AMDR ships

sferrin said:
Moose said:
Yes. Several people on the "just build Burke variants forever" bandwagon are finding out just how fast they're running out of power margin. And that's for new-build, back-fit will require some hard decisions.

*cough* Zumwalt.

The Navy's AOA determined that the Zumwalts could accommodate the SPY+25 radar and
Bath had a identified a Zumwalt variant that could accommodate a 21-foot radar ~ SPY+30.

A modified San Antonio class could also accommodate a SPY+30.


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Moose said:
Going to be some serious decisions around back-fit in the not-too-distant future. Something to keep an eye out for.

Lockheed has already offered alternatives ;)

Surface Navy 2017: Lockheed Martin pushes solid-state SPY-1 radar upgrade plan

Lockheed Martin Rotary and Mission Systems is proposing a solid-state upgrade for the AN/SPY-1(V) radars fitted to the US Navy's (USN's) DDG 51 Flight IIA Aegis-capable guided-missile destroyers. The plan is leveraging technology from the US Missile Defense Agency's (MDA's) S-band Long Range Discrimination Radar (LRDR).

Disclosing the initiative on 9 January just prior to the Surface Navy Association's annual symposium in Washington, DC, Jim Sheridan, the company's vice president and general manager for naval combat and missile defence systems, said the technology update plan - which would backfit a new gallium nitride (GaN) antenna array and a multimission signal processor (MMSP) into existing destroyers - was potentially applicable to over 30 DDG 51 ships.Having suffered the disappointment of losing out in the AMDR battle, Lockheed is now looking at a solid-state upgrade, which would modernise the radar 'front end' of Aegis Baseline 7 ships, the first of which is USS Pinckney (DDG 91). "We are in the technology development phase," said Sheridan. "Prior to the AMDR award to Raytheon, we took our technology pretty far down the road."

He continued, "The real key was the MDA award to Lockheed Martin for the LRDR programme. The sub-assembly technology that is in the LRDR being built today for installation out of Clear [Air Force Station], Alaska, would be the same as used for the solid-state SPY."

The LRDR is an S-band, GaN-based, long-range radar that will provide precision metric data to improve ballistic missile defence (BMD) discrimination and replace existing sensors in the US Ballistic Missile Defense System. LRDR is due to become operational in 2020.

"I can't get into the specifics [increase in terms of dB] of what that might be, but it would be very significant," added Sheridan. "That's important, given the discrimination requirements today with the threat of stream raids. It is very important to have increased capability."

"For the SPY modernisation, that would [involve] the wholesale replacement of the antenna [and] you'd have an MMSP processor back-end like you do on the [Aegis] Baseline 9 modernisations today."

He further goes on to add that it will be power and cooling neutral.
If its power and cooling neutral its substantially less capable than Flight III, likely somewhere in the same neighborhood as the 9-RMA AMDR. In which case the benefit of going with LM rather than just building off the SPY-6 contract seems thin.
Moose said:
If its power and cooling neutral its substantially less capable than Flight III, likely somewhere in the same neighborhood as the 9-RMA AMDR. In which case the benefit of going with LM rather than just building off the SPY-6 contract seems thin.

I also note that Sheridan didn't really address issues such as navalisation and whether it would be displacement neutral, given the available spare displacement or lack thereof on the Burke hulls.
Very helpful, thanks much.

starviking said:
cluttonfred said:
OK, I'll bite. What are "stream raids?"
Missiles coming from the same vector, but separated by time. Apparently picking up the last missiles in such a stream can pose a technical problem.

This Google Books link says a bit about that:
Raytheon radar executes first ballistic missile test

After a series of previous successes, Raytheon’s AN/SPY-6(V) Air and Missile Defense Radar (AMDR) successfully searched, acquired, and tracked a ballistic missile during the first dedicated ballistic missile defense exercise at the U.S. Navy’s Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF), the company announced March 31.
Navy's Generational Shift: From MILSPEC Analog to Digital-Solid State - Rear Adm. Tom Druggan, Commander, Naval Surface Warfare Center


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Navy, Raytheon beat the clock by months with AMDR development

The Navy's Air and Missile Defense Radar program, being built by Raytheon, managed to pull off an atypical feat for a major Pentagon weapon system project: conclude engineering and manufacturing development many months ahead of schedule.

