AGM-114 Hellfire family





flight recorder AGM-114R

Missile Captive Carry Monitoring, 2012
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Hellfire Shore Defense System (HSDS) developed by Rockwell International, Bofors Missiles, Boeing, Litton

in service with the Norwegian Defence Forces (over 350 missiles) and the Swedish Defence Forces (designated Robot 17) in shore-based and mobile versions mounted on Combat Boat 90.

The missile system consists of a pair of rail-type launchers, several transport containers with missiles, cables, fuse boxes, four batteries and a control unit with a laser designator, the system is usually operated by 9-10 soldiers

missile weight: 48 kg, inc. warhead: 9 kg
range: 300-8000 m
maximum speed: 450 m/sec
laser designator unit weight: 11 kg
night sight: 7.3 kg
diagnostic system box: 12.8 kg
cables: 8.5 kg
fuse box: 3 kg
battery : 10.8 kg
container with missile: 71 kg
shelf life: 10 years, renewable up to 20 years (test of 10 years and 15 years)
year: 1990

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Joint Attack Munition Systems (JAMS) -

AGM-114 A/B/C
64", 100lbs, 13.7lbs LX-4
A- Hi trajectory, No Ship
B- SAD & ship
C-No Ship

71", 107lbs, .64 LX-14, 13.7 lbs of LX-14. .64 precursor
-Not approved for ships

AGM-114K-2 &AGM-114K-2A
K - 64", 100lbs, 2.2 LX-14, 12.6
K-2 - 64", 100lbs, yes ship 2.2 PBXN-9, 12.4
K-2A - 64", 104.5lbs, no ship, frag sleeve, good vs personnel
Both - 2.2 PBXN-9, 12.4 PBXN, PRF & PIM capability
-Penetration 30"

AGM-114 K
Warhead: Tandem HEAT
Explosive: 2.2 lbs LX-14 precursor
12.6 lbs LX-14 main
1st HF2. Digital vice Analog circuitry, Reduced Backscatter problems. Has PRF+PIM. Pulse Discrimination logic for anti-spoofing. ESAF designed to defeat ERA Can penetrate 40"rolled homogenous steel (xxxx mm secret #).

AGM-114 K2
Warhead: Tandem HEAT
Explosive: 2.2 lbs PBXN-9 precursor
12.4 lbs PBXN-9 main
Same as K but with PBXN-9 explosive

AGM-114 K2A
Warhead: Frag Sleeve
Explosive: 2.2 lbs PBXN-9 precursor
12.4 lbs PBXN-9 main
4.5 lb, 1/8 in thick Steel Frag Sleeve for softer skin vehicles. 15m lethal radius; breaks into frag on contact. Not ship Authorized. 48% Decrease in penetration.

AGM-114 K2B
Warhead: Frag Sleeve
Explosive: 2.2 lbs PBXN-9 precursor
12.4 lbs PBXN-9 main
Uses 10.9 lbs tantalum sleeve. Increased armor penetration cap (higher density/melting point)

What is the difference between the AGM 114K-1 and 1A?
The 1A has a fragmentation sleeve

64", 105lbs, 6 lbs of explosive & incendiary material, 5.5 lbs of PBXN-109, .49lbs if zicronium
-Blast fragmentaion warhead
-Has time dleay module that allows penetration before detonation
-Used against buldings, armoured personell carrier (APC), bunkers, & small boats.
-Penetration is kenetic, sensed by fuze, time delay, detonation creates an over pressure & frag effect

64", 106lbs, 4.1 lbs of MAC liner, 4.6lbs PBXN-112
-Thermobaric warhead contains metal augmented warhead (MAC)
-MAC mixture of vitvin coated alluminum powder gives thermobaric properties
- Larger pulse due to aluminum burning
-Primary for MOUT. Good for multi room structures, APCs, bunkers, and small boats.
-Penetration is kentic, sensed by fuze time delay, thermobaric warhead detonates
-Has restricted PRF codes.
N-5 - identical except for LOBL * LOAL-D, flower missle AOA at impact, enhances penetration and target engagments under overhangs, caves.

Inertial guided and radar aided anti-tank missile

Inertial guided and radar aided anti-tank missile with electronic counter-countermeasure capability against RF missile jammers.

C-UAS / C-Littoral
Frag Sleeve
Proximity Fuze

When does missle arm
when acceleration exceeds 10gs between 150-300m in front of a/c

Max & Avg velcoity of missle
475m/s (Mach 1.4)

Sections of Hellfire
-Seeker or Guidance Section
-Warhead section
-Propulsion Section
-Control Section

Which AGM-114s have seeker section
AGM-114 A/B/C/F

Which AGM-114s have guidance section

How long does propulsion section burn
2-3 secs depending on temp, total impulse 4600 Lbf*sec (for 3 sec)

LOAL, Lo& Hi Range

LOBL & LOAL Dir range

When it it hotter does helffire travel faster or slower

What laser codes are best for hell fire and why
1111 thru 1488, update every 70 ft 1511-1788 only update every 140fr

5 Seeker Modes
Cage - seeker inhibited until gyro spun up or RHE common cage
Scan - Box scan pattern to acquire and lock on to laser
Stare - looks straight ahead
Slave - Seeker response to LOS command In LOAL or RHE in LOBL
Track - Keeps reflected laser energy centered on detector

Temp limits for LOBL
Above 90F, 30 mins A/B/C/f
Above 125F, 30 mins K/M/N
Limit for continuous search. Needs a cool down min for each min in search. 2 min downtime after deselect ion before reselection

