The design was described in "The Future British Surface Fleet" and also in a RINA Warships Conference paper, about 1991 or thereabouts.
If you'll excuse the use of Shipbucket, I don't have the originals to hand:
[Ninja Edit: Originals attached!]
The flight deck is offset to port with a small sponson (structural only - it's too small to contain anything). The aft superstructure is offset to starboard and is
just wide enough to take the Sea Wolf FCR and 30mm (which was the naval RARDEN mount in some versions of the design). The aft VLSW silos are mounted in the deck inboard of the aft superstructure (roughly on the centreline) and clear of the flight deck. Hangar between the fwd funnels and split diesel-electric, split ops room, split accommodation and auxiliaries architecture.