On April 29, the acting Pentagon acquisition executive cleared the AMDR program to proceed into low-rate initial production, four months earlier than the most optimistic date of July 2017 set by the Navy in 2013, and six months earlier than the September 2017 AMDR program manager estimated last year.

"Milestone C was achieved earlier than previously estimated because developmental engineering for the system hardware is complete and the program had completed statutory requirements," Navy Capt. Thurraya Kent, a spokeswoman for the Navy acquisition executive, told Inside Defense May 17. "The Navy was also able to preserve competitive pricing and assure system deliveries will support ship construction schedules," Kent added.

The AMDR -- dubbed the SPY-6 -- is in development for the next variant of the Navy's Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, the DDG-51 Flight III. It will be the most powerful sensor of its kind in the Aegis fleet -- more than 30 times more sensitive than the currently fielded Aegis radar. The Flight III upgrades also give the destroyers increased shipboard power production -- to support the larger radar -- and hull enhancements.

The AMDR program, a $5.9 billion project to develop and procure the new sensor for Flight III ships, is developing a suite that includes a new S-band radar capable of both ballistic missile defense and air defense as well as an X-band radar, the SPQ-9B. AMDR also includes the Radar Suite Controller, a new component that -- according to the manufacturer -- will "manage radar resources and integrate with the ship's combat management system."

What impact does achieving this milestone early have on the program?

"Achievement of MS C allows limited production of the first three shipsets of SPY-6 equipment at competitive pricing," Kent said.

On May 1, the Navy exercised a $327 million contract option for low-rate initial production for a first batch of the new S-band radars, the latest action on a potential $1.6 billion contract the government awarded Raytheon in 2013. This follows a $110 million contract the Navy awarded Raytheon's Integrated Defense Systems in Sudsbury, MA, last December to begin buying long-lead materials in anticipation of the LRIP decision.

Schedule estimates for future milestones are not affected, she added, effectively buying the program buffer for the goal: meeting the "in yard need date" to deliver the first shipset for integration with the lead Flight III ship no later than September 2019.

Last summer, the Government Accountability Office found the AMDR program was progressing as planned "but extensive development and testing remains." Further, citing the complexity of ship design and construction changes associated with integrating the AMDR into the DDG-51, the GAO report recommended the Navy delay procuring the lead Flight III ship.

The Pentagon's portion of the fiscal year 2017 omnibus appropriations bill includes a provision that directs the Navy to postpone plans to proceed with the first Flight III ship and instead award a DDG-51 Flight IIA ship.

What impact does this directive have on the AMDR program?

"None," said Kent. "The initial AMDR production units will be delivered to support Flight III construction schedules. The Navy continues negotiations with both shipbuilders for the Flight III capability," she added.
AN/SPY-6 has gone remarkably well since Raytheon got the contract in 2013, and even back to the program's launch in 2010 the management has done well. The Navy and Raytheon people who've sheparded this along really are doing great work.
ESSM Block II AUR mass properties:

From an RFI for MK132 Launcher Modernization.


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Looks like it gained 35 pounds, and with the same rocket motor. . . :p
sferrin said:
Looks like it gained 35 pounds, and with the same rocket motor. . . :p

I was under the impression that ESSM Blk 1 was (for the typical illuminator) illuminator limited and not kinematically limited.
I'm still curious why they went with this Block II iteration rather than just adopting the SLAMRAAM-ER. ???
sferrin said:
I'm still curious why they went with this Block II iteration rather than just adopting the SLAMRAAM-ER. ???

We've gone over this before. There's a bunch of compatibility features in ESSM Blk II that aren't in the stock AMRAAM seeker.,26880.msg276477.html#msg276477,23897.msg291412.html#msg291412
TomS said:
sferrin said:
I'm still curious why they went with this Block II iteration rather than just adopting the SLAMRAAM-ER. ???

