Is this AH-1Z a newer version of the AH-1 Cobra gunship? The designation is the same, but i don't know if the helicopter is the same.


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That was so stupid. I new that was the Super Cobra and it just did not compute in my head. And SentinalChicken, what do you mean by *smack*?
Firefly said:
6 Sidewinders...
Is that even realistic as an operational load?

If you didn't have fixed wing aircover and needed to escort in a helicopter assualt it might be. Back in the 80s the US (and probably others) did some testing and an attack helicopter armed with AAMs is surprisingly deadly even against fighter aircraft- provided the fighter doesn't just pick it off from long range that is. WVR with a Cobra with six AIM-9Xs and a HMCS. . .yikes.
I am not sure that you could carry six. The Cobra was prone to compressor stalls when firing the later versions of the 2.75inch rocket and other high velocity rocket / missiles. We were restricted to shooting pairs. Shooting a AIM-9 from the two rack positions closest to the fuselage might have had the same effect along with gas ingestion issues... maybe. Then again I'm talking about the AH-1S, not the USMC AH-1W or Z.
The AH-1W carries Sidewinder/Sidearm at the outboard wing station. The AH-1Z normally carries them on new wingtip stations as in the picture attached I don't know if the underwing stations are available for them as well, and am not sure what the point would be in carrying six unless you were planning a mobile antiaircraft ambush for fixed wings ( a concept proposed 40 years ago as one of the roles of their proposed S-67 gunship).


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The picture showing the AH-1Z with all the armament is probably a publicity "hero" shot showing some of the different ordnance the Zulucobra can carry (maybe six different types of Sidewinder/Sidearm?).
I thought the Sidearm missile left service YEARS ago? And does anybody know the IOC date for the AH-1Z AND UH-1Y? I have looked at 5 different sites and have gotten 5 different answers. It still looks like it will chew Jihadis and tanks up for breakfast! ;D
The Scout Radar would be a nice upgrade for the AH-1Z.
But I do not like its position on the starboard wing-tip. I'd prefer it over the rotor - or near the main rotor like the sensor turret on the Eurocopter Tiger HAD.

PDF: http://www.es.northropgrumman.com/solutions/scoutradar/assets/scout.pdf
Pictures: http://www.es.northropgrumman.com/media/photo/ma_precision_strike.html


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I remember a photo of a mockup over a AH-1Z cobra mockup of this system, it was in a IAPR, wait a minute....

Yes, International Air Power Review Vol 12, Pag 74.

Interestingly, earlier in the decade Bell teamed with Longbow International, a teamup of Lockheed and Northrop/Grumman to market the Cobra Radar System, which was essentially Longbow mounted in the same place as Scout, although I remember it being a bit taller. Since the Marines weren't interested, it was primarily aimed at export. This sort of faded away. It looks like Northrop Grumman is reviving the concept on their own. Some of the changes are that Scout can be mounted on either wingtip and could be retrofitted to earlier Cobras.
Found this on Google while looking for the Lockheed Persistor concept (whereabouts still unknown). Thought you guys might like it. Enjoy!

AH-1Z Pocket Guide


XP67_Moonbat said:
Found this on Google while looking for the Lockheed Persistor concept (whereabouts still unknown). Thought you guys might like it. Enjoy!

AH-1Z Pocket Guide



Look around that same area and you can also find the one for the UH-!Y and EagleEye
I love the look of the AH-1Z, even if it isn't as survivable as the AH-64 series.

So how much does this (last?) model of the Super Cobra have in common with the original AH-1G? I imagine it is pretty much an entirely new helicopter by this point.
The many different versions of the AH-1 Cobra are a mystery to me sometimes. Could anybody help and identify this variants of the AH-1 for me?
Thanks a lot!


