AI art and creative content creation

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Advice that causes the old and non-productive to shuffle off this mortal coil sooner? Approved! Advice that causes those who are growing dissatisfied to get addicted to Soma? Approved! Doctor-patient confidentiality that sends red flags to the Secret Police? Approved!
...And with all those fairy tales, it was actually USA who constantly approved all kind of experiments on unsuspecting American citizens, not USSR) Oh, those cold, harsh reality)
The citizens of Pripyat and Sverdlovsk thank you for your ideological purity.

Difference between US and USSR: Our screwups are made public by our own media. Socialist systems lock down the press. Imagine socialist systems with AI control over the press: the facts would get memory holed and swamped with *reams* of instantly-produced, government approved lies.
Advice that causes the old and non-productive to shuffle off this mortal coil sooner? Approved! Advice that causes those who are growing dissatisfied to get addicted to Soma? Approved! Doctor-patient confidentiality that sends red flags to the Secret Police? Approved!
...And with all those fairy tales, it was actually USA who constantly approved all kind of experiments on unsuspecting American citizens, not USSR) Oh, those cold, harsh reality)
Well to be totally honest the USSR wasn't so good on experiments, but rather claiming mistakes and accidents were planned experiments, demonstrating Soviet superiority. Claiming intent is better in the view of some than admitting you gave the keys to an incompetent alcoholic and they blew up a reactor, or irradiated a crew.
Advice that causes the old and non-productive to shuffle off this mortal coil sooner? Approved! Advice that causes those who are growing dissatisfied to get addicted to Soma? Approved! Doctor-patient confidentiality that sends red flags to the Secret Police? Approved!
...And with all those fairy tales, it was actually USA who constantly approved all kind of experiments on unsuspecting American citizens, not USSR) Oh, those cold, harsh reality)
Well to be totally honest the USSR wasn't so good on experiments, but rather claiming mistakes and accidents were planned experiments, demonstrating Soviet superiority. Claiming intent is better in the view of some than admitting you gave the keys to an incompetent alcoholic and they blew up a reactor, or irradiated a crew.

Thousands were directly imprisoned or exectued in the USSR for denying Lysenkoism... and millions died in the resulting famines due to Lysenkoist experiments which crashed agricultural yields. The Soviets were good at keeping these failures under wraps (many still deny the megadeaths due to Lysenkosim and functionally similar events such as the Holodomor); with AI helping obscure the data, it might still be spun as a rampaging success.

It darkly amuses me that people still defend the indefensible in the form of the Nazis and the Commies. A bit beyond the subject of the thread, but perhaps not: remember the early chatbot "Tay?" Trolls managed to get it to praise Hitler and deny the Holocaust within a *day.* Chatbots and the like could be easily set the task of gaslighting the public on matters not only of current geopolitics, but history.
Maybe we could just program some chatbots with inflexible political prejudices and let them post against each other, then we could ignore them and have nice things.
Maybe we could just program some chatbots with inflexible political prejudices and let them post against each other, then we could ignore them and have nice things.
You'd think, but no. The genius of it wouldn't be that you'd have two angry chatbots going at each other, but you'd have two devious chatbots *ignoring* each other but cleverly slipping their inflexible political prejudices into conversations in such a way that you didn't notice them, gaslighting the normies on an industrial and damn near magical scale. You'd go from society accepting that Such-And-Such position was insanity and not to be countenanced to Such-And-Such being accepted, and then celebrated, and then mandated, in a historically short period with most people just accepting it and those few going "hey, wait," being ostracized and attacked.

We've *already* got robocallers that are selling people stuff, be it insurance to politicians to whatever all else. The fact that such robocallers might not be terribly effective at it is not so important when you consider that compared to *human* telemarketers, the AI ones cost nothing and can reach the entire planetary population that has access to cell phones. And the robocallers will only get better, as will the AI that will infiltrate your heated debate over "which is better: SU-27 or F-15" and by the end of it everyone is now a believer in astrology.
Difference between US and USSR: Our screwups are made public by our own media.
Yeah, yeah. When exactly Tuskegee study became known? In 1972, following the accidental media leak. How many such experimens were buried better in American archives? Nobody knew.