We've gone over this before. There's a bunch of compatibility features in ESSM Blk II that aren't in the stock AMRAAM seeker.,26880.msg276477.html#msg276477,23897.msg291412.html#msg291412

Yep, you're correct of course. Sometimes it's difficult to keep everything straight. Guess it would help if I wrote it down somewhere. :-[
No worries. Lots of moving parts to keep track of on these programs.

Te first Evolved Seasparrow Missile Block 2 firings were conducted at the Pt. Mugu Sea Range
off the coast of California, June 12-13, 2017. Representatives from the NATO SEASPARROW
Project Office, U.S. government technical support agencies, and Raytheon Missile Systems
conducted Controlled Test Vehicle (CTV) firings from the Self-Defense Test Ship. These flights
were unguided and intended to prove the missile could be fired safely and follow a pre-programmed
course. The first CTV flight profile included a high elevation launch, simulating egress from a
vertical launcher. The second CTV firing included a low-elevation trainable launcher profile launch.
Both CTV flight test were highly successful. The next series of planned test flights will increase in
complexity to demonstrate the progress of ongoing development
Does the Block 1 ESSM have a thruster ring, like the PAC-3? In the second video, a thruster can be seen near the nose tip as the missile executes a Skid Turn.
marauder2048 said:
To me, it looked like vortex shedding from the strakes.

If you look at 1:34, there is a light at the tip, which persists for a few seconds before the smoke trail appears.
DrRansom said:
Does the Block 1 ESSM have a thruster ring, like the PAC-3? In the second video, a thruster can be seen near the nose tip as the missile executes a Skid Turn.

ESSM has a module at the tail for vectoring that gets dropped right after the tipover. It can be seen below. (Note, you don't see them on those launched from Sea Sparrow 8-cell launchers as it's not required.)


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I'm not sure what we're seeing in the video, but I'm pretty sure it's not a thruster. They haven't mentioned adding such a capability in any published materials, and if it was an unpublished capability, they wouldn't have released video that showed it off.
TomS said:
I'm not sure what we're seeing in the video, but I'm pretty sure it's not a thruster. They haven't mentioned adding such a capability in any published materials, and if it was an unpublished capability, they wouldn't have released video that showed it off.

As Marauder pointed out, it's probably vortex shedding. One can clearly see the TVC module aft of the tailfins at 0:25 and see it dropping off here:


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Cooperative Engagement Capability - A Sensor Netting Enabler SNA18


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A brief overview of the SPY-6 variant mission requirements and array configuration is provided as follows:

1. AMDR (AN/SPY-6(V)1) is designed to meet mission performance and size, weight, and power - cooling (SWAP-C) requirements of the DDG-51 FLT III ships with AEGIS Baseline 10 (BL 10) combat system. The AMDR S-Band Radar will provide volume search, tracking, Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) discrimination, and missile communications in a wide diversity of environments and conditions. This variant includes 37 Radar Modular Assemblies (RMAs) per array, each which contain independent transmit and receive LRUs and provide SPY +16 dB minimum sensitivity. There are 4 arrays per shipset.

2. AMDR Backfit (designation to be determined) is designed to meet mission performance and SWAP-C requirements of the DDG-51 FLT IIA ships with a variant of AEGIS Baseline 10 (BL 10) combat system, to be defined. The AMDR Backfit Radar will provide volume search, tracking, Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) discrimination, and missile communications in a wide diversity of environments and conditions. This variant includes 24 RMAs per array x 4 arrays per shipset.

3. EASR Rotator (AN/SPY-6(V)2) is designed to meet mission performance and SWAP-C requirements of the Landing Helicopter Assault (LHA 8+) hulls, Landing Platform/Dock (LPD 29+) hulls, and backfit onto CVN (Nimitz) and Landing Helicopter Docking (LHD) hulls. This variant includes a single array on a rotating platform with 9 RMAs.

4. EASR Fixed Face (designation to be determined) is designed to meet mission performance and size, weight, and power - cooling (SWAP-C) requirements of CVN (Ford) class carriers and Future Frigate (FFG(X)). This variant includes 9 RMAs per array and there are 3 arrays per shipset.