Launch sequence modes
Rapid - auto selected and launched under single laser code
Ripl - auto selected and launched alternately under the two active laser codes
Manual - Enter

types of malfunctions
MF-Miss fire
HF- Hangfire
SF - Station Fail

nominal search area for seeker
5 deg below and 15 deg above

Cloud Clearence Rule of Thumb for LOAL
Ceilings above 2000', no factor
800-2000', LOAL-Dir/LOAL-Lo

Hellfire missle leaves launch rail at how many degrees

LOBL climb at 3, 5, 7

Max LOAL Dir range?
7 KM

Max offset for viz > 5km, for LOAL
7.5 deg on either side = 90%Ph
5 Deg

In LOAL-Dir a Delay designation is required to produce the
low-altitude trajectory of this

In LOAL, the AGM-114K/K-2/M/N/N-5 lock-on is inhibited
until approximately mode 1.5 seconds after launch.

What happenes when LOAL-Lo in launched
Launches at +4 deg, climbs at 19 deg for 2 secs, maintains 1.25 deg attitude if not locked on.

Describe Box Scan for Loal-Lo
At 2.25 secs box scan initiated, 40 deg horizontal, 12 deg vertically, 9.75 deg centered below missle body

What happens when seeker is locked on LOAL-LO/HI
Missle autopilot will intiate climb until seeker LOS takes over

Max mast and min stand off for LOAL-Lo
260', 600m

Min effective enegagment range for LOAL-LO at 0deg offset

Min/Max delay and trajectory for LOAL-LO
4/15 secs 800'

What intially happens at launch LOAL-Hi
Launched at +4 deg, climbs at +19 deg for 2 secs, then 16.25 deg fro 2 secs, if no lock on maintains 1.25 deg attitude

Describe Box scan for LOAL-HI
at 4.4 secs, box scan intiates 40 deg horizontally, 12 deg vertcall, 11.75 deg below missle body

Max mask and standoff for LOAL-Hi
1000', 1,500m

Min effective range for LOAL-Hi

Min/Max delay and peak alt for LOAL-Hi
4/15 secs, 1400'

Buddy Lasing Tehcnique
-50-500m of separation
-Shooting A/C roughly same heading as the DTL(designator to target line)
-Shooting A/C should be abeam or slightly fwd of lasing A/C

What retention force does missle have to overide on M299 to be released

The seeker detector is
gimbal-mounted and gyro-stabilized with a mass composed of the following:
• Mirror
• Balance wheel
• Permanent magnet rotor spinning at 4,200 rpm
The detector has a 30° offset gimbal limit.

M299 Code L or K
MIssle present but not coded. L mean the Hellfire B,C,F series, or K series that does not accept PIM code is present. K means Hellfire II series (K,M or N) is present.

M299 Code A-H, or M
Missle present, laser coded and passed BIT (built-in-test - оборудование встроенного контроля), letter represents the laser code identifier. M is for manual laser code

M299 Code BF
Missle has failed BIT

M299 Code MF
Steady - Missle has failed (other than BIT). Flashing - Missle misfire. MF flashes for 6 secs then display continuously. All weapons firing is inhibited for 6 sec.

M299 Code HF
Hangfire - Missle complete launch sequence to leave the launcher rail but failed to launch. HF flashes for 6 secs at 3 to 5 HZ, then displays continuously. All weapons firing is inhibited for 6 secs.

M299 Codes SF, UL, BIT, (blank)
-station failed
-missle unlatched
-Missle is undergoing BIT
-Missle in process of acetping coding

Delay lase, causes a higher or lower trajectory

LOAL-DIR trajectory at max delay

if viz is greater or less than how many km, and max off set
5, 7.5,5

TSS LOS should be within how many degrees of aircraft heading prior to firing laser?

when Conducting RIPL hellfire when does the laser code change
If laser is fired during the first hellfire missle shot, the code will not swap from the primary channel to alternate code until laser trigger is released and reeengaged

114M/N penetration of reinforced concrete

The K/K2 can penetrate how many inches of reinforced concrete

Hellfire TOF
1 - 3
2 - 7
3 - 10
4 - 14
5 - 19
6 - 24
7 - 29
8 - 36

LOBL Min effective engagement range
A,B,C - 800m
F - 1,400m
K,K-2,M,N,N-5 - 500m

min Engagement for all modes
500, 1500, 2000, 3500

For LOBL Skids must be min ___ ft above highest terrain within ___m in front if aircraft
10, 200

what does max range LOBL shot climb too and what attitude is safe for FW
2000, 3000

how many seconds/km does hellfire fall
4 seconds/km

Target acquisition should not be expected in LOBL mode if target is above
290' per km

Min ceiling for hellfire employment

How many seconds between shooting hellfires ripl
.5 second

seeker spins

Airborne Describe Hellfire Designator Exclusion zone
30 deg on either side, 15k\' cross range at 8km, 22k\' alt at 8km down center, 15k\' at edge 8km 40 deg center, 30 deg edge

Min safe, danger close

Types of designator error
boresight, spot jitter, beam divergence, attenuation, back scatter, overspill, underspill, entrapment

what's MR
multiple returns caused by under spill usually. change TSS LOS of position of A/C

underspillplacing laser too low , PO rt ion spills on foreground

back scatter
portion if laser energy scatter back in direction of seeker by obscurant. #1 cause of Hellfires miss

