European Space Program 1975-1980

ESRO is now the only European space agency in 1975, but it was not easier for them.
They are pure scientific research agency finance by European members and needing US rocket to launch their Satellites und Probes.
While only launch themselves own European sounding rockets, while the initiative for European launch rocket under ELDO failed.
In 1974 ELDO was dismantle and its remains became a sub division of ESRO.

But biggest problem for ESRO was the NASA Odyssey program, do initiative by Henry Kissinger,
Allot of European States join US effort to beat the Soviets in Space.
Like Germany or Britain who by-pass ESRO in process, special in case of European astronaut corps.
ESRO had to abandon their plans, As NASA took Each European collaborator candidates
And trained them in Johnson space Center as „Group E“ astronauts.
But agency had some influence in this since some candidates were employee of ESRO !

During 1970s ESRO used Thor-Delta and Scouts rockets to launch there satellites.
While ESRO was sideline by Germany, who made package deal with USA to launch Germans Space probes and Satellites.
This let to dispute between USA and the French on Military and Commercial Satellite.
Best know is the Symphonie affair were France build a Communication Satellite, that had to be launch with (cancelled) Phoenix rocket.

The Satellite was launch under ESRO by USA, forcing the french to using the Satellite only for Testing and civilian humanitarian use !
Same goes as France demanded to US to launch french build military reconnaissance Satellites,
but negotiations with USA went not well because Symphonie affair.

But in mid 1970s this changes with ELGO GmbH rocket ELGO-A launching several small Satellites for ESRO.
and with success of ELGO-B rocket, ESRO no longer needed the package deal with NASA.
While the French finally could launch own Communication and reconnaissance Satellite with ELGO help,
ESRO won other battles, with help of Italy ESRO secure funding for:
Comet Halley Rendezvous probe (Giotto) and Mars orbiter (Kepler) and for a weather satellite (Meteosat),
All three build on same satellite bus to keep the cost low, those would be launch in 1980s

The Europan Astronaut program went „bumpy“
NASA face a dispute between Germany, France and Britain on Who is the Frist Europan in Space ?
They made a Solomonic judgment by selecting Claude Nicollier a Swiss…
Who flew in 1979 to Starbase, Follow by french Jean-Loup Chrètien, his visit to station let to „Cretin Incident“,
He insisted to eat french food with garlic, what let to complains by US Astronauts about stench of garlic in Station atmosphere.
The Filters of Life-support system were not design for this kind of problem.
After Chrètien left the Station, the Crew went into the Crew & Cargo Logistics Module and
vented the Station Atmosphere into space and replaced it.
The US media label it as „Cretin Incident“ do problem to pronounce right the name Chrètien, much to fury of the French nation.
The Starbase Filters were replace by new system able to cope those problem and JSC checkt thorough the demand for national Food by Guest Astronauts.

The 1977 Astronaut Group E members:

Claude Nicollier - Swiss
Franco Malerba - Italy
Wubbo Onkels - Netherlands
Lodewijk Van der Berg - Netherland/USA (flew later under US missions)
Dirk Frimout - Belgium
Ulf Merbold - West Germany
Anthony Hugh - United Kingdom
Christopher John Nicholas - United Kingdom
Jean-Loup Chrètien - Frankreich
Patrick Baudry - Frankreich
Hi, @Michel Van; I just finished re-reading the TL and I have to say that I liked the changes you have made. But I have two questions:
1978 was the introduction of the Boeing 2707, now a 2 mach SST with longer range and lower operations cost.
Only US Airlines with long distance flights buy a handful 2707, like Pan Am and Delta.
Foreign buyers were: Japanese Airline, Saudi Arabian Airlines and Gulf Air, In total Boeing build only 50 SST
Why didn't Alitalia buy the Boeing 2707? In OTL they were strongly committed to buying SSTs (It was the first international airline to preoder the Boeing 2707) and it would hart international prestige if Alitalia was the only major European national carrier not to have SSTs. (Here and here

2. Will Italy still pursue an independent space program like in the previous version of TTL or not?
How will the 1980s be covered with increased lunar exploration, manned Mars landings, and more militarization of space not to mention civilian space vehicles and applications?
How will the 1980s be covered with increased lunar exploration, manned Mars landings, and more militarization of space not to mention civilian space vehicles and applications?
Next post is the last of 1970s, foreshadowing the shape of thing to come

Why didn't Alitalia buy the Boeing 2707? In OTL they were strongly committed to buying SSTs (
To be honest i forgot them
Italy is in TL different, since manage serious blow against Mafia in early 1970s
Also they try a Balance act between Superpowers i would not be surprised of one Tu-144 and a 2707 at Air Italia
have to adapt the TL anyhow do graphics issue this Weekend it will updated

Will Italy still pursue an independent space program like in the previous version of TTL or not?
in Alternate History Forum version of TL Italy are the underdogs in Space program
they manage to collect scraps from abandon program like Europa 2 rocket and Gemini capsule launching Italian in space.
But in this version it will be quite Different space program for Italy
there is a little hint in last post about ESRO
Italy is in TL different, since manage serious blow against Mafia in early 1970s
Nice for us(I'm Italian by the way).
Also they try a Balance act between Superpowers i would not be surprised of one Tu-144 and a 2707 at Air Italia
have to adapt the TL anyhow do graphics issue this Weekend it will updated
Italy can get close to the Eastern Bloc but it makes no sense to buy some Tu-144 and some Boeing 2707. Eastern and western avionics were and in some way are different, the Tu-144 has its controls in Russian and as you stated as the first 2707s started flying the Tu-144 suffered a fatal incident and was retired from civil service shortly after. Since at most Alitalia will order between 3 and 6 aircraft, one aircraft type is enough: the Boeing 2707.
But in this version it will be quite Different space program for Italy
there is a little hint in last post about ESRO
Good to hear about that. Keep up the good work!
Where We’er Going

President Glenn face several challenges during His Administration.
Next the Economic and Financial, were Foreign crisis like Iran Hostage crisis, Nicaragua, Panama, Libanon,
and the Soviet activity and their expansion in the Third world.
While Capitol Hill had hope that Soviet ending their manned Lunar program,
so that US Space program could be cut down to Low Earth orbit activity.
But came the Zarya Moon mission, were 3 cosmonaut spend 14 days on Lunar surface making Apollo J-class Mission look like a Picnic,
While Soviet claim that coming mission could take up to 45 days, the US politicians criticised NASA, demanding for Actions.
The Odyssey Program offers a Lunar Orbital base and Manned Mars Expedition, NASA gave President Glenn those two option as:

The Diana Program.
It simply bring Backup of Space Station III into Lunar polar orbit with Nuclear Shuttle and put 6 men on board.
From here the crew can study the lunar surface and land with modified Space Tug on it.
The Program proposed up to 80 landing mission over period of 10 years, starting in year 1981,
Diana would use the already build Backup of Skybase and Space Tug what reduce that Program cost.

The ARES Program
It use the Nuclear Shuttles and advance space station module for Manned Mission to Mars.
Either Orbital survey mission with Probes or do Manned Landing on Mars in 1986 on.
Those programs would used Hardware under construction and will tested from 1980 on.
It missing just Mars Exploration Module.