For context, the notional procurement and delivery schedules for all FY21-25 SPY-6 shipsets (combined Leader and Challenger requirements), and the current SPY-6 contract planned shipset delivery dates are provided under Attachment 4 of this RFI.
bring_it_on said:
A brief overview of the SPY-6 variant mission requirements and array configuration is provided as follows:

1. AMDR (AN/SPY-6(V)1) is designed to meet mission performance and size, weight, and power - cooling (SWAP-C) requirements of the DDG-51 FLT III ships with AEGIS Baseline 10 (BL 10) combat system. The AMDR S-Band Radar will provide volume search, tracking, Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) discrimination, and missile communications in a wide diversity of environments and conditions. This variant includes 37 Radar Modular Assemblies (RMAs) per array, each which contain independent transmit and receive LRUs and provide SPY +16 dB minimum sensitivity. There are 4 arrays per shipset.

2. AMDR Backfit (designation to be determined) is designed to meet mission performance and SWAP-C requirements of the DDG-51 FLT IIA ships with a variant of AEGIS Baseline 10 (BL 10) combat system, to be defined. The AMDR Backfit Radar will provide volume search, tracking, Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) discrimination, and missile communications in a wide diversity of environments and conditions. This variant includes 24 RMAs per array x 4 arrays per shipset.

3. EASR Rotator (AN/SPY-6(V)2) is designed to meet mission performance and SWAP-C requirements of the Landing Helicopter Assault (LHA 8+) hulls, Landing Platform/Dock (LPD 29+) hulls, and backfit onto CVN (Nimitz) and Landing Helicopter Docking (LHD) hulls. This variant includes a single array on a rotating platform with 9 RMAs.

4. EASR Fixed Face (designation to be determined) is designed to meet mission performance and size, weight, and power - cooling (SWAP-C) requirements of CVN (Ford) class carriers and Future Frigate (FFG(X)). This variant includes 9 RMAs per array and there are 3 arrays per shipset.

For context, the notional procurement and delivery schedules for all FY21-25 SPY-6 shipsets (combined Leader and Challenger requirements), and the current SPY-6 contract planned shipset delivery dates are provided under Attachment 4 of this RFI.
First time I've seen definitive wording on the number of RMAs per panel on Backfit. Going to be interesting to see exactly how much reconstruction a IIA needs to make the conversion workable.
The Flight II backfit with 24 RAMs is most probably set up with 2/4/6/6/4/2 RAMs per row. That gives a size of about 3.68m x 3.55m. SPY-1 has about 3.65m x 3.65m. That should fit very well from antenna perspective.
Racer said:
The Flight II backfit with 24 RAMs is most probably set up with 2/4/6/6/4/2 RAMs per row. That gives a size of about 3.68m x 3.55m. SPY-1 has about 3.65m x 3.65m. That should fit very well from antenna perspective.
The size of the hole is only part of the equation, SPY-6 fits in space very differently than SPY-1 does. Plus there's the need for more cooling and more readily available 4,160-volt power.
The 24 RMA solution is meant exactly for backfitting into Flight II without the need for improving power or cooling, or at least in a very easy way, like up-rating the generators (available) and do a 1 to 1 replacement.

It is NOT SPY 6 with 37 RMA, which has a linearly higher demand for power and cooling by about 54%.
Racer said:
The 24 RMA solution is meant exactly for backfitting into Flight II without the need for improving power or cooling, or at least in a very easy way, like up-rating the generators (available) and do a 1 to 1 replacement.

It is NOT SPY 6 with 37 RMA, which has a linearly higher demand for power and cooling by about 54%.
I am aware of the scope of the backfit array, as my post further up the page indicates. However, backfitting will require more cooling up at the panels because, instead of a separate transmitter and waveguide tubes feeding a passive array, the T/R modules are literally right up against the antenna elements. Plus everything's running at 4160. That's a different cooling architecture, even if the overall net gain isn't as dramatic as with a full SPY-6.
Moose said:
Plus everything's running at 4160.

The Navy had started in on the design of a 450 VAC -> 1000 VDC power conversion module during the early AMDR days.
There was a recent-ish BAA on this front.

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