How does Gen 2 do better against back scatter
pulse discrimination logic

beam divergence
6.02" per km

portion if the laser beam scatter by obscurant and not enough energy returns

portion if laser beam misses tgt and hits object beyond. long range, beam divergence

spot falls within enclosed area cause angle to change

constraint circle is how many degrees. Gimbal is how many deg
20, 30

steady on target time prior to impact
6 secs at 2-6 km
7 at 7
8 at 8

Rapid fire allows you
first at up to 3 different tgts, 8 secs apart, in the sam FOV, max 100 m apart

spot jitter
motion of designator

airborne designator must be inside and outside
with 120 deg outside the 30 by 40 deg

LOBL scan pattern
14 x 20 searched area
23 x 20 ( 2 missles)
6 x 12 scan pattern
8 deg ifov
32 x 20 3 missled

break lock can be avoided by?
rotating 3-5 deg towards missle

What range to use CTVC and FLIR

designator and target should never be greater than
60 deg

max airspeed for jettison

in what mode and for how long is lock on h inhibited after launch
LOAL, 1.5 sec

Rocket motor thrust must override of much lbs

What laser codes acheive bettwr missle performance
1111-1488, updates every 70\'

Buddy Lasing Tehcnique (separation, location)
-50-500m of separation
-Shooting A/C roughly same heading as the DTL(designator to target line)
-Shooting A/C should be abeam or slightly fwd of lasing A/C

Min/Max delay and trajectory for LOAL-LO
4/15 secs 800'

Min effective enegagment range for LOAL-LO at 0 deg offset

range of LOAL-Lo

LOBL climb trajectory at 3, 5, 7

What laser codes are best for RW hell fire and why
1111 thru 1488, update every 70 ft 1511-1788 only update every 140fr

Hellfire II missiles share a common rocket motor and SAD. The M120E5 is a single thrust, rod and tube motor design containing approximately 9.1 kilogram of class 1.1 propellant .

How many steel fragments come from P-4A


What 114 has shaped charge?
Steel sleeve?
Tantalum sleeve?



Shaped charge w/precursor, Anti tank
Shaped w/precursor, Steel sleeve-frag
Shaped w/precur, Tantalum sleeve-frag
Delayed fuze

114R you fire 1.3 m above ground
Set HOB 1744

GEN 1 / 2 seeker differences:
-Analog v Digital
-If Gen 1 goes in clouds it will continue to go wherever its going based on predetermined climb rates and go further into the clouds, Gen 2 will bias back to last point of laser energy by moving the missile body in the direction the seeker was last acquiring laser energy and resume tracking once it comes out of the cloud and reacquires the target.

Searched area for lobl/loal, 1-3 missiles on rail
LOBL (75% (15°) of scan below horizon; 25% 5° above) (IFOV = 8x8°; scan pattern = 6x12° yielding 14x20° total; each added missile has 14x20° with a 5° horizontal overlap between missiles)
1: 14 horizontal x 20 vertical
2: 23 horizontal x 20 vertical
3: 32 horizontal x 20 vertical

40x12 (IFOV = 8x8°; scan pattern = 32x4 yielding 40x10° total)
DIR - 4.25°
LO - 9.75° (2.25 sec delay post launch until scan commences prevents nose lock)
HI - 11.75° (4.4 sec delay post launch until scan commences prevents nose lock)

Laser Errors
Boresight Error - mechanical error
Spot jitter - inherent in system and a/c
Beam divergence - 160 microradians = 6" per km = 48" @ 8km
Attenuation - laser being scattered by obscurants, dust, moisture
Backscatter - laser energy being returned to seeker by particles/competing sources (#1 cause for miss)
Overspill - energy on target but spills over target
Underspill - energy on target but spills before as well
Entrapment - no laser return. (spot inside room/cave, etc)
Specular reflection - laser energy is being reflected onto something creating a spot that is not the target
Podium effect - portions of the laser energy are blocked from the seeker view

5 laser seeker modes
Cage: inhibited from slaving or tracking
Stare: seeker along axis of missile body
Scan: pre-determined box scan
Track: maintain detected laser energy on detector pre-amplifier
Slave: commanded by RHE or missile autopilot

5-10. The MQ-1C aircraft can carry the AGM-114 P+ and AGM-114R/R2 series of missiles. In the attack configuration four missiles are carried, and in the reconnaissance/attack configuration two missiles are carried. Both missiles incorporate an expanded engagement envelope from 180 to 360 degrees depending on the AVs altitude and software series. The P+ is currently being phased out as the R model is fielded. The R series of Hellfire missiles is the bridge to the Hellfire replacement which is the joint air to ground missile (JAGM). The R series comes in two versions, the AGM-114R and the AGM-114R2.

The AGM-114 R incorporates an integrated blast fragmentation sleeve (IBFS) warhead which is unique to the Hellfire family of missiles. This one warhead provides the commander with three capabilities. A high explosive anti-tank (HEAT) capability with a pre-cursor charge for attacking reactive armor equipped tanks and other hard targets, a blast fragmentation capability for light vehicles and personnel and a settable delay to allow the warhead to penetrate through a wall or ceiling and into a structure maximizing the overpressure feature of the warhead before detonation occurs.

The AGM-114R2 additionally incorporates a height of burst (HOB) capability which detonates the warhead approximately 3 feet prior to the missile impacting the target. This HOB capability provides an increased probability of kill (Pk) by eliminating the attenuation of the fragments by the ground.
Danger close for both series of missiles is 120 meters.


