APR Monthly Historical Documents Program

2016-11 package includes:
Document: "B-70 Valkyrie Manned Mach 3 Intercontinental Weapon System," North American Aviation brochure
Document: "Prometheus," 1992 Orbital Sciences briefing on a reusable spaceplane for use with the Pegasus launch system
Document: "German ebay microfilm:" random collection of prints from microfilm of a number of wartime German aircraft projects
Diagram: Boeing Model 80A, very large full-color scan of a blueprint of an early passenger plane
CAD Diagram: "Consolidated XA-44 Model 112," 1946 design for three-jet tailless forward-swept attack aircraft


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2016-12 package includes:
Document: "C5A brochure:" 50-page well-illustrated Lockheed brochure from circa 1966
Document: "A Program Plan for Space Astronomy: A Report on the Orbital Astronomy Support Facility (OASF) Study," Douglas Paper 4861, May 1968
Document: "German ebay microfilm 2" Another random collection of prints from microfilm of a number of wartime German aircraft projects
Artwork: "FDL-7 High Performance Spacecraft," McDonnell Douglas lithograph of variable geometry lifting body spaceplane
CAD Diagram: Truax Rocket Fighter


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2017-01 package includes:
Document: "Early orbital Space Station (EOSS)" Douglas technical report DAC-56550, November 1967 (366 pages)
Diagram: Boeing 2707 SST general arrangement diagram 65A12841
CAD Diagram: Convair Saturn V-R, recoverable stage


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2017-02 package includes:
Document: "Evolutionary Space Station, Vol 1, System Description," NASA-JSC report, 1963. 166 pages
Document: "Facilities for Flying Boats," Report Z0-005, 3 August 1953, Consolidated-Vultee Corporation. 87 pages
Document: "An Integrated Moonmobile-Spacesuit Concept," Aerojet paper, 1961. 8 pages
Artwork: Sikorsky X-Wing concept lithograph
CAD Diagram: Max Valier Racketenschiff


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2017-03 package includes:
Document: "System Concepts for STS Derived Heavy-Lift Launch Vehicles Study," Boeing report D180-18743-1, April 1975.
Document: "German ebay microfilm 3" Another random collection of prints from microfilm of a number of wartime German aircraft projects, mostly Messerschmit P1108 tailless/flying wing jet bombers, jet-propelled Me 163 variant, others
Document: "Shuttle Derived Vehicles" artwork collection
Diagram: "MLV-SAT V-23(L)" diagram of enlarged Saturn V with four strap-on boosters, each with 2 F-1 engines
CAD Diagram: Manned A-9/A-10 rocket


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2017-04 package includes:
Document: "Significant Considerations in the Development of Engine/Airframe Systems for High Performance Aircraft," McDonnell-Douglas 1972 report
Diagram: Boeing Model 1080-920 High Speed Civil Transport, 1992 general arrangement diagram of SST
Document: "Titan IV Space Launch Vehicles: Manufacturing Concept Data Book," 1989 Martin Marietta document describing all the major components of the Titan IV
CAD Diagram: GBU-57 MOP, Massive Ordnance Penetrator


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2017-05 package includes:
Document: "Design Data on Assault Seaplane Transport" Consolidated-Vultee report ZP-47-17024. Jam-packed with diagrams of components, payloads, aircraft configuration
Diagram: Boeing SST design evolution chart
CAD Diagram: GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Burst (MOAB)


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2017-06 package includes:
Document: "Alternate Study Dyna Soar Research Vehicle," February 1959 report on a smaller Dyna Soar for air launch
Document: "Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance," FM 9-16, July, 1981. Descriptions of explosives, bombs, rockets, cratering effects, etc.
Diagrams: C-130 Airborne Emergency Hospital
CAD Diagram: Advanced Technology Bomber evolution


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2017-07 package includes:
Document: "Convertawings Model E Quadrotor Transport" design brief on large helicopter concept
Document: "Physical Data for Target Airplane Model G-2 High Subsonic All-Wing Bomber," RAND report on flying wing bomber from 1949
Diagram: D44-102 Nuclear ICBM: 1947 North American Aviation design for ICBM with atomic powerplant
Document: "Lunar/Mars Outpost," Martin-Marietta report from 1989, lots of illustrations
CAD Diagram: Silo-launched 10-meter Orion vehicle


