Airarms-Vega aircraft turret


ACCESS: Top Secret
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25 October 2007
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Does anyone know of photos/drawings of this turret, intended to be installed in nose and tail stations on bombers, developed between 1940 and 1942? It was a very advanced ball turret, armoured and equipped with a prismatic gunsight.
The only ball type turret I have come up with on the words Airarms or Vega is this one which was designed to be fitted to the B-33 Super Marauder design. Pic from Langley archives Vega turret on wind tunnel model.jpg
Thanks for the input, VictorXL188, although this turret doesn`t fit my first description. A more advanced iteration, I would guess.
Did this have anything to do with the 16 mm Vega gun, of about that period? The cartridge used a modified .50 BMG case with the larger bullet providing more space for HEI filling, IIRC. I don't know anything about the gun design or mountings, except that the gun was supposedly very slender to fit easily within thin wings.

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