What level of thrust is required in order for the missile to separate from the launcher and what must be overcome in the AGM 114 series?
2670N to overcome the hold back latch

When would a missile enter decorrelation in the AGM 114 series?
When losing track of the target in the terminal phase

How long should you allow the hellfire missile seeker gimbals to spin down prior to powering the missile seeker again?
30 seconds

Describe decorrelation in the AGM 114 series
Used when target correlation is lost
Missile flies on last line of sight of target
Changes to terminal phase on target reacquisition

Describe the thermal battery in the AGM 114 series
Fused salt type lithium alloy battery
Stainless steel container
EED initiated
Provides 28V dc at 9 - 25.4 amps for 55 seconds

What determines the choice of mode of operation for the AGM 114L?
Moving or stationary target

What power is used to move the AGM-114 control fins and how long can it last?
Pneumatic pressure (Gas Gain Generator) from the accumulator; up to 70 secs (55 secs when cold, i.e. -40 Deg)

What is the typical AGM-114 impact angle you can expect when utilising LOAL-H (High)?
84 Deg

What is the typical AGM-114 impact angle you can expect when utilising LOAL-L (Low)?
12 Deg

How long does the AGM-114 Thermal Battery last?
155 secs

What is the time delay that is hardwired into the AGM-114N-4?
9.8 ms

How far away from other objects must the AGM-114R-2 (HoB) maintain?
3m (+/- 1m)

What will happen if the AGM-114 does not acquire the laser during its ToF?
It will navigate to the estimated tgt position

Ideally you should assure an AGM-114 Sonic Boom time of less than how many secs? How do you minimise a sonic boom?
2 secs. Less manoeuvre of the missile.

AGM-114R Flight Profiles

LOBL and LOAL Comparison

Romeo LOBL Offset Angle and Minimum Range to Target

500 meters @ 0 degrees
700 meters @ 20 degrees

Romeo LOAL-DIR Offset Angle and Minimum Range to Target
1500 meters @ 0 degrees
2000 meters @ 30 degrees

Romeo LOAL-FLAT Offset Angle and Minimum Range to Target
1500 meters @ 0 degrees
2000 meters @ 30 degrees

Romeo LOAL-LOFT Offset Angle and Minimum Range to Target
3500 meters @ 0 degrees
3500 meters @ 30 degrees

The minimum cloud ceiling to fire a “K” model missile in any mode (i.e. LOBL / LOAL) is?
300 feet at 3 Km
500 feet and 5Km
600 feet at 7 Km.

What is the definition of Ripple fire?
Multiple missiles launched with two, or more, unique laser channel codes

What symbol is displayed on the RF missile icon to indicate that the missile is ready to receive the target?

When the RF missile-training mode is enabled, what symbol will be displayed on all tactical RF missile icons?

What does the TME emulate and replicate?
The TME emulates the missile control decision making process, replicates the missile launch mode selection processing, target acquisition and tracking function, BIT routines and thermal management characteristics.

How long is the allowable training mode, missile elapsed ON time?
30 minutes

What symbol will appear on the RF missile icon if the maximum allowable elapsed ON time is exceeded?

What is “transfer alignment”?
The transfer of the aircraft inertial data to the missile inertial platform

What are the three acquisition sources that may provide targeting information for an RF missile target handover?

When will a centered “T” be displayed in the missile constraints box?
When the training mode is enabled and weapons system actioned

Why would the RF missile LOBL INHIBIT option be used?
To allow for LOAL shots only, Inhibits MSL from radiating on rail, which reduces MSL signature.

Which page has the command to “arm” the hellfire launchers without pressing the master “arm/safe” button?

Can the BACKSCATTER inhibit be overridden by the trigger’s second detent?

At what time and for how long is the message “LASE NN TRGT” displayed in the High Action Display during LOAL SAL missile launches?
Message is displayed for 4 seconds starting at TOF-12 calculated missile TOF

What does the message “TARGET DATA?” mean in the HAD?
No Target data is available i.e. MSL WAS’D, RF MSL selected and, TADS is selected LOS
When ever the type is selectedRF the_"TGT DATA"_message will always be present unless a_RFHO_has been received or a_TADS RF handover_has been accomplished.

The missile counter-counter measures (MSL CCM) button enables the counter-counter measure routine within the laser missile. This selection:
This selection narrows tracking capability of the missile. This option should only be used when know electro-optical countermeasures are being used. The MSL CCM button enables the counter-countermeasure routine within the laser missile.

To prevent IAT break lock due to missile launch, the crew should offset the aircraft centerline_3-5 degrees_ to the side the SAL missile will be launched from.

Backscatter is generally caused by_____.
A portion of the laser energy reflected off atmospheric particles in the laser path back toward the designator while the remainder of the laser energy penetrates towards the target.

A RF missile uses a curved trajectory to induce relative motion between a stationary target and its background by flying an off-axis path to the target. This is called_Doppler Beam Sharpening_.

Doppler Beam Sharpening (DBS) uses a curved trajectory to induce a relative motion for stationary targets (STI) to enhance the probability of detection and tracking between what ranges?
2500 to 8000 meters

What is the minimum launch altitude for a RF missile ?
15 meters

The AUTO button will enable automatic missile power management, this prevents?
missile overheating.

At a 20 degree offset launch angle an RF missile azimuth flight profile will use a maximum cross range of_990m_meters at 8 km.
What is the minimum engagement ranges for a LOAL DIR SAL “K” missile at zero degree offset?_1500m_. At 7.5 degree offset?_1700m_.
What is the minimum effective range of a “K” LOBL engagement with a 0 degree offset angle from the aircraft datum line?_500m_. With a 20 degree offset?_700m_.