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2017-08 package includes:
Document: "The Delta Story - Evolution of a Universal Space Research Launch Vehicle" McDonnell Douglas Astronautics Company, Douglas paper 10199, 1969
Document: "Large Ballistic Launch Vehicle Recovery & Reuse Study, Assessment of Test Program Alternatives," Final Presentation, Boeing, D5-13346-2, August 8, 1967
Document: "Tilt-Wing Applications," conference paper, General Dynamics-Convair, 1969
Art: Martin Astrorocket
CAD Diagram: Soviet LK lunar lander


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2017-09 package includes:
Document: "Atlas Booster Trade Studies," 1960 Boeing report on Dyna Spar boosters
Art: X-20 Dyna Soar lithograph
Document: "Submarine Launched Nuclear Ramjets," December 1961 General Dynamics/Convair memo
CAD Diagram: X-48B BWB


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2017-10 package includes:
Document: "The Boeing C-135A: A Jet Cargo-Troop Transport for MATS Strategic Airlift," early 1960's Boeing booklet describing proposed cargo lifter
Document: "NASA Space Station," EP-211, well illustrated 1985 NASA-produced book on the Space Station
Document: "Today's Launch Vehicle For Tomorrow: Shuttle-C" late 1980's United Technologies brochure on Shuttle derived vehicle
CAD Diagram: TsAGI IWB: Russian blended wing body jetliner concept
Diagram: "Assembly 624A 5.51% Aeroheating Model," diagram of wind tunnel model of X-20 Dyna Soar atop a Titan IIIc launch vehicle


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2017-11 package includes:
Document: "DC-X-200 Configurations and Systems Studies" 1978 McDonnell Douglas report on twin-engined DC-10 derivative model D-969N-21
Document: "NERVA Program Charts" Aerojet General briefing on nuclear rocket program
Art: "Apollo-Soyuz Test Program NASA Facts" NASA poster
CAD Diagram: Soviet LOK Lunar orbit spacecraft


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2017-12 package includes:
Document: "Apollo Exploration Shelter System," conference proceedings 1965 from Westinghouse describing deployable shelters for habitation and rovers. Many diagrams.
Document: "Design Considerations for a Free Space Transportation and Works Space Capsule," conference proceedings from 1965 by Chrysler Corporation describing a one-man "work pod" for space construction
Document: "Sikorsky S-97 Raider Helicopter: The Next big Thing in Army Aviation," illustrated brochure
Diagram: "General Arrangement Class VP Airplane High Performance Flying Boat," SD-51-10036, 1951 Consolidated-Vultee concept
CAD Diagram: Marquardt Hypersonic Burning Ramjet Booster, late 1950's concept


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2018-01 package includes:
Document: "B-2 1996: The Revolution is Here," illustrated Northrop brochure touting the B-2
Document: "UA 1205 and UA 1207 Solid Rocket Motors" Large format well illustrated United Technologies book on the Titan III/IV boosters
Diagram: "General Arrangement VFX Convair Model 44" proposal for F-14
CAD Diagram: Flash Back Test Vehicle: giant nuclear bomb test shape carried by B-52


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2018-02 package includes:
Document: "Douglas DC-8 Design Study," January 9, 1953
Document: "A Survey of Future Space propulsion Systems," United Aircraft conference proceedings from 1969, includes air-augmented nuclear lightbulb
Diagram: "50-5074 Boeing B-52B Model Drawing 1/40 scale"
CAD Diagram: Ganswindt primitive explosive-pulse driven "spacecraft"


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2018-03 package includes:
Document: "Benefits of ALS Technology to Titan Vehicles" Martin Marietta paper
Document: "GL-224 Turbo-Jet VTOL Aircraft," Lockheed booklet on recon aircraft, 1958
Document: "The Path to the Space Shuttle," Air Force Flight Test Center book on evolution of Shuttle design, 1983
Diagram: XB-70 three-view, uncertain provenance but apparently North American
CAD Diagram: "Los Alamos Sirius" nuclear pulse spacecraft


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2018-04 package includes:
Document: "Aircraft Armament," ST 23-2, US Army Armor School. Photos, diagrams, data for guns and rockets and such for helicopter weaponry
Document: "Uses of Saturn," Douglas Aircraft company paper, 1965, illustrating and describing interesting possible payloads
Document: "BOAC Comet 4," full-color 24 page brochure from 1957 (?)
Art: Sikorsky Heavy Lift Helicopter concept lithograph
CAD Diagram: British Interplanetary Society "Daedalus" starship concept


