Avro Vulcan Nuclear Weapons Carriage


Hi To all
Anyone have more inf and photos of this?
Laser guieded bomb on Vulcan bombs bay
Reply to XB 35 - The pictures are said to be two of the actual test devices

Above;- LGB trial undertaken as part of Operation Corporate for proposed use in the Falklands.
I've just ordered the book by Amazon. I hope that the pictures are not the two well known pictures of the Blue Danube ! Regarding the video on Youtube, it is difficult to see it again, but I have printed the picture showing the bomb when I see this video the first time. The color seems blue (it could be green as, with time, green colour looks blue) and it seens to have calibration markings.
Does anyone have a drawing or picture of the 10-bomb carrier? I worked with the Avro 7 Store carrier and can visualise how a 9-store version could be configured but can not work out how the centre store on the bottom row is attached with 10 stores without resorting to bodge tape tape and optimism.
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