The LOBL missile constraint box is?
+/- 20degrees.

The LOAL missile constraint box is?
+/- 7.5degrees.
(-10, pg 4-16.1

If the RF missile is tracking and the target range is greater than or equal to_1km_, the allowable constraints angle is__20 degrees_
If the RF missile is tracking and the target range is less than_1km_, the allowable constraints angle is_5 degrees_

A flashing “R” in the Missile status and Inventory field indicates what?
Priority MSL for LOAL engagement
What is the minimum effective range of a “K” LOAL-LO engagement with a 0 degree offset angle from the aircraft datum line2000m. With a 7.5 Degree offset?_2500m_

What is the minimum effective range of a “C” LOAL-HI engagement with a 0 degree offset angle from the aircraft datum line?_3500m_. With a 7.5 Degree offset?_4500m_.

After the RFI emitter has ceased radiating for 30 sec the symbols will change to?
Partial Intensity

What does the DEICE Button on the SAL missile page for?
It is used to manually deice SAL missile seekers in preparation for missile launch.

The RF missiles can overheat (OT) if it is radiating (tracking) a target for more than ______ minutes.
3 minutes

What is the RF missile radiation hazard area to be avoided?
1 meter - 45 degrees

To achieve the best missile performance, keep the data latencies to a minimum. Sometimes, this requires a new FCR scan or TADS new laze for handover. Some guidelines for use are—
(TC 3-04.45 PG D-16)

1.Moving targets tracking on the rail can tolerate trigger pull latency.
For RF inhibit FCR moving target, trigger pull latency no more than 15 seconds.
For FCR stationary targets, trigger pull latency no more than 15 seconds.
For RF handover engagements, trigger pull latency no more than 15 seconds.
For TADS stationary target, trigger pull latency no more than 5 seconds.

To decrease the effect of target velocities building up over time, the crew should attempt to fire the LOAL TADS to RF missile hand over no longer than ___ TO ___ seconds after the TARGET DATA message disappears.
5 to 7

Target velocities are set to _____ during TADS to RF handover, if target velocities are under a specific threshold. V13 Differences Training WPN Slide 7

______________ is transfer of aircraft inertial data to the missile inertial platform, which occurs automatically, whether in flight or not, at missile power up with no pilot action required.
Transfer alignment

_____ is displayed on the RF missile icon to indicate that transfer alignment has occurred, and that the missile is ready to receive a target

____________________ is when a missile uses a curved trajectory to induce relative motion between a stationary target and its background by flying an off-axis path to the target.
Doppler beam sharpening

The AUTO button will enable automatic missile power management. In the AUTO mode RF missiles will be powered up at ______ _______ ______. This does NOT occur when missiles are actioned.
10 minute intervals

A RF missile can receive a target handover from one of the following sources: _____ ____ _____.

The target acquisition and tracking modes are terms used to explain the different ways that the missile seeker improves its chances of locating and hitting LOBL and LOAL targets.
a. The missile has three target acquisition modes: _________________________________
b. The missile has two tracking modes: ____

Pre-terminal track acquisition, Terminal track acquisition, and Moving target acquisition.
Pre-terminal track and Terminal track.

When a stationary target is handed over to the RF missile between 0.5 KM and 1.0 KM, the missile will radiate and attempt to LOBL. At this range the missile must achieve LOBL. IF the target is not detected or track is subsequently lost, the message ___ _________ will be displayed and firing will be inhibited.

When an RF missile uses DBS, and the target is on the left side of the missile centerline, the missile will DBS to the _______side of the target.

How long is the allowable training mode missile elapsed ON time?
30 minutes

What does the message "TARGET DATA?" mean in the HAD?
Indicates no target data is available (i.e. MSL WAS'D, RF MSL selected and TADS is the selected LOS)

The missile counter-counter measures (MSL CCM) button enables the counter-counter measure routine within the laser missile. This selection _______ the pulse repetition frequency (PRF number of pulses per second) tracking capability of the missile to the precise PRF of the selected laser code.

If the RF missile is tracking and the target range is less than _____, the allowable constraints angle is _______.

Where is the hazard area for a radiating RF missile located?
1 meter and a 45 degree cone off the missile nose

In what three modes does the RF missile operate?
Standby, Prelaunch, Post Launch

The _______ _______ switch is used to rapidly orient the FCR antenna to the highest priority RFI emitter.
CUED Search

A cued search may be performed on a Fine Detect or Course Detect as long as the target is within _______degrees of the ______ ________.
+ / - 90
Aircraft Centerline

Up to _____ RFI emitters can be displayed.

