LONG ARM was a project evaluating medium jet aircraft (T-37) for Army battlefield observation needs. This would have been about the same time as the work on QUIET BIRD.
"On 14 September, the Department of the Army approved the plan, subject to additional changes. CONARC then asked the Army Aviation School to submit personnel requisitions for the test unit, a detailed budget estimate, detailed plans for conduct of Phase II of the test, and a proposed TA for the test unit. The test unit for Project LONG ARM, as the T-37 test program was called, was activated by Third Army as the 7292d Aviation Unit on 5 November."
"The troop test of the T-37, as prepared by the Army Aviation School, had five objectives. First, to determine the most effective organization, the training, and logistical implications for higher performance Army observation aircraft within the field army, and to prepare tentative training literature. Second, to obtain an evalua- tion of higher performance observation aircraft vulnerability and survival probability when operating at various speeds and altitudes in the vicinity of enemy ground weapons, antiaircraft weapons, and surface-to-air guided missiles. This evaluation was to be based up- on the limitations of present and planned radar and weapons systems. and the reaction time of troops manning the weapons. Third, to determine the relative observation capabilities at various altitudes and speeds in both day and night operations. This objective would include determination of the capabilities for target identification. observer visibility transition training requirements, and observer adaptability from low to high speed aircraft and other factors affecting observation. Fourth, to develop and test operational procedures for target acquisition, damage assessment, surveillance, and adjustment of fire by higher performance Army observation air- craft. Finally, to recommend performance characteristics for a higher performance Army observation aircraft."
On 28 March 1958, the Department of the Army approved the extension of the T-37 test detachment thirough FY 1959 and extended the I in t the T-37 aircraft until January 1959. Long before the aircraft were returned to the Air Force, however, the Army had lost interest in Project LONG ARM. The Department of the Army was convinced that Air Force opposition had so influenced the thinking of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Department of Defense that it was not feasible to pursue the project. Additionally, the success in the development of the AO-1 MOHAWK airplane had met most of the observation requirements being studied in the tests."