Aviation magazines English vs. French

the first mistake had been done for AE magazine was a bi-month published,must
be a monthly.

No, monthlies have to fill space and it's easy to fill space with photos and rehashed press releases.

Exactly. And perhaps Chris can shed some insider info on this, but I believe it is much cheaper to produce and mail e.g. 4 100-page issues vs. 8 50-page issues.
In my opinion, Wings Of Fame is the best aviation magazine
Wings of Fame was lukewarm. Feature articles WW2 aircraft were recycled old stuff wrapped in sumptuous presentation. And WW1-era was pretty completely skipped.

I did like WW1 Aero and Skyways.
Pasoleati said:
recycled old stuff wrapped in sumptuous presentation.

Good way of putting it. Still, I enjoyed it and have every issue (along with World Air Power Journal and International Air Power Review). Wish it was still in production.
CJGibson said:
No, monthlies have to fill space and it's easy to fill space with photos and rehashed press releases.


Mr. Chris,they are a busty writers if they depend on a two month to publish a magazine,
not all of them of course,the good authors always have a new subjects.

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