After RFI emitters have ceased radiating for _________, the symbols will change to _____ _____. After 90 seconds of no transmission receipt, the symbols will ________.
30 seconds
partial intensity

An offset of ____ to ____ degrees, to the firing side, should be used when possible to preclude the missile from flying through the TADS FOV.
3 to 5 degrees

SAL Hellfire Missile Performance Detractors:
Backscatter, Boresight Error, Spot Jitter, Beam Divergence, Attenuation, Overspill, Underspill, Entrapment, and Podium effect

Under sever backscatter conditions it may not be possible to perform LOBL. In these cases, the preferred backscatter avoidance technique is to utilize a_____ _________to provide missile guidance. "Buddy laze."
remote designator

To eliminate a backscatter lock on, stop lasing the target. Switch to LOAL-Direct, and use a minimum of______ _________of delay from missile separation (about three seconds after trigger pull.
two seconds

The missile seeker has a _________ seeker limit from the missile centerline.
+/- 30 degree

What is the definition of Ripple fire?
Multiple missiles launched with two, or more, unique laser channel codes.
1.5 seconds between missiles

Rapid Fire RF missile
8 seconds between launch
100M between targets

During a remote designation, the designator should neither be within _________of the gun target line nor more than ________from the target centerline.
30 degrees
60 degrees

When employing a K2A against personnel in the open, aiming at the ground just short of the target may achieve the maximum shrapnel dispersion
When employing a K2A against personnel in the open, aiming at the ground just short of the target may achieve the maximum shrapnel dispersion.

The R missile is designed for what type of targets?
All, it has Blast, FRAG, and HOB selectiongs
1755- Anti Armor

Degree of impact for DIR, FLAT and LOFT trajectories for R missile?
0 deg (500m), 6 deg(1500m), 35 deg (3500m)

Min engagement range for R missile LOBL, FLAT , LOFT ?
500m, 1500m, 3500m

HOB sensor will cause detenation___above TGT

How thick does wood have to be to activate the crush plate? What happens if the missile doesn't go off?
1 inch is 95% chance of detonation; 1/8 inch is 5% chance;
missile deactivates after 150 seconds following post launch arming

T/F: DMS P+ and R missiles will pull lead on moving laser spots
True, the missile proceeds to a calculated intercept point when it senses a moving laser sport

Hight of burst sensor functions at what distance and uses what radar?
1.3 +/- 1 m FMCW

What does a low impact angle do to the frag radius?
It wastes the half of the frag behind the impact point by shooting it into the ground, since the scored sleeve is housed around the cylindrical missile body

On R variant missiles, how is fusing set?
Special PRF code

What penetration can be expected for fastest and slowest missile speeds per second of delay?
16 inches and 8 inches

Rules of thumb for delay settings:
Armor - instantaneous
Vehicles - 3.5 ms
Multi-room/story buildings - 20 ms (10 ms thin)
Adobe - 20-30 ms
Personnel/light - HOB allows 1.3m airburst

Clear obstacles by at least 3m for what setting?

On power on what fuzing does the missile default to?

How many seconds of control movement does the accumulator provide?
55 to 70 sec (less at low temps)

How can you differentiate between a hang fire and a misfire?
Thermal battery gets really hot and if visible in IR will indicate fire command was received by missile and to take extra care (full deletion of battery drives mandate to keep A/C airborne for an hour if able)

What is the rule of thumb for best hellfire shot?
Within 40 degrees of on boresight to minimize maneuvering, ensure approach axis, and lessen sonic boom warning; within 6km but varies based on altitude

What increases sonic boom delay the most?
Off boresight, and farther away (in that order)

Sonic boom
More of an issue on high off boresight shot (HOBS); 8 km off boresight = 15 seconds; 5 km on boresight = 1.36 seconds

T/F: off boresight by 15 degrees is better to prevent sonic boom-impact delay
True, allows closer shot and also avoids nadir risk

What is success rate of buddy laze vs self-lase?
70 vs 95 percent

For a buddy lase ripple, what will the missiles be set to?
Two different PRF codes, one for each designator from each aircraft

When does the HF seeker start scanning?
Within 20 degrees of target area (determined from SLR, dep angle, azimuth)

What does the seeker do if it loses the target?
Scans +/- 4 degrees from last known position

What are the missile temperature restrictions?
-40 C to +63 C (allow 5x of cold temp time at warmer temp before employing)

How long must AEA remain off after powering down before restart? (AGM-114 Electronics assembly)
70 seconds

How long should you wait before powering up the missile again?
Allow the missile gyros to spin down for at least 30 seconds

Hellfire missiles CANNOT be employed on aircraft that has wet wing (glycol anti ice system)

What should you do if no impact is detected at splash time?
continue lasing for 15 seconds
cease laser
zoom out
go to IR
perform a rolling box search
(all of the above)

After how long is a missile considered a misfire?
If it doesnt ignite within 1 minute

What kind of navigation does the guidance section uses?
It uses proportional navigation to steer the missile (missile will only make a partial correction to the target

What are the safety arrangements within the electro sub assembly in the AGM 114 series?
Detonator held out of line
Leads shunted and earthed

What is the weight and fill of the Propulsion section in the AGM 114 series?
7.21kg of MIS 35903
1.86kg of MIS 35903

How is the frangible glass dome on the EPC shattered in the AGM 114K?
Pneumatic actuator

What is the purpose of the spin torquer CCA in the AGM 114 series?
Sends mirror/gyro commands from controller CCA to the sensor group

What does the pitch/roll displacement gyro supply in the AGM 114 series?
Body altitude and roll rate data for the auto pilot

What is the precursor warhead designed to provide?
Initiation of ERA
Clearance of the guidance section

What are the four trajectory stages of the AGM 114 series?
Initial turn
Mid course
Terminal phase

Describe initial turn in the AGM 114 series
Used for LOAL
Direct mode + 4° pitch
Low and high mode +20° pitch
Ends on target correlation or +1.12s

Describe mid course in the AGM 114 series
Nulls missile climb
Maintains altitude
Maintains straight line of flight
Pitch +1° to +6°
Ends on target correlation

Describe terminal phase in the AGM 114 series
Used for LOBL and LOAL
missile flies direct to impact on target
Ends if target correlation is lost
Restarts if target correlation is regained

