Air Defense Ship (ADS)/Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC)/Vikrant-class Carrier

Despite the official-looking logo at the front this seems to be a fan-made video. The hangar-deck aircraft handling system looks rather fantastical if you ask me.
Surely fan made video. moderate quality sounds, the model is nice but water effects are quite low.
Probably is fan made but I don't think the graphic effects are much of an indicator either way. Gov graphics are frequently quite poor in pretty much every country.
The idea of the Navalized F-15 Eagle probably came from this article from Wikipedia:

F-15N Sea Eagle
The F-15N was a carrier-capable variant proposed in the early 1970s to the U.S. Navy as an alternative to the heavier and, at the time, considered as "riskier" technology program, the Grumman F-14 Tomcat. The F-15N-PHX was another proposed naval version capable of carrying the AIM-54 Phoenix missile. These featured folding wingtips, reinforced landing gear and a stronger tailhook for shipboard operation.
I think it is not so much the Navalised F-15 but rather the Indian Navalised F-15
Hood said:
Seems now that India could be a possible market for the Gripen Maritime, but from this article it sounds as though SAAB hasn't really got very far with this as a serious project.
Bushke also touched on the Gripen Maritime, a model of which was displayed in the Saab stand - New Delhi recently issued a request for information for 57 carrier-borne fighters.

Bushke said that Saab has conducted initial research into what would be necessary to make the Gripen capable of operating from a CATOBAR (catapult takeoff but arrested recovery) aircraft carrier.

Gripen Maritime would require several modifications, including a carrier capable tail hook and strengthened landing gear - including a twin wheel nose gear.

Because Sweden has no aircraft carriers, the development of the Gripen Maritime requires an overseas customer. Such a variant could also be of use to Brazil, which operates a single flat top built originally for France. India has two STOBAR (short takeoff but arrested recovery) carriers, and is likely to build a more potent CATOBAR carrier.

Bushke says that helping to develop such a carrier variant of Gripen E would be a strong opportunity for Indian aerospace, as it would give exposure to a major development programme at an early stage.
It is interesting to compare and contrast India's carrier development with that of China.
Unlike China, the Indian Navy has been able to operate a single carrier force for years using British built carriers and fighter bombers.
Like China it has acquired a rebuilt former Soviet carrier and Russian aircraft.
Unlike China India has developed s mixed Western/Russian carrier design and own aircraft design to operate from it. Sadly the limits of India's economy and industry compared with China show in the result.
Perhaps in a few years time we may see another ex RN carrier serving with the Indian Navy
You suggesting the RN will sell their QEs to India? or at least one?
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sorry Tzoli Foo Fighter is quite right
A friend of mine shows why
But given the volatility of UK politics I had to mention it...
Not likely, it would be suicide for any government to even consider.

There was a kite flown during the last days of the Cameron government, but that may have actually been a manouver by someone to poison the well for such a possibility. Or it may have just been a high ranking beancounter or similar that was totally out of touch with the way the wind was blowing, geopolitically speaking.
more carrier news

looks like they added some more lines, compared to the time of Deinos pic

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Wow, the elevators look just as tiny as I've read they were.

to be quite frank, I'm surprised that things like these tiny lifts on the new carrier
or the tejas small size..

no one thought of future growth needs.

another thing i noticed is that the deck seems very smooth.
there's no non-skid texture like on other carriers
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Wow, the elevators look just as tiny as I've read they were.

to be quite frank, I'm surprised that things like these tiny lifts on the new carrier
or the tejas small size..

no one thought of future growth needs.

