Airlines Facing Coronavirus Crisis of their own

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Cuomo [the Mayor of New York] said the smartest way forward would be a public health strategy that complemented a “get-back-to-work strategy.”

Same problems we're facing in Brazil, the lockdown is about to implode because we can't face its economical consequences; among the poorer people, the choice is Wuhan Flu or famine, as they get fired because businesses cannot keep them employed.
From the Guardian live feed:
"Gatwick Airport is to close one of its two terminals next week and only operate flights in an eight-hour window every day – between 2pm and 10pm – with most passenger air travel now suspended.
London’s second-biggest airport said the unprecedented move was necessary to protect staff and the business as revenues all but vanish.
The North terminal will close from Wednesday for at least the next month. Any remaining passengers due to travel are advised to contact their airline.
Airports and airlines had been holding out for assistance from the Treasury to maintain operations, but were told on Monday that no specific measures for aviation would be forthcoming."
Well Bordeaux airport is probably going to close next week.
I believe they are planning to turn Birmingham airport into a temporary mortuary.
I believe they are planning to turn Birmingham airport into a temporary mortuary.

One hangar. Bear in mind it's literally across the road from the NEC, which is becoming one of the emergency 'Nightingale' hospitals and will need a mortuary facility. (And for those who aren't Brits, Birmingham is our second city with a regional population of almost 3m)

Meanwhile in locked down Spain, police issues strange warning:

Hunting #Pokemon, dinosaurs or any other magical creature is PROHIBITED during the Alarm State. Don't make excuses and #StayatHome #SocialResponsibility #COVID19."

If ever, that might be perfect time to walk safely your pet Dino (this is not a reference to your mother in law).
Now in Le Monde as well.
Dans une note diffusée vendredi 27 mars, Atmo France, qui regroupe l’ensemble des organismes de surveillance de la qualité de l’air, conclut qu’« une exposition chronique à la pollution de l’air est un facteur aggravant des impacts sanitaires lors de la contagion par le Covid-19 ».

In a note released on Friday, March 27, Atmo France, which brings together all of the air quality monitoring organizations, concludes that "chronic exposure to air pollution is an aggravating factor for health impacts during of contagion by Covid-19 ".

If no buyer for OneWeb or its assets can be found, the UK government is ultimately responsible for the 74 spacecraft in orbit.

As the licensing state, it will carry the liability if these satellites are involved in a collision.
Someone should have a close look into that.

The ESA collision monitoring team are still working, presumably the USAF one still is.
In sharp contrast with some place in Europe:

The US has a large enough internal market for some flights to remain viable, particularly given how lax it's been about imposing a complete lockdown, but Europe needs international flights for a viable market, and with borders shut and most of the continent locked down there isn't one.
Not that but the fact that a large range of satellites are gonna be monitored for decades and then discarded without budgets (OneWeb bankruptcy).
Now in Le Monde as well.
Dans une note diffusée vendredi 27 mars, Atmo France, qui regroupe l’ensemble des organismes de surveillance de la qualité de l’air, conclut qu’« une exposition chronique à la pollution de l’air est un facteur aggravant des impacts sanitaires lors de la contagion par le Covid-19 ».

In a note released on Friday, March 27, Atmo France, which brings together all of the air quality monitoring organizations, concludes that "chronic exposure to air pollution is an aggravating factor for health impacts during of contagion by Covid-19 ".

Yes. It's something suggested as one possible reason mortality rates seemed to be higher in China than other places (I haven't kept up to see if those mortality trends have continued, though). Long-term exposure to pollutants results in lung damage, which seems to make the effects of COVID-19 worse. This has nothing to do with how the virus is being spread, though. It's about how well people are surviving the virus once exposed to it via the usual well-understood methods.
Not that but the fact that a large range of satellites are gonna be monitored for decades and then discarded without budgets (OneWeb bankruptcy).

It's an asset, assets get sold in bankruptcies.
Bordeaux airport closed to passenger traffic. Which changes next to zero to my present fate - airline aircraft already grounded, and me locked at home. Tomorrow nobody of my company will be left there: the last two men standing (my station manager and my unfortunate colleague) are moving to the MRO company headquarters, 300 miles north. Which are even more unsafe that Bordeaux airport. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
As for me, Skype planned with my physician to extend my sick leave to match Macron lockdown - April 15 so far.

From the Guardian live feed:
Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab announced a £75m airlift initiative to rescue tens of thousands of British nationals stranded abroad because of the global Covid-19 pandemic.

Charter flights will help to repatriate Britons from “priority countries”, while UK travellers in countries where commercial flights were still running will be provided with subsidies for tickets.

The intervention from the Foreign Office comes after it faced weeks of criticism that it was not doing enough to get citizens back home. The government will be partnering with British Airways, Easyjet, Jet2 and Titan airlines to mount the charter operation.

(It was Raab who while Minister for Brexit announced he was surprised to find that Dover was an important port, so I hope they have someone else reading the map for him

Even more scarily, he is Deputy PM).
Apart from any problems, that may have come with the interpretation of articles about Covid-19, this thread
is just about
"Airlines Facing Coronavirus Crisis of their own", remember ?
So, please, back on topic !

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