Describe decorrelation in the AGM 114 series
Used when target correlation is lost
Missile flies on last line of sight of target
Changes to terminal phase on target reacquisition

What does the longbow guidance section provide?
Target acquisition
Target tracking
Missile guidance
Autopilot functions
Impact sensing

Describe the thermal battery in the AGM 114 series
Fused salt type lithium alloy battery
Stainless steel container
EED initiated
Provides 28V dc at 9 - 25.4 amps for 55 seconds

What are the AGM 114 series safety features?
Arming only after successful BIT, missile/launcher separation and fuze data received and safe separation signals received in correct sequence
Once armed, the ESAF device will not revert to the safe condition unless input power is removed from the main module
An out of sequence arm command event permanently inhibits the arming of the ESAF device during flight

Describe the action of the warhead before impact in the AGM 114 series
Arming sequence begins as missile is launched
28V passed to missile from aircraft immediately prior to launch. Controller CCA initiates a BIT of the ESAF device
After a successful BIT and when 15V of power is applied ESAF device checks for missile/launcher separation to occur
ESAF device monitors the longitudinal acceleration to determine if the safe arm distance has been reached
During missile/launcher separation and the attainment of the safe arm distance the ESAF device receives fuze data message from guidance section general purpose processor
This message is used to determine the detonation delay time between the precursor and main warheads
When the ESAF safe arm distance has been reached the arming process continues
ESAF device waits for a firing signal from impact sensor
When ESAF is armed the firing capacitors in the WFM and Main Module begin to charge
This sequence is complete before the motor is all burnt

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range for vertical launch 6-8 km
Navy inventory objective - 845 missiles
missiles taken from the army warehouse, tested, modified in AGM-114L-7 / 8A (install main warhead from the K2A version with a fragmentation sleeve, software update, inc. air-burst mode)
cost one AGM-114L for Navy is average $ 120k
112 missiles were paid before 2019, 90 in 2019, 90 in 2020, 32 in 2021
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"infrared fire and forget seeker"
and it was in 1992

HELLFIRE Imaging Infrared Seeker. The Imaging Infrared (IIR) seeker for the HELLFIRE Fire and Forget missile system requires a high data throughput with a low power, small, light weight processor. The use of VHSIC technology in the seeker and processor will result in a reliable, lowcost seeker with a long shelf life and a built-in test capability. The programmable/modular nature of the VHSIC components will accommodate future upgrades of missile capability. Development contracts for a VHSIC processor for the seeker were awarded in September 1985 to Texas Instruments and Ford Aeronutronics. At the beginning of 1987, development of the VHSIC processor hardware for insertion into the HELLFIRE IIR seeker was well under way. However, the Joint Service Seeker program, which was to furnish the sensor hardware for insertion into the HELLFIRE system, had been terminated. The HELLFIRE contracts are being modified to include the fabrication of a seeker heid utilizing residuals from the terminated Joint Service Seeker program. The resulting seeker and processor will make full utilization of VHSIC technology and are expected ito be completed during 1988.



range for vertical launch 6-8 km
Navy inventory objective - 845 missiles
missiles taken from the army warehouse, tested, modified in AGM-114L-7 / 8A (install main warhead from the K2A version with a fragmentation sleeve, software update, inc. air-burst mode)
cost one AGM-114L for Navy is average $ 120k
112 missiles were paid before 2019, 90 in 2019, 90 in 2020, 32 in 2021
..still seems some expensive overkill for small swarms and insufficient to protect against standoff helios and ground attack jets.
It really isn't a small swarm weapon. On IM-SHORAD it co-exists with the Stinger and the 30 mm gun and will eventually have a companion High Energy Laser option as well. Future interceptors will likely add to the envelope and focus on the higher end threats. So it isn't a one-size-fits-all approach which would be impossible to field affordably given the wide spectrum of UAS threats.

Lockheed Martin was awarded a $15,925,901 modification to contract W31P4Q-18-C-0130 to develop a second source for the qualification and facilitization of the Electromechanical Control Actuation System for the Hellfire missile. Work will be performed in Orlando, Florida, with an estimated completion date of Aug. 28, 2021.

today MOOG Inc is single source for Control Actuation Systems
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Good afternoon

I am wanting to build a 1:1 scale model rocket of the Hellfire Missile

Does anyone know where I can get some reasonably accurate drawings of one from






Hellfire Shore Defense System (HSDS) developed by Rockwell International, Bofors Missiles, Boeing, Litton

in service with the Norwegian Defence Forces (over 350 missiles) and the Swedish Defence Forces (designated Robot 17) in shore-based and mobile versions mounted on Combat Boat 90.

