B-29 model


ACCESS: Secret
10 May 2014
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Hi !

The B-29 is my favorit plane and I would like to build a 1/14 model. Is there someone who make it ? My project is whith 4 electric engines for propulsion and approximative scale propellers (dia 14"). I have made an ugly draft for the forward cabin from some revues and internet plans because nothing does'nt exist on this subject with good accuracy ( only Tu-4 drawings have great dimensions !) ... May be someone could tell me if something exists for a better result ?



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Hi !

My first model was a CL-215 (it still exists but does not fly any more) motorized with 2 OS .20 Max and at 1/14 scale (ws = 2040 mm). It was not under powerred because very light (styro + balsa wood + Kraft paper < 3500 g) and I would build the B-29 with same materials.



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As I understand, the size of the drawing is the problem ? There should be accurate 3-views on the net, but
scaling them to the 1/14 scale actually may not be the best solution.
But from wiki, you can download a 3-view as a svg- (vector graphic) file (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Boeing_B-29_Superfortress_3-view.svg,
which can be enlarged without loss of quality. And modifying and improving it, is quite simple, too. And you
probably don't need the postion of every rivet, do you ?
There are commercial drawings available, but I don't know, if they really are better.
Jemiba said:
There are commercial drawings available, but I don't know, if they really are better.

Hmmm, I wonder where a guy, just an average Joe, could go to find a pretty snazzy *ginormous* accurate drawing of a B-29 (ahem "Air Drawing 39" ahem)



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Hi !

Thanks Jemiba and Orionblamblam ! However I knew that drawings ! I also used of them for my draft. But I need something more accurate as a plan to know exactly the curve of the front of the fuselage (plans of coordinates), if that exists, because contrary to appearances, purity of lines does not rhyme necessarily with simplicity !

I drew the front view from the blue print and from the photos in AirTec on Superfortress




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Hi !

To the left the definition Boeing, to the right mine... Small distortion on the length of the dome of the bomber but I think of being right (pride?) further to analysis of photos in several works. Besides I assert that 90 % of the plans 3 views (except facsimile!) in the works are false : the section before is of circular section centered on all its length! B-29 has no nose which sticks up upward or subsides downward ! It is perfectly symmetric on all the axes ...




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Hi !

I've slightly modified with Paint the Bagera's drawing of Enola Gay for better accuracy. It's far to be perfect but it seems the pure lines of the Superfort better without turrets and blisters. Many people prefers another American bomber, B-17 essentialy, but the Superfort synthesize what will be the aviation according to war ...




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Hi !

Well, here is my interpretation of the forward pressurized section of the B-29. The couples are positioned as shape as I know, and for their diameters, I find the resembling silhouette ! If one day
I launch the manufacturing, it is from there that I shall make it !

Go! It is only the beginning !


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Jemiba said:
As I understand, the size of the drawing is the problem ? There should be accurate 3-views on the net, but
scaling them to the 1/14 scale actually may not be the best solution.
But from wiki, you can download a 3-view as a svg- (vector graphic) file (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Boeing_B-29_Superfortress_3-view.svg,
which can be enlarged without loss of quality. And modifying and improving it, is quite simple, too. And you
probably don't need the postion of every rivet, do you ?
There are commercial drawings available, but I don't know, if they really are better.

Dear Jemiiba,

I do apologize for not having answered immediately something most detailled :-[, but my English is approximate ::) and a health worry tortures me a little. My objective is not of course to draw a hyperdetailed model but at less give it the best exact forms because as said higher the simplicity of the forms is not necessarily the easiest to be reproduced. Besides in one of my reference docs (B&S Vol.10 p.29 better than Warbirdtech Vol.14 p.11?) I indeed found the reproduction of the location of the frames of fuselage as well as ribs of wings and stabilizing plans. There is neither diameters nor length of the nervures other than extremities (I bought the plans Aerospace, but the most beautiful girl of the world cannot give that what she has...). However it is already that and I progress to give something usable and totaly free rights for fans who would like build a "little" 1/14 B-29, electical engined or PSS ... has condition to know how to stick two pieces of wood and of polystyrene. What I do not doubt ;D !


