Artificial Intelligence - General News

The ghost of Mr Clippit is apparently being revived for Microsoft’s new AI plans, which are also at the heart of its next gen console.

Rather than destroying all humans, the thing most people are worried about at the moment, when it comes to AI, is them destroying everyone’s jobs. Online and telephone service staff are at particular risk and apparently Microsoft is planning to rely almost entirely on AI when it comes to future customer support.
Billie Eilish, Nicki Minaj and Katy Perry are among 200 high-profile artists calling for the 'predatory' use of AI in the music industry to be stopped.

In an open letter, several of the world's biggest stars have warned the tech 'will set in motion a race to the bottom' if left unchecked.

The use of AI to steal artists' voices, likeness, and sound is an 'assault on human creativity', they said, and would 'destroy the music ecosystem'.
I have a question: It is well known that ChatGPI/ChatGPT has "manufactured hallucinations"--that is, it makes stuff up, including bibliographic citations for non-existent papers, laws that don't exist, illegal advice when asked questions about legality and procedures that are based on such legalities, etc. What happens if ChatGPI is integrated into daily life--does this mean we may have to deal with "manufactured hallucinations" on a daily basis? Might it crash automobiles? Crash aircraft? Trains? Other types of transportation? Crash financial systems? Ignite nuclear missile launches for spurious hallucenigenic reasons? (Hopefully you are seeing what I am seeing...) How much "hallucination enshittification" could a civilization withstand before crumbling?

"Your ChatGPI is hooked on hallucinations...." It is drugged out!

Perhaps I should also ask--how many human operators have to babysit these ChatGPIs (ChatGPTs) to prevent massive "manufactured hallucinations"? Can humans always spot these hallucinations 100% of the time?

I wonder about all this.
Google is reportedly drawing up plans to charge for AI-enhanced search features, in what would be the biggest shake-up to the company’s revenue model in its history.
The radical shift is a natural consequence of the vast expense required to provide the service, experts say, and would leave every leading player in the sector offering some variety of subscription model to cover its costs.

Not surprised



Holodeck tech and AI imaging

AI images

Image resolution
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Simple task description soon?

Recent advances
A well-known BBC wildlife presenter has been caught up in a scam that saw a fake AI-generated program mimic her voice and give permission for her face to be used in an advert.

Liz Bonnin and her management team noticed last week that the presenter of Our Changing Planet and Arctic From Above was fronting a poster for insect repellent spray, which neither her nor management had signed off.

On closer investigation, the voice messages supposedly from Bonnin that had confirmed she was happy to appear in the advert were revealed to be AI-generated.
Perhaps of interest?

When (and How) to Cite AI? 'Critters,' 'Varmints,' and Beyond. Choobers. Grammar Girl 981​

Apr 30, 2024 Grammar Girl Podcast, Full Episodes
981. Major style guides now have advice on when and how you should cite AI chatbots such as ChatGPT, Claude, and Gemini. We look at what you need to include in your writing so you're handling this kind of information credibly and professionally. Then, we take a linguistic safari through the world of animal terminology, including the histories and nuances behind words such as "critter," "varmint," and "beast."

The "critters" segment was written by Samantha Enslen, who runs Dragonfly Editorial. You can find her at


Podcast: Want to listen to the whole audio show on the go? Try

Video Production: Kamryn Lacy, Holly Hutchings and Nathan Semes
Host and Editor: Mignon Fogarty

In the news
Welcome us overlords


The simulacrum

Repent Tik Tok said the harlequin man

Real hauntings?

Your tears have no currency here
A major update for Chat-GPT.

Introducing Chat-GPT 4o:


Two Chat-GPT 4os interacting and singing:


Math problems with Chat-GPT 4o:


Live demo of Chat-GPT 4o coding assistant and desktop app:


It seems like they’ve taken the training wheels off Chat-GPT. Google’s turn tomorrow with their big AI announcement.

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I’m very cynical of these demonstrations as none of the people in the videos were the public or journalists, they were all Open AI employees or their families. And I suspect those demonstrations had been rehearsed multiple times before. Where it gets dangerous is people seeing these videos with their marvellous demonstrations, thinking they can replace people with AI, and then finding the AI is far more useless in real life than the demonstration. So people are replaced for no good reason other than saving money for an inferior result.
Google is rolling out their AI search across the US this week, with other countries to follow later on.

Google launches Project Astra their new AI agent.

There’s lot of rumours that next month that Apple will announce that Siri will be powered by Chat-GPT going forward.
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But in the entertainment industry, the Pandora’s box of AI has likely already been unleashed. Behind closed doors, most corners of production, from writers’ rooms to VFX departments, have embraced generative AI tools. For every project that has faced blowback for using AI in some part of the production pipeline, there are dozens more that have quietly adopted the technology.

“There are tons of people who are using AI, but they can’t admit it publicly because you still need artists for a lot of work and they’re going to turn against you,” says David Stripinis, a VFX industry veteran who has worked on Avatar, Man of Steel and Marvel titles. “Right now, it’s a PR problem more than a tech problem.”
AI and computing this week
OpenAI says it will remove one of the voices used by ChatGPT after it was likened to Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson.


Rubber computing

For tabular data
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It seems that the main people at Open AI up to including the main kind behind Chat-GPT who were in favour of strict controls on AI development have all left the company in short order for reasons unexplained, though there’s indications that they were forced out.

Really informative video on AI, kind of like pulling back the curtain. And showing why describing Generative AI as a mechanical Turk is very apt through its use of large numbers of low paid workers in the developing world to keep it running.

This week in computing tech

AI images and sims
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Finding lost hikers....yeah...sure....

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Character Voices with ChatGPT-4o (there’s something very unsettling about hearing an AI doing an maniacal laugh:

As she points out the predictions in his paper are nonsensical. For a start the power requirements for the kind of AGI he’s envisioning is just beyond current reality, and would really require something like fusion power. Well obviously that’s not round the corner. Let alone the ridiculous data requirements, which he thinks are going to be solved by lots of robots well where are all these robots coming from. The fact that he’s written a paper on unlimited AI growth, yet is now head of an investment group in AI growth as she indicates is probably not unrelated. She seems to feel with AGI it’s not a case of if but when it will arise.

Is the intelligence explosion near? A reality check:

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AI tools and technologies

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