
Great work bagera3005!!
I will post three views of the model, but you did very well!!
I'm working now on a model of the tr-3 black manta.
Sorry for my bad English!
I am going to make a scratch build model and I have a few questions for the more informed and knowledgeable:

Would this aircraft be the same size of the SR-71, bigger or smaller?
If kit bashing, what aircraft landing gear would you use?

Thanks in advance!
LowObservable said:
But, what are ya gonna do??

Rocco & Vinny Patella
Debt Collectors
IP Protection Consultants
Reconstructive Orthopedics

Atlantic City/Las Vegas/Palermo

Actually it's infinitely more simple than that.
I've done it before with a previous case not directly related
to models located in Asia, with spectacular efficiency.
They got the message. Quick.

One must also take note that, if the desk models are from the
Philippines, your proposed and very discutable 3rd and 4th method would not work.
From what i've learned, if you got a problem with someone in that country,
the best advice usually is that you better leave the country real fast.
Because they will find you. I got it from my previous kali teacher and it's not a joke.
If you read their newspapers, you will understand why it's not good idea (well, no
matter what country anyway). They can hire lots of people real cheap (5$).
Personally i prefer legal methods. It pays off way more, and you stay free.
XP67_Moonbat said:
Here's the first image showning the Mach 6 methane interceptor and Mach 12 demonstrator. Remember this is all in an early phase. Eventually I'll get around to doing it on computer.

More on topic, nice work Moobat ! So, you saw that drawing of the Mach 6 GIUK Gap interceptor from that tech article too !
Thanks. Yeah I still remember article on Very informative. I still have the printout tucked away somewhere.

As for my drawing, I did it on AutoCAD. I just need to label everything and put a title block. I'll try and put it on here next week. Let see how busy I get in class.


May I ask where you got the dimensions for the McDD vehicles in your first drawings, or are they your own estimates? I'd like to make a 3D model of the GIUK interceptor but haven't found any dimensions for the vehicles anywhere.
Also, if minor criticism is allowed, I think your Mach 6 interceptor is a bit too thin (or alternatively long). :)
They're my own guestimations, although in the Paul Czysz interview article BEYOND AURORA, he did mention that the "Mach 6 interceptors" (plural) were "on the order of 60 to 70 feet long." I'll have to go make some adjustments when I go back to school in the fall.

Now info on the Mach 12 demonstrator you can find here:,2867.30.html

The whole thread's pretty informative. Enjoy!

Thanks, though perhaps I should have written "any more precise dimensions" ;)
Also, I'm just personally wary of basing the dimensions of the Mach 6 (or Mach 12) strike/recon vehicles on those of the demonstrator.
Rodrigo- your renderings are FANTASTIC. I'd love to see that one flying in the simulator - it looks totally believable. Thumbs up!

Have you done any other renderings? You have an artists eye but an aerospace designers brain - great, great!

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