Books from Harpia-Publishing

Hi, Deino

many thanks for your information on the latest Harpia Publishing books.
I have already received my copies and finished reading the bok in IASF. Very nice stuff, indeed.

The 4th volume on Arab MiGs is really exciting. I like the new drawings (SAM sites) and hope for more in future (?) volumes.
Do you know about any more upcoming Arab MiGs volumes as the 1973 War is still missing?
Peter Wimpsey said:
Hi, Deino

many thanks for your information on the latest Harpia Publishing books.
I have already received my copies and finished reading the bok in IASF. Very nice stuff, indeed.

The 4th volume on Arab MiGs is really exciting. I like the new drawings (SAM sites) and hope for more in future (?) volumes.
Do you know about any more upcoming Arab MiGs volumes as the 1973 War is still missing?

YES, very nice stuff indeed and even more its more than interesting to learn more about the other side of conflict or simply another opinion others than the so often repeated version mostly based on Israel's point of view. That's especially the point which I like the most on Harpia's approach - similar to my own book on the Chinese military: They don't care about what's written everywhere but what's behind even if some might don't like that.

Regarding the still "missing" 1973 War I think - to admit I'm not completely thru the book since I started with The Israeli AF book during the holydays (but Crete was too nice !) - this volume ends right before the war broke out in 1973 ... as such Vol. 5 will cover these events and for more I will ask Tom !

So hopefully more later,
Here it is ... ;)

Tom said:
We've just started working on Arab MiGs 5, are are still discussing the precise way to take. Thus, the best I can offer are some 'preliminary thoughts', i.e. a - rather rough - outline. (From that aspect, it would be actually interesting to hear any possible suggestions from readers.)

Yes, it's obvious that Volume 5 is heading for October 1973 Arab-Israeli War. Most likely, the same will be the case with Volume 6 too. But, what exactly is it (or are they) going to contain...?

Primary issue remains the coverage of Arab air forces, that's clear.

Secondary issue will be to provide the first ever - balanced - coverage of this air war at all. There are plenty of books about this war in general, all of them covering politics, intelligence (especially how Arabs managed to achieve a 'strategic surprise' on Israel), and - especially - on ground warfare. There are few 'general' books covering air warfare, but actually only in outline. Some book-authors went even so far as to say 'air warfare was not important for this conflict' (ho-hum...guess they never wondered 'how comes?'). There is a plethora of books about various IDF/AF units, with extensive chapters on their participation (characterised by getting 'particularly obscure' in regards of description of their losses or even operations that went wrong). There are some more recent Israeli books covering specific processes of decision-making related to the IDF/AF etc (like Peled's 30 Hours in October). But, there is not a single book so far concentrating solely on the issue of air warfare in 1973, and going in all relevant directions, i.e. providing a combination of strategic, tactical, and technological coverage, blow-by-blow descriptions, and summaries.

Third issue will be the following matter: careful readers of Volume 4 might have already observed that 'something is missing' between Chapters 5 and 6. That's right: we've had to remove the original Chapter 6, which was covering the 'No War, No Peace' phase of sporadic skirmishes between Egypt, Israel and Syria, in period 1970-1973. There was simply no place left in that volume for that chapter. So, this Chapter will be the starting point of Volume 5.

For all these reasons, we'll have to 'cover the IDF/AF too', at least a 'lil bit' more, in Volumes 5 and 6. Guess, this will be primarily related to dedicating more attention to cross-examination of Arab and Israeli claims. I guess we might decide to add boxes on Israeli nukes (i.e. Meir's 'nuclear alert & nuclear blackmail', which I find a particularly interesting, yet terribly underreported affair, especially because it stands in very close relation to the IDF/AF, of course, but also because it's entirely unlikely anybody in the West might come to the idea to publish some of the stuff that is meanwhile well-known); there might also be boxes on Combat Tree (hehe, I really doubt the IDF/AF F-4 crews were all the time detecting MiGs 'visually', as legends explain; alone considering how dependable Israel became on high-tech by that time in all other aspects related to defence, makes this entirely unlikely), on not only the US-, but also the Israeli (El Al) air-bridge from the USA (which began nearly a week earlier than the US air bridge); on Soviet air bridge etc. And also, I would like to add more artworks to either volume: this was the last major war of Egyptian, Iraqi and Syrian MiG-17s, and I think it would be 'nice' to offer them a sort of 'farewell' in this fashion.