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2018-05 package includes:
Document: Antonov AN-225 brochure & info
Document: "Advanced Turboprop Project" NASA SP-495, Lewis Research Center, 134 page book on advanced transport propulsion
Document: "The EMPIRE Dual Planet Flyby Mission" Philco Corp, early 60's manned spacecraft
Art: Boeing SPS Construction Facility
CAD Diagram: Convair XB-53 forward-swept bomber


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2018-06 package includes:
Document: "Lockheed P-80 Shooting Star," 300+ page heavily illustrated document dated January 1945 showing the design in detail
Document: "On The Utility of the Moon in Space Transortation: The Lunatron Concept," paper describing 1963 NASA concept for electromagnetic accelerator for lunar launch
Art: Sikorsky ABC Helicopter concept
CAD Diagram: "Light Cosmic Aircraft" Chelomei LKS spaceplane "Shock Option" armed with nukes

If these or any of the other monthly packages have items of interest, they are available to subscribers & Patrons as back issues.



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2018-07 package includes:
Document: "Application of Nuclear Rocket Propulsion to Manned Mars Spacecraft," General Electric conference paper from 1963 describing and illustrating a manned Mars spacecraft with a Mars lander that seems to be the love child of the Dyna Soar and a Gemini capsule
Document: Bell VTOL promotional materials, data and basic diagrams of both built and projected types
Document: Convair brochures including "Convair Hydrodynamic research." "XC-99," "B-36," "B-60," "Sea Dart," "Tradewind"
Art: Northrop lithograph depicting X-15-like lunar orbiting spacecraft
CAD Diagram: "Cole Bubble," inflated asteroid habitat


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2018-08 package includes:
Document: "707-320 The Intercontinental Stratoliner," Boeing report D-17421, 11-8-1955, summary of design and performance data
Document: "Design Objectives for Tomorrow's Big Boosters," Phil Bono, Douglas Aircraft paper on advanced chemo-nuclear space launch systems
Document: "Heavy Lift Launch Vehicles, Shuttle Derived Launch Vehicle Options," NASA-Marshal paper 1983, illustrating a number of proposed shuttle derived vehicles
Art: Ryan BQM-34A Firebee jet targets, lithograph
CAD Diagram: AIM-47 designs


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2018-09 package includes:
Document: "Lunar Spacecraft Designs," General Electric 1961 conference paper describing early Apollo designs
Document: "N.S. Savannah" full color illustrated brochure on nuclear powered commercial cargo ship
Document: "The Piasecki Story of Vertical Lift," illustrated history of the company and its many designs
Diagram: Apollo Logistics Vehicle, Saturn Ib-launched space station resupply vehicle
CAD Diagram: BAE HOTOL, 1985 configuration


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2018-10 package includes:
Document: "Preliminary Design Study of a Three Stage Satellite Ferry Rocket Vehicle with Piloted recoverable Stages," Goodyear Aircraft report, 1954, describing early "space shuttle" sort of vehicle
Document: "The Rocket Research Aircraft Program 1946-1962," Air Force Flight Test Center report FTC-TDR-63-3
Document: "Story of the Uprated Saturn I," NASA-Marshall booklet illustrating Saturn Ib and some proposed derivatives
Art: "Geneology of Piper Aircraft" from 1987
CAD Diagram: 20-meter NASA Orion (nuclear pulse propulsion vehicle)


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2018-11 package includes:
Document: "Mr. Smith Goes To Venus," magazine article illustrated by Chesley Bonestell
Document: "Preliminary Engineering Study of a Satellite Station Concept Affording Immediate Service with Simultaneous Steady evolution and Growth," 1955 Goodyear report on a *gigantic* space station concept
Document: "VTOL/STOL Rolls-Royce Aero Engines," 1961 full color brochure
Art: "X-22A Tri-Service Research VTOL Aircraft," Bell Aircraft, not-quite-final concept
CAD Diagram: SLS (Space Launch System) Block I, Block Ib


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2018-12 package includes:
Document: "Ryan Plane Portraits," data, three-views, photos of numerous Ryan manned and unmanned aircraft
Document: "Sea Launch and Recovery of Very Large Rocket Vehicles," 1962 Aerojet report on "Sea Dragon" million-pound-payload giant reusable launch vehicle.
Diagram: early Nova launch vehicles "Saturn C-8")
CAD Diagram: Rockwell Star Raker giant airbreathing SSTO


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2019-01 package includes:
Document: "ASTRO: A Manned Reusable Spacecraft Concept" 1962 Douglas illustrated brochure for 2 stage spaceplane
Document: "Rocket Blitz From The Moon," Colliers 1948 magazine article, illustrated by Chesley Bonestell, describing lunar-based nuclear missiles attacking NYC
Document: "Status Report: Ramjet propulsion 1978," Marquardt full-color booklet describing current projects
Diagram: PD-157-17-2 VSTOL fighter, 1970 North American Rockwell
CAD diagram: Bernal Sphere colony perspective view

If these or any of the other monthly packages have items of interest, they are available to subscribers & Patrons as back issues at low cost.