Glenn decision surprised everyone !
He sign the executive order for Diana and ARES program and increase radical the NASA Budget.
US Republicans was screaming Murder and Mayhem, blaming Glenn to be a puppet of Aerospace Lobbyist.
Other US politicians realise that the only thing Glenn could do without provoke a new Vietnam style War in the World,
is goin into Space to beat the Soviets.
In this were Capitol Hill united in opinion: No More a US Vietnam style War in Third world, let Soviet have there version of Vietnam…
Also was the Budget question, NASA used only 1% to 1.2% of entire US Budget, while Military had 50% and some of that money flow into NASA.
So it was not big problem, the Pentagon had to adapt to 48%, it let enough money to replace the B-52 with B-1, New MX ICBM and Trident SBLM.
NASA got a triple Budget to cope with Two new Programs and since Congress consider Space Race as Job Programme,
NASA could just flight those Mission, so long the people are employed and States got their money and votes received.
A Voting for this president executive order in Capitol Hill passed in slimmest of margin: 192 to 189
At NASA they pulled old concept of 1968 Mars flight out archive in Marshal Space Flight Center
and called representatives of US Aerospace industry for proposal for a Mars Exploration Module, to be ready in 1985

In mean Time in Hospital in Alexandria, Virginia.
A man enjoy the News of NASA going Back to Moon and send Humans to Mars
Looking back his life the man realised what for Faustian Pact, he had sign and what for high prices he had pay.
But He left a Legacy of first operational Rocket, bringing Men to Moon and his mighty Saturn rocket is modified to be more powerful.
And His Manned Mars flight concept was taken for ARES Program !
He was happy that NASA will continue his work and Legacy, this was little consolation for him,
because he not would witness this any more, he was dying of cancer.…

…His name is Werner von Braun
Begin of 1980s in US dominated World

The Iran Hostage crisis started as radical moslem students storm the US embassy in Tehran.
52 United States diplomats and citizens were taken hostage!
The Glenn Administration order two Rescue mission, as the talks with extremist in Iran failed.
One was CIA Operation ARGO were special team disguised as Movie crew rescue hiding US citizens in Tehran.
Operation Eagle Claw was liberation of Hostage by Navy Seals on 27 April 1980.
Several teams were drop during night and started coordinated attacks in Tehran before dealing with Hostage.
They manage to liberate the hostage, who are evacuate by several GM Dynavert VTOL
in process the leader of hostage taker certain Ebrahim Asgharzadeh are killed together with his right hand Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
The successful rescue of Hostage hurt the reputation of Revolutionary deeply, the Iranians start to questioning their new leaders.
For John Glenn is was the guarantee for reelections, were he defeated Ronald Reagan on November 4, 1980.

In 1979 Nicaragua dictator Somoza was removed by the socialist Sandinistas in a revolution.
But to have another Cuba in Latin America was not in interest of USA,
So the Glenn administration authorised the CIA to fight the Sandinistas.
But the way CIA chose the Contra Rebels and start bloody terror campaign,
and soon the World press report of massacre on schoolchildren by Contras in Nicaragua !
The Sandinistas called for help and got them from Cuba, USSR and China !
In USA Capitol Hill was furious about CIA action let deeper involvement of Communism in Nicaragua,
and cut funding in CIA operations in Nicaragua, while Glenn administration had to deal with Panama crisis.

Then came the official announcement by China and USSR to build a new Canal true south Nicaragua !
Bigger for new generation of nuclear power containership and supertankers unable to pass the Panama canal
The Nicaragua canal so expected the Soviets would take to 2010 to be build (faster if they could use nuclear demolition charges)
For moment the Panama dictator Omar Torrijos menace to destroy the Panama Canal if USA not hand it over to him,
That matter solve it self, as he died in Aircraft crash on way to Washington D.C. for negotiations.
The CIA label the case as „That small aircraft have such low safety record

In Europe Politics happen changes cautiously watch by USSR and USA
Sweden made underground Atomic bomb test, joining the Club of nuclear Powers,

Swiss deployed there medium -range and short -range nuclear missiles system in Alps,
They stated this as deterrence for any nuclear attack on Swiss.

Both Germany started rapprochement, East Germany flourish after failed putsch on Walter Ulbricht and removal of Erich Mielke in 1971.
It was the Economic power house in East block, with export to West Europe.
West Germany was far better in economics as East, but the brutal War on Terrorism of 1970s let to rise of german police state.
The death of Mao Zedoing in 1966. let there to rise of radical violent leftist terror groups in style of „Vietcong“,
The current situation was that in west Germany allot leftist were deflecting to East Germany.
This not stop Chancellor Franz Joseph Strauß to talk with Chairman Wilhelm Stoph about cooperation of both Germanys.

But there were two others European Nations that worry the USA more deeply.
Italy still flourish under fragile collation of Conservative and Communist and Dual way working with West and East Block.
There Economic flourish special after Mafia was destroyed
but what happen if fragile collation break a day ? what happen next ? who will Italy join West or East Block ?
Those question were ask by political analyst as series of Right Wing Terror attacks happen in France, Germany and Italy.

France under Socialist president Francois Mitterand was ending the Cold war with USSR.
His deescalation of ongoing conflict of 1961 and peace talks and cooperation with USSR, made allot people in Capitol Hill very nervous.
Special as French News paper publish a secret report where French Government planned to step out NATO
And become an nuclear Neutral Nation.
This let to bad blood at french Far Right and Military, what let to series of Right Wing Terror attacks in France.
And even planned Military Putsch against Mitterand and put Jean Marie LePen in Power.
It had certain Irony that Putsch was averted by group of KGB sleeper agents put in France during 1960s.
The investigation on attempted Murder on president and Military Putsch let to shocking discovery: the CIA was pulling the strings !
In same time in Italy let to discovery of secret NATO force called GALDIO created by CIA, consist out Far Right extremist and Neo Nazi.
And this Secret NATO Force operated now in West Europe, reactivated by CIA.
As Capitol Hill investigated the matter they discover that CIA arbitrary activated GLADIO and
used it Funds and weapons not only to destabilise leftist Europe, but support the Contra Rebels in bloody war in Nicaragua !

The GLADIO-Nicaragua scandal almost let to disbandment of the CIA,
That US intelligence Service arbitrary direct orders and try to murder head of State despite formal interdiction by President Nixon.
The CIA was now under new management and direct monitoring by Pentagon and Capitol Hill
while the European nations disbandment GALDIO with force
Also the Contras in Nicaragua were destroy by KGB and special ops from Vietnam.
The Soviets Dominated World

The USSR boomed unter High Oil prises despite economist pointing out this could end.
Political things went not good, on one side, the Military were grumble about the budget cuts and
Demanding more money for modernisation of their weapons systems, to deal with new US weapons.
On other hand were increase Party criticism on Alexei Kosygin rule and foreign politics,
like Rumania rouge program of Weapon of Mass destruction and needed invasion of Warsaw Pact to stop them.
In mean time the communist of Afghanistan asking Soviets for military help

That nation had a communist take over in 1970s and was now in Civil war with Moslem extremist,
Yuri Andropov wanted the Red Army march into Afghanistan, Kosygin not wanted a „Soviet Vietnam“,
much to anger of high rang Military.
Next to that was current Afghan leader Hafizullah Amin a brutal Stalinist, who exterminated his enemy and opposition.
This let to dispute and schism under leading reformist in Moscow, was profit by the conservative and Military !
but on 18 December 1980, Kosygin died after be hospitalised in October of that year.

The USSR prospered under new Chairman Yuri Andropov,
He merciless hunted down corruption. increased reforms and experimented with Democracy.
But in World Politic he face serious challenge, first was the successful help for Nicaragua, follow by Afghanistan problem.
In mean time had revolts and assassination of two Chairman happens change from Leninism over Stalinism to Chinese Communism !
it was quite surrealistic situation, Yuri Andropov wanted to intervene military in Afghanistan,
There Communist Leader refused Soviet offer and called for Chinese Communist for help,
Lin Biao took the offer and Chinese People Army marched into Afghanistan.
This was also geopolitical move China against India, both Nations had rising tension.
What let to India nuclear weapon program, what Pakistan call upon to start a nuclear weapon program…

East Germany flourish after failed putsch on Walter Ulbricht and removal of Erich Mielke and Erich Honecker in 1971.
It was the Economic power house in East block, with export to West Europe.
West Germany far better in economics as East, transformed into police state. because brutal left Terrorism of 1970s.
The current situation was that allot west German leftist were deflecting to East Germany.
This not stop Chairman Wilhelm Stoph to talk with Chancellor Franz Joseph Strauß about cooperation of both Germanys.