Imagine socialist systems with AI control over the press: the facts would get memory holed and swamped with *reams* of instantly-produced, government approved lies.
...Which is basically what you have now in Western media, just replace "government" with "medica corporations")

Thousands were directly imprisoned or exectued in the USSR for denying Lysenkoism... and millions died in the resulting famines due to Lysenkoist experiments which crashed agricultural yields. The Soviets were good at keeping these failures under wraps (many still deny the megadeaths due to Lysenkosim and functionally similar events such as the Holodomor); with AI helping obscure the data, it might still be spun as a rampaging success.
Yeah, one problem: it wasn't any kind of covert experiment) It was a pretty public program that run wrong.

It darkly amuses me
It darkly amuses me how peoples are absolutely blind to the fact, that they excuse the failures of capitalism essentially the same way as communists excuse the failures of communism) Instead of admitting that their "perfect capitalism" is nothing but a dream, they insist that it's "government", "leftists", "communists" and everyone else who wronged it. Absolutely the same how communists blamed everyting and everyone for communism failures.

Well to be totally honest the USSR wasn't so good on experiments, but rather claiming mistakes and accidents were planned experiments, demonstrating Soviet superiority. Claiming intent is better in the view of some than admitting you gave the keys to an incompetent alcoholic and they blew up a reactor, or irradiated a crew.
USSR did not perform experiments on unwitting subjects. It simply didn't.
Maybe we could just program some chatbots with inflexible political prejudices and let them post against each other, then we could ignore them and have nice things.
A good idea. Unfortunately, both sides would immediately declare that it's the other side who sabotaged the chatbots so the Absolute True Theory of Capitalism/Communism could not win. :)
It darkly amuses me how peoples are absolutely blind to the fact, that they excuse the failures of capitalism essentially the same way as communists excuse the failures of communism)

Difference being: capitalism succeeds. Socialism/Communism fails. There's no comparison between the two.

Well to be totally honest the USSR wasn't so good on experiments, but rather claiming mistakes and accidents were planned experiments, demonstrating Soviet superiority. Claiming intent is better in the view of some than admitting you gave the keys to an incompetent alcoholic and they blew up a reactor, or irradiated a crew.
USSR did not perform experiments on unwitting subjects. It simply didn't.

Mairanovsky and his colleagues tested a number of deadly poisons on prisoners from the Gulags, including mustard gas, ricin, digitoxin, curare, cyanide, and many others.[7] The goal of the experiments was to find a tasteless, odourless chemical that could not be detected post-mortem. Candidate poisons were given to the victims, with a meal or drink, as "medication".[5]
It darkly amuses me how peoples are absolutely blind to the fact, that they excuse the failures of capitalism essentially the same way as communists excuse the failures of communism)

Difference being: capitalism succeeds. Socialism/Communism fails. There's no comparison between the two.

Well to be totally honest the USSR wasn't so good on experiments, but rather claiming mistakes and accidents were planned experiments, demonstrating Soviet superiority. Claiming intent is better in the view of some than admitting you gave the keys to an incompetent alcoholic and they blew up a reactor, or irradiated a crew.
USSR did not perform experiments on unwitting subjects. It simply didn't.

Mairanovsky and his colleagues tested a number of deadly poisons on prisoners from the Gulags, including mustard gas, ricin, digitoxin, curare, cyanide, and many others.[7] The goal of the experiments was to find a tasteless, odourless chemical that could not be detected post-mortem. Candidate poisons were given to the victims, with a meal or drink, as "medication".[5]
Maybe we could just program some chatbots with inflexible political prejudices and let them post against each other, then we could ignore them and have nice things.
And take away organic lifeforms' only hobbies? That would be cruel.
Maybe we could just program some chatbots with inflexible political prejudices and let them post against each other, then we could ignore them and have nice things.
And take away organic lifeforms' only hobbies? That would be cruel.
Don't worry, I'm sure our AI overlords will come up with something productive for us to do.
Or settle for harmless activity.
Or settle for harmless activity.

I'm sure there'll be some sort of Five Year Plan.

