war on terror

  1. quellish

    "Lockheed" Penetrating High Altitude Endurance (PHAE)

    In 2006 Nick Cook published an article in Janes, etc. describing a Lockheed project called Penetrating High Altitude Endurance (PHAE). This was described as a HALE UAV much like Polecat, Tier 3, Tier 3-, etc. etc. etc. Source: http://www.janes.com/defence/news/idr/idr060321_1_n.shtml Here's...
  2. Matej

    Ripsaw UGV

    The Ripsaw Unmanned Ground Vehicle. Military prototype and privately funded DARPA challenger. Super fast (0–50 in 3.5 secs), manoeuvrable, tough. Emergency services, military escort, bomb disposal. Built by the Howe Brothers. $200,000.00 each. http://www.howeandhowe.com/
  3. A

    Unmanned "Iron mountain"

    take a look http://blog.wired.com/defense/2008/05/unmanned-tiltro.html
  4. yasotay

    [Fantasy] Unmanned Air Lifter

    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... OK six years ago right here, I had opportunity to work with some {real} Hollywood types who were helping the Army with future ideas and development of training simulations. Well they were looking for interesting ideas for future Army things and I...
  5. P

    Sea Ceptor - CAMM Sea Wolf replacement

    European missile manufacturer MBDA is starting to flesh out its plans for a common family of anti-air weapons, being supported by research funding from the UK Defense Ministry. The family, known as the Common Anti-Air Modular Missile (CAMM), is aimed at meeting tri-service requirements from...
  6. Sentinel Chicken

    Gulfstream-based tankers?

    I seem to recall several years back that there was some sort of oddball proposal for a pure tanker aircraft based on the Gulfstream business jet. Might have been for a USAF study, but given the current controversy with the A330 vs. KC-767 (damn, way to screw up the MDS, guys!) and that the USAF...
  7. Golfus

    Beautiful Turkish MBT project

    Hi, gentelmen. I have found in www.portierramaryaire.com (spanish web and forum) a very interesting project. It is the proposed new MBT for the turkish army, designed by GIAT. Could anyone hav 3-view derawings of this beauty? Thanks in advance Golfus Viva er Beti manque pierda...
  8. Sentinel Chicken

    Payload on the latest Delta IV launch?

    Well, the forum title does say "General Aircraft Discussion" but the heading above that says "Aerospace" and what's cooler than a large explosive fuel filled vessel spewing tons of flame and noise to reach orbit, right? I'm curious as to what might have been the secret USAF satellite orbited on...
  9. Orionblamblam

    The 6th Day - Whispercraft

    This was a design from the movie "The 6th Day," designed by Rob Cobb. Normally, wouldn't quite fit in here, being sci-fi and all... but according to an interview with Cobb, the US Army expressed interest in the design. So, you never know... This is the master model, nearing completion. Molds...
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