Big Fat Horribly Expensive Convair Book: On Hand

Received Scott's stuff today. EXCELLENT! WONDERFUL! WUAHAHHA! The best and most detailied Shuttle drawings I've ever seen and bunch of other cool drawings. Waiting for more scanned docs and checking wallet for Convair book scans all 3 sets buy.
Slightly over a week from Utah to Russia. Not *too* bad.

I intend to start a third class of CD-ROM stuff on or about the weekend. "Space" I got, "Air," I got... "eAPR" coming.
Yes...pretty Revell's 1/96 Saturn V is still travelling from Suffolk to Moscow, beeing sent by 99,9% positive feedback eBayer via Royal AirMail on December, 12...
OK, Scott, did we get you right? eAPR? Re-issue or 'new tool'? Me first!
I've been in therapy since APR stopped. I am eager to get eAPR. Will I be able to download individual pics and drawings so I can add to other pics and drawings from other sources and create files by categories of my choosing. With a scanner, I was able to do that with APR and I have several CDs organized by country and type?
flateric said:
Re-issue or 'new tool'?

Re-tooled re-issues, actually. Some issues more re-tooled than others. The big delay on issuing these has been issue Volume 1, number 2... it needs to be virtually *completely* redone, since I've found a vast pile of relevant stuff since that one first came out. But gettign around to such a complete overhaul - especially since no electronic copy of the original issue survied a computer crash some years ago - has been a problem. So, I'll re-issue the issues somewhat randomly, hopefully the first one this weekend.

A previous attempt at eAPR was strangled about a year ago. The intent was to sell them like I did the "Preview," as downloadable PDFs, but they were just too freakin' big. 20 meg and the like. Since I'm just going with CD-ROM, filesize doesn't matter, so I'll be simply dumping the best-resolution images I've got into them.
Just got set 3 and am very pleased--well worth the money. Thanks Scott.
dickie said:
sferrin said:
Anything on F-106X or the Sky Scorcher/F-106 concept? I'm sure you'd have said but anything on Kingfish?

Apart from the nuclear-powered F-106 derivatives and the trainer variants, there wasn't anything on the F-106 in this collection. And I'm sadly short on Kingfish. Super Hustler (two-stage B-58 carried version) I've got a couple of snazzy reports on, but Fish/Kingfish seem to be quite difficult to find anything on.

PS: eAPR has been out for a while now. Currently buried in projects, not least of which is issue two.
dreamstar said:
What is the title of this Big Fat and Horribly Expensive Convair Book?

...So we can see if someone's scanned it and posted a torrent for it ;D

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