Czechoslovakia had change since there Reforms in 1968, it’s now a Socialist democracy, that vote in referendum to remain in East block,

In Poland the ruling communist feared rise of Syndicalist movement Solidarnosch Union of Workers,

Hungary and Bulgaria made radical changes by replacing the old politburo with younger communist.

While Rumania recover slowly from insane rule of the Ceausescu.

In 1984 died China Chairman Lin Biao, his successor was unusual for Chinese Communist: His wife Jiang Qing
Under Biao rule, She had risen to a serious political figure in Communist Party and a powerful and controversial one,
special in Biao’s last years rule.
Her enemies blame her craving for recognition, putting herself in the limelight and a personalty Cult worsted as one of Stalin or Hitler.
but here health is declining. political analyst beliefe that she is not long in power.

Another issue was proper reaction on CIA scandal in Europe, it was 1984 boycott of Olympic games in USA
Were USSR, the East block, France, Italy, Germany and Belgium refuse to send athletes to Los Angeles, US politicians were outrage.
but triumph was short Yuri Andropov was dying, but his moment of succession was arranged,

A young member of Politburo was ready, a quite unknown in the West…
We need Germany to do better in space ITTL asap since IOTL Germany is lagging behind compared to other countries. Maybe starting with having their own launch vehicles then unmanned and manned mission.
For the fatherland.
We need Germany to do better in space ITTL asap since IOTL Germany is lagging behind compared to other countries. Maybe starting with having their own launch vehicles then unmanned and manned mission.
For the fatherland.
Don't forget the Luftwaffe orbital nuke we also saw in the film.
We need Germany to do better in space ITTL asap since IOTL Germany is lagging behind compared to other countries. Maybe starting with having their own launch vehicles then unmanned and manned mission.
For the fatherland.
Don't forget the Luftwaffe orbital nuke we also saw in the film.

Germany has for moment in TL a excellent relation with USA and
NASA launch German Space probe or US probes with German Sensors on board
and German Astronauts working on Starbase Station.

while Orbital platforms will play a important role in 1990s...

During 1980s the USA modernised there strategic weapons,
The Peacekeeper ICBM replaced the Titan 2 and Minutemen 1&2, Missiles Submarines got new Trident SLBM
and B-1 with Cruise missile replaced large part of B-52 fleet.
It was necessary because some of used hardware was from 1950s or 1960s!
The Glenn and the Udall Administration respected the SALT I&II treaty, but they had scepticism on Soviets intentions,
What let to stall the negotiation on SALT III !
One of reasons was the Soviet new R-36 ICBM and the Mig-33


The Soviets made radical change in Interceptor policy with a new long-range Interceptor.
Compare to traditional concept of Interceptor guide by ground radar stations,
This aircraft could find their targets it self and attack it with onboard advanced Phased radar.
It's Mission was to patrol the external border of USSR and intercept and destroy enemy bombers,
before they reach drop point to deploy cruise missiles.
With range of 10000 km and heavy armament (include nuclear) The MiG-33 was a menace for B-52 / B-1 at their drop points.
Pentagon analyst believed that MiG-33 would be serious threat against remaining B-52 fleet as well reduce B-1 success by 50%
While in USA three ultra top secret projects were put on high priority, in hope they would bring Strategic superiority,
With bypassing the Soviets Radar detection !

The R-36 ICBM was serious menace, carry 3 heavy to 10 lights nuclear warheads and 40 penetrations aids,
But the R-36 had two feature that make even it more dangerous, one it could reach the USA over south pole route,
Were USA had gap in there early warning system.
Second, the R-36 could launch Fractional Orbital bombardment system (FOBS)
It would disguise as Satellite launch during crisis orbit for while and attack the target.
Such attack gave the US early warning system only 3 minutes to react and this worry the Pentagon deeply.

Edward Teller proposed ICBM defence system based on High energy weapons like laser and Rail-guns and
X-ray laser trigger by nuclear detonation.
His proposal was shelve by Pentagon as too far fetch, the Glenn Administration never saw it.
Instead the US early warning system was extended in South Texas with new Radar installation based on Safeguard defence system
While later program was reactivated to defend the Peacekeeper ICBM bases in North Dakota and Montana.


SAC General Scott „buck“ Turgidson went in Retirement, his Successor General Martin Adlon was
consider as paranoid anti-communist by his colleagues.
While Turgidson came from Strategic Bomber Division, was Adlon from the ICBM Division,
He worked for various USAF space programs like Dyna-Soar, Blue Gemini, Manned Orbital Laboratory, the Delios program,
and the military part of Space Shuttle program, were he use his experience with failed programs to push the USAF Shuttle to success.
Adlon had reputation in Pentagon and Capitol Hill for his advocacy for US space-based militarisation.

His top priory program was Space Station IV „Eagle“ a USAF logistical and scientific research base in geostationary orbit (GEO) !
it’s wasn’t technical lie because the station would serve research and maintain US satellites in GEO with space Tugs.
But Eagle primary mission was to serve as military emergency command center in Space,
if NORAD, Pentagon, President bunker or mobil command post were attack.
Also had the USAF Station to defend US communication Satellites in GEO with anti-satellite defence system.
The proposal face lack of understanding by Capitol Hill. There is already NASA Skybase, why now USAF Station in GEO ?
The KGB notice fast that something was wrong with Proposal, and figure out that Station had purely Military objectives what worry them more was this, another project of General Adlon was the Defence and Retaliation Satellite, (DRS)

A Orbital Weapon Platform, it would also serve as anti-satellite defence system,
Should be equip with neutron bomb against enemy ICBM to defend the USA during nuclear attack,
retaliate after nuclear attack, even conduct nuclear first strike if needed !
But in Pentagon many believed the benefit of DRS were to limit, while Glenn administration refused the proposal
do violation of Outer Space Treaty, because it used nuclear weapon in space and out of fear of new dangerous arms race in space.

The Soviets once having copy of DRS papers, start counter program under codename POLYUS
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METEOR as part of A Space Odyssey! I love it!
I could not resist
Both movies feature Orbital Weapon Platforms
And Martin Landau over the top performance as General Aldon, match that of „buck“ Turgidson by George c. Scott in Dr Strangelove.
In this TL are allot easter eggs about Kubrick and other Movies...

As President Glenn announce the ARES program, it was clear that for Manned Mars landing, more Mars probes were needed.
1981 arrived Viking 3&4 orbit around Mars, they had no lander, instead ground scanning sensors and high resolution cameras from Germany.
For two years they scann the surface for Ideal landing sites, on the end of the mission they were crash into Mars moon Phobos.
1983 Viking 5&6 had again lander but they were platform for Rovers build by German MBB using parts of Viking lander.
for 1985 was planned to send an special rover to mars and two communications satellite for manned missions

The Soviets also send probes to Mars, smaller compacter Marskhod rovers, Orbiter based on
Yupiter probes for scanning Mars Surface for landing site.
There Phobos mission ended in failure, as both approaching probes were eliminated by powerful electrostatic discharge.
from the moon Phobos.

in 1985 the European Mars orbiter Kepler, arrived follow by Chinese probe Yinghuo-1, it got busy around Mars

Jupiter got also visit after Pathfinder and Yupiter fly by, this time the US-german Gallieo and Yupiter 5 & 6,
The three orbiter made new discovery about Jupiter and 4 biggest moons.
Soviets focus their reconnaissance on Moon Europa for question is there life in ocean under the Ice shield ?

France Government made radical change in Spaceflight by joining the Soviet space efforts, abandoning their support for NASA Odyssey.
Understandable after issue they had with USA on restriction on Satellite launches, the cretin incident
and the CIA plot to assassinate the French President !
The first join venture was the Vesta mission a small french space probe fly with Marskhod mission to Mars,
Here it detach, made fly by into asteroid belt, here Vesta past several asteroids with biggest of them Vesta,
Follow by join venture Space probe to Venus and Halley Comet.
Also visit French the Soviets space stations as Cosmonauts under Interkosmo program.