After several weeks of silence due to intense physical poverties (the old age is a wreck said the General!), I decide to publish my interpretation of the back fuselage of B-29 1/14 scale. If you have criticisms ...
The acquisition of a scanner A3 allow me to put this plan in 1/12 of the section 1 of the fuselage of the Superfort


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Well, well, that's made ... I have just scanned in A3 with my new scanner the first 2 boards of my B-29 in 1/14!




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Kudos and "bravo" to you. You are one brave modeler to tackle such big projects.
It's always funny to compare scale drawings of the same aircraft from the various ages and sources...


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Not that long ago there was a B-29 salvage attempt, an aircraft on the ice in Greenland I think. Ended up completely burned out which was a crying shame. What a missed opportunity.
flateric said:
It's always funny to compare scale drawings of the same aircraft from the various ages and sources...

Hi !

Thank's to all guys !

I knew these drawings but they are completely wrong ;D ;D ;D ! That's why I do the mines from pictures and Boeing plans !!! Very modestly, of course B)

There is many years I began to draw the B-29 ...




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That's an aircraft that deserves it. My respect for your enormous effort.
Foo Fighter said:
Not that long ago there was a B-29 salvage attempt, an aircraft on the ice in Greenland I think. Ended up completely burned out which was a crying shame. What a missed opportunity.
I saw that video - I had the tears welling up in my eyes at the end. Still one of the most frustrating pieces of film I ever saw. Heartbreaking - after all that work they put in. Considering how close the came actually flying the plane. As I said, gut wrenching...
m1lkman said:
Foo Fighter said:
Not that long ago there was a B-29 salvage attempt, an aircraft on the ice in Greenland I think. Ended up completely burned out which was a crying shame. What a missed opportunity.
I saw that video - I had the tears welling up in my eyes at the end. Still one of the most frustrating pieces of film I ever saw. Heartbreaking - after all that work they put in. Considering how close the came actually flying the plane. As I said, gut wrenching...

It is sad to cry indeed ! So much spent energy and currency also to finish so brutally !

Tonton attristé

B-29 AILE 1.jpg
That is my design for the wings. Because the scale is 1/14 I've increased 20 mm the the wingtip for better caracteristic at low speed. The airfoil is constant on the wingspan and less thick at the root and more at the wingtip. I hope that will be better for a flying model. The airfoil is largely inspired from NACA 44xx series ...
It was very hard to do perfect view of the external engines structure from only pictures and fake drawings I must appreciate ... this is my personal interpretation of the forms ... but likelihood is not truth, alas ! I think the internal engines will be too difficult because they support the legs of the main undercarriage and nothing is right !..
9-B-29 1%14 FUSO MOT EXT 1%2.jpg 9-B-29 1%14 FUSO MOT EXT 2%2.jpg
I was quite disappointed that the US Air force did nothing to assist recovery of a piece of their heritage.

On topic, your project is a marvel and I feel very privileged to see it taking shape. Thank you.
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Hello Tonton-41,

Any luck with the internal engines and your project?

kind regards


Personally I am keen on early jets but I would like to have a B-29 in my planned 'Korean collection' or as a KB-29 tanker. (BTW I started from F-86F Sabre':)
Years ago I have seen a journal which I remembered as a good source of B-29 drawings. Can't say if there were any drawings of what you need but may be worth of having a look.
Also, there is a paper model of Superfortress in 1/33 scale issued by GPM some time ago (also in a silver version) which may be kind of help.



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Despite many searches on the net (and not only on the B-29 ... :rolleyes:), it turns out that finally more than 90% of what we find as drawings or plans have only results of umpteenth hands without interest ... :confused: So I continue and resume my definitions, knowing that perfection in the field is a Grail that I will never reach ! I am looking for a drawing of the Superfort at 1:19 to make a model PSS, much simpler and cheap, while respecting as closely as possible the lines of this superb machine and I hope soon to publish ...
Here I've modified one of the most known view of the Superfort over tho two major fakes ... The forward compartment was the main wrong drawing with its nose axel over the fuselage axel ! The low contour of the aft fuselage connection of the wing box and tail was also too sharp ... Building a model even on a small scale must respect at least a little realism ... ;)
b29_3v MODIFIE OMER C 2.jpg
Here is modified by me at the level of the forward section, I think here is probably the best synthesis on the Superfort found on the net ... It is not perfect of course but I think it is something of a good beginning to build a pretty model !

Boeing-B-29 REPRIS DJ 1.jpg

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