western europe

  1. uk 75

    Ireland's SST that never was

    Back in the 1960s Boeing was telling everyone that its Supersonic 2707 transport would be the must-have airliner for the 1970s. Some 26 airlines took out options on the plane. There is a comprehensive thread about the US designs on this site, but no illustrations of the artwork Boeing must have...
  2. uk 75

    Postwar European cruisers

    As a kid I spent a lot of time browsing through Janes Fighting Ships in our local library. One of my favourite group of ships were the big cruisers which were the hallmark of major European navies. The most modern of these were the helicopter carrying Terrier armed ships of the Italian navy plus...
  3. uk 75

    How useless were the Luftwaffe's Alpha Jets?

    One of the things that always puzzled me in the 70s was how the West German Air Force replaced its NATO light fighter bomber competition winning Fiat G91 with the Dornier Dassault Breguet Alpha Jet. The Germans had the money to buy a raft of different planes for this role ranging from Jaguars...
  4. uk 75

    The Hound Dog for NATO

    This one is not really feasible but it does produce some interesting models or artwork. The USAF had its Hound Dogs in service from the Cuban Missile Crisis well into the 70s. If politics and other considerations had not got in the way, permutations of NATO Hound might have served on the...
  5. uk 75

    NATO nuclear missiles in Europe

    I had always been puzzled by who in NATO apart from the US received nuclear missiles. The UK received Corporal (range about 75miles) while Belgium, France, Germany, Italy as well as UK got Honest John(12 miles or so) It then gets interesting. The UK comes up with Blue Water (range 50-60 miles)...
  6. uk 75

    European Defence Force

    Not trying to provoke either side of the current debate but I am old enough to remember a time when the 6 original members of the European Community discussed the setting up of a full blown EDF in the 1960s. It was never a runner politically but had it been, I imagine the following equipment...
  7. Michel Van

    ERNO Large Ariane 5 Return Capsule (LaReCa)

    As ESA discuss European Manned Spaceflight was a battle between Hermes Shuttle and Capsule Fraction Here the 1989 Proposal of ERNO "LaReCa" short for Large Ariane 5 Return Capsule It feature: -A large reusable Capsule for various mission -The use of full potential of Ariane 5 rocket...
  8. M

    So what's going to be the results of this so called Peace dividend?

    Hello there, long time lurker, first time poster as they say, so my first post is a spot of a challenge. The Cold War instead of ending when it did thanks to Mr Gorbachev being a realist, has continued through to 18th October 2012, NATO forces are now in the process of being reduced, so think...
  9. uk 75

    British alternative to NATO INF (Cruise and Polaris)

    The more I read about the nuclear politics of the 60s defence decisions the more I am astonished at the annoying involvement of the Germans. It seems that from joining NATO onwards they either agitated to have their own fingers on the nuclear trigger, or later, as put by Helmut Schmidt, they...
  10. Pelzig

    Wegmann Tank Projects

    While searching patents for French tanks, found this German tank design put forth by Wegmann. I've attached the tank image from the patent as well as the patent itself. Did Wegmann ever build it or did it remain a patent design only?
  11. B

    MBB/ERNO (Einstufiger) LuftAtmender Raketen-Träger (LART)

    Spaceflight News , August Year ?
  12. M

    European CAS/Attack common aircraft?

    European contries has make interesting lost projets in bombers and fighter aircrafts, read Tornado, Jagar, EFA, Harrier, and others, but, has been some pass or future especialized CAS/Ground Attack aircraft project? The Jaguar, Harrier and Spanish HA-500 are the only planes I remember at this time
  13. Triton

    Lockheed/Smith Miller Hybrid Missile Launch Truck

    Vintage Lockheed/Smith Miller Hybrid Missile Launch Truck URL:http://cgi.ebay.com/VINT-LOCKHEED-SMITH-MILLER-HYBRID-MISSLIE-LAUNCH-TRUCK_W0QQitemZ300386611364QQcmdZViewItemQQptZDiecast_Vehicles?hash=item45f06ff0a4 Description:
  14. Triton

    NATO Multilateral Force (MLF) Polaris ships and submarines

    In the early 1960s, the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations offered the European NATO partners participation in a Multilateral Force (MLF) of Polaris-armed warships that would include surface ships, including disguised merchant vesels, and submarines. The proposal was inspired by the...
  15. Michel Van

    Polaris SSBM as land based SRBM

    i remember vague a Proposal transform the Polaris in a landbased SRBM and install over 4000 missile in Europe so in end of 1950's beginn 1960's
  16. M

    PLATO Platform Orbiter

    The recent discussion about HERMES on Ariane 4 triggered a memory of another reusable lifting vehicle planned to be launched by Ariane 4 – the PLATO Platform Orbiter. The PLATO concept of a small uncrewed winged reentry vehicle was developed by MBB-ERNO in the late Eighties to provide Europe...
  17. Matej

    European RPV and UAV projects from the 70's

    UAU! In 1976!! http://www.flightglobal.com/pdfarchive/view/1976/1976%20-%200763.html
  18. Jemiba

    Blue Streak based satellite transport system

    In 1959 G.K.C.Pardoe, Chief Coordinator/balistic missiles at DeHavilland Propellers Ltd. made several proposals to use the Blue Streak as the basis for a sattelite transport system. - The first shown would combine the Blue Streak with a solid propellant second stage, where the payload would have...
  19. M

    Nuclear Powered Locomotives

    Hi everybody I am searching for pictures or drawings of the Krauss-Maffei "Atomlok" . It is a german postwar project for a nuclear powered locomotive ! Data: Lenght 35m, wide 3m, weight 185 t, Power 5916 hp Here I have found some websites with pictures of nuclear powered locomotives ...
  20. A

    Early european rocketry projects

    title says all. It seems that Tony Buttler did it again! Along the mythical Avro 732 "supersonic Vulcan" he mention a Vulcan with a Diamant rocket under wing. (I've seen a pic, but I won't post it here) More info on the context and specs of this project ? I've checked Diamant A/B/BP-4 at...
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