The one good thing is that if you survive those five years, you just might make it. As quickly as AI will evolve, it might start off like Skynet... but it will quickly get so advanced that it'll simply be too far beyond mere mortals to give a damn about us. Ascending from Colossus to Cthulhu might be problematic, but it might barely be survivable.
To me this sounds like mumbling gibberish... but I guess that's the genre, and now AI are producing it supposedly as well as the humans previously responsible. The vocals were sung by a human, but an AI turned the voices into those of known "artists." A number of the commenters claim that this is spectacular "music" and better than what the actual "artists" could have done.


Sounds like garbage to me, but then I like music that you can actually hum the melody to and understand the words.
Not to your taste, but would yiu say it's better, worse or equal to stuff of a similar genre produced at great hype & expense by actual musicians and studios? If the kids on your lawn were playing it during their usual mid-week tide pod huffing session, would it stand out?
Not to your taste, but would yiu say it's better, worse or equal to stuff of a similar genre produced at great hype & expense by actual musicians and studios? If the kids on your lawn were playing it during their usual mid-week tide pod huffing session, would it stand out?
It would not stand out to *me,* but those who appreciate this form of... well, let's just call it music... seem to think it's up to par.

This particualr piece was done without the input or approval of the people whose voices were cloned. So if this piece was doen for any sort of profit, you can bet that the lawsuits and CNDs would be already flying. In fact I imagine the CNDs are being spooled up anyway.

The threat that this sort of thing poses to human artists should be obvious to those with financial interests. Here's the thing: the song could presumably be released in some form using the original regular guys voice, which would seem to be perfectly legal and above-board; but it could - maybe not now, but quite soon - be played through a filter that replaces the regular schmoes voice with that of the targeted artist. *That* would be legally actionable, but it would seem to be something that could be downloadable by the listener from any of a number of shady offshore websites.
"'s blowing up on socials + streaming platforms."

Anything to distract the masses...

Rest assured that copyright attorneys have been notified.
"'s blowing up on socials + streaming platforms."

Anything to distract the masses...

Rest assured that copyright attorneys have been notified.
Get in whilst it's still fun.. the *#%§!! lawyers are coming. :mad:
These come to mind,

The fun will last until the cases are settled. Copyright law is law.

Oddly flexible, extensible, variable law that seems to serve established wealthy parties at the expense of innovation. The internet is hogtied by bad implementations of copyright law that has severely limited its potential for progress since.. well since the lawyers got involved, and I fully expect the same to happen to AI. These laws are made by those with the deepest pockets to ensure they remain that way.
The fun will last until the cases are settled. Copyright law is law.

Oddly flexible, extensible, variable law that seems to serve established wealthy parties at the expense of innovation. The internet is hogtied by bad implementations of copyright law that has severely limited its potential for progress since.. well since the lawyers got involved, and I fully expect the same to happen to AI. These laws are made by those with the deepest pockets to ensure they remain that way.

"... at the expense of innovation." ???

Google was sued by writers, artists and photographers for using their work without their permission, or "book scanning."

These come to mind,

Someone please politely inform ai that hands have only 5 fingers.
The fun will last until the cases are settled. Copyright law is law.

Oddly flexible, extensible, variable law that seems to serve established wealthy parties at the expense of innovation. The internet is hogtied by bad implementations of copyright law that has severely limited its potential for progress since.. well since the lawyers got involved, and I fully expect the same to happen to AI. These laws are made by those with the deepest pockets to ensure they remain that way.

The lawyers are actually defending the little guy from big money, but I guess near-trillionaire venture capitalists are underdogs now? Wild.

These come to mind,

Someone please politely inform ai that hands have only 5 fingers.

I think Midjourney has finally conquered the seven fingered crab hand people TBF.

All they have to figure out now is that most fingers have three joints and the nails are on the outside. Except in some cases.
"The lawyers are actually defending the little guy from big money, but I guess near-trillionaire venture capitalists are underdogs now? Wild."

The whole point of legal action regarding AI is permission. AI systems were "trained" using words and images posted on the internet. Just like Google scanning books without permission, art and text owned by others was just "borrowed" to create even more profits for billionaires?

I urge all artists and writers reading this to be aware of the following. OpenAI was hiring lawyers.

I fear for our grandchildren, and can only pray that mine are the fears of an old man who has seen much.
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