A surprise was that India began to start Satellites into orbit, but analyst noted that is was efforts,
to gain needed technology for a MRBM that could hit China.
German-American vs French-Soviet space race!!
I wonder what will happen to ELGO since France also has some stakes on it, maybe force them to liquidate so that ELGO GmbH will be 100% German?

As President Glenn announce the ARES program, it was clear that for Manned Mars landing, more Mars probes were needed.
1981 arrived Viking 3&4 orbit around Mars, they had no lander, instead ground scanning sensors and high resolution cameras from Germany.
For two years they scann the surface for Ideal landing sites, on the end of the mission they were crash into Mars moon Phobos.
1983 Viking 5&6 had again lander but they were platform for Rovers build by German MBB using parts of Viking lander.
for 1985 was planned to send an special rover to mars and two communications satellite for manned missions

The Soviets also send probes to Mars, smaller compacter Marskhod rovers, Orbiter based on
Yupiter probes for scanning Mars Surface for landing site.
There Phobos mission ended in failure, as both approaching probes were eliminated by powerful electrostatic discharge.
from the moon Phobos.

in 1985 the European Mars orbiter Kepler, arrived follow by Chinese probe Yinghuo-1, it got busy around Mars

Jupiter got also visit after Pathfinder and Yupiter fly by, this time the US-german Gallieo and Yupiter 5 & 6,
The three orbiter made new discovery about Jupiter and 4 biggest moons.
Soviets focus their reconnaissance on Moon Europa for question is there life in ocean under the Ice shield ?

France Government made radical change in Spaceflight by joining the Soviet space efforts, abandoning their support for NASA Odyssey.
Understandable after issue they had with USA on restriction on Satellite launches, the cretin incident
and the CIA plot to assassinate the French President !
The first join venture was the Vesta mission a small french space probe fly with Marskhod mission to Mars,
Here it detach, made fly by into asteroid belt, here Vesta past several asteroids with biggest of them Vesta,
Follow by join venture Space probe to Venus and Halley Comet.
Also visit French the Soviets space stations as Cosmonauts under Interkosmo program.

A surprise was that India began to start Satellites into orbit, but analyst noted that is was efforts,
to gain needed technology for a MRBM that could hit China.
So what effect will the French program with the Soviet Union have on relation with the United States, Turkey in OTL was barred from buying the F-35 after they bought the S-300 from Russia, i see something like this happening with France.
Diana program

In 1981 the program started literal with Lunar Orbital Space Station on a Saturn VC,
It’s was not the glorious white Saturn from Apollo program, but a dirty orange rocket covered in cheap isolation foam.
This was the industrial workhorse of NASA bringing heavy payloads into low earth orbit.
Here this MoonLab was welcome by a Space tug that prepared docking with fuelled Reusable Nuclear Shuttle-1 (RNS-1).
4 day later it brought LOSS into 80 km high polar lunar orbit and deploy it.
A month later return RNS-1 with Space Tug a Crew & Cargo Logistic Modul with 6 astronauts and Scientific Instrument Module (SIM).
The crew took over MoonLab and dock SIM at Station and start scientific mission to scann Lunar surface.

One of astonishing discovery was hydroxide on Lunar surface, confirming the findings of Apollo 21 mission !
Later they found Ice on both Lunar poles with help of new radar experiment on SIM

On return RNS-1 to earth orbit, was inspected by it service Tugs, who found a troublesome discovery, cracks in reactor core.
While Media hyped this „New Apollo 13“, NASA look into problem: the NERVA original design for 20 operation failed after 12.
The Crew was not in danger, a manned Space Tug (chemical) with additional propellant tanks could return them to a Space Shuttle.
NASA decided to launch RNS-2 into low orbit in hope it would perform better, while the service Tugs prepared the RNS-1 disposal.

The next Mission bought two Lunar tug, their docking system for MoonLab and two reserve propellant tanks.
Those tugs were docked on LOSS side ports by it robotic arms. follow arrival of its crew that increased
temporal the station crew to 12 astronauts.
One of first landing crew was eager to return to Moon is: Harrison Schmitt the first geologist who walk on Moon.
The other is John Young, Pilot of Gemini, Apollo CSM, Lunar module, Space Shuttle and now Lunar Tug
both and rookie astronaut Tom Hanks were first Americans to land on Moon since Apollo 21.

Hanks: Man this great, really great man !
Schmitt: I’m back Moon…
Young: can we get serious now?

MoonLab operated for nearly 15 years in Lunar Orbit with 30 lunar landings making many discovery,
With allot problems and near disasters, Like Solar Flairs, micro meteoroid impact on Station,
Abort landing attempts, issue with Lunar dust and Accidents during Lunar EVA.
In 1996 the Station was de-orbit and crash into Lunar crater, its replacement was the US Base Robert Peary on Lunar South Pole.

Back In 1981 in Los Alamos AEC checkt their NERVA engines, if there were any constructions errors in Design.
There was dispute because AEC demanded that RNS-1 engine is return to Earth with Shuttle for evaluation,
what NASA right out refused !
But it was clear for NASA that somehow that engine must be evaluated and that on ground by AEC.
At Marshal Space Flight Center had someone the Solution, using a Boilerplate article from Mars Exploration Module.
Equip with Lead container and parachutes, so started one of the most expensive salvage operation in History.

in 1982 a Saturn VC launched Salvage One into Rendezvous Orbit towards RNS-1
At RNS-1 the two inspection Tugs began complex task to disconnect Nerva Engine and insert into Salvage One
Biggest problem was to cut off the nozzle from engine so it fit into container and seal it.
Then Salvage One began its return to Earth, it landing target was the Johnson Atoll in middle of Pacific.
It splash down save, surrounded by US Navy Taskforce and brought to Johnson „Plutonium Yard“

The disappointing Result: it was not engine design errors, it was the material the reactor was build.
That Graphite UC-ZrC Alloy in space, suffer more of hydrogen corrosion and radioactive isotope contamination as expected.
The Reactor In Flight Test 1&2 had only 3 and 4 Ignitions, What NASA and AEC consider as qualification and declare RIFT-2 to RNS-1
But after 12 ignitions the Reactor core was so weaken by hydrogen corrosion and crack under thermal stress during cool down.
While NASA and ACE blame each other for the fiasco, the Scientist in Los Alamos start working on Problem.
For moment the current generation of NERVA engine are limited to 12 ignitions, then disposed in space.
Under current situation it was consider the engines were unsafe for Manned Mars Mission…

Original sketch for MoonLab
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Progress of Soviet Galatika program

As USA announce Ares program for manned Mars landing,
Became the Soviet Alitia study, a official program, moved into top priory with budget increase, on cost of other space programs.
But since it needed Hardware from other program like Space Station Module or Zarya Capsule could those continue with out problem.

During the Oil crisis 1973 to 1983 the Soviet Union Economy boomed with Export of Oil and Gas,
This change radical in 1983 with sharp drop in oil prices by 50%, now the Soviet plan Economy had less Budget to work with !
It let to Economic turmoil in USSR that affected their citizen.
Also let Budget cut to stop of programs like the Norther river reversal
(The diversion of river Volga, Dvina and Pechora from Siberia to Central Asia)
and cancelation of military programs, that let to serviere protest of Red Army, follow by rumours of military putsch against Politburo.

The Budget cut happen also to Galatika program, Ministry of General Machine-building (MoM) had to adapt with less money,
but could compensate this with production of consumer products.
The Red Army and MoM combine their effort for protect their Interest from political meddling.

The plans for Moon base were put on hold, for moment two or one Zarya mission a year for Moon exploration.
Proposal cut down the New Space Station complex only to main module, let to sharp protest by Military and MoM,
This Station now served as central hub in Space Architecture of MoM and Red Army

In 1980s the USA was a head in space race with biggest Space Station in Orbit, Space Shuttle with space Tug and first nuclear Shuttle.
And returned to Moon and made preparation to land astronauts on Mars,

The Soviet Zarya program went well first manned capsule fly to Salyut 5 and 6 as Zarya-1 to 4
While first L3M komplex landed as Lunar 32 on Moon (habitat with Zarya descent module on return stage and descend stage)
The N1-F MV rocket work inside it parameters, despite some pogo problem in Block B what let to one engine failure,
After 14 days on Surface during Lunar night began problem in Luna-32, as one of the Fuel cell failed, reducing power supply for lander.
The Mission was aborted and Lander return to Earth with its Zaria descent module landing safe in USSR.