The missile system consists of a pair of rail-type launchers, several transport containers with missiles, cables, fuse boxes, four batteries and a control unit with a laser designator, the system is usually operated by 9-10 soldiers

missile weight: 48 kg, inc. warhead: 9 kg
range: 300-8000 m
maximum speed: 450 m/sec
laser designator unit weight: 11 kg
night sight: 7.3 kg
diagnostic system box: 12.8 kg
cables: 8.5 kg
fuse box: 3 kg
battery : 10.8 kg
container with missile: 71 kg
shelf life: 10 years, renewable up to 20 years (test of 10 years and 15 years)
year: 1990

How could I know the reference of the shelf life ?
anybody help?
A newly uploaded YT video about replacing the Hellfire:

After nearly four decades of service, the legendary Hellfire missile has a replacement on the way in Lockheed Martin’s AGM-179 Joint Air-to-Ground Missile (JAGM). On August 30, the U.S. Army approved the JAGM for full-rate production. This new weapon system may look an awful lot like its predecessors, but the JAGM builds upon the Hellfire’s low-cost, high-accuracy legacy by mashing multiple targeting systems into a single weapon.
This results in one missile that can do the job of both Hellfire missiles currently in American and allied inventories, and soon it will replace at least two other missiles currently in service.
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Anderson Air Force Base, Guam. – The Air National Guard Air Force Reserve Command Test Center (AATC) recently took part in Valiant Shield 2022, a 12-day joint training exercise aimed at bolstering the collaborative ability of U.S. Military forces by conducting integrated operations with the Air Force, Army, Navy and Marine Corps.

During the exercise, AATC led a successful test of the new AGM-114 R-4 long range hellfire missile and the associated weaponeering software. The modified Hellfire missile can fly roughly three times as far as previous versions and resulted in the longest Hellfire shot taken to date. The test demonstrated the AGM-114 R-4’s ability to double the MQ-9’s standoff range, giving the ability to engage threats while maintaining a safe distance out of the threats ability to counter-strike, which is crucial to survivability in a contested environment.

The AATC MQ-9 Test Detachment was supported by the 174th Attack Wing with Block 5 MQ-9 aircraft. The 556th Test and Evaluation squadron supported with a block 30 Ground Control Station, while test flights were flown out of Creech AFB using Air Combat Command (ACC), Air National Guard (ANG) and Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) aircrew.
So this dramatic increase in performance was due to solely to the upgrade of the missile's navigation-law?
Defence Updates has just released a new video about the AGM-114R-4:

The US Air National Guard Air Force Reserve Command Test Center, or AATC, has revealed that it had tested a new variant of the AGM-114 Hellfire missile.
The new type is named AGM-114R-4 . The main upgrade in this variant is it has a much longer range.The missile was tested from an MQ-9 Reaper.
This is a crucial development and has significant tactical implications.
In this video Defense Updates analyzes how the new AGM-114R-4 Hellfire missile is a substantial boost for MQ-9 Reaper ?
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I've been trying to find information on the AGM-114 and Brimstone 2 rocket-motors such as its' weight, thrust, burn time and dimensions but I've had trouble finding information on its performance, does anyone know what the rocket-motor's weight, weight of propellant, thrust and burn time are?
Is there more info on the IR F&F seeker and what happened with it?
I've read about the plans for that in other sources, but I haven't found much in the way of specific details. Maybe they got to the stage of test firing some Hellfires with prototype seekers, maybe not. I assume that, while feasible, it might have been considered too expensive at the time. The IIR seeker on the AGM-65D Maverick also had a bit of difficulty during the daytime while employed in the desert over in Iraq and Kuwait, so maybe that was also a consideration. The MMW Longbow Hellfire was probably seen as having more potential against the threat of a heavily mechanized enemy force.
Were the AGM-114D, E, G, H, I, J, designations just not used or were they assigned to various projects that didn't make it?

I don't know about the other subtypes but the "I" (And "O") suffixes are not normally used and the only exceptions to that rule I can think of are the F-15I, F-16I andF-35I which are all used by Israel.
I've been trying to find information on the AGM-114 and Brimstone 2 rocket-motors such as its' weight, thrust, burn time and dimensions but I've had trouble finding information on its performance, does anyone know what the rocket-motor's weight, weight of propellant, thrust and burn time are?

To answer myself I did some searching and found the specifications:

  • Contractor: Alliant Techsystems
  • Designation:
    • M120E3 (Army)
    • M120E4 (Navy)
  • Main features:
    • Qualified minimum smoke propellant
    • Rod and tube grain design
    • Neoprene bondline system
  • Performance:
    • Operating temperature: -43 °C to 63 °C (-45 °F to 145 °F)
    • Storage temperature: -43 °C to 71 °C (-45 °F to 160 °F)
    • Service life: 20+ years (estimated)
  • Technical data:
    • Weight: 14.2 kg (31.3 lb)
    • Length: 59.3 cm (23.35 in)
    • Diameter: 18 cm (7.0 in)
    • Case: 7075-T73 aluminum
    • Insulator: R-181 aramid fiber-filled EPDM
    • Nozzle: Cellulose phenolic
    • Propellant: Minimum smoke cross linked double based (XLDB)

The only thing it doesn't mention is the burn time and the rocket-motor's thrust.
The Freedom-class Littoral Combat Ships are being modified to carry SSMs firing AGM-114L Hellfire IIs, from Defense Updates:

It has now come to light that last year, the U.S. Navy launched an expedited program to equip Freedom-class Littoral Combat Ships (LCS) with AGM-114L Longbow Hellfire missiles, enabling them to target uncrewed aerial systems (UAS), commonly known as drones.
This initiative was a direct response to concerns over Houthi drone threats to American warships operating in and around the Red Sea.
The USS Indianapolis became the first Freedom-class LCS to receive this counter-drone upgrade during operations in the Middle East last fall.Interestingly, Indianapolis was deployed between March and November 2024, during which time it also operated in the Atlantic Ocean and around Europe and is also the first LCS from either the Freedom or Independence classes to receive a Combat Action Ribbon.
In this video, Defense Updates analyzes how the SSM Module armed with Hellfire missiles adds C-UAS capability to LCS ?
03:59 LCS
05:34 SSM Module

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