united kingdom

  1. Flyaway

    UK to change law to stop RAF pilots training Chinese military, says minister

    I was pretty amazed when I first read this story that this was occurring. https://amp.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/oct/18/raf-pilots-chinese-military-law-change-james-heappey
  2. H

    Type 32 Strike Frigate

    Starting a new thread on the Royal Navy’s Type 32. First some messages from the Type 31 GPFF thread:
  3. Grey Havoc

    General Support Utility Programme (GSUP)

  4. E

    King Charles III's coronation date announced by Buckingham Palace

  5. Orionblamblam

    UK Limited Nuclear War Target List

    If things get more interesting, what targets in the UK might Putin nuke? An interesting video, and some backup data: UK Limited Nuclear War Target List View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYWcgF4Wwog
  6. Grey Havoc

    Arm job cuts hit UK harder than global rationalization (The Register)

  7. Grey Havoc

    Blackouts in the British Isles

    A little bit of background on the Irish situation first: https://www.rte.ie/brainstorm/2022/0829/1319302-ireland-electricity-shortages-blackouts-energy-crisis/ https://www.rte.ie/news/primetime/2022/0906/1320973-ireland-energy-security-blackouts-winter/ As things stand this week...
  8. Grey Havoc

    Multi-Role Ocean Survey Ships (Royal Navy, 2020s)

  9. red admiral

    UK combat aircraft exports

    I've been thinking recently about exports of UK combat aircraft. What examples do people think were "successful"? In my mind success is some sort of function of export numbers relative to UK numbers, and numbers of different export countries. My list of "successes" from post WW2 is below...
  10. GTX

    Queen Elizabeth II dies aged 96

  11. Forest Green

    Royal Navy Type 83 Destroyer (Type 45 replacement)

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZXLvmLx5jw Appears to be: 48+16 cell VLS 2 x octuple AShM launchers. Main Gun 127 or 155mm? 2 x 57(?)mm guns (1 either side) 2 x 30 or 40(?)mm guns at rear above heli pad? 1 x Heli
  12. uk 75

    Alternate 80s Britain: How would the services cope?

    Margaret Thatcher's defeat to Michael Foot in Britain's 1983 general election came as no surprise to television pundits. Rising unemployment and failure to reduce inflation despite government cuts, including to the Armed Forces had made the public fed up and willing to try a new course. Prime...
  13. E

    Britishvolt: Electric car battery plant gets millions in funding

  14. Rhinocrates


    The Economist's perspective. It devotes most space to looking at the political context. https://www.economist.com/asia/2021/09/15/australia-is-getting-nuclear-subs-with-american-and-british-help The new partnership also comes at an opportune time for Mr Biden. His withdrawal from Afghanistan...
  15. Grey Havoc

    Griffon Hoverwork

    https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/uk-last-hovercraft-cmd/index.html Yet another topic I could have sworn we already had in one form or another.
  16. uk 75

    Sensible conclusion by the Irish Army

    Interesting time capsule which reminds us that military planners are usually wiser than their political masters. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exercise_Armageddon#:~:text=Exercise%20Armageddon%20was%20a%20military,safety%20of%20the%20minority%20population%22.
  17. Grey Havoc

    Afghanistan withdrawal, Bagram Air Base

    https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-57692303 https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2021/07/02/bagram-afghanistan-biden-war/ https://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-left-afghan-airfield-night-173121460.html https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-57682290...
  18. trajan

    Sir George Thurston cruiser designs Type A,B,C

    I learned about these interested drawings from another forum, and there are links to the sources given by other members below. But a companion of mine believes that these are "fake drawings" made using some Australia's cruiser plan drawings and Photoshop. I feel distressed. So are these...
  19. uk 75

    Replacing the C130 Hercules

    With the A400M in service with the RAF we now know what a C130 replacement looks like. Of course the original C130 "replacement" for the RAF would have been AW/HS 681 had it made it into service. The US tried to replace the C130 in the 70s with the YC14 and 15. Instead the 15 morphed into the...
  20. Grey Havoc

    Old Buckenham Airshow (Saturday 31st July 2021)

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tu4QwRnx1cU https://oldbuckenhamairshow.com/
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