The first manned mission to Moon was Zarya 5 in 1980.
On board Fyodor Kuznec first soviet geologist on moon and two veterans of Soyuz lunar mission,
They landing save in Mare Fecunditatis, a place the Soviet academe of science was very fun of, consider it as site for a soviet lunar base.
Crew was welcome by new generation of Lunokhod rover, able to drive two cosmonauts up to 15 km from landing site.


With planned surface stay of 14 days, it would beat every Apollo record on moon,
One week into mission the crew develop a harsh cough special in morning and it worsen.
The Mission was stop and crew return on day 8, medical exam show the three had pneumoconiosis from moon dust!
The Apollo crew who stay only to three day were lower exposed to dust as Zarya-5 crew,
The L3M underwent modification to deal with moon dust.
Better air-filters and humidifier, vacuum cleaner for Space suits, what delay the next Lunar Zarya mission for a year.
While US astronaut under Diana program face same problem.

In 1984 the Soviets launch their newest Space Station into orbit MIR, a module of 88 tons and equip with 6 docking ports,
and it was only first module later came second module of MIR and 12 smaller modules in size of former Salut stations dockt on that giant station.
Mir was not only biggest Space Station ever launch, it was operated by 24 cosmonauts,
it served as central hub for Soviet Space infrastructure.

Gerkules Space tugs (nuclear power Ion engines) visit satellites, dock and transport them to MIR were the Inspected and returned to their orbit.
Allot of those satellites were unmanned spy sats who Dockt on Mir and get served refuel reequip and tug back to their orbit.
The Station served on test on human longterm exposure on zero gravity, needed for Alitia Mars mission
For moment was Alitia program running on full speed, testing more powerful nuclear reactors and Ion engines,
Technical Design offices testing mockup and prototypes for Manned Mars Lander.
with goal to launch in end of 1980s a Manned Mars Mission.
Any illustration on how does the Mir space station look? I also remember that the Soviets already has lunar station in the 80's on the tl, are they moving slower here?
Any illustration on how does the Mir space station look? I also remember that the Soviets already has lunar station in the 80's on the tl, are they moving slower here?
coming up.

For moment the USSR has temporally Outpost on Moon up to 45 day stay.
one to two lunar Zarya mission per year, depending one budget needed on Alitita
Diana program

In 1981 the program started literal with Lunar Orbital Space Station on a Saturn VC,
It’s was not the glorious white Saturn from Apollo program, but a dirty orange rocket covered in cheap isolation foam.
This was the industrial workhorse of NASA bringing heavy payloads into low earth orbit.
Here this MoonLab was welcome by a Space tug that prepared docking with fuelled Reusable Nuclear Shuttle-1 (RNS-1).
4 day later it brought LOSS into 80 km high polar lunar orbit and deploy it.
A month later return RNS-1 with Space Tug a Crew & Cargo Logistic Modul with 6 astronauts and Scientific Instrument Module (SIM).
The crew took over MoonLab and dock SIM at Station and start scientific mission to scann Lunar surface.

One of astonishing discovery was hydroxide on Lunar surface, confirming the findings of Apollo 21 mission !
Later they found Ice on both Lunar poles with help of new radar experiment on SIM

On return RNS-1 to earth orbit, was inspected by it service Tugs, who found a troublesome discovery, cracks in reactor core.
While Media hyped this „New Apollo 13“, NASA look into problem: the NERVA original design for 20 operation failed after 12.
The Crew was not in danger, a manned Space Tug (chemical) with additional propellant tanks could return them to a Space Shuttle.
NASA decided to launch RNS-2 into low orbit in hope it would perform better, while the service Tugs prepared the RNS-1 disposal.

The next Mission bought two Lunar tug, their docking system for MoonLab and two reserve propellant tanks.
Those tugs were docked on LOSS side ports by it robotic arms. follow arrival of its crew that increased
temporal the station crew to 12 astronauts.
One of first landing crew was eager to return to Moon is: Harrison Schmitt the first geologist who walk on Moon.
The other is John Young, Pilot of Gemini, Apollo CSM, Lunar module, Space Shuttle and now Lunar Tug
both and rookie astronaut Tom Hanks were first Americans to land on Moon since Apollo 21.

Hanks: Man this great, really great man !
Schmitt: I’m back Moon…
Young: can we get serious now?

MoonLab operated for nearly 15 years in Lunar Orbit with 30 lunar landings making many discovery,
With allot problems and near disasters, Like Solar Flairs, micro meteoroid impact on Station,
Abort landing attempts, issue with Lunar dust and Accidents during Lunar EVA.
In 1996 the Station was de-orbit and crash into Lunar crater, its replacement was the US Base Robert Peary on Lunar South Pole.

Back In 1981 in Los Alamos AEC checkt their NERVA engines, if there were any constructions errors in Design.
There was dispute because AEC demanded that RNS-1 engine is return to Earth with Shuttle for evaluation,
what NASA right out refused !
But it was clear for NASA that somehow that engine must be evaluated and that on ground by AEC.
At Marshal Space Flight Center had someone the Solution, using a Boilerplate article from Mars Exploration Module.
Equip with Lead container and parachutes, so started one of the most expensive salvage operation in History.

in 1982 a Saturn VC launched Salvage One into Rendezvous Orbit towards RNS-1
At RNS-1 the two inspection Tugs began complex task to disconnect Nerva Engine and insert into Salvage One
Biggest problem was to cut off the nozzle from engine so it fit into container and seal it.
Then Salvage One began its return to Earth, it landing target was the Johnson Atoll in middle of Pacific.
It splash down save, surrounded by US Navy Taskforce and brought to Johnson „Plutonium Yard“

The disappointing Result: it was not engine design errors, it was the material the reactor was build.
That Graphite UC-ZrC Alloy in space, suffer more of hydrogen corrosion and radioactive isotope contamination as expected.
The Reactor In Flight Test 1&2 had only 3 and 4 Ignitions, What NASA and AEC consider as qualification and declare RIFT-2 to RNS-1
But after 12 ignitions the Reactor core was so weaken by hydrogen corrosion and crack under thermal stress during cool down.
While NASA and ACE blame each other for the fiasco, the Scientist in Los Alamos start working on Problem.
For moment the current generation of NERVA engine are limited to 12 ignitions, then disposed in space.
Under current situation it was consider the engines were unsafe for Manned Mars Mission…

Original sketch for MoonLab

Looks like the realistic version of Jamestown from the For All Mankind TV series.
Looks like the realistic version of Jamestown from the For All Mankind TV series.
For moment is the better way to explore the moon fully from a Orbital station with landing on selected sites
and with 15 years of science data, NASA will focus on Moon Poles and resources there for lunar base in 1990s

Oh by the way
The Mission logo for Salvage One (Nerva core recovery)

another quirky pop-culture reverence...
I used to watch SALVAGE ONE. It would take metastable fuels...not "monhydrazine" as they called it.
Armament of free World

During 1980s happened series of events that worry deeply the Analyst in USA and USSR,
Swiss begann cooperate with Israel and South Africa !
In begin it was unclear what they up to, then happen the Ghost Mirage signings in Mediterranean Sea:

Described as Aircraft without markings, in camouflage paint, resembling a Mirage III fighter jet, but without cockpit nor pilot on board.
Several aircraft were sighted by Civilian-, military patrol aircraft and Radar.

