33rd America's Cup

Mark Nankivil

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13 June 2007
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Greetings All -

I stopped by the newsstand the other day and the latest issue of American Heritage's Science and Technology was on the shelf and the cover photo was about the Team Oracle Catamaran that won the 33rd America's Cup. With both my wife and myself having recent trips to the hospital (scheduled surgeries and we're both doing fine - just don't need to talk about colons again anytime soon!) and life itself being rather busy, I did not see anything related to the Cup while it was underway - I remember getting up in the wee hours of the morning due to the time difference to watch the Cup when it was Down Under. I was very impressed with the catamarans and especially with Team Oracle's hard wing sail. The boats are simply beautiful - take a look at the images and the videos of them at the website for the Cup itself:


They may not fly in the air but they sure move out on the water!

Enjoy the Day! Mark
If Mark's topic caught your attention then you may already know about this one but I'm suggesting it anyway. Check out the movie Wind. Information here www.imdb.com/title/tt0105824/ Sure, the story is predictable but turn down the volume and watch the sailing sequences and the impressive scenery. And Hey! There are even some aviation elements in the story.

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