Michel Van said:
seeing those Bomber
i have tears in my eyes

they had build that bomber

dam Labour Government
they kill BAC TSR2, ELDO-Europa, Black Arrow, Black Diamant etc...

Sorry for my lack of knowledge but what was the "ELDO-Europa" and the "Black Diamant" for kind of aircraft? I haven`t found any info of neither of them. Would it be possible for you to insert some pictures or/and some info?

Thanks in advance!
Hi Reine,

Look at this,4130.0.html

The forum has a search option (in the tittle menu bar) that works quite good
Nice, but I find your choice of colour scheme for a RAAF TSR.2 intriguing. I would have thought something closer to what the RAAF's F-111s have worn to be more appropriate.


Reine_xxx said:
Michel Van said:
seeing those Bomber
i have tears in my eyes

they had build that bomber

dam Labour Government
they kill BAC TSR2, ELDO-Europa, Black Arrow, Black Diamant etc...

Sorry for my lack of knowledge but what was the "ELDO-Europa" and the "Black Diamant" for kind of aircraft? I haven`t found any info of neither of them. Would it be possible for you to insert some pictures or/and some info?

Thanks in advance!

ELDO-Europa was supposed to be European satellite launcher, each rocket stage created by UK, France and Germany, respectively. The British stage was Blue Streak, formerly supposed to be a MRBM (IRBM according to some sources), a nuclear deterrent which the British politicians and/or Civil Service poured money over until they decided it was too expensive and not really what UK needed. Enter Skybolt. (It was a Tory government which decided against the Blue Streak as a deterrent BTW.)

Anyway, some or someone got the very clever idea to use the rocket as a satellite launcher, however it didn't get the proper funding, and the ELDO-Europa was plagued by the French and the German stages (Blue Streak worked just AFAIK). There were propositions of combining the Blue Streak with the British Black Arrow or with the US Centaur, nothing happened.

Mind you, this is the first time I read that the ELDO launcher was killed by a political decision, rather than by its technical faults.

PS. Haven't read about the Black Diamant. ???
Fantastic art of a long missed and beautiful aircraft. To think that the final airframes were used as target practice was perhaps the final insult to this wonderful aircraft that still manages to look 'modern' even today. definately inspired me to produce a version myself though will have to go some to match the detail on those beautiful artworks.

GTX said:
Nice, but I find your choice of colour scheme for a RAAF TSR.2 intriguing. I would have thought something closer to what the RAAF's F-111s have worn to be more appropriate.



Why Greg ?, the F-111C in RAAF service wore the US SEA scheme as issued by the US. With TSR2 not being sourced from the US then Australan colour schemes are more likely. Possibly bassed upon the RAAF Canberras or some the schemes trialed on the Mirage IIIOthey maybe even delivered in standard RAF European scheme.


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