One of those cross the Mediterranean Sea passing Greece, Italy, Libya and enter Spain airspace near balearic Islands,
We’re Spanish Mirage III try to intercept it, the Pilots describe the aircraft like a Mirage III without pilot on board.
The Aircrafts flew in loose formation for while as suddenly the Ghost goes into dive and explode before impact into Sea.
Other encounter with a Ghost Mirage went not so well, as US Navy try to approach one with F-14s for close inspections.
They find out those aircraft have a proximity warning and explode.
Suspicion fell on Israel since the aircraft came from East Mediterranean and flew West.

Then start Swiss constructions works in Alps, the USA monitoring those with Spy sat and USAF Space Shuttle flights.
The Picture show alarmingly development, the Swiss were building new Aircraft caverns
Another Picture showed one of new Swiss Aircraft cavern, were moving a Mirage III in, a Mirage without a cockpit
The Pentagon Analyst realised Swiss developed its own supersonic Cruise missile based on Mirage IIIS in cooperation with Israel.
Another disturbing fact that what look at first like jet-fuel tanks for Aircraft caverns, had rocket nozzle on one end.
They have SRBM and MRBM probably from South Afrika or Israel or maybe both ?
The main question was had Israel and also South Africa this Cruise missile too ? the later Nation was eager to build the Atomic Bomb !

In the mean time India tested their Rocket technology like wise there hydrogene bombs
During 1970s the India purchase rocket technology from France, Italy and West Germany in wake of ELDO closure in 1973.
What they had develop was their version of Titan II and Minutemen based on French Phoenix rocket and Italian ALFA rocket.
To test those India started series of Satellite into orbit, to the moon and Mars, also plans for Human mission to space.
But with secret goal to test their ICBM SLBM and capacity for reconnaissance satellite to spy on their enemy.

Pakistan was looking to gain same technology from USA and USSR, they but refused, but China was will offer help under certain conditions…

Yugoslavia Atomic bomb program was slow but continue to make progress, they hope to conduct first underground test end of 1980s.
The same goes for Brazil, Libya and Iraq nuclear program.

Thailand government demanded from USA for delivery of small nuclear warhead for Demolitions works on the Thai Canal.
This canal would connect the Gulf of Thailand with India ocean, is a 45 km long an 400 meter wide canal.
But do terrain and geology its quite difficult to dig a canal here, Thailand in hope to use nuclear power could speed things up…
The USA and USSR refused the demand, since Thailand was demanding handling authority over nuclear warheads during demolitions.
China show however strong interest in the Thai Canal, because given them faster access to Indian Ocean what improve their naval presence there.
But China were no fools, they make sure the Thai never touches one of demolitions charges the Chines used on site.
The Canal was build in Record time and area was quarantine for over year until Radioactivity grow fainter
in mean time over 200000 people were evacuated form site.
The Ares program

As President Glenn made bold move for Manned Mars Landing program.
NASA pull out there plans, MSFC used the 1968 proposal by Von Braun since that was based on Infrastructure NASA had for moment: Nuclear Shuttle, Space Station Module.

What missing was Manned Exploration Module MEM in short, this was most important Hardware for Mission.
MSFC look into various proposals and ended with one also from 1968, the Rockwell MEM proposal to bring 4 men to Mars surface for stay up to 30 days.
But the Design had be adapted after results of Viking landers, the proposed Ballute (Balloon working like Parachute) was too small, they replaced it with large Supersonic Parachute.
This would reduce speed with 7 G’s deceleration, until MEM reach subsonic speed at 3km altitude from here Hydrogen/Lox rocket engines do soft landing
Hydrogen/Lox storage problem was solved under Space Tug program and MEM would feature that hardware in descent and ascent stage.
But here starts the problems MEM was Rockwell international design, Main contractor became Grumman who build Lunar Module and Space Tugs !
Rockwell International Management went even so far to sue NASA in Washington D.C. Court !
NASA Administration was furious about this and unleash their lawyers. In end the Judge gave it verdict: It’s a NASA Program they can decide who become Contractor or not!

In meantime the First boiler Plate article were tested, launch by Shuttle booster on Suborbital trajectories to test in high altitude similar to Mars Atmosphere.
Flight behaviour was sufficient for descent and landing, but the large Supersonic Parachute failed on testing and need redesign.
one of those boiler Plate was modified for Salvage One mission, the return of Damage NERVA engine to earth for evaluation by AEC.

The Prototype Testing on orbit went better,
Biggest challenge were long duration test, were MEM emulate the trip to Mars in Hangar in Earth orbit, the Transit time were between 6 to 9 months.
Here the Hangar had to protect MEM and keep the propellants cool in there tanks until use.
That Test had problems, boil off was higher as computer models indicate, until scientists notice they forgot that Infrared radiation Earth atmosphere reflects, heating the Hanger more as in Deep space !
The restart of the Propulsion module after 6 months, show issue with helium gas bubbles in feed lines and ignitions problems.
Another issue was software for MEM four all digital IBM computer, The Astronauts needed Training program on MEM to practice the landing during Transit to Mars.
This program turn MEM into Simulator with out activating the systems, unfortunately that Program could intervene the Flight program,
what happen during orbital testing and Ground training in MEM simulators at JSC. It was a wiring error between four Avionics Computers, that could activate the wrong computer.
in mean time the Flight system and Hardware were tested on the Space Station Skybase like human long duration flight and advance Life-support systems with success.

NASA would send two Ship too Mars with each 6 Men on board and two landers, in case of emergency the crew of ship could evacuate to other ship.
Dispute rise on landing sites, JSC wanted safety for crew first and nearby landing spots, the Scientist wanted two different landing sites for more geological Data.
They settle on Mangala Valles (10°S 150°W in Tharsis region) a region between Marisian Highland and lowland both landers would land 16 km apart in low and High lands.
To maximised the scientific output NASA took ESRO proposal for two German rovers that land 2 years prior Manned Mission collect samples, Astronauts would collect after landing.
They fly as Viking 7&8 in 1987 to Mars. planned first Mission would arrive at Mars in 1989.
In case MEM was not ready the Hangar would filled with Probes and Sample Return Hardware if available in 1989…

At Los Alamos AEC overworked their NERVA engines for better performance, needed for ARES program.
They found a solution CERMEL, a composite material made out tungsten, gadolinium, molybdenum and rhenium.
it was already tested in 1970s but do high production price and difficult Manufacture,
They used cheaper Composite Graphite UC-ZrC Alloy for first generation NERVA engine.
Now in 1980s they had better production ability and more budget, so Los Alamos change to CERMEL
The Second generation NERVA engine had thanks CREMEL now a specific impulse of 880 second.
This reduce needed propellant mass for upcoming Mars mission by 10%, what reduce need on additional Hydrogen Tanks on two mars Ships.

In 1987 start Los Alamos a new program under NASA/USAF
A Improved better working Nuclear Engine under project Timberwind.
Goal was specific impulse 1000 seconds, with higher thrust and lower engine mass
Halley’s Comet


Every 76 years come a Comet back into Solarsystem, the man who discovers this was Edmond Halley.
As last time Halley’s Comet past true was 1910 and was like every passing quite eventless
But this time as the Comet reach in 1985 the inner Solarsystem, it was welcome by Fleet of spacecrafts !

Italy was driving force behind European effort Giotto, they build the Probe with ESRO sensors and german camera.
it was launch by ELGO B rocket on 2 July 1985
Supported was Giotto by Soviets probes how guide the Probe closer to Halley and offer communication relays

The USA launch Ames probe „de Lacaille“
A simple flyby probe launch by Space tugs from Earth Orbit Shuttle on 16 July 1985, it past 20 December 1985

China launch also small probe „Beixing“ that use Venus gravity for fly by mission, Follow by India "ketu" probe

Germany manage to reactivated their Helios 3 probe who orbit Sun, inside mercury orbit, the probe gave limited scientific data.