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2019-02 package includes:
Document: "Target Drone Systems," Ryan 1964 brochure describing BQM-34A jet aircraft
Document: "GETOL Multibased VP Concept," 1962 General Dynamics report describi9ing ground effect takeoff and landing anti-submarine warfare aircraft
Document: "Concept for a Manned Earth-Satellite Terminal Evolving from Earth-To-Orbit Ferry Rockets, METEOR" 1956 conference paper describing Goodyear giant space station
Art: "Manned orbiting Laboratory," USAF lithograph
CAD Diagram: "Junkers Giant," 1921 design for airplane with 110 meter span


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2019-03 package includes:
Document: "Proposal: Mobile Warfare with the S-64" Sikorsky booklet describing and illustrating use of the Skycrane to carry cargo, troops and as an armed platform
Document: Sikorsky 1964 calendar. Full color photos of helicopter and artwork of proposals
Document: "Two Space Based Systems for Ballistic Missile defense," 1982 Boeing report on Star Wars concepts
Diagram: "Painting Pattern Saturn Ib Vehicle," NASA-MSFC diagram, 1966
CAD Diagram: Sternbach Bussard Ramjet


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2019-04 package includes:
Document: "747 Nuclear Test Bed," 1973 Boeing proposal for a 747 equipped with a reactor and nuclear powered turbojets
Document: "Bell promotional stuff," a number of data cards of Bell Aerosystems products and designs, including data, descriptions, diagrams, art
Document: "METEOR Junior, A Preliminary Design Investigation of a Minimum-Sized Ferry Rocket Vehicle of the METEOR Concept," 1957 Goodyear conference paper on early Shuttle-like vehicle
Diagram: "Martin ER 12590-11 General Arrangement," Post-Saturn giant booster with four large solid rocket boosters
CAD Diagram: "A-11 concept," hypothetical von Braun concept for a satellite launcher using V-2 technology


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2019-05 package includes:
Document: AP-76 Project 1226," 1955 Republic Aviation report on their design for the X-15, detailed illustrations
Document: "Manned Lunar Vehicle Design" 1964 General Electric conference paper on a direct-landing Apollo vehicle
Diagram: "DNI-27CVFX Design Study Fixed Wing/Buried Engine," 1968 North American Aviation general arrangement diagram
CAD Diagram: Martin "Aldebaran" giant hypothetical air breathing nuclear pulse aerospaceplane
Artwork: no photos of naked women


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2019-06 package includes:
Document: "Space Shuttle Booster Review," 1971 NASA collection of info/diagrams of pressure fed ballistic and winged flyback Shuttle boosters
Document: McDonnell Douglas helicopter PR brochures, mostly AH-64 Apache
Document: "Martin ER 12590 General Arrangements" Post-Saturn giant two-stage reusable liquid rocket booster
Diagram: "The Space Mission Planning Chart," Aerojet General early 1960's
CAD Diagram: A-10/A-11/A-12 hypothetical reconstruction of von Braun's supposed wartime "ferry rocket"


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2019-07 package includes:

Document: "C-5A Program Briefing," 1965 Lockheed heavily illustrated book describing the forthcoming cargo jet
Document: "Space Shuttle Phase B Systems Study Mid-Term Review," 1970 McDonnell Douglas presentation on fully reusable two-stage (manned flyback) Shuttle concept, numerous diagrams
Diagram: "Orbital Configuration 120 Inch Manned Orbital Telescope" Early Hubble-like scope attached to MORL space station
CAD Diagram: Chelomei LKS, "Light Cosmic Aircraft, Shock Option" Soviet armed spaceplane


