united states army

  1. Michel Van

    1970s Future Weapons

    i found this You tube video on 1960s prediction on 1970s weapon system sadly it's show only a fragment of original film View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FydcxZt4Xdk&feature=player_embedded
  2. Triton

    United States Stability Police Force (SPF)

    I found a very interesting white paper prepared for the United States Army at the RAND Corporation web site discussing a United States Stability Police Force (SPF): A Stability Police Force for the United States: Justification and Options for Creating U.S. Capabilities by Terrence K. Kelly...
  3. Jemiba

    Aerophysics (Curtiss-Wright) VZ-7AP « Aerial Jeep »

    Looking quite notional, but it's the only picture I've seen so far of the Aerophysics contender for the flying jeep: (from Aviation Week August 1957)
  4. P

    Is it true that the U.S Army has cancelled SLAMRAAM system???

    G'day gents Can anyone please confirm the following - 'January, 11, 2011: The U.S Army has finally, after over a decade of development, and no orders, cancelled its SLAMRAAM anti aircraft missile system' If so, this would have to emphasised the inability of the U.S military to be able to run...
  5. sferrin

    Bendix « Talos Land System » as possible ICBM interceptor

    Ideas? (I know what it is but the site I got it from is a rare treat. Just wondering if anybody else had seen it. :-) )
  6. X

    About the Engineering and Auxiliarie Support Vehicle based on Abrams chassis

    I just come cross some pictures on line. These pictures come form "M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank, 1982-92" By Steven J. Zaloga, Peter Sarson. I am looking for higher quality pictures, designation/name and tech data. Thanks in advance Regards Xiaofan
  7. Triton

    North American YAT-28E Turboprop Trainer

    North American YAT-28E model manufactured by Topping found on eBay. URL: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Topping-North-American-YAT-28E-Desk-Model-/200623021654?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2eb6105e56
  8. Triton

    Hughes Jet Pack "Pogo Stick" concept

    Hughes Jet Pack Pogo Stick concept artwork found on eBay. [link no longer active]
  9. Stargazer

    Polish PZL M-38 « Bryza » aircraft used for U.S. Army Special Ops

    Joe Baugher's website mentions a batch of four PZL M-38 Bryza aircraft that are used by the US Special Ops Command. Does anyone have any info about these, even possibly pictures? Here is what the M-38 looks like in Polish guise...
  10. bobbymike

    Cobalt Gun Barrels that fire "forever"

    From www.army.mil PICATINNY ARSENAL, N.J. -- During a firefight, the last thing a machine gunner wants to do is stop fighting to change barrels, but that's how it has always been done with standard, single steel-barrel machine guns. The reason for the barrel change is that at high temperatures...
  11. Michel Van

    Heavy Tank ASTRON Project

    ASTRON big tank build from 2 other small tanks by Continental Motors, Hen and Chick concept is there more information about this tank concept ? source in Russian http://tancist.livejournal.com/28040.html
  12. Stargazer

    McDonnell Models 146 SIDEKICK and 189 anti-tank missiles

    In 1959, the U.S. Army Ordnance Missile Command (AOMC) suggested the development of a medium-range heavy assault weapon. The Office, Chief of Research and Development indicated that no firm requirement existed for the weapon. In February, McDonnell Douglas Corporation began work on the BRAT...
  13. uk 75

    FABMS and early versions of SAM D

    One of the most interesting periods in the development of the US Army missile systems is that between 1960 and 1975 or so when the US envisaged self propelled tracked missile systems very similar to those deployed by the USSR. Eventually the SAM D (later Patriot) emerged as a tracked launcher...
  14. L

    M113 GLH-H hellfire launcher

    Hat tip to tank-net.org: http://www.heartlandmuseum.com/album/album1/Museum_Photos/museum_photos_7.html
  15. Michel Van

    Howe & Howe Technologies, Inc.

    for those who not know Discovery channel series "Battle machine Bros." Howe & Howe Technologies, Inc. build prototypes for U.S. Military like the worlds smallest armored all terrain vehicle the PAV-1 "Badger" http://www.howeandhowetechnologies.com/pav1.php...
  16. RyanC

    US Navy/USMC/US Army Sea Basing Concepts

    Fun. I liek the C-5A for scale. Clearly we need a folding wing C-5C to fit below decks. ;D
  17. M

    Talos, the SPG-56 and the SPG-61

    Over the course of the life of the Talos system in the USN, the SPG-56 and SPG-61 Missile Fire Control radars were developed to replace the SPG-49 used to guide the Talos missile. Prototypes of each were built but these radars were never introduced into service. Either one would have, no doubt...
  18. Bill S

    LTV YBGM-110 Cruise Missile Contender

    Artist concepts of BGM-110 Vought Archives
  19. Pyrrhic victory

    ARES Advanced Individual Combat Weapon for the Advanced Combat Rifle competition

    -Rising Chamber -Cased telescoped ammunition -Withdrawn after Phase I of the ACR competition -Related to Future Assault Rifle Concept (FARC)?
  20. Triton

    Lockheed Martin Gibbs amphibious vehicle concepts

    Model of Lockheed Martin and Gibbs Technologies Ltd. Amphibious Combat Craft/Expeditionary (ACC/E) vehicle on display at the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) Winter Symposium and Exhibition 2007. NOTE: Original images reduced in size. Source...
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