But it was soviet Union who stole The Show with Three space probes
The first two were VeGa (acronym for Vernera and Gallej) a Soviet French join venture, Modified Venera probes with french experiments on board
Launch in December 1984 on two N2F, on June 1985, they do fly by at Venus dropping the two soviets landers and two french ballon probes there,
using the planet gravity to catapult them to Halley’s, here they study the comet and support Giotto close approach to Comet core in March 1986

The Third mission was more of a Experiment,
The new generation of Gercules Space Tug with Nuclear reactors and Ion engines and flight computer and sensors of Yupiter Probe series.
Launch may 1983 on a N2-MV rocket the Gercuels-Gallej spent next 230 days escaping earth gravity field.
Follow by 180 day coast then the Probe reactivate it’s Ion engines and made sharp turn and accelerate to rendezvous with Comet.
on 16 December 1985 Gercuels-Gallej reach it target and begin 100 day prime science program

it’s supported the VeGa and Giotto probe missions on 13 march 1986, here
Giotto manage with their help to approach the Comet core around 196 km, until it was destroy by comet debris.
but thanks Gercuels-Gallej who serve as data recorder for Giotto could transmit data back to Earth.

After it prime mission, Gercuels-Gallej started a extended survey of Halley Comet following it’s orbit into far site of Solarsystem.
Gercuels-Gallej planned as feasibility test for up coming Mars mission, became one of most successful space probe of Soviet history.
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Gorb… who ?

Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev was born on 2 march, 1931 in village of Privolnoya.
He survived the great famine of 1932-33 and the second world war, with age of 21 he joined the Communist party in 1952.
During 1950s He study in University, in 1966 he graduated in economist Administration, after he abandon his plans for Agricultural Administration.
In 1970s Gorbachev made successful career in communist party,
As his Sponsor in Party, Kulakov died in office, became Gorbachev his successor in 1978.
in 1979 he enter the Politburo as protege of Yuri Andropov, during that time Gorbachev travel with several Delegation in foreign countries.
were he made quite impression as Statesman.

As in 1984 Yuri Andropov died, was The USSR in Trouble, do drop in Oil prise, suffer the Soviet economy.
in mean time the dissatisfied Military became rebellious, while the divided Reformist fractions and Conservatives struggle for leadership of USSR.
Next to that were a international incident caused by Red Army
In 1983 had a MIG-33 shut down a South Korean Boeing 747 that drifted into Soviet Airspace, believing its a USAF Boeing 747 ELINT

The conservatives believed they had chance to get control, they hopes were brutal crushed in minutes,
During election of the new Secretary, happen bizarre event as two KGB agents drag conservative candidate Chernenko into Politburo, put him on a chair.
while a Conservative read a statement while Chernenko was in zombie like state. the Military were looking on each other and made decision.
Yuri Andropov made it clear in his political Testament who will be his successor: New Leader of USSR was Mikhail Gorbachev

He face allot of problems, the Soviet economy situation, reunite the reformist and satisfy the Military and deal with Cold War.

On economic He offers the Free economic zones were USSR operate under Capitalist rules and mass-produce for Asia and Wester Market.
This „treason“ on Communist tradition upset the Chinese Communist under Jiang Qing, a new problem for Gorbachev

On Foreign politic Gorbachev went double tracked, diplomatic initiative for disarmament, on same time modernised the arsenal and look for new options.

The Red Army demanded to Installed large Orbital combat platforms for Soviet Ballistic missile defence.
While Strategic Missile Troops urge to install nuclear arsenal in space, best on the Moon, for deterrence and as counterstrike in case of Nuclear War.
Gorbachev was not happy about this, but authorised Polyus a prototype for Orbital combat platforms.
Also demand the Strategic Missile Troops to use a Moon base as emergency command center, if there Serpukhov-15 and its backup is destroy.
Gorbachev Also gave his ok for that, under disguise of a Soviet lunar Base expansions, once that was installed on Lunar surface.

Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev is only leader of USSR who ever resign from Office for personal reasons.
in 1993 he declared his resignation do personal problems, his wife had suffers from a Stroke and during diagnostic revealed she had leukaemia.
The 25 April 1985.

Gorbachev was now one year in office and working hard to get Soviet union out it economic troubles.

The White House announces that President Morris k. Udall will be visiting West Germany and attends a ceremony at Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

The Expo 85 opened in Japan,

A Political Scandal let to resignation of the British Prime-minister !
The Tory government try to deal with juvenile delinquency and hooligans, by brainwashing them with the Ludovico technique.
Sadly the results of this rehabilitation were unable to adapt back in there old surroundings,
This and ill-fated attempt by Government to coverup this failure of brainwashing, let to the Scandal.

The New British Government invest into new British Space program, much to surprise of every one they canceled HOTOL project and focus on old program of 1960s:
MUSTARD stand for Multi-Unit Space Transport and Recovery Device study by BAC, now BAE
it was a interesting concept of three identical rocket power Lifting bodies launch together, one give it fuel to other unit it propellants were exhaust,
the two return back to launch side while the third reach orbit for its mission.
A simple and easy to build system, in contrast to the problematic HOTOL and its air breading Rocket engine.

France and Britain sign the Treaty of Canterbury for construction of the Channel Tunnel.

The Chinese forces start another brutal campaign against the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, this time supported by Pakistan,
Using chemical weapons and napalm against civilian targets, the Mujahideen has to retreat to Pakistan there were welcomed by military who attack them.
This was result of agreement between China and Pakistan.
In Order to gain the upper hand on rival India, the Pakistan government were willing to do Islamic fratricide.
For this dagger thrust in Exchange, the Chinese offer to install nuclear weapons in Pakistan.
The Mujahideen lost their key personal like Osama ben Laden, for moment they surviving members regrouping and figure out what to do next, after that it was downfall of Mujahideen.

In Iran the Military gain upper hand on the Revolutionary Gard and against the Iraq army, who starte Invasion of Iran after turmoil of 1980s Operation Egal Claw.
The new military junta of Iran, installed a parliamentary constitutional Monarchy with Reza Pahlavi as new King, but son of Shah of Iran was merly a marionette of new Junta.
But serve it purpose to reconnect with US Government for Help against Iraq and as Allies against China in Afghanistan.

The Infamous Overlook Hotel of Colorado is closed.
Know for 1979 Grady slaughter and 1980 Torrance massacre (were the Winter Caretaker get insane and Attack his wife and child and murder rescue team)
Bad headlines and rumor the hotel is haunted, let to decline of visitors and bankruptcy.
The Hotel is set for demolition, since it build on sacred ground of a native American Ute Tribe,

And in the Chernobyl nuclear power complex, it was just routine work day, the eight pressurised-water reactors work inside there parameters.
The Shining! Kubrick films together. Here is a thought. I speculated that the Teton Event-the Great Daylight Fireball of August 10, 1972 was a Bracewell probe. Well guess what? Only six days earlier-on August 4-a solar event set off sea mines off Vietnam. Maybe that's what sent a fly-by off course a bit. Around then-the shuttle payload-bay dimentions are set. Another GLOMAR is born-and tech advances in time for a space odyssey.
ARES vs AELITA: One - The Start shot

NASA and Grumman got MEM ready AMES manage to fix final issue with supersonic parachute and final test were success.
The Soviet Ministry got their Mars Landing Craft (MPK) working in typical Soviet sledgehammer approach.
Only issue was that Ion engine not produce power original planned.

in 1987 NASA Viking 7 & 8 arrived at Mars, 7 & 8 landed and released to advance Mars Rover by ESRO build by MBB,

They would collect samples and drive to landing site of Ares 1&2 Missions, while the Viking Orbiter are communication satellite for upcoming mission
The Soviet hat landed advance Marskhod to support the Aelita mission.