another thing i noticed is that the deck seems very smooth.
there's no non-skid texture like on other carriers
You can't tell the deck texture at these resolutions, so I wouldn't take that as anything. But yeah, bad move by the Indians on the elevators.
The elevators are 11.2 metres across. They are as wide as they have to be. And please do note that the Indian Navy has a tender out for 36 Multi-role Carrier Borne Aircraft ( they earlier intended to procure 57) and RFIs have gone to both Dassault and Boeing. Both Dassault and Boeing have responded. So, this discussion about elevator size is moot. I am sure the Indian Navy, Dassault and Boeing know the dimensions involved.
The elevators are 11.2 metres across. They are as wide as they have to be. And please do note that the Indian Navy has a tender out for 36 Multi-role Carrier Borne Aircraft ( they earlier intended to procure 57) and RFIs have gone to both Dassault and Boeing. Both Dassault and Boeing have responded. So, this discussion about elevator size is moot. I am sure the Indian Navy, Dassault and Boeing know the dimensions involved.
30 cm clearance for the Rafale then. Seems a bit tight, but I’m no deck-handling expert.
The elevators are 11.2 metres across. They are as wide as they have to be. And please do note that the Indian Navy has a tender out for 36 Multi-role Carrier Borne Aircraft ( they earlier intended to procure 57) and RFIs have gone to both Dassault and Boeing. Both Dassault and Boeing have responded. So, this discussion about elevator size is moot. I am sure the Indian Navy, Dassault and Boeing know the dimensions involved.
30 cm clearance for the Rafale then. Seems a bit tight, but I’m no deck-handling expert.
well thats actually 15cm on each side....or 6 inches, in old money. there will be markings on the lift, but your going to need to be exact, in locating the aircraft. Having managed to prang a wingtip when moving a 40' plane, into a 100' wide hangar, I wouldnt want the job....
with more images emerging

it does seem the Vikrant doesn't have anti-skid coating on its deck yet
Screen Shot 2021-10-12 at 13.30.45.png

although the Vikramaditya does

I also didn't realize until now that the size of the Vikrant is very identical to the Charles DeGaulle
which makes it a lot more unfortunate that the elevators or so small. It could have been another Rafale M ship..
since everyone keeps talking about whether the Rafale or Super Hornet can fit in the Vikrants elevator.. i decided to try see it myself.

There are no official data on the elevator size, but IDRW estimates it is 16.5 x 11.2
using that, I created a box of about that dimension.
Then I made a second box with the length and wingspan of the Rafale and Shornet. Then took a vector of the two planes and fit it inside that box to get it to the correct scale.
The problem is i dont know if the length is just the radome to engine, or radome to tail (as the tails for both goes a bit further than the engine). In the case of the Rafale i scaled it to the engine but for the Shornet, i scaled it too the tail tip

Basically as you can see. the Rafale fits like a glove on the elevator, although the wings are really close to the edge.
If the length includes the tail tip, then it should fit well length wise on the elevator. However if it only goes up to the engine, then then whole length barely fits in the elevator. However since the elevators face the starboard side?, then a little overhang out of the elevators is probably okay

For the hornet however, its quite a bit longer than the elevator, regardless if you scale it to the engine or tail tip. so overhang is inevitable. fortunately the front landing gear should be safe.
The wings when fully out, will not fit, but when folded it seems okay.
putting it at an angle will still cause the nose to overhang

Screen Shot 2022-01-12 at 16.18.20.png Screen Shot 2022-01-12 at 16.27.45.png
whether the Rafale or Super Hornet can fit in the Vikrants elevator.. i decided to try see it myself.

Rafale is smaller than what you drew:

Length: 15.27m (to tip of tail fin)
Wing span: 10.21m (without missiles), 10.8m (with missiles)

Each Mica adds ~28cm to the wingspan.
whether the Rafale or Super Hornet can fit in the Vikrants elevator.. i decided to try see it myself.

Rafale is smaller than what you drew:

Length: 15.27m (to tip of tail fin)
Wing span: 10.21m (without missiles), 10.8m (with missiles)

Each Mica adds ~28cm to the wingspan.
in any case the point is to see if it fits on the Vikrants elevator, and if your assumption is correct, then even more so it can fit within.

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