warsaw pact

  1. hesham

    VZLU Aircraft List

    Hi, the VZLU (Výzkumný a zkušební letecký ústav) or Czech Aerospace Research Centre was formed in 1922,as a military aeronautical research institute,later I will talk about its aircraft and Projects.
  2. M

    So what's going to be the results of this so called Peace dividend?

    Hello there, long time lurker, first time poster as they say, so my first post is a spot of a challenge. The Cold War instead of ending when it did thanks to Mr Gorbachev being a realist, has continued through to 18th October 2012, NATO forces are now in the process of being reduced, so think...
  3. H

    East German T-55 NAL NRD

    Does anyone have any information about the East German T-55 modernization called NAL NRD? NAL NRD means "Narodowa Armia Ludowa Niemieckiej Republiki Demokratycznej" which is a full Polish name for the armed forces of the former DDR. Could it have been a joint project? Or is it just fiction...
  4. Grey Havoc

    1994 Article on NVA (East German Army) invasion plan for Berlin

    http://ciar.org/ttk/mbt/armor/armor-magazine/armor-mag.1994.nd/6berlin94.pdf Thanks to G-AWZT over at MilitaryPhotos.net.
  5. B

    Ikarus post war projects

    After the war, Ikarus, Zmaj and Rogožarski factories were heavily damaged due to the Axis bombardment in 1941 but also after the Allied bombings in 1944. Most of the equipment was also gone and around 1000 of the workers perished in war. Luckily, the designers and technicians managed to keep...
  6. hesham

    Benes LD 605 Haban Transport Glider Project

    Hi, The Benes LD-605 was a transport glider prototype at Czechoslovakia in 1951,but it was never completed. Source; Air Enthusiast,1972 magazine.
  7. Maveric

    Stastny-Krejcik Stakr 2

    Hi all, anybody know more about this czech aircraft? Thanks Maveric
  8. redstar72

    Postwar Letov projects

    Here are some pictures of postwar Letov designs I described at http://www.secretprojects.co.uk/forum/index.php/topic,5788.msg87405.html#msg87405. All from Nĕmeček's book.
  9. Triton

    NATO vs Warsaw Pact naval war book recommendations

    I was wondering if board members had book or paper recommendations of what a sea campaign between NATO and the Warsaw Pact might look like? Information on the strategy and tactics of the US Navy for example. Preferably, the second Cold War during the Thatcher and Reagan years of the 1980s. I...
  10. J

    Tadeusz Soltyk

    Who has any materials information concerning Soltyk experimental/projects. From his LWD period: Szpak, Junak, , Zak, Zuch, Mis and Zuraw and later with the TS prefix: TS-7 Chwat, TS-15 Fregata, TS-17 Pelikan, TS-16 Grot and also other not mentioned experimental/projects. If you have any...
  11. cluttonfred

    Land-based hovercraft

    The "hovertank" is a staple of science fiction novels and board games, yet in the real world fans and skirts never seem to have supplanted wheels or tracks. Does anyone have any projects or prototypes to share on proposed land-based hovercraft? Cheers, Matthew
  12. Apophenia

    Letov L-52 - 1947 Jet Fighter Project

    In 1947, a Letov design team, led by Ing. Pracharem and Ing. Záhorou, began work on a new, single-engined jet fighter. Their Letov L-52 design would be derived from the twin-jet Avia S-92 (Me-262A-1a), re-using some of that Messerschmitt design's components. A single British jet engine would be...
  13. hesham

    LET designations

    From Czechoslovakia, Let L-300 :was a six seat version of Morava, a twin engined light aircraft. Let E-33 :experimental Morava with T-tail and an engine in the rear cabin for boundary layer experiments. Let XL-36 :low wing agricultural aircraft with a...
  14. Matej

    Czech Aero aircraft and projects

    Aero B-34 - attack aircraft proposed in 1958 as Il-10 replacement. It was powered by one RD-9 engine without afterburner rated at 29 kN. Weapons consisted of two 23 mm canons NR-23, unguided bombs or unusual solutions like 80 unguided rockets (55mm LR-55) in two rounded receptacles around...
  15. R

    Polish projects since 1945

    Hello! I´ve reading in a polish website about some polish projects of different types of postwar aircrafts http://powiat.mielec.pl/poser/samoloty/index.htm But sadly the links to the illustrations are broken. Anybody know something more about it? There is two of them: Raravia
  16. Matej

    Czechoslovakian helicopters, Prototypes & Projects

    Interesting projects from czech archives. In secod half of the 50s Ing. Jaroslav Schlechta started to materialize his idea about militarized version of light utility helicopter HC-3. First was HC-3A (OK-VZB) with M 360 RF engine (rebulit soviet AI 14 VF - 221 kW). It had on every side rocket...
  17. overscan (PaulMM)

    Romanian Supersonic Fighter projects

    IAR-95, IAR-S from late 1970s onward
  18. C

    MiG-23 Flogger Fighter Family

    Thread to discuss the MiG-23 family of fighters.
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