NASA announcement the Ships name and there Crew
ARES 1 would carry the name USS Valley Forge and there crew were
John Young Mission Commander, MEM Eagle main Pilot
George W. Bush MEM Copilot (the Son of former administrator Bush)
Tom Hanks Astronaut
Robert Zubrin NERVA Engine Engineer
Niel deGrasse Tyson Astrophysicist, Planetary Scientist
Harrison Schmitt Geologist

ARES 2 name is USS Lexington and there crew were
John Crippen Mission Commander, MEM Falcon main Pilot
Charles Bolden MEM Copilot
Jim Green Astrophysicist, Planetary Scientist
Frederick D. Gregory Astronaut
Winchell Chung NERVA Engine Engineer
Alfred McEwen Geologist

The Soviets announcement of AELITA-1 Mission and Crew, nicknamed the Wolf-pack in Starcity
Anatoly Borisovich Polonsky - Mission Commander
Valery Ivanovich Tokarev - MPK main Pilot
Alexandr Nikolayevich Yablontsev - MPK Copilot
Valery Yevgenyevich Maksimenko
Nikolay Alekseyevich Pushenko
Alexandr Sergeyevich Puchkov

They were experienced Pilots trained for their task ahead.
The USA gave start shot for Mars-race in August 1987 with launch of first Ares Moduls follow Nuclear shuttles and fuel tanks.
Then Soviet follow days later with launch of first Aeltia Moduls

On march 1, 1988. the Assembly AELITA-1 is complete, after 6 launches of N1-MV rockets.
A large spaceship with Two nuclear reactors with Ion Engine arrays, a Module of Mir Space station and the Mars Exploration Module.
After checkout Aelita-1 powered up there Reactors and activated its Ion engine moving slowly outward unmanned !
At first Media was perplex about this move, but NASA engineers pointe out that Aelita needed to past the Van Allen Belt and it harsh radiation.
While Ares 1&2 would past fast that belt, Aelita would spent 120 days accelerate in there and that Crew would be launch after Aelita past Van Allen belt.

what was confirmed as on JuLy 7, 1988. a N1-F launch the Aelita Crew in Zaryra Spacecraft toward Aelita-1 that move outwards.
on July 12, 1988. Ares 1&2 launched outbound to Mars schedule to arrive in 200 days,
After successful Mars trajectory injection, the four Nuclear shuttle detach and return to low earth orbit for reuse.
Both Spacecraft would arrive at Mars in January 1989.
The 1988 US Presidential Election

The Reign of Democrats ended after 12 years, Under President Glenn 1976-84 and President Udall 1984-88, were time of economic recovery of USA.
Mostly by financial input in US Aerospace industry under NASA odyssey program and armament of US military with new weapon systems, kickstarting the US economy.
While Glenn Presidency was marked by Operation Eagle Claw, the GLADIO-CONTRA scandal and decision to go to Moon and Mars.
Was Udall Presidency one of funniest in US History and was highly popular, all the more surprising that Udall declined as candidate for 1988 president elections !
There were allot of speculation why, but after Udall death in 1998, it became public that he had Parkinson’s disease and it condition worsen in 1988.
So his Vice President Gary Hart was nominated as candidate with Lloyd Bentsen for vice president.

But they faced a Strong duo from Republicans: George H.W. Bush and Bob Dole.
Bush was US representative from 1963 to 1969, then NASA Administrator for 1969-1977, who return to politic were,
Then serve as Chairman of the Republican National Committee. He represent the progressive republicanism,
Dole is US Senator for Kansas, know for his hard line conservative republicanism, know for his sarcastic one-liners comments.
The selection was compromise between conservatives under Ronald Reagan and Progressives under Richard Nixon.


And there was Lyndon H. LaRouche jr. a Independent candidate for National Democratic Policy Committee (unrelated to US Democratic Party)
LaRouche made headline news with bold proposal to Colonised Planet Mars with Help of NASA and incorporated the Mars territory as new state in USA.
Also install orbital defence system what he called „the Strategic Defense Initiative“ and gain allot of popularity for his proposal.

But the 1988 Campaign was marked by scandals
The first was Vice President Hart downfall as Miami Herald publish article claimed he is womaniser and had affairs.
Gary Hart declare not running no more for President, The democrat party try to compensate to make Lloyd Bentsen main- and Michael Dukakis as Vice candidate.
The Democratic campaign suffer of constant changes in Campaign management, like Dukakis was force to fire Donna Brazile do unethical wheeling against Bush/Dole.

That George W. Bush was part of Ares-1 crew was controversial, since he was son of President candidate Bush,
The Democrats accused NASA to support Bush sr. despite jr. was selected years ago for mission.

In October the FBI arrested LaRouche jr. for credit card fraud and obstruction of Justice, middle during his Campaign in West Virginia
What let to wild speculation in Media, special as LaRouche claimed he was victim of Political vendetta, he was sentence to 15 years of Prison.

In the end won George H.W. Bush, and Bob Dole, both in popular (53%.37%) and Electoral votes (426)
People wanted a change in Politic after Democratic rule of 12 years.

NASA realised there former Administrator became President!
ARES vs ALITA: Two - Orbital mechanic is a harsh mistress

On January 23, 1989. Aelita-1 arrival at Mars, but do its low thrust ion engine, they needed 23.5 day to spiral into its Mars Orbit.
But January 28 , Ares 1&2 arrive at Mars and enter High elliptical Orbit and check their Mars Exploration Moduls Eagle and Falcon.
While crew of Aelita-1 start orbital survey of Mars with sensors and Telescopes, drop Ares 1&2 series of probes on Mars, who would do science research.
Then on February 2, 1989. the Mars Exploration Moduls Eagle and Falcon descent to surface of Mars, while Aelita-1 still enter its needed orbit.
For Soviets the Disappointment was clear: the Americans would land first.
in USA were nail biting waiting until MEMs enter Mars Atmosphere and descend to Surface and report back, that signal took 20 minute to arrive at Earth
Finally came message: the Eagle has landed follow by the Falcon has landed. in Mangala Valles (10°S 150°W in Tharsis region) only 16 km from each other.

Art work by Drell7

John Young became first Human on Mars: „its small Step for me, but next step of Humanity in the exploration of the Univers
follow by George W. Bush the son of current President. „Hey this place look just like New Mexico desert

20 minute later The USA erupted in cheer joyful shout, In White House President Bush congratulate the Crew.
Next to him stand Robert Nixon, his gamble 20 years ago brought USA this Victory in the Space-race.
While George W. Bush stole the show with remark „hey dad i’m standing on Mars, are you proud ?“, „yes i’m very proud my son“ answer embarrassed President 20 minute later…

For next 30 days the Crews of Eagle and Falcon study the Mars surface, conducts experiments and collect samples.
on February 20, 1989 land the Soviets on Mars, on 37° north and 162 ° West, at the edge Utopia Planitia and north Elysium Planitian.
With Valery Ivanovich Tokarev becoming first Soviet on Mars „just another Step“ was his disappoint reaction.

The crew Falcon discover water ice deposit under ground at their landing site.
on day 17 after landing, arrive a visitors on mars horizon, the two German Rover Max and Moritz, after 2 years odyssey over surface, both collected a treasure of Geological Samples.
like wise collect the Soviets also Sample containers from their Marshkod rovers.

on March 2, the Soviet MPK took off successfully and docked with Aelita-1, that prepared to leave Mars orbit
Follow two days later by Eagle and Falcon docking with Ares 1&2

March 7, 1989 Aelita-1 began Mars orbit departure next 17.5 days, it spiral out Mars orbit into interplanetary space.
while on March 9 leave Ares 1&2 Mars orbit to Earth the upper stage of Eagle and Falcon parked in stable orbit around Mars.

Sadly the US Triumph was over shadow by Tragedy,
On April 28, 1989 died Astronaut Raymond Tanner on Moon during Lunar EVA under Diana 18 mission.
So far know stumble Tanner and hit with helmet face plate into a bolder, the resulting hole in Helmet depressurised his suit fast, killing the 31 year old astronaut.
This dead let bizarre situation what to do with Body ? Bring it to Moonlab and there to Earth ? who to store the decomposing body on station ?
In end Mission control in consultation with Tanner family made decision: his body is bury on landing site, leading to sharp protest by religious groups who worship the Moon.
NASA investigate incident and gave recommendations for handling body of dead Astronauts in Space:
If a return of Body is not possible do safety or hygienic reason, the deceased has to „bury“ at place or hand over to Space in analog to burial at sea

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