but very hard on surface…
5 days have past since landing on Mars
no pictures an no new information since Sunday in Chinese media

my guess it landed, but very hard on surface…

translation by google

According to related reports, the Zhurong rover's ground-to-ground communication rate is only about 16bps, which is only used to transmit key sensor data.

The average communication rate between the rover and the orbiter is 20 Mbps, but it can only communicate once a day, and it only takes 8-10 minutes.

The communication rate of the surround device to the ground is up to 4Mbps, but communication is only half of the time per day.
5 days have past since landing on Mars
no pictures an no new information since Sunday in Chinese media

my guess it landed, but very hard on surface…

Actually I don't know and still hope ... here an official response regarding photos from Martian surface:

最近很多人问为什么祝融号到现在依然没有图片回传?着陆两三天了都还没回传是不是有问题balabala,诶,这可别着急,下面就分析一下为什么直到现在都没有照片的原因,如图所示(资料来源@航天爱好者网 ),落火当天使用的是自主的直接对地通讯方式,这个对地通讯模式的传输速率仅仅为16bps,也就是一秒传输2个字节,在这种带宽下,仅仅只能判断探测器状态,极其难以实现图片回传,如果一张100KB的低清图片没有经过压缩的话,使用这个小水管回传需要大概14小时左右,这还是不考虑祝融号本身测控的所占用的带宽,但是,在三个火星日之后,也就是今天晚上呢,火星车会和在轨道上面的天问一号第一次尝试建立UHF通讯链路,每次持续8-10分钟,建立以后每天能够回传20Mbit(2.5MB)的数据,再之后每3天会建立一次X波段的通讯链路,这种通讯链路的每次通讯的数据就达到了50Mbit(6.25MB)的数据,所以,如果一切都顺利的话,今天晚上可能拿到祝融号的第一批大小约为2.5MB的数据,就让我们敬请期待这2.5MB小小的数据包里面有没有着陆后的照片吧。如果没有也不要灰心,再等几天,数据会陆续的传回来,相信早晚会看到我国第一张从火星表面发来的照片的!
Many people are asking how come there still aren't any photos from Zhurong yet. It's been three days since landing and still no photo back, is there a problem blablabla. Don't be so hasty, we will analyse the reason behind lack of photo.

On the day of the landing the lander will be talking to earth via direct communication. In this mode the bandwidth is 16bps, so 2 bytes per second. At this speed the comms is only sufficient for judging spacecraft status and not enough for transmission of photos. A 100KB uncompressed low resolution photo will take 14 hours to transfer at this rate, and this is not taking into account Zhurong's own bandwidth requirements. 3 Sols after landing (Monday night, 17/05/2021) the rover will attempt first UHF communication with Tianwen-1 in orbit, and each transmission attempt will last 8-10 minutes. Once established each day it will support 20Mbit (2.5MB) of data. Then after this every 3 days the rover will attempt to establish X band communication, this channel will support 50Mbit (6.25MB) of data per connection. Thus tonight (night of 17/05/2021) first data pack of 2.5MB should arrive, hopefully this 2.5MB data pack will have some post landing photos. If not worry not, more data will come in the coming days, sooner or later you will see first photo from the Martian surface.

People probably aren't going to be impressed with low resolution photos and trying to cram a high resolution photo in the 2.5mb data isn't really a good use of that bandwidth since there are lots of other things needing to be sent back to earth I'm sure.

via https://m.weibo.cn/status/4638191669478344?

Shen zhou (divine vessel / sacred boat) is a homonym of Shen zhou (divine continent/territory), a poetic descriptor of the great heartland of China.

They dodged a bullet on that one, because if it had been the more prosaic 'Space Vessel' rather than 'Sacred Boat' some clever wordsmith would inevitably have come up with the unflattering nickname of 'Space Junk'.

I'll get my coat...
Doesn't look like an official announcement to me. More like one of those dream project papers NASA publishes yearly.

It sounds slick, but I'd wait a few more years. The interstellar precursor probe is on far more solid ground.
The space station’s core Tianhe module is powered by four ion drives – also known as Hall effect thrusters – a form of electronic propulsion that has been around for decades and could dramatically slash the time needed to travel to the red planet.

The International Space Station, for instance, consumes over four tonnes of fuel annually to stay in its near-Earth orbit. If powered by ion thrusters, its consumption would drop to 400kg (881lbs), requiring just one refuelling mission a year, according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Most ion thrusters that have been used in space generate around 1 kilowatt in power, but China is planning to make them much bigger as part of its ambitious space programme.

Heng wrote that in Shanghai, ground testing had started on HET-3000, a 50KW engine “designed mainly for large-scale crewed missions, cargo transport missions to the moon and Mars”.

When fired up, the ion drive produces bluish fumes and halo rings that are caused by extremely hot, electrically charged particles leaving the engine at 30-plus times the speed of sound.

The Chinese team have been testing the thrusters to the limit to ensure the engines can withstand the damage caused by the particles well enough to be used safely in manned missions. According to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the ion drive has burned non-stop for 8,240 hours – or more than 11 months – without a glitch, an indicator that they can easily meet the Chinese space station’s designated 15-year lifespan.

To protect the engine from erosion, researchers put a magnetic field over the engine’s inner wall to repel damaging particles. Chinese scientists have also created a special ceramic material designed to remain stable for a long time in the face of extreme heat or radiation.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xXOrvNyqtw
One of the four Booster of Long March 2F/G of Shenzhou 12 launch
hit a road on landing
interesting is that the booster has a parachute


no, not Long March 2,it's Long March 3B

Test use parachute to control the drop point of the booster
Tried to reply to the post on the day, but my connection was acting up as usual!

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