But most of all, I hope there will be enough space for all the stuff we would like to squeeze in these two volumes.

Regarding their publishing dates: Vol. 5 should follow next year in September or October, not sure right now, but it's not going to be earlier or later. However, presently it looks like we'll do the Volume 6 'only' in 2016. At least it is so that Harpia has something else in plan for 2015. We'll see what happens (relevant decisions are unlikely to be brought before sometimes in spring or summer the next year, more likely only in September-October 2014).

We do have enough materials of necessary depth for one more volume, i.e. something covering the post-1973 times. But with that we're already talking about some long-term future (say, 'more than 3-4 years from now'). We'll see what comes out of that.

Since we already have Latin American Mirages and African Migs from Harpia in the past - both with quite unique and superb coverage

wondering if Harpia have plans or are considering for future publishing on the below lines :

Asian and African Mirages III/5/50/Kfir/2000 etal

- India , Pakistan , Sri Lanka , Taiwan , UAE , Saudi Arabia , Qatar and the bunch of african countries till Zaire - no dearth of countries involved in conflicts

Part II could be Europe and Australia - possibly less exciting when compared to the first
Jus found for later this year ..

The next volume of our Arab MiGs series will be published in late Sep 2014.
As usual, it will face a lot of pictures, artworks, diagrams and lots of unpublished information.

The second book, also to be published in late Sep 2014, will cover the history of all AEW&C operators as off today.
It will be another typical book by Harpia Publishing, covering an unusual topic.


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Just a question regarding "Modern Chinese Warplanes" !

I've noticed that in the current issue of AirForces Monthly (August 2014) there is a review written by Glenn Sanders (!?) ... can anyone post that one here ???

Here you go - wondering why its taken AFM almost 2 years for a review - unless it was stored for that long and just discovered now ;D


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Thanks ... sound like quite a nice one !

By the way - sorry to re-ask again - could You post it a bit, a slightly bit larger ?? ???... I think I'm getting older !!! ;)
what is the difference between below book and above one? Just received the copy of former one.


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digitalimage said:
what is the difference between below book and above one? Just received the copy of former one.

Sorry for the late reply !

There's no difference to the "Dragon's Wings" with the new cover and this is only the first proposal for the cover, which was used to advertise or announce the book. However I was not very happy with this one and together we decided on the second / later design, which was sadly not replaced by all sellers on their web-pages.

This book "Dragon's Wings" is mainly related on the Chinese Aviation Industry and the different programs, projects and aircraft types + versions. The Harpia book You asked in contrast is a PLAAF/PLANAF-related compendium containing the Chinese Air Forces, its structure and most of all the ORBAT.

Here's a longer tread + reviews:,16508.0.html

Anyway I hope You like the book,
Thanks for the clarification! I'm from China, and I think your book is most closet one ,in English, to the fact that I knew about PLAF.
Thanks ! ;)

Anyway if You have anything to comment, add or especially correct ... then please do not hesitate !

By the way I met the Publisher / Owner from Harpia yesterday and during dinner we some very nice and more than interesting discussions on books, magazines + print-media in these changing times, plans for future Harpia releases and aviation in general.

And I can promise, they have some nice ideas for the next years. ::) ??? ;)

Here are the two new books from Harpia-Publishing !

As usual, some six month prior the publishing date we announce our two books for autumn 2015!
The first one will be an historical one:

Arab MiGs, Volume 6 - October 1973 War: Part 2

And as usual our second book will be a contemporary one:

Russia's Warplanes - Russian-made Military Aircraft and Helicopters Today: Volume 1


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Re: Books from Harpia-Publishing - 2015 "Russia’s Warplanes"

A small update in regard to the new book on "Russia's Warplanes":

Russia’s Warplanes is set to become the standard reference work on the subject. Written by an acknowledged expert in the field, this will serve as an exhaustive directory of the latest products of Russia’s military aviation industry. As well as outlining aircraft that currently equip the various Russian air arms, the first of two volumes also takes into account aircraft developed for and fielded by foreign states in the post-Soviet era.

Piotr Butowski provides authoritative technical descriptions for each military aircraft – and every significant sub-variant – currently available from Russia’s aerospace industry, or otherwise in large-scale service. With the level of accuracy and insight familiar to Harpia’s regular readers, each aircraft profile also includes specifications, and details of operators, upgrades, avionics and weapons.

