Can ballistic missiles be used as anti-shipping weapons?

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voidmage said:
Re-entry vehicles can greatly accelerate while reposition its axis toward earth's gravitational field

RVs from OUTSIDE Earth's orbit. Stardust was not in Earth orbit.

voidmage said:
ICBM builders simply,where this don’t hamper efficiency and operativity of the system,chose to don't do it for dodge enormous precision(CEP -Circular Error Probability-) and aerodynamic heating’s dispersion problems.

They don't do it because it's not possible. A ballistic missile flying 11+ kms/sec would never come back down. (Yes, I know, Earth's escape velocity is 11.2 km/sec but you know what I mean.)

voidmage said:
Today,not only MaRV but even spacecrafts,like return capsules with heat-sensible space "laboratory",satellites and experimental electronics systems,can exceed 11 km/s of re-entry speed (also if,for clear reasons,makers try where it is possibile,to avoid that),example: three years ago NASA’s Stardust has reached nearly 13 km/s

The probe was not in Earth orbit. You seem to be getting a lot mixed up. No ballistic missile launched warhead of any type will ever come close to 11 km/s. ICBMs are more in the 6.7 km/s - 7.2 km/s velocity range.
The probe was not in Earth orbit. You seem to be getting a lot mixed up......

.... set the record for the fastest reentry speed of a spacecraft into Earth’s atmosphere – experiencing 12.9 kilometers per second (28,900 miles per hour).

This articule concern HDM- Heat Dissipating Material -for re-entry vehicles...i am desperate with you..
I have suggested to myself to ever maintain a very friendly tone....but now,i must sum up your interventions:
at my first post you responded
"Are you saying the missile can cover 2000 km in 3 seconds? a better math will be needed."

My response:"....a DF-21 can cover the entire distance traveled by a carrier at its max speed from the launching istant to its maximum range (2100 km)in about ...3 SECONDS!!"
Now the math: Mach 10,3 = 12.614,4 Km/h or 210,4 km/min , then it cover its max range(2100km)in 9,9809886 minutes,i have rounded up to 10 min. A Nimitz class aircraft carrier have a max speed of 30 Kt/h or 55,56 Km/h.
In 10 minutes the carrier can travel 1/6 of this distance or 9,26 km. Mach 10,3 is about 3,5 km/s (rounded down), a DF-21 then can cover 9,26 km in 2,6457143 seconds (i still have rounded up to 3 second in Nimitz carrier's favour!).

Your response to this:
Taking just the terminal velocity as the average one in not how ballistic works, i think the missile will take even more time to reach the ship

From this (easly veryfiable) chronological intervention's succession at least two things appear clears
1)You don't believe who a ballistic missile can cover similar distances in so short time...,but after i have proved to you not only that,but also who a similar percorrence's time to max range is very hight for a intermediate ballistic missile... you have realized your gross mistake and have changed your aim a my response to that intervention(but who is in contrast with point 2)

2)Yourself know perfectly who re-entry speed can(it is not always true)be highter than midcourse phase speed .. “ Taking just the terminal velocity as the average one in not how ballistic works, i think the missile will take even more time to reach the ship”. All object in a low gravity influence state,also without any induced(and in is NOT the case of ballistic missiles) variations of its speed,experiment ,with the grow of a gravitational field influence producted by a high mass object,a increase to its speed( think only to the “gravitational slingshot”)..ballistic missiles are directed from 1200-1600 km toward earth’s surface with engines. Builders usually chose a slower speed but only because at contact with atmosphere a minimal fraction of its energy is transformed in thermal energy by the effect of air friction( this can become a great problem) and the differences in speed above 6 km/s don’t produce any significative difference in ABM capacity to intercept it.

At each response you have changed your version and the “escape route”(because the previous become..impraticable) but the possibility are in finite numbers.
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