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In order of appearance (as best I can tell): AH-1F (with the fearless Commander Cody standing in front), AH-1E, AH-1S, 2 x AH-1E and and AH-1F. Before the U.S. Army changed the nomenclature the were: AH-1F = AH-1S(Prod), AH-1E = AH-1S (ECAS) and AH-1S = AH-1S (mod)
Many a fond memory of the ol' AH-1S(mod).
Thanks Yasotay, that will help.
There is one more thing that puzzles me: Every single book I have states that the N209J and the AH-1G were based on the UH-1C.
But now I got hold of a number of magazine cut outs from the 1960s that say the Cobra (or UH-1H as it was still called at that time) was based on the UH-1B.
What´s right, what´s wrong?


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Well as hard as they try, sometimes reporters get it wrong. That said I will see if I can find which is correct. My suspicion is that the initial work was done on the UH-1B. Remember back in old times you could get a modification through in months, there being about 600,000 less bureaucrats in industry and the government to deal with. So in the space of about six years the UH-1 power and drive train went through about six permutations (don't quote me on that). So it is possible that while the work started on one variant, by the time it got to prototype was ready to be cut there was a more powerful engine and drive train in the works that would keep AH-1 and UH-1 commonality of components.
An interesting note is that, now at the likely end of production for H-1, the AH-1Z and UH-1Y have gone back to that commonality sought at the beginning of their development.
Thanks for your reply Yasotay, it brings some light into the darkness of my confusion. :)
Does anyone know when the first AH-1s were equipped with the ALQ-144 IR-jammer? Some books state that this was done at the end of the Vietnam war, but it seem, that the ALQ-144 itself was not produced before the early 80s.
I am confused!
Thanks for you help!
Dear members,
I am working on abook about the AH-1. Therefore I am looking for 3-view-drawings of the AH-1.
Any other kind of photographs, images , brochures and so on will also be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
By the way, does anyone know when the first AH-1s were equipped with the ALQ-144 IR-jammer? Some books state that this was done at the end of the Vietnam war, but it seem, that the ALQ-144 itself was not produced before the early 80s.
I am confused!
Thanks for you help!
luedo34 said:
Dear members,
I am working on abook about the AH-1. Therefore I am looking for 3-view-drawings of the AH-1.

I do have a few things here and there, but unless you are looking for original company plans, I can't see how we could possibly contribute to your book, since you can't republish copyrighted material from other books!
I'll attach some drawings though I doubt how these would aid in your book.



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luedo34 said:
Does anyone know when the first AH-1s were equipped with the ALQ-144 IR-jammer? Some books state that this was done at the end of the Vietnam war, but it seem, that the ALQ-144 itself was not produced before the early 80s.
I am confused!
Thanks for you help!
The ALQ 144 was not on AH-1 till the mid-80's.
I do have a few things here and there, but unless you are looking for original company plans, I can't see how we could possibly contribute to your book, since you can't republish copyrighted material from other books!

Dear Stargazer,
I´m sorry, but that was not my intention.
What I am looking for are original drawings from marketing brochures or officical Army/Marines images and such things.
Private photographs would also be greatly appreciated.
Please excuse me, if I didn´t make myself quite clear on that.
Of course I can´t reuse material from other books! I do know that.
I´m sorry if you got that impression.
Thanks everybody!
One more question:
What on earth is a "Helo Trap Weapon"?
Take a look at this image from an old Bell marketing brochure on the AH-1J and see for yourself.
Any ideas?
Thanks Stingray. Never heard of that weapon before.
Taking a closer look at the photo of the weapons in front of the AH-1J I can´t fight the imprsssion that I see mortar rounds on the right hand side.
What else ist there to see (apart from the obvious rocket- and minigun-pods).
I assume that the CBU-55 FAE are on the far left and right side, aren´t they.
"Ultrasauros" is also known as Rotorwash, a friend of mine and the ARC forum. He is a volunteer archivist for the US Army Aviation Museum at Ft. Rucker. Most of the high-quality walkaround photos are actually his own. Great stuff indeed.
Good idea. I wrote an e-mail to Ray and he was more than helpful. Thanks everybody!
What is this? Was it a Cobra in the scout role (Kiowa Warrior) or just testing a sensor/targeting ball?


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