The first of two volumes on the subject presents in-depth coverage of tactical combat aircraft, trainers, Army Aviation helicopters, reconnaissance and surveillance aircraft, airborne command posts and relay aircraft. As such, the breadth of this work extends from the latest multi-role fighters developed by Mikoyan and Sukhoi, via successive generations of combat rotorcraft, to airborne early warning and electronic intelligence-gatherers.

As well as familiar types such as the Su-30MK family of fighters and Mi-24/35 assault helicopters that have proven so successful on the export market, Russia’s Warplanes extends its reach to the various new and upgraded types that are beginning to populate Russia’s rejuvenated air arms, including those still under development, including the enigmatic ‘fifth-generation’ Sukhoi T-50 fighter.

Additional assets, including long-range bombers, maritime aircraft, strategic transport and tanker aircraft, theater and special purpose transports, and air-launched weapons will be dealt with in Volume 2.

Supplemented by many photographs, some of which from exclusive sources, as well as specially created maps and diagrams, Volume 1 of Russia’s Warplanes launches the most comprehensive study of the fixed- and rotary wing aircraft types – manned and unmanned – that can currently be found in Russian service or which are being built or offered for export.

... even further Tom Cooper just posted the contents of the Volume 1 of this book (as of July 2015):


Chapter 1: Tactical Combat Aircraft
Mikoyan MiG-29
Mikoyan MiG-29K (MiG-29M, MiG-35)
Mikoyan MiG-31
Sukhoi Su-24M
Sukhoi Su-25
Sukhoi Su-27
Sukhoi Su-30, Irkutsk line
Sukhoi Su-30, Komsomolsk-on-Amur line
Sukhoi Su-33
Sukhoi Su-34
Sukhoi Su-35
Sukhoi T-50
Future tactical aircraft: MiG E-721, Sukhoi Okhotnik, RSK MiG Skat, Yakolev Proryv-U and RSK MiG Gonshchik

Chapter 2: Attack and Transport Helicopters
Kamov Ka-50 and Ka-52
Mil Mi-8
Mil Mi-24 and Mi-35M
Mil Mi-26
Mil Mi-28N
Future Army Aviation helicopters: LMTsV-4,5 (Mil Mi-54, Kazan Ansat-3),
LMTsV (Kamov Ka-62), PSTDV (Mil Mi-38-3), PSSTDV (Mil Mi-37) and
Next-generation combat helicopters

Chapter 3: Reconnaissance and Surveillance Aircraft
Beriev A-50 and A-100
Beriev An-30
Ilyushin Il-20
Kamov Ka-31 and Ka-35
Sukhoi Su-24MR
Tupolev Tu-154M-LK1
Tupolev Tu-214ON
Tupolev Tu-214R
Future Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircraft
Unmanned aircraft: Yakvlev Pchela and IAI/UWCA Forpost
New generation of large unmanned aircraft: Altius-M, Transas Inokhodets, TsAGI Obzor and Vega Korsar
Unmanned helicopters: Ka-135, Ka-175, Ka-117, Albatross and Ka-126

Chapter 4: Special Mission Aircraft
Antonov An-12 electronic warfare variants
Beriev A-60
Ilyushin/Myasishchev Il-22
Ilyushin Il-80
Ilyushin/Beriev Il-82
Mil Mi-8 electronic warfare variants
Mil Mi-9 and Mi-19
Tupolev Tu-142MR
Military balloons
Future airborne command post: Zveno-3S, Foreytor-S, Yastreb and Forvard-M
Future jamming aircraft: Tu-214PP

Appendix I: Aircraft design, scientific and production facilities


Each of aircraft/helicopter/UAV-related chapters is further organized as follows:
- Manufacturer
- Role
- Crew
- Airframe & Systems
- Powerplant (per sub-variant)
- Dimensions
- Weights
- Performance
- Fire-Control System
- Avionics
- Self-Protection Equipment
- Armament
- History
- Production and Operators
- Variants (as necessary)
- Selected foreign upgrades (when introduced to service)


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It will be good to get a survey from someone other than the usual team of Gordon & Komissarov. What is the anticipated publication date as of now?
As far as I know 19. November ...
Harpia Books are generally launched @IPMS Scale Model World in UK Telford in Oct/Nov

I was there last year for the Launch of Arab Migs vol 5 and AEW book during Nov

This year its on Nov 7/8 - so i presume that's the official launch date
Deino said:
Here are the two new books from Harpia-Publishing !

As usual, some six month prior the publishing date we announce our two books for autumn 2015!
The first one will be an historical one:

Arab MiGs, Volume 6 - October 1973 War: Part 2

Harpia updated its HP with the usual animated previews !

