Air Enthusiast is no more

There's actually some details on the PA.58 on the web.
Its overall dimensions can be found at (le problème du Porte Avion).
There's also some drawing of it at the Key forums (guess who asked for it ? ;D )
And, naturally, on their proposed weapons, a cross of Blue Steel and sclaed down Skybolts. The Matra Minerve missile in illustrated in Docavia Mirage IV (great work, BTW, absolutely recommended), but I think SO or SE had proposals too...
Just reading the last page of the very last Air Enthusiast.

Mention is made that AE will probably become a subtitle to AirInternational.

The circle is full and we are back (almost) where it all begun.

Maybe there's still a little bit of hope...
Archibald said:
There's actually some details on the PA.58 on the web.
Its overall dimensions can be found at (le problème du Porte Avion).
There's also some drawing of it at the Key forums (guess who asked for it ? ;D )

I found the article in question:

This is the first reference I've ever seen to the PA.59, the 35,000 ton enlarged Clemenceau that briefly was considered after the 45,500 ton PA.58 "Verdun" was cancelled.
Pometablava, does the article on the XB-42 have any cockpit photos? I've been wanting to model one of these for FS9 for a long time. I have highly detailed drawings for the plane itself, but haven't been able to find any information on what's inside the plane, including in the nose or the bomb bay. I think the only way I will ever get that info is if I make a road trip to the USAF museum for research purposes.
Anyone know of a good place to pick up back issues of 'Air Enthusiast'? Key Publishing are out of some of the back issues. Midland Counties Publishing (before they were taken over by Ian Allan Publishing) used to be a good place to pick up 'Air Enthusiast' at decent prices when there was a sale but no more.
Dear Amsci99, yesterday I visited The Aviation Bookshop in Tunbridge Wells, Kent and bought 11 back issues of Air Enthusiast. They carry a good stock of issues, from the wonderful early issues to the pooh recent ones. The older ones seem to sell at £3-00 Sterling per copy.

Give them a try, they are very obliging.......

Best wishes, Terry, (Caravellarella)

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