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2019-08 package includes:
Document: "The feasibility of Propelling Vehicles by Contained Nuclear Explosions" conference paper by Dandrige Cole of Martin describing early "Orion" concept
Document: "Famous Douglas Missiles" foldout brochure illustrating with photo and simple diagram the Nike-Zeus, Thor, Genie, Honest John, Skybolt missiles
Document: "High Performance General Purpose Attack Aircraft Study, Configuration Analysis," 1964 Boeing report describing w/diagrams a number of variable geometry and VTOL attack aircraft concepts
CAD Diagram: Krupp-Germania K.s.Ib ridiculously large, probably hoax-ish WWI-era German bomber
Diagram: "SD-51-7020 Aerodynamic Configuration Terrier Type II" early SAM design


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2019-09 package includes:
Document: "U.S. Navy Condor AGM-53A Weapon System," Rockwell International full color booklet
Document: "Lockheed L-500 Superfreighter" full color illustrated booklet describing civil transport version of the C-5 Galaxy
Document: "Liquid Rocket Booster for the Space Transportation System Study, Vol 1 Executive Summary" 1989 Martin-Marietta report on proposed replacement boosters for the Shuttle
Diagram: "Little Joe Capsules general Arrangement" NASA- Langley 1959 Mercury test capsule
CAD Diagram: "Grumman Booklet:" Untitled 1960's Grumman promotional booklet showing photos and artwork of a number of unbuilt projects, basic diagrams of a number of built Grumman products


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2019-10 package includes:
Document: "HOBOS:" North American Rockwell HOming BOmb System
Diagrams: JPL Pluto probe diagrams, 1994
Document: "METEOR Junior, A Preliminary Design Investigation of a Minimum-Sized Ferry Rocket Vehicle of the METEOR Concept," 1957, from a much better copy
Diagram: "D-3235-3.2-3A General Arrangement," 1988 diagram of High Speed Civil Transport
Document: "Airborne Alert Aircraft," 1960 Boeing report on Model 828 missile carrier


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2019-11 package includes:
Document: "Introducing the Helio Twin-Stallion and Family of Aircraft" brochure illustrating (with good GA diagrams) several variants including battlefield transports and COIN armed versions
Document: "Liquid Rocket Booster (LRB) for the Space Transportation System (STS) Systems Study," NAS8-37136, March 1988 Executive Summary from Martin Marietta presenting a range of possible boosters
Document: "A Proposed Curtiss-Wright Helicopter Airliner Development," a fragment of a 1944 report on a coaxial civilian chopper. Art & diagrams.
Diagram: "Boeing 707 Prototype Model Drawing, 1/100 scale"
CAD diagram: BAE HOTOL K SSTO spaceplane, 1989


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2019-12 package includes:

Document: "A Small State-of-the-art Maneuverable Reentry Vehicle," 1965 Lockheed conference paper on ASSET-like lifting body
Document: "High Performance General Purpose Attack Aircraft Study, State of the Art," 1964 Boeing report describing technologies such as aerodynamics and propulsion for variable geometry and VTOL attack aircraft concepts
Diagram: Trans-Canada DC-4
Diagram: "Saturn Configuration C-3B (Version A) 3-Stage to Escape," 1961 NASA-MSFC design for a Saturn with three F-1 engiens on the first stage
CAD Diagram: AGM-28 Hound Dog cruise missile


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2020-01 package includes:
Document: "Space Van Reusable Commercial Launch System," conference paper on TSTO spaceplane concept.
Document: "Ryan Vertiwing," 1963 brochure about VTOL capable of supersonic flight
Document: "Bulk Resource Transportation System Using Very Large, Specialized Airplane" D180-14138-1 1970 Boeing report on giant flying oil tanker
Diagram: Lockheed two stage to orbit using a giant scramjet powered first stage
CAD Diagram: GAM-87 Skybolt air launched ballistic missile


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2020-02 package includes:
Document: "Carrier Modification Data for a X-15 Research Aircraft Project 1226 (NAA Designation ESO 7487)" North American Aircraft report on modifying the B-36 to carry an early concept for the X-15, 1955
Document: "Comparative Evaluation of the Fan-In-Wing and ADAM II V/STOL Surveillance Airplanes," 1964 Vought report on VTOL aircraft showing the ADAM concept to be superior
Document: "Polaris/Poseidon Chronology" 1969 US Navy timeline of important milestones in the development of sea launched ballistic missiles
Diagram: "Commercial Titan End Items," full color illustration of all the components of the UA-1205 solid rocket booster for the Titan IIIc
CAD Diagram: "MCD-391" WWII-era forward swept wing bomber concept

If these or any of the other monthly packages have items of interest, they are available to subscribers & Patrons as back issues at low cost. Buy now in order to avoid the Christmas rush.



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