u.s. army

  1. Grey Havoc

    DARPA ReSource

  2. AeroFranz

    Bell UH-1 with retractable skids, large belly radar antenna

    I was looking at the SDASM flickr pictures dump and found a Huey modified with retractable skids, ostensibly to afford a 360 degrees field of view to the large rectangular antenna mounted on the bottom of the cabin. I was not aware of such installation. It reminds me of the FOPEN radar...
  3. Grey Havoc

    ANPP redux?

  4. uk 75

    Early US MICV design

    Found this early US MICV variant drawing on google images from an original print sold on EBay.
  5. Grey Havoc

    MIAG (Mechanized Infantry Assault Gun) - MICV-70 derived assault gun proposal

    An excerpt: Note: Given the date and lack of dismounts among other things, I suspect that this was the early incarnation of the MIAG proposal. EDIT: Ack, blundered on the title! I put down MIVC-70 instead of MICV-70 and only noticed it now!
  6. uk 75

    1967 US MICV mock up in Janes Weapons Systems

    I wonder if anyone with a first or second edition copy of Janes Weapons Systems (1969 or 70) could help me track down an image showing a Marder like mock up of a US MICV design for the 1967 MICV competition. I photocopied it some years back from a Library copy (now no longer available) and...
  7. Kat Tsun

    Douglas Arbalist

    Hello, I searched the forum and haven't found a thread about this topic, and it appears no one has discussed it in any other threads either, so here it is. Anyway, a while ago I was perusing Andreas Parsch's website and I found mention of the apparently obscure Douglas Arbalist in the missile...
  8. W

    ‘Rupert’ and ‘Oscar’: WW2 Air-Dropped ‘Paradummy’ Parachutist-Decoys.

    Hi folks, Not aircraft as such, although they did descend from the air, but included here as almost the opposite of stealth, i.e. rather than flying things made to look smaller than they actually are (whether optically, acoustically or on radar), behold British ('Rupert') and American ('Oscar')...
  9. P

    Help needed identifying unknown SPAAG prototype

    G’day gents I’ve stumbled across this web site http://doktorkurgan.livejournal.com/36798.html?thread=61630 which depicts a prototype (in 1977) SPAAG, which from what I can make out (via translation), combines a 25mm cannon, with the chassis of the XM-701 MICV! It appears it’s a response to the...
  10. Grey Havoc


    http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a231789.pdf US Army Soviet Army Studies Office, September 1990.
  11. Grey Havoc

    Multi-Function Electronic Warfare system (US Army)

    http://breakingdefense.com/2015/07/armys-electronic-warfare-cupboard-is-bare-no-jammer-until-2023/ Looks like it's pretty much Dead On Arrival.
  12. Bill S


    ERINT-1 ERINT (Extended Range Interceptor) was a part of the Strategic Defense Initiative’s Theater Missile Defense Program. The US Army contracted for a prototype missile and launch control system to defend against cruise missiles, aircraft, ballistic and tactical missiles. The capability was...
  13. VictorXL188

    Attack variant of OV-1 Mohawk

    Hi folks, Wonder if anyone can expand some knowledge on a proposed two seat attack variant of the OV-1 Mohawk. Here's some illustrations.
  14. Bill S

    US Army PATA (Plenum Air Tread Amphibious Vehicle)

    I found these pictures in the Vought Aircraft Historical Foundation archives and had to go online to research PATA to find out what the heck it was. PATA Plenum Air Tread Amphibian It basically has a plenum that provides air to tracks that are a series of low pressure air cells and an airflow...
  15. Triton

    Quad-A 2015: US Army wants to hurry rotorcraft DVE tech

    "Quad-A 2015: US Army wants to hurry rotorcraft DVE tech" Marina Malenic, Nashville - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly 30 March 2015 Source: http://www.janes.com/article/50318/quad-a-2015-us-army-wants-to-hurry-rotorcraft-dve-tech
  16. hesham

    US Army Research VTOL Rotary-Wing Composite Aircraft 1965

    Hi, here is a competition for US Army to design a research VTOL rotary-wing composite aircraft in 1965,and I think the tenders were;Bell D-266,Lockheed CL-945 and Hughes Model-485,but of course this contest never saw the light. Flying Review 1/1966
  17. P

    U.S. Army 'Austere MICV' 1969-1970 Study

    G'day gents Just been reading an extract from The Bradley and How It Got That Way: Technology, Institutions, and the Problem of Mechanized Infantry in the United States Army by by W. Blair Haworth I found it interesting that "The U.S. Army Tank Automotive Command (TACOM) conducted a...
  18. eshelon

    Multipurpose Chaparral.

    Chaparral 2000/Roadrunner/Advanced Chaparral/Chaparral Chassis Service Life Extension Program (CCSLEP)/LAV MPLS (MultiPurpose Launcher System)/Chapfire /1/ 1999 report by "Forecast International" Chaparral III?. Loral, along with other companies, was trying to interest the US Army and other...
  19. Triton

    Sikorsky S-97 Raider

    Sikorsky S-97 promotional image found on Facebook. Source: https://www.facebook.com/SikorskyAircraft/photos/a.10150612755535770.381102.274850400769/10152287802345770/?type=1&theater
  20. eshelon

    Ground X-Vehicle Technology (GXV-T) Program

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