And as usual our second book will be a contemporary one:

Russia's Warplanes - Russian-made Military Aircraft and Helicopters Today: Volume 1

Arab MiGs, Volume 6 - October 1973 War: Part 2

Russia's Warplanes - Russian-made Military Aircraft and Helicopters Today: Volume 1
I like the look of "Russia's Warplanes", but something in the table of contents caught my eye: Beriev Tu-142MR! Since when is the "Bear" not a Tupolev airplane?
Might have something to do with the Ilyushin Il-76's AEW derivative being a Beriev product too: A-50.
Either that, or an error.

I've read about a Tu-142 production line at Taganrog - wasn't that Beriev's home?
By the way Tom just informed me that the cover includes a new T50-profile ... somehow this old appeared on this preview and this will be corrected later this day.
Deino said:
By the way Tom just informed me that the cover includes a new T50-profile ... somehow this old appeared on this preview and this will be corrected later this day.

Here it is ....


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hope there are info and chapters on the armaments esp the new missiles
Krishna_j said:
hope there are info and chapters on the armaments esp the new missiles

As you can see in the published contents pages there is a subchapter on weaponry.
As far as we know there will be a separate chapter in volume 2 describing the weapons as in previous books like 'Modern Chinese Warplanes' and 'Modern Israeli Air Power'.
Peter Wimpsey said:
Krishna_j said:
hope there are info and chapters on the armaments esp the new missiles

As you can see in the published contents pages there is a subchapter on weaponry.
As far as we know there will be a separate chapter in volume 2 describing the weapons as in previous books like 'Modern Chinese Warplanes' and 'Modern Israeli Air Power'.

Have Volume 1 with me now - there is no seperate chapter on weapons - maybe next volume may cover the new weapons and missiles

I see what you mean, but it has been said somewhere earlier in this thread that each aircraft type features a weapon section as other sections relevant for the system airplane or helicopter.

I have spoken with Tom about it. Due to the size of such a chapter they hope to include it in Volume 2.

When you do it in a way they did with 'Modern Chinese Warplanes' or 'Modern Israeli Air Power' it will be a seperate booklet.
But this is then up to the publisher to decide, unfortunately not us.
Russian Warplanes - Piotr Butowski Harpia Publications - *****

Incidently ,Piotr Butowski was to come out with a 2 volume Encyclopedia on Russian Aviation Directory by the defunct Aerospace Publishing in the late 90's - so this 2 volume series (albeit a different topic) is a new offering as there are few english language books published by him.

Harpia Publishing’s latest title covers Russian combat planes in current Russian service (thus newer variants /upgrades of Mig 21/23/27 etc lose out) , along with all the choppers , electronic/special purpose/awacs with the latest technical details .There is a wealth of information (many of them new) with a chapter given to each aircraft with superb quality of paper/printing and many unseen and new photographs and very informative details .

The Directory has a consistent structure format ;it covers a brief introduction, history,engine/powerplant ,avionics upgrades ,variants , future plans for the aircraft and countries where exported or planned in the future,text on weapons in deployment ,units ,Russian designations etc

There is also a chapter on planned future warplanes with many details that are of interest to the enthusiast - however Piotr cautions in his preface - that many of these "new" projects may not see the light of day due to the prevailing economic conditions and current affairs.

As a discerning reader , a few areas where i feel Harpia can work on the next Volume II :

1.There is no dearth of information on the weapons with lots of text -

- what could have helped embellish the text esp on the combat aircraft are a few diagrams on the weapons configuration/sensors of aircraft for example diagrams showing the typical weapons configuration on maybe an SU-34 and the depiction on the various pylons .

Looking at many of the different types and their variants - a few diagrams could help illustrate the differences and would have been well appreciated On Pp 182 there are profile diagrams showing diff versions of the IL-20 and Il - 22 but none for any of the other aircraft type.

Perhaps this is all due to publisher discretion and size limitations

Nevertheless this is a stunning piece of work with excellent colour photographs and a MUST BUY on this exotic subject , for its stunning wealth of information and which will serve as the definitive guide on this subject for the near future.
No - no artworks either

the publishers felt colour photos would suffice
foiling said:
Are there any general arrangement/3 view drawings in Russia's Warplanes?

To my knowledge there have never been any 3D drawings in Harpia books, but I do not have all